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Dear Lupenis

I am very offended by being referred to as a "Tattle Troll". The correct term is Tattle turd. Please make the necessary amendments to your article or my lawyer will be in touch.

Thank you.

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I wonder how it goes when Lupine has an Amazon delivery…

Delivery man “Delivery for you mate where do you want it?”

Loopy “Indeed you are putting a question to me that requires a response in the name of fairness to myself and Amazon and due to the complexity of the answer I thought the question would be best answered in the form of this supplementary audible response, I am not above scrutiny and I have a duty to respond as I have no interest in ruining Jeff Bezos. My interest lays in preventing Jeff Bezos from instigating instructions as to whether my parcel can be left on my doorstep or indeed when occasional arises next to my bins. Outside of those considerations I have no interest in my delivery at any level, even though said parcel is a kettle which I will endeavour to protect at every stage.

If Bezos continues his behaviour with regard to said Delivery and does not make my parcel deliverable at every level then he has defiled my parcel (a kettle if you will) and I will be one hot breath behind him, holding the reeking kettle. I trust that is clear enough.
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Not to be confused with DebInPa

I was incredibly drunk when I signed up for tattle sorry for the confusion all, we can’t change our user names
Long time lurker here! I was very very drunk too when I signed on and I have been avoiding writing any comments due to my embarrassing user name🤣 so glad I am not the only one. I am owning it now!
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
new cameo
cant watch it with audio myself atm, but the visuals are fine. did she took our advice to stop walking lol?

also it's terrifying how a person like her has such a nice smile
This is my favorite Cameo thus far. Other than the wobbly ending with the phone, she's stationary. And she looks put together very nicely. I like the floral top over the black tee. I like her softer makeup, but signature red lips. I think someone who is a fan and loved that Hallmark movie she did will really enjoy her stories about filming. And yes, she has a really nice smile.

I've said it before, I support her taking constructive feedback on board, making changes, and making Cameos like this. It's a start.

This doesn't change how I feel about her abusive behavior, but I'm not going to knock a sister for trying.
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The narrative that IG was somehow mesmerised by BW’s feminine cunning and kinetic fanny into leaving his blameless wife is astonishing. Even if BW locked onto him like a heat seeking missile, Alice was calling him a pussy and his mum a racist and a cunt on open, blue-ticked SM, and by her own admission they were in a bad place and attending counselling way before BW was on the scene.
In the interests of science I’ve been waving my mimsy about all over the place and manifesting Chris Hemsworth for at least 20 minutes, and nothing. It’s almost like it doesn’t work like that.
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Well-known member
I’m actually struggling to come up with a name for Lupenis that’s offensive enough to express what I think of him. A quote from that word salad:
“It seems that Bianca has her dreams. Bianca recently put out a video stating that she has MS and that her diagnosis had taught her to live her life with no regrets. That is deeply unfortunate because there is going to be a great deal of regret in Bianca's future.”
That, Loopy, is an actionable threat. I really hope BW takes both civil and criminal action against you.
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I said I enjoyed her Twitter rants which are done in her name. How is tracking down and reposting her anonymous internet history the same thing?
Because it's the same person. Turned out it wasn't anonymous after all.
It's very presumptuous for a brand new poster to try and dictate what sleuthing is and isn't acceptable after 61 threads worth of good and (the horror of it) entertaining sleuthing. The rules are here:

Don't attempt to moderate, tone police or tell people what they can post.
Everyone has a different line of what is acceptable on a gossip forum. However it gets in a right mess if people start dictating to others their own rules.
Hit report if you think someone has crossed a line and let us deal with it and don't respond to it. If you can't get on with a user click to ignore all of their posts.
Saying "I'm not moderating" but going on to try to moderate is still moderating 😆

The Rules Of Tattle | Tattle Life
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Chatty Member
Can we all please not refer to it as an article? Let’s call it what it is - an amateur blog post

That amateur blog post is hilariously bad
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A few points about the differences in how men and women experience healthcare.

Women are much more likely to seek early intervention when symptoms first appear and can be mild, generalised and non specific. They usually present to GPs who are gatekeepers to specialist services. GPs, who are generalists, triage in diagnosis and treatment. Resulting in people being referred back and forth for tests with various specialists working independently. An historic lack of research and interest in ”female” issues means pathways aren’t efficient or effective.

Men are much less likely to seek early intervention. They present when symptoms are acute and specific in hospital settings. They get seen by specialists and multi disciplinary teams. They suffer from well recognised and researched conditions. Pathways are direct and effective.

Someone like Alice, middle class articulate and demanding, would get a lot referrals within a universal system like the NHS. Back in the day she would definitely be treated as a time waster and have some hilarious and cutting discharge letters. That is wrong but it comes from a place of truth that some people do waste the time of HCP. There is as much evidence that Alive has Munchausen as there is for the various conditions she claims she has. Even if she didn’t her constant lying means she will never get the right diagnosis.

