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Chatty Member
They’ve managed to expose a few Tattlers and yet methinks those tattlers world’s haven’t ended. They still tattle and go about their lives. Wtaf do these troglodytes think they’re threatening? No one gives a fuck save 3 of Tone’s followers. They have nought clout. Alice and her pointless bro are and always will be insignificant 💅
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Imagine facing school after your mother and uncle do this, and all the parents and kids are talking about it behind their backs.
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terrible driving and entitled people? ahahahahaha

but hey, at least this time she accepts moving. for the wrong reasons, but it's a start
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How much you want to bet that Tone also has a Pinterest like his sister where he is his own hero/muse/idol?

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Nothing says 'I'm hurt and offended by a troll's disgusting comment' quite like reposting it 13 times on your own account.
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Oh and just because we like the full picture here on Tattle and not Alice's edited version of events...

Here's the bottom part of that horrendous outfit.

Alice must now realise how how dreadful the outfit was because she's cropped it to remove the bottom...

but here it is so can see just how terrible her fashion sense is. Dorothy Gail on the top, Huck Finn below

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What. The. Actual. Fuck.

It's kinda impressive how she managed to combine several pieces and none of them should be worn with any of the others. This is so bad that even ankle ribbons wouldn't make it worse.
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Has Tone met his sister? Alice has no problem talking about her sex life, 7 inches anyone? Alice's sock accounts made plenty of digs at Ioan and Bianca's sex life. The AG sock even posted photos of bugs having sex and tagged them as I and B. The GG sock has smellmecrotch in her handle. We know Alice isn't getting any at the moment. I think is safe to assume Tone isn't either. Tone/Alice shouldn't pretend she's above it

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Tattle is going down? There's a better chance Alice will behave like an adult and get a job.
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As much as I’d miss my little tattle fix. The end of the thread would mean Alice and her socks fade into total oblivion even more than they already are. Nobody here needs tattle like she does.
Once again I can’t stress enough how much I believe that Tone is Alice. There is just no way anyone with Tone’s health problems could do what he is doing. Not only does he have kidney disease but he’s also a type 2 diabetic which is what caused his kidney disease to begin with. “Assuming the Tone story is even true.” Alice is batshit crazy and I am nearly positive that she has alcohol induced dementia to a degree. Can you imagine all the porky pies she has told Ioan over the years? “I’m giving my brother a kidney” has to have been one of the more outrageous.
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Oh I just realise if you post abuse under your own name then it’s courage - holy fucking hell.

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She doesn't have a right to obstruct and delay court proceedings which is what the sacking is all about. She has no good reasons, she wanted a trial (yes I remember all her tweets about it) but what she really wanted was to commit financial abuse by dragging it out.

I will die laughing if she brings Ma Gruff into the upcoming hearings.
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Barbara was a mediator they were using at the time. Needless to say, it didn't work out. We are still waiting for AFE's website lol. I know people hate KP and JM on here but at least they have websites, which is more than duckface can manage. I guess she didn't get to be in the JLo video. Shame.
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Except she doesn't have a litigator now when it matters. LMAO

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Yes, we know all your stupid tricks Alice. No one is fooled.

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This is the sort of abuse he was putting up with for years. It slowly kills you inside. No wonder he looked physically ill the last few years with Alice.
Never mind about the website, what about all the other things she's been threatening?:
  • Her book about Ioan leaving her and the divorce
  • Her book about the feud between Ioan and Matthew Rhys's families
  • Her screenplay about Ioan "leaving her for Bianca"
  • The "truth" about Matthew Rhys being revealed

We are still waiting, Alice!
I'd much rather read @kingseven's professional, timely, brilliant and hilarious tale of the Welsh feud of the century than Alice's simpering story of the Gruffudd's and the Rhys's coming to blows because their favourite sons were besotted with the Blonde Beauty from Bristol, and each family were just desperate to have this quirky, evergivetic, peonality plus superstar in THEIR family! As THEIR cherished daughter-in-law. The shining light that would elevate them to the BEST WELSH FAMILY IN WALES, nay in all of Great Britain.

