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Alice better have 1-800-LAWYERS on speed dial, because there is no way, no how, she is going to be able to file witness lists, exhibit lists, trial briefs, declarations, or any other legal documents on her own behalf.
She couldn't do it with a lawyer either. I have accepted none of those things will happen and I'm sure IG and his team have too.
Despite Alice's protests, she's still gonna need a job. 🤭
You need to wash your mouth out with soap. That's filthy language!!

On Planet Alice.
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Nobody here needs tattle like she does.
Tattle proves she is still infamous famous. No wonder "Tone" is obsessed by it. She gets fuck all interaction on X between Tone and Can'tbeblank, (still locked lol) - but I want to hear your tRuTh Alice, don't be shy!! Oh and don't forget to show up in court and tell Judge Josh your tRuTh too!! It's the moment you have been waiting for!
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Something tells me that if she does get 100% physical custody she is going to lose interest in those kids right quick as they’ve served their purpose as chess pieces and have no further value to her other than feeding her narc ego.
They're her narc supply always telling her how much they ADORE her. Maybe, after AFE's told them how alone she is blah blah blah. They're her money makers too - first for child support and then for jobs they might get. If we have learnt anything it's how possessive AFE is. She didn't even want to let go of a sham marriage ffs and used blackmail to try and stop it.

That said, her idea of parenting is no rules and everyone looking at devices all day so in that sense they won't get much from her. They serve her interests far more than she serves them.
until they are 18 they will be of value for her
Longer than that imo
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So a woman named Wallace is actually killed. And the idiot posts that on his public Twitter profile thinking he’s so smart.
I hope that post has been noted by the authorities. Threats are serious. I think Alice is far too lazy to pull off most stuff, but her league of extraordinary idiots may no be.
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I do believe this account is all AFE.

Tattlers were discussing how all her family is estranged and she has no family.

Lo and behold: suddenly "Tone" gets wheeled out.
At first, his profile picture is so horrible and unflattering that no one would ever use the worst picture like that as their profile picture.
Also, their intro is all about Alice.

I bet that when forensics Yo has hired will look into it, they'll ascertain that "Tone" account was created in West Hollywood.

So Alice clearly conjured up an imaginary Tone supporting her like only her alcoholic narc brain can imagine it. And her imagination is pathetic.

Also, the newly minted "Tone" was and is overdoing it. As I said in the past, it was painfully obvious that it was Alice acting very badly, extremely hammy, trying to make an extra low voice and grunt and burp and fart while wearing badly glued on bushy moustache.

Once some of us commented on that, Tone's absolutely horrible profile picture was replaced. With not really flattering one. But she is a narc. Cannot help but put others down. Remember how she thrived on posting unflattering images of Ioan.

Keep in mind that Alice's default mode is lying. And mostly the proverbial grain of truth is missing completely.

The messages and e-mails sent to Yo are full of lies. Her Twitter posts were full of lies. So are her Insta posts. Lies about pretty much everything.

So, at first "Tone" was used as "proof" that she has family. She was in dialogue with tattlers already back then.

Her claim that Yo asked real Tone about that account was just what she claimed with nothing to substantiate it.

The moment Tattle community noticed something odd, she instantly reacted and changed the way "Tone" speaks.

Ever since she got slapped with her DVRO and especially after losing her Twitter account for good, she used "Tone" more and more, often being so drunk she forgot to pretend to be Tone. Only to post some BS and totally overdo it when tattlers mentioned it.

All the photos re Tone/Rachel/Rachel's parents are either old, originating from the time she was not yet alienated from Tone and his family. The dialysis picture was lifted from Internet and could have been anyone.

She also mixed up her socks repeatedly and forgot which account she was logged into, slipping up and revealing to all that not only she is "Tone" but that she is not wearing any underwear.

Her claiming as "Tone" that there was a police visit is an utter BS and fabrication. She made that up. Same way she made up a police visit in West Hollywood in late 2023. Remember her hysteria,
changing the story (children asleep and she asleep early, then a child being with friends and arriving home and she wasn't asleep etc). Also, the traffic or smth police calling card she wrote something upon herself.