The fact that she is a liar and that her health effects her at the most “convenient” times to get her way would be indicative of Munchausen.
It isn’t just this. And I work in healthcare

Women have periods and are expected to just accept that bleeding so badly and painfully from your vagina each month is normal, or having a face full of pus acne is just ‘your hormones’ or you have to just get used to boobs so painful you can’t even bear to wear a bra, or cramps so painful you throw up, so much blood you wear tena lady, weird excess hair and weight makes you feel bad about yourself is just normal, hormone rages or severe depression and migraines you need to get fresh air and exercise, or like me, ‘too young to have any intervention’. It is fucking awful. I once went to my doctor saying I honestly thought I was losing so much blood it was scaring me. She told me I had anxiety. A year later, I became so anaemic I had a blood transfusion after lumps of my hair fell out and I couldn’t eat as my mouth was so painful, and I was craving mint so bad (weird I know) I was eating toothpaste
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Hey this is dumb (but perhaps properly timed) so I’ve been wanting to say that I deeply appreciate literally all of you for the wisdom and insight and sleuthing skills you bring to this Mighty Round Table of Gossip. I wake up at 2 AM every morning and start my day in a tent in my backyard in 17-degree weather (that’s -8 for you Celsius folk). I light a cig that I’m not supposed to be smoking and that my family all hate me for smoking and I open Tattle and see what I’ve missed and love the people who fill me in. I think it’s always crucial to remember that we’re approaching each other from different backgrounds/cultures/experiences in the universe which in turn prompts contrasting understandings and maybe even motivations and that it can be HARD to communicate at times, but I’m always glad we find a way to do it, even if we just agree to disagree, which I think solves a lot of snafus in here because really what else is there to do. Anyway I sit in my tent for 3 hours while my medicine kicks in and cheers me up, and even when I have the su*cidal impulses I come back here and I feel alright again so really thank you all for being here and knowing stuff (wow, vague?) and offering perspectives I wouldn’t have considered and providing information I never would have found (*cough*, welp) and calling each other in when necessary. Before we’re “Team BW and IG” or “Team Anti-Alice” or “Team Neutral Everybody Sucks,” we’re a community and that counts for something.
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I like Bianca trying to share more about her diagnosis. People will endlessly speculate and when she gives the facts, it’s harder to gossip about the disease and what might happen.

@Mad Betty or whomever said that LA is like a small town is right (at least about Hollywood). On TVD/TO alone, I have three friends who worked in various capacities and she was hated. As a non-main character (but one who had plot importance), she was rude to everyone, including those under her. I won’t comment on the supposed affair with a cast member except to say I have no reason to doubt it happened based on the stories I heard.

As someone with a chronic illness (and a narc MIL), I find her an utter abomination. She doesn’t want to work, which is why she won’t. Cameos don’t pay enough unless you’re very famous. She’s aiming for infamous instead. I know it would be better for everyone if she got help, but I’ve seen enough similar cases that I don’t believe she will. She doesn’t think anything is wrong with her and her enablers reinforce that it’s all “Ioan and the Bogan.” Optimistically, I wish the best for everyone, but that’s not always how life works, right?

I know but I'm sick and unable to sleep heh
I hope you feel much, much better, @Penguin86. Sending good and healing thoughts your way ❤!
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This is long, skip if you don’t care, but RE: BW’s “toxic optimism” from quite a few discussions ago:

I’ve been thinking about it and I’m questioning the claim that Bianca is positive in a harmful way.

I think it’s important to contextualize her positivity. She has a severely debilitating illness, one with which she was diagnosed at like what, 26—a particularly young age to have to sit down and contemplate what her life will look like from then on? (That 20-some-year old life she lives while everyone raves that your 20’s are the “funnest, most care-free years of your life”?) She was diagnosed with an illness that stole her speech for a few years because, as she says in that first IG video about having MS, she didn’t know how to properly discuss it with others because she didn’t feel prepared enough in her own heart and mind to address even herself. I think her positivity keeps her afloat in the midst of something most of us don’t understand, something we can’t claim to know how to deal with if we were in her shoes because we aren’t in her shoes.

Toxic positivity is know to stifle someone’s ability to empathize, which therefore stifles the voices of others with whom they engage who are trying to convey to them troublesome emotions. From what we’ve seen from Bianca’s comment sections, particularly on that MS video—she’s capable of empathizing. She’s capable of expressing her sorrow for those who identify, either through themselves or through others, the infamously intense struggle with MS, or other maladies. She says sorry. She says it must be so difficult for them. She’s allowing those commenters the space to feel their grief. Sure, she ends on a positive note, a well wish or something…but that’s not toxic positivity. That’s politeness, kindness, and basic, harmless optimism.

