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One Selma Blair…

He’s getting there, just hurting over everything with the kids. ❤
I've had different, unpopular opinions at time re: the kids, but it would be nice if you could let IG know that a lot of people see AE for the narc she is, see through her lies and empathize with him. It's horrible to be the victim of a narcs lies, not know who believes what and not be able to defend yourself against them. It makes you feel so powerless, and like you will never escape the narc's web of abuse.

About bloody time Selma Blair looked a bit deeper and researched who and what she was supporting!
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Right you lovely bunch - I’m working at the moment and have a shed load to do but just stopped to make a cuppa and check the latest. I’ve no time to keep up! Can someone quickly enlighten me…Has Ioan seen the kids do we know?!

I NEED a round up too! 😂
Basically there’s no update and now we are getting a bit snarky at each other again.
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I think these AE threads are bringing up memories and emotions for a lot of us. Sending you lots of love and hugs. ❤
Exactly this , and I have come to the conclusion that whilst everyone is pondering on what has or hasn’t happened between IG & AE and when their relationship began etc or the fact some have messaged BW showing empathy ,support and kindness to her as she has been relentlessly abused on sm , or how Tamika chose to step up and support her sister and friend and seek solace here as it seems she felt safe for a while ,( I’m personally sad that she probably doesn’t anymore) , its because we are all different… We respond differently and have different opinions, because of nationality , culture, race , maybe religion, life experience or lack of 🤔 , occupation , current life situation and health/ mental health problems , and it’s all ok . Life would be oh so boring if we were the same .
I hope we can move forward in what should be a safe space and no one should feel that they can’t voice their opinion without being judged and if you want to go over to twitter and tell the f wits they are exactly that , then that’s your choice to do so 😎
And whilst I’m being open and honest, I have been unfaithful in a marriage ( not my now marriage) and it brought me to where I am now , incredibly happy. I was married to a massive f wit and I don’t regret it one minute. You can judge me if you want to , but frankly it doesn’t matter as it won’t affect my life , as this is just the internet and not reality 💗
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I didn't realise you knew her. I hope she is okay. You might remember me? Dear_reader15 from twitter? We went a couple of rounds with her FM's lol
We don’t actually know if they are who they say they are or have any connection with BW. Don’t want to be rude but people say all sorts on the internet. (Sorry, been thinking this for a while and have held off interacting with their posts for many threads now because we really don’t know)
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This is what needs to happen, but AE would never comply, not with a genuine aim to co-parent or do what's best for the girls anyway.

Imo AE is an outright villain! 🦹‍♀️
I see as this

IG - a man with standard human frailty that might be a bit amplified because of his profession and wealth. But probably the norm for that industry. In a situation we’re he has no good options. His overall aim to end a toxic marriage is the right one and he wanted to everything right to protect the kids. But that’s beyond his control.

With no good options at his disposal it’s easy to criticise any course of action. But it just seems to end up I. A what else could he do debate that didn’t have consequence.

His behaviour really falls into the realms of normal, not perfect and not without consequence. I cannot get worked up about him and feel a huge need to judge what he does or doesn’t do. In his shoes we would all have missteps. And quite a few people on here have been in his shoes and have said he is in a no win situation constantly being wrong footed and undermined. Remember he has been subjected to abuse and rage from his ex for a year now.

AE- where do you start. Her behaviour is totally unacceptable and is intended to harm. When it does she is happy. When it doesn’t she is angry. There’s every indication that she likes being angry and she likes creating angry people. She lies and misleads constantly. She throws out shady allegations and narratives to ruin reputations and relationships. AE’s problem isn’t that she didn’t have good options. She has had them all her life. She chooses easy options or options to cause the maximum chaos putting her at the centre of attention.

BW - a total enigma with little or no public profile. Except she is involved with a separated man and has a dog. No idea what her motivations are.

I would be wary of anyone claiming to speak for any on of them on the internet.
The like button and Twitter ticks draw in people who are fantasists and bullshitters. The strong, passionate and rational opinions being posted, draws in angry trolls and FMs determined to have a row.
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You know what I think? We're all (well, probably mostly, not all) a bit nervous about what's to come out of today, and it's been so quiet that our minds are going into overdrive. Let's not do an AE people!

Happy thoughts, happy vibes, happy happy happy thoughts 🥰

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Gosh, it was quite a few threads back.
Lawyer told AE off for liking and thanking tweeterer about IG & AE hopefully being sterile. AE went apeshit and accused lawyer of not being a lawyer. Fm’s also went apeshit mis-spelled said lawyers name and then subsequently discovered she was in fact a real lawyer. Cue lots of deleting and even Lupie stepped out for a few days. Then AE doubled-down with a comment that they probably shouldn’t pro-create due to BW’s MS and her being a burden on any baby. Receipts are in here somewhere.
I've got one word for that: vile.