All the same elements. (Narcs have stunted imaginations and she originally stole the idea about welfare check from Tattle. Someone was dreaming that her neighbours or acquaintances should send the CPS to do a welfare check on children as we worried about them -- she claimed too often that girls are so ill, vomiting, shivering etc. As we do not interfere, we just gossip, exchange theories and ideas, observe the events we possibly can, record and save the evidence available of her contradictory lies and abhorrent behaviour, no one from tattle would break the rule of always keeping it on Tattle and interfere by calling child protective services or police. However, she being rattled by Ioan taking action for her harassing him -- the insurance e-mail -- and having the need to pretend to be a victim, made up this whole police visit/welfare check story and tried to blame the tattlers for it).

Sadly, we discussed different scenarios and chased these false leads...

And later, from the court documents, we learnt the truth -- she fabricated it all and no such visit happened.

Now, something has rattled her badly again, she really needs to play the victim, and she repeats the very same stunt blow-by-blow as "Tone".
(Being asleep abnormally early/not being asleep, describing some dodgy note, promising to present it... this time she has been too lazy to craft it so far... it is a bleeping Groundhog Day with her!).

We'll learn in a few months' time what really happened, no worries.

And again, "Tone" is all AFE, "Tone" is just another one of her socks and that account has AFE's cheese string greasy fingerprints all over it!

Her claiming on Insta so adamantly that "Tone" is her brother further proves that it is all her.

She is fkn insane. (A quote from dr. Dupee's report).
100% agree. Also, the real Tone is either not aware the account exists or possibly doesn't want to engage Alice to get it shut down. I've always erred on the side of it being all her, rather than a shared account. Not doubt Ioan is fully aware of this.
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I'm not sure he has one. Whoever is using his account isn't married that's for sure.

Yep - it's mAlice.

Yeah. People can marry whoever they want as long as they're adults and consenting. No one knows whose marriage will last anyway and even if it lasts, that doesn't mean it's a good marriage.

My hunch is that IG and BW will go the distance even with an 19 year age gap. It was only a 5 year gap with IG and AFE and we know how that worked out.
Agree. Besides B isn’t a loathsome, alcoholic, fake, vain, narcissistic, cunt! With no talent and no looks as well. 😆
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maybe this time he could do a sprint to his beautiful bride to Bee at the end of the aisle, instead of being dragged up it to meet the cess pit of doom at the end like the last one
Not to mention the two brothers escorting AFE up the aisle looking like they were bouncers ejecting a trouble maker. Wish I could find that pic - does anyone have it?
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And then there's this clip:

Alice looks demented and so intense here. She interrupts, and dominates the conversation and then makes sure to say something completely irrelevant ("It's my brother's birthday! Sorry Tone!").
I think this was the one where she tells HMQE2 I hope you don’t die in the next twelve months
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The man who’s been indicted on 91 charges, is in bed with Putin and has to pay out $465m for fraud is the better option? The man who stuffed the SC with conservative judges to overturn Roe, instigated a revolt, kept nuclear secrets and threatens to end his political enemies on his first day in office is the better option? Really, Welp? Really? Christ alive.
the 91 charges and fraud are entirely irrelevant under the premise I posted (I said that "for other reasons" he shouldnt be even up for vote, those are the other reasons). As for the other things: Biden has done things that are arguably worse in his political career and has shown to be a toothless leader (much like our Olaf Scholz). When you are up against the dictactors of this world you need a different breed to counter that (and sometimes the Western Definition of "being in bed" is helpful, China for example is in my opinion not the evil that our press has made out to be). I'm not saying Trump is that, he has too much his own interests involved and is not competent, but I just can't see anyone doing a worse job than Biden, especially since this dudes mental health is clearly declining. And I hate that he is basically been supported because of the "anyone but Trump" mentality. Trump should never be even a benchmark.

