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Chatty Member
I dunno she seems moral support more than gf. She is an aspiring actress at 29, which seems a little on the older side?

I think they are friends she is helping him with this situation, gets some exposure in LA maybe. Like I said I am only guessing, but then aren't we all!

Alice cannot possibly accept anyone cannot love her any more ... enter desperate measures.

I'm a useless fighter so I'm kinda glad there will be no gladiator style combat happening 😊
I still have reservations about everyone involved (as in IG BW and AE). I’ve said in the past I feel sorry for AE even though she’s an absolute toad.
I think she’s enjoying all the attention. Maybe she’s not even really that devastated but before she got attention for being IGs wife. Now she’s getting even more attention for being the scorned ex so she’s totally ramping it up.
I hope for the girls sake she’s more stable irl but unfortunately I don’t think so.
However, something about IG and BW just doesn’t sit right with me. I really hope he isn’t just using her as an emotional support crutch and I hope she isn’t using him as a ticket to fame. Seems unlikely seeing as he’s not exactly a-list but there is definitley more press attention now.
it’s true BW is on the older side for an aspiring actress but she not long ago received a life altering diagnosis. Perhaps she’s just said f* it I’m going after all my dreams, life’s too short. Also there have been plenty of “late blooming” actors who didn’t start their acting careers until their thirties or later.
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tbh if Bianca is only politely thanking - without revealing details - for messages that were sent to her I dont think it's bad.

The rest though...yeah.
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It’s easy to assume this, crossed my mind briefly once. Then you look at friends and family reactions. Also what they have gone through to be together as such.
Hmmmmmmm. I'm gonna play devil's advocate!
We don't really know what they've been through to be together. We're making a lot of assumptions. It could be that she had a visa lined up when she met him, they hit it off (whether romantically or just as friends) and she tagged along to France before heading to L.A (which she was going to do anyway) to live with roommates and the added bonus of being there to support him. For all we know, IG is partial to a bit of manipulating himself, and staged those pap photos with a bit of help from his aspiring actress friend/lover to piss off his soon-to-be ex wife!

Now...I don't believe any of the above is true, before you all jump on me!! BUT, we just don't know. We don't have anything to go on.

If, however, they did meet, fall in love, plan to move to L.A together, discuss what that would look like with the kids and ex-wife involved, plan where to live, and so on.....there's no way they did that in two months, from August to October. It would be very naïve of us to think that. Not judging him if it had been going on longer, but I'm increasingly finding this alleged timeline hard to believe.
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RE: Reaching out to Bianca being weird

I had a very brief chat with her a little while ago.

The single time I was doxxed on social media, by a vindictive person whom I had trusted, right after a disagreement with them, I got so shaken about the harassment that I overdosed. It wasn't a su*cide attempt, as intense the ideation had been those long four months; I just kept upping and upping my Xanax dosage to sedate myself from the outer noise, and I guess it all piled up inside me one night and I had to be hospitalized and was on su*cide watch.

I messaged her a little while back because I personally wouldn't be alive anymore if I received even a fraction of the volume of messages she's been getting, to say nothing of their content. I'm spiritual, I'm very much attuned to Allah (perhaps far more than I share here), and even those things wouldn't have saved me from this kind of chaos. She's pretty easily accessible on social media as she isn't overwhelmed with 1 million followers, I'm a year younger than her, we like the same things, it seems. I just said I hoped she was caring for herself and I passed on a powerful quote I had read in a book. She liked it. We had a very brief chat, like I said, and I should respect her privacy so I'd like to not say anything further.

But I just wanted to share to remind some people in here that we don't know people's every motivation behind the things they do. We can easily detail most of AE's objectives, but not always the person sitting next to us. Me reaching out was an offering of healing. It was not "Tattle-motivated," because it was what I would do in literally any circumstance, outside of Tattl.