You know, I liken it to walking on a road. (Dumb metaphor coming!⚠) You’re skipping along on a road that’s scattered here and there with rather deep, rocky holes. Healthy optimism means you stumble and fall into each one, lying in there for a bit—but then you stand up, evaluate your wounds, brush yourself off, and climb out of the ditch and keep skipping along. Toxic positivity is approaching a hole and leaping clean over it. No falling, no stumbling, you just jump it. You do this again and again and again, just jumping far over these ruts, thinking you’re doing such a good job of staying on-track, but you eventually find yourself getting increasingly tired. Nonetheless, you keep jumping over these holes as they come, one after another, until you burn out and you can’t jump far enough past a hole, and so you fall into it, and you’re so exhausted that you just lie in there for a long time.

I can’t and won’t believe that Bianca doesn’t have hard times spent in a hole. She definitely does. We know she does because she described her struggles with MS and their emotional toll in that IG video. And I dont think she posted that MS video to say, “Look!! My life is hard!! I’m breaking my optimism streak with this video!!” but with just another note of optimism: “Live your best life.” That message just happened to blossom from a negative experience. Like everyone, she has bad days. And I think what makes people shout “toxic positivity!” is the fact that we don’t actually see evidence of those bad days. I understand that. But it doesn’t matter what we see and don’t see—it matters what she sees, and she sees.

And it’s also important to remember that people aren't necessarily their social media profiles. They’re at liberty to post any content they see fit, including content that uplifts them. Our profiles don’t have to simply be a reflection of our current life, values, and ideas, but can also serve as a goals/aspirations list, or a space of mindfulness/healthy reminders, or a space of healing. To Bianca, that mindfulness and healing apparently look like prevailing optimism, which we’re prone to deem “toxic” simply because we don’t witness her real-life days of sorrow, disappointment, fear, and frustration. She chooses not to show us that, and while I think we tend to insist on everyone displaying their every genuine emotion on social media, positive or negative or neutral…they aren’t obligated to. And I think it’s hard to accept that without feeling like positivity is being “forced” onto us, when that kind of isn’t happening.

Idk, she just doesn’t strike me as “fake” due to “toxic silver linings.” She strikes me as someone who struggles in the ways we do but decides to publicly prioritize for herself the joy, gratitude, and excitement that she hopes will stay with her throughout her life battles. And I hope that, over time, more people learn to acknowledge that this is entirely OK, that this doesn’t bear harmful undertones. Her ass be fallin into ditches just like yours or mine but she just chooses to celebrate the good parts of the walk.

My opinion could change—if I could write that under (almost) every post I make here, I would. What I feel is what I’ve been feeling or what I feel in this moment. She could do something at some point that makes me think, “Well, that’s a bit excessive,” and maybe I’ll need to revise my thoughts to represent a more truthful reality, as so many people here have the intellect and thoughtfulness and diligence to do when they deem necessary. But right now, I’m comfortable residing in this place.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk, please don’t aim your tomatoes at my hair, I just washed it, and remember to take your beers as you file out. 🍅💚
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Recap (short version) AE got busted on Reddit by replying to her own thread in a very obvious way.

I have to laugh at the main FMs. The psycho grannies FM1 & 2 (behind locked accounts, running scared lol) were telling Lupenis to be discrete re Gloria's dismissal. He replied with the haughty "You need not concern yourself regarding my discretion."

Then AE busted herself by going mental on Insta about it. 🤭 I don't know why the main FMs bother at this stage.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Well I will go against everyone and continue my disgust at any cameos done off the back of domestic abuse. She has clearly learnt how to do them better but to me still disgusting she is making money and notoriety off abuse.
I completely understand your anger. I think it's warranted and I appreciate your honesty. I struggle with wanting to support her picking herself up off the ground and trying to change her life and then wanting to see her dragged into court and have the book thrown at her. In the end, both exist for me and often simultaneously. My desire is to see her get help, accept responsibility for her actions, and do the work to be a better parent, have a healthy working co-parenting relationship with IG and perhaps even BW if she remains in the picture long term. I might be wholly unrealistic in my desire, but here I am. ✌🏼
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So Loopy warned Ioan but then goes on to obsessively attack Bianca? I guess ripping into a young woman with MS comes way more naturally to him than taking Ioan on.

Why is he always inserting himself into these people’s lives and why are Ioan’s daughters any of this creep’s business?

How fucking irresponsible is Alice?

Sheesh, I really, really, really hope the police are involved. It looks threatening, abusive and very very stalkerish. If this shitshow is Alice’s best attempt at being a single mum it doesn’t even come close to being good enough.

That creep needs a restraining order ASAP
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What makes me laugh about Loopy's article is when he talks about Bianca "trapezing" across to the USA. I know Malice talked about her being an Internet acrobat but somehow I don't think that there are flying trapezes across the Pacific as opposed to flying aircraft.

I think the word you're looking for is traipsing, Loops.
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I too want them all to be happy, but I know that every time Alice looks a bit more positive the next storm is brewing.

I have also reached the conclusion that there probably isnt a solution where all of them will be happy. Very happy to be proven wrong though
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