Sorry. I might have got a bit carried away there.
this is what i dont get. If she was doing it like Kanye and actually have the new lawyer lined up when she fires her current one: Fine, the delay will be the same (probably nothing, if she is lucky a few weeks but at the likely cost of a stipulated compromise), but at least once the trial actually comes around she is somewhat prepared. She also doesn't have the expertise to negotiate a settlement like a lawyer would have (though I reckon if that would happen while she self-represents she may hire one just to check that)

She is just shooting herself in the foot now. And I wonder why it's that: does she just want to interrogate Ioan herself and is mega confident that she has custody in the bag anyway (perhaps not formally, but in practical terms that is true)?

Maybe it's all about showing how poor she is. Her minions believe she has been self-representing all this time, because they don't have the mental capacties to understand that Ioan pays her lawyers, which works against all of Alice's accusations.
Alice wasn't the brightest bulb in the box tbw, but years of alcohol, drugs, SM addiction and basically just letting her brain rot, plus her obsession with revenge on Ioan and Bianca at any cost, is killing off any intelligence she once had. It's like the narc injury of Ioan leaving her has destroyed any ability she might have had to think about anything else except what she wants and feels right now in the moment. She really seems to believe she can do what she wants, that laws don't apply to her, that she is the smartest person in the room, that whatever mad, bad and stupid schemes she comes up with are genius and incapable of failing, and that she'll never face repercussions. The damage she is doing to her own children, to their father and to their relationship is heinous, but in an impersonal way, it's actually quite sad and chilling to see the damage she is doing to herself. I think in a lot of ways Ioan and their marriage saw Alice strive to keep up that public façade of the happy family, the celebrity husband doting on his beautiful celebrity wife and children, and that kept her behaviour in line to a certain extent. But once that image was shattered she fully threw herself into revenge and is happily indulging in all her worst impulses, not realising or caring that if she ever had any decency, any speck of morality or character, that she's destroying that as well. It's poetic justice really. No matter what happens in the future, Alice is ultimately destroying herself.
I think Alice will rehire Bernal at some point. This is a strategic sacking to delay things.
But now he's free and had a taste of that sweet beach life with plus sized Margarita's will he want to take Alice back?

@Old Soak forget the court appearance. It's the Former Lawyers of Alice Fucking Evans Beach Party where it's at! You and @Mad Betty need to sashay on in there and get us all the goss.
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It’s quite hilarious they go on about anonymous gossip from their anonymous twitter accounts all the while gossiping about us and Bianca & Ioan.
Tone is probably the only one using his own name because of his semi-adjacent once removed celebrity status to go after us and crying about stalking and doxing. A cursory google search of his name and any associate he posted about yesterday tells you everything. Nobody is hacking into imaginary WhatsApp groups or searching his current address. He tells lies constantly while bleating that we share our stories on here as a supportive group, Alice aside and that we might not be telling the truth to complete strangers. I know for a fact the pic he posted of his wife and her mum is a very old pic, they have social media Tone.
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Tone/Alice has lost her damn mind. Still going on and on. Keep encouraging people to dox dumbass. You've left enough evidence.

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And this.

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Poor bastard couldn't find his way out of a paper bag, but he's going to hunt and dox people who think is sister is a cunt. :LOL:

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House of Tea

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TE’s account on Twitter/X - I definitely think it is shared between the siblings. But the personal attacks on BW come across as being drafted by Alice. Why would her brother lay into BW in such a vitriolic way but rarely shows the same bile towards his ex bro in law? AE hates BW, she would see her as lesser being, an accountant who bested the goddess that is Alice, by stealing her man away and has stepped into the life she thought was hers. The recent Braveheart throat slashing was redolent of the Marjorie threats.
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