I don't surrender my empathy because it looks "disturbing" to someone.
I said what I said. Carry on. 🍃
You're just confirming, yet again, that you're a thoroughly decent person, RTP. All the very best to you, and thank God there are some amongst us with such a great capacity for empathy.
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Query: Why do people always 'step out' in the Daily Mail? I just sort of 'go places'...

Re: Bianca's coat, she might feel a chill if it's generally hotter in Australia. Where I live, we have a lot of people move from African countries, and they are always bundled up even in Spring when it's 22c!
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All the parenting, she stopped work in the movies to provide for them, cooking and cleaning day after day. No Gloria to help out, no Ioan to pay for everything. Entirely selfless, slaving away over a hot stove after a day in the mill. Entirely selfless, far beyond what any other mother has ever done or will do again.
Exactly. There are really sad divorce cases out there - I could list dozens of real people I know (including myself) but Alice's is NOT one of them.
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You're right, she's fully entitled to do what she wants, but I'm afraid I just can't make the connection between being harassed on Twitter for something my sister said and 'I must join Tattle and keep people up to date on how my very private friends are thinking and feeling'.
Anyway, I'll keep my mouth shut now as I've more than said my piece and genuinely don't want to upset people (esp Tamika who I'm sure is cussing me out right now), plus reading the room I think I'm mostly alone in my sentiments anyway!! 💜
Honestly your opinion is just as valid as mine , and it just shows that we are human and all react and respond to things very differently.
I do struggle with judgemental comments re when they should live together , should she even be in LA , did they have an affair , why they bought a lottery ticket 🤦🏽‍♀️ etc , as I have said many times we just don’t know anything as IG has maintained a very very dignified silence which is best all round for his daughters …. But I totally understand it’s human nature, the site is ‘Tattle’ everyone is entitled to have a little ‘tattle’ and voice their opinion.
Please don’t ‘shut your mouth’ you have every right to put your point of view out there , and you must continue to do so .
No one should have to go away from here feeling , embarrassed or wrong for simply doing what it’s meant to be 💗 x
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I’ve been keeping Bianca updated on tattle, and she has asked me to say that she is always so damn grateful for the support ❤
You make me laugh so much swatting away those Fm’s on Twitter. I have to watch from afar though. I use my Twitter for my business.
Just want to say, you do it well and you’re funny af.
Sending my love, been in a similar situation and it all worked out in the end.
We get married soon and my older kids are bridesmaids.
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I still have reservations about everyone involved (as in IG BW and AE). I’ve said in the past I feel sorry for AE even though she’s an absolute toad.
I think she’s enjoying all the attention. Maybe she’s not even really that devastated but before she got attention for being IGs wife. Now she’s getting even more attention for being the scorned ex so she’s totally ramping it up.
I hope for the girls sake she’s more stable irl but unfortunately I don’t think so.
However, something about IG and BW just doesn’t sit right with me. I really hope he isn’t just using her as an emotional support crutch and I hope she isn’t using him as a ticket to fame. Seems unlikely seeing as he’s not exactly a-list but there is definitley more press attention now.
it’s true BW is on the older side for an aspiring actress but she not long ago received a life altering diagnosis. Perhaps she’s just said f* it I’m going after all my dreams, life’s too short. Also there have been plenty of “late blooming” actors who didn’t start their acting careers until their thirties or later.
not trying to be mean but I think it's exactly that. He would have never got out of this (toxic) relationship without a pull of someone, Alice would have kept dragging him back with the kids card, I'm sure, she even implied it herself. And he is pretty much the most famous actor you could have grabbed in Brisbane. There is mutual interest, not saying that this would mean they dont actually have feelings for each other. But I have my doubts that the current resilence is purely out of love.