To be honest, I didn't know BW has MS but Alice should know better than to make such a downright cruel (and ridiculous) comment considering she has fibromyalgia.
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Jumping to the end of this thread, has the handover happened yet? Please tell me both kids went to IG's without a scene?? I want so badly for their relationship to be mended.
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Of all the IG topics, the cult thing is the one I'm sincerely VERY interested in. More than this divorce. What kind of cult? Just a random Christian sect or were they having crazy orgies while chanting ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?

Poor lad, escaped a cult but married Satan.

Actually, I nominate that for a thread title.
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[I don't think she was the cause of his divorce. He turned to her as he was facing divorcing Alice. I doubt it was a long affair either, and probably happened sometime in 2020. And I don't fall for any stories from Alice about how in love she and Ioan were and happy when he was home in 2020 briefly. Her story changes all the time. Plus, that bashing of her own husband, calling him a "pussy" on twitter, that he wasn't standing up for issues she felt were important (inexcusable behavior on her part) was the final nail in the coffin. Do people not understand how inexcusable that is? HIs own wife?

This is how "I" felt IT MAY HAVE likely unfolded, or somewhere in the ballpark, at least.

And to do what she has done to her children is inexcusable, no matter what pain she is in over losing Ioan. No sympathies for Alice anymore, which I did have in the beginning. The only person who destroyed my sympathy was Alice herself. I can't imagine what it was like being married to her, especially the last few years.
Spot on. It wasn't Bianca who caused that marriage to fall apart, it was Alice and her malice. It wasn't a happy marriage and Alice herself has allegedly had affairs. So lets not say it fell apart due to infidelity.
Honestly I have to go get some sleep. I hope the girls and Ioan are rebuilding bridges and reinforcing defenses.
Oh by the way this is my Duncan.;)


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Today I learned I've been living my whole life wrong by talking to strangers who are clearly upset. Whoops!
Last year I was going through a really rough time and the last straw was that I ended up missing my flight by about one minute and I just broke down sobbing in the middle of the airport. Full on movie-style on the floor wailing. Some poor soul came to ask me if I was okay. It was really awkward but I did appreciate the sentiment.
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Can tell you a funny story. Lady I know was living in a caravan with her daughter. Had a few frogs in cupboards there too. Wasn't worried. Started to notice mysterious white lumps appearing in cupboards which she cleaned out without thinking too much. Frogs became scarce. Opened a cupboard door one day to find a python there. Oops. Frogs were being converted into white poo.


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Genuinely, why on earth?
I’ve never really thought about it till now but I think any kind of gambling is a mugs game and an industry that exploits people.
Strangely I’m fine with the coke, gf and everything else, it’s the lottery ticket I’m shocked at. 🤣🤣 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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Mad Betty

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How I'd walk to Tesco if I set up a pap shot....
Yes, was was a real stunner. And yes, she has an entirely different face now. She botched it with plastic surgery, fillers, and terrible tattooed eyebrows that are too thick and dark for her face and placed incorrectly(though the Botox may have done that). They make her look hard. I've said before it's like something dark broke open inside her and changed her face. I think that's part of it. Bitterness. And the drinking doesn't help.
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I guess the ultimative burn in Hollywood is when you call the paps on yourself and they say nah, not interested, you're off the alphabet list.

Do people setting paps on themselves have to pay them?
The photographers work for media agencies that sell the images to the media. How the cash is given depends on the deal they have with the celeb.
The DM will do deals with celebrities that get a lot of comments. When the comments dry up they move on. Pages with a lot of comments attract advertisers (it doesn’t matter what the topic is) that’s why the articles are written in way that annoys people because it encourages them to react in the comments. It’s also why you see Katie Price and 700th husband or whatever ridiculous story, she knows how to wind people up and they keep commenting on her. Same for the rest too really, the trick is to keep people angry interested and commenting.

(btw - I said the photographers but quite often the celeb just sends the pics to the agency themselves, anyone can take it).
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Why the hell is she putting that on Twitter exactly?
Either she’s totally making it up and managed to fake these messages or she does actually know BW and BW is endorsing all of this. Something not sitting right with me.
I did find an FB account where they are friends.
Damnit AE where are your Twitter meltdowns I want to analyse those instead.
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What's your point

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That is crazy, you can easily prove who you are. That would be so easy to fake the messenger thing. I don't know this person though so ....
If that is Bianca (and to be honest I am suspicious) I have to say I think this is a dumb move.

Why does she care what a bunch of people on a forum think and why is she willing to put her side across knowing it may be shown on social media? IG seems VERY private I dont think this is a good move on her part. Seems a bit like fanning the flames to me.
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This is why I never got why he got with AE all those years ago. He was obviously nice and she, uh, wasn't. He could have got someone pretty but not unhinged. Thankfully he may have realised that now, hence Bianca.
I will always wonder why he took this route with AE. I really will. There's an amazing quote from the series Bojack Horseman:

"When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."

He also mentioned the following in an interview. He was referring to something related to that cult church but the quote itself seems to sum up his overall character very well and, in this context, quite tragically.

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