However, that is pretty off-topic and not relevant to this topic. my point was about Alice's extremism that even if it's against the arguably right person makes her look like a twat.
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Alice will show up in court and lose nearly everything. She will post on Instagram claiming to be victimized by Ioan and the judge for not allowing her an extension to find a new attorney. She will also hire paps for the hysterical photos. She will sell details to the DM. Playing the victim is the only thing she is good at.
And she’s not even good at that! She managed to hold onto her victim status for a short while but that’s all gone. Along with the public’s general goodwill. The majority now see her for the demented abuser she is.
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This is the best weapon Yo has. He will earn enough for travel and holidays and Alice won't work to provide for them. Children are quite rightly pretty mercenary when it comes to things like this and they will see how much Yo can offer. They will want all the things their friends have, and why not?
I agree. And B and Yo won’t be saying awful shit about Alice day in and day out. The lure of a trip to Australia, kind and loving extended family who aren’t sitting on Twitter all night like Tone, not being forced to listen to a parent shit on the other, an orderly and tidy home environment- it all starts to look much more appealing for young teens.
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The old lump spends her days watching reels and imagining Piers Morgan banging on her door and declaring his undying love.

I bet Celia can smell the envy.

.. and a strange onion odour with stale pee and fermenting sweat.
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Chatty Member
Hey Malice. If all of what we say about you is so wrong then why does it anger you so much? Nothing says guilty like endless discourse about a gossip website that you could just ignore.
Oh but she NEVER reads here. Her friends send her screenshots, they are such good friends and always have her back. The reason she is upset and angry is because she cares SO much for her brother and daughters and she is the ONLY one allowed to abuse them! (not that gossiping here is abuse in case one of her stupid sycophants misses the point entirely as per usual).
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Chatty Member
The whole charade seems to be a contrived set up to me, I'm waiting for the "this could only have come from one person" claim again!
Both Alice and Tony like to play the victim!
I feel embarrassed on his wife's behalf, her husband is obsessed with another woman.
His abusive behaviour towards Bianca is just not normal and I really hope that he doesn't have much interaction with his nieces!
We both know he doesn't have a wife, well, not one who lives with him :ROFLMAO:
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She is exploiting a vulnerable adult but it’s not his kidneys it’s his cognitive capacity and mental health that make him vulnerable. She tried to exploit his poorly wife too. She succeeded in making her life harder but not directly thankfully. I hope to god her parents are on the ball with it all. She’ll be after their disability benefits next.

Oh here he is, found him.. 😉

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Not sure where you are getting this information (there have been four kidney transplants in my family). It’s not a requirement to not drink alcohol and unless you are an alcoholic, it wouldn’t disqualify you on the list. It’s better to limit it and if you are on dialysis, you are in fact limited to a certain amount of liquid a day anyhow. My father had the occasional glass of beer while he was waiting for a transplant and it was fine. There is also no limit as to when a living donor can donate. If you are on the transplant list sooner is better, but my father was on dialysis for 12 years (his transplant failed) and died of lung cancer. You can be on dialysis for a fairly long time.

All she would have to do to initiate donating (were she so inclined and I don’t believe she is) is to find out if she and Tony share the same blood type. If they do, then further tests could happen. If they don’t there are programs where you can donate to a stranger and the person on whose behalf you are donating would be able to get a kidney from a stranger as well. I don’t know if that’s the case in the UK.

It’s odd that he claims not to even be on the transplant list, though. The NHS has given reasons for declining candidates:
Common reasons why a kidney transplant may not be the right treatment for you include:
  • You are too ill or frail to cope with the surgery and aftercare
  • You have recently had cancer, a serious infection, a heart attack or a stroke
  • You may struggle taking the immunosuppressant medicines after a kidney transplant
It’s possible he falls into one of those categories. He may be an alcoholic (don’t know) but each transplant centre will have their criteria. Given how scarce donated organs are, it’s likely that would be a disqualifying factor as they want the donated kidney to have a good chance of success.
I didnt said its a general requirement but transplant centres do quantify how much (of course every centre will have it's own rules), if any, alcohol can be consumed, especially if you are a alcoholic, and it can lose you the position if you don't comply with it as - as you say - they want to give it to someone that has a good chance of succeeding. It's true that a glas per day will not make you drop down, but Alice was calling him a drunk back in the day: I can imagine that this plays a role here. But again: I'm just speculating based on available data. In itself a long waiting time is nothing unusual. The weird thing in this story is that Alice seemingly hasnt been even tested which is a bit weird for someone that says that they love Tone so much and that thinks Tone is a amazing human.

I think he has contradicted himself several times whether he is on the transplant list or not. He posted in november 2022 for example that he passed all health tests to get on it
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