But of course I may be way off the mark.
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It didn’t start like that. It was just a place discussing AE’s behaviour which was wild at the time. While Tamika wasn’t offensive it’s blurring the lines and at some points tattle was just the same as the AE Twitter echo chamber but here was an IG/BW. I saw some new posters say something that went slightly against the grain and people were saying “ignore” because it wasn’t exactly the same as the previous posts.
It might have been my own over-sensitivity, but I've been here permanently for a lot of threads now, and first posted on thread 3 that I thought AE was a narc and IG her victim, long before it was the popular opinion. But when I posted my comments about the kids and IG and BW possibly already living together, I felt like some of those ignore comments were being directed at me too. It was rather uncomfortable to feel like these threads, that have been so funny, friendly, informative and comforting for many narc survivors, was becoming more cliquey, and that if you didn't share the exact same opinions all the time you were being subtly excluded.

Tamika seems lovely from her comments here, but it does blur the lines a little having someone who is seemingly connected to the IG/BW/AE saga posting here and potentially relaying what we are saying back to one of the key players. I asked her to pass on a message of support to IG before I read the mods were asking for proof of her identity, but I do regret that a little now.
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This is what makes me think it was staged. They didn't want to be seen to be coming out with groceries, so it is either cigarettes or a lottery ticket and they went with a lottery ticket which is just as poor optics
I don't know, obviously but my thoughts were they went for a walk, saw the paps, bobbed into the nearest shop and got the quickest thing they could so they could begin their retreat.
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Of all.thr things to get upset about!

Knowing you never again have to see, hear, speak with or have anything to do with Piers Morgan would surely make up for your husband cheating with the entire ladies soccer team! Similtaneously!
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The internet is a wild place, that’s for sure. I think everyone has the right to express their opinion on here (within reason) without feeling any pressure to say certain things to appease anyone. If this place turned into an echo chamber, it would be no better than AE’s Twitter. I’m all for open discussion, none of us should be too personally invested in it. I think people are going to have to agree to disagree about certain things or I can see this getting locked….
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Mad Betty

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Its that 2nd one that is most interesting. She had an affair and was going to leave Ioan and take Ella (presumably) with her. He forgave her and they went ahead then and had Elsie. That's not just a fling, if she was going to leave him.

Interesting also that it seems her 'happy little family' story has not only been a lie from Ioan's POV but also from her own POV.

I'm interested because I wonder how much of this is Alice acting out her parents or her father/stepmother relationship.

Looking fwd to it. I turn 59 tomorrow so I can't wait to be 48 again.

Sorry, Ioan knew what?
He allegedly said she's an alcoholic. The repeated references to being hungover hidden as a cute little ditty about one of her girls leads me to think it might be true.

Then there are the blottoed videos. Prosecution rests.

(All my opinion)
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this coming from somebody that advices a stranger to do parental alienation is very funny

God this is so creepy
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Wow, diolch!

This whole interview is... something.

So Matthew Rhys had to call Ioan's mom to drag her son from the purity cult?
(And it wasn't even a cool one, it was a chastity one.)
And that gorgeous black haired actress anecdote...
And that anecdote how he got scammed in LA (from Graham Norton).

No wonder Alice was able to devour him, that's some next level shit naiveté.

I'm actually more worried for him now.
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Unpopular I fear but...

The logic of the thread seems to be:

AE set up paps for IG and BW, even though she would be the last person to know their movements, and as a narc hates others getting publicity and wasn't to know BW would look...dressed down

AE must have set up her own paps even though she posted one week ago she was going to the Apple Store in the Grove "next week"

If the thread is going to claim as fact things that are speculation, we are just anti more logical or reasoned!

Not saying theories aren't delicious, but as the thread moves some fast some late to it are reading as FACT that AE is some pap pimp...and it is all a theory!!
Must admit I love reading all the theories but very aware that none of us really have a clue who arranged all these pap shots.
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Very traditional

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The posters that were coming on were being antagonistic and that's why people were told to put them on ignore.
That may be the case with some but not all. I've been following this thread since the beginning and it's been super friendly but the last few days it has seemed that if you're not 100% on Ioans side you're not allowed an opinion. I know some of you have very strong opinions about Alice and I get that, I think she's nuts too but I can also see why people are questioning Ioans behaviour since he came back and every time that happens they're instantly shut down.
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