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Heard the screams coming from Beverly Hills and broke every bone in my body running to the comments.

Happy Engagement! For once I’ll sound mushy, love does prevail.
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From what he's said previously, Ioan wanted what he thought was the glamorous Hollywood life of a star actor too when he was younger. I think he was very naïve and immature when he met Alice and she really swept him off his feet, but 20 years with her matured him. There's nothing like a relationship with a narc to teach you with brutal clarity exactly what is and isn't important to you in a relationship and in life.
Exactly. How many of us can say we are the same person we were 20 years ago? I know I'm completely different.

And this is what Alice doesn't get. Yes, they made vows and got married. But they grew too far apart, for various reasons. Setting aside Alice's treatment of Ioan, he changed as a person. He gave up drinking, while Alice moaned on social media that he wasn't fun anymore since giving up the booze.

He realised he was moving in a very different direction to the way Alice was moving. Some people both change in a relationship but can still stay together, while others can't.
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Dupee must be like Nanny McPhee. I never thought anyone could put Big ‘ol Alice back in her box but here we are. 🙌🏼 🙌🏼

Don't forget Marie did a very good job of keeping Alice off social media.

As soon as Alice fired her/they parted ways, the stream of socks started.

Marie did a pharoah job of controlling Alice!
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Old Soak

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She needed a new post for people to console her. Why do so many of her friends pretend that it's not normal for people to remarry after divorce.
But I’m not convinced that she knew. I’m with the theory that they were in therapy with dad, Mom is posting away from the car, Bianca posts the big news once Ioan gave her the all clear from the session. She has fucked over every job/appearance/travel with anything she can to make him look bad. She beat B to announcing her illness. Unless she is finally being medicated properly, psych exam can’t have gone well lol
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I think IG and Anne smelt a rat and were prepared for a trap, eg, hiring the psychologist to observe. In fact, IG would have accepted the sleepover on Anne's advice. If he said 'no' AFE would use it as "He doesn't want you kids in his life". The whole thing backfired on the smartest person in the room anyway with the fake RO exposed in court and led to the GAL being hired. So I don't think it was really a mistake.
Yup he was between a rock and a hard place but eventually came out ok - sadly it may have damaged his reputation with people who don’t know the story, but I think any industry people who know of him are aware of the ACBF (alice crazy bitch factor).
I hope they get married in Wales! 🥰
Does Alun know @kingseven is his plus one yet
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MRS BIANCA WALLACE GRUFFUD - The alcoholic ex can SUCK IT. (Not a real thread title suggestion as I don’t believe Alice should even be referenced in the next one) This is Ioan & Bees special time.

Congrats to the new and improved Mr & Mrs Fantastic. ❤
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People talking about Al as talented nearly makes me piss my pants laughing every time :ROFLMAO: Has all common sense left you? Surely that has to be Al, I can't imagine anyone being that messed up in the head!
I'm pretty certain that was Alice too. 😂 And even if she was talented, it's of no use if you sit on your ass all day drinking, popping pills, gorging on Panda Express and obsessively posting on SM. She did have some talent as a writer for light, fluff gossipy pieces and could have chased that up after the divorce with a column somewhere - something she could do at home, in bed, with the bottle of wine to hand and in between SM postings, but she can't even be bothered to do that.
BIB - Or Ioan's PR/management.

And good for them, nice that he has a positive story in the press for once.
Not necessarily. I think it came out in Rebel Wilson's trial when she sued an Australian magazine for knowingly printing lies about her, that a lot of the time these anonymous sources - "a friend of the family", etc actually don't exist.
Alice will sort it out? Why, because she's so good at it?
What she's owed is a swift kick in the ass from Lady Justice.

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Alice sat on her ass and couldn't do anything by herself. She couldn't even pick up the phone for household maintenance issues and waited for Ioan to come back and do it. This image she has of herself as a strong, competent, intelligent woman when she literally stumbles through life like a drunken toddler is actually hilarious.

Screenshat has seeped out to other threads…
Turds taking over Tattle one thread at a time!

But I’m not convinced that she knew. I’m with the theory that they were in therapy with dad, Mom is posting away from the car, Bianca posts the big news once Ioan gave her the all clear from the session. She has fucked over every job/appearance/travel with anything she can to make him look bad. She beat B to announcing her illness. Unless she is finally being medicated properly, psych exam can’t have gone well lol
Maybe she was posting the Emma photos while the kids were in therapy - trying to look like a normal human being who was happily complying with the court orders? Instead of the bat shit crazy abuser happy to destroy her own kids for revenge that we all know she is. I think someone has gotten through to her that she could very well lose the kids if she doesn't rein it in and that would mean no CS for dear old Alice. I honestly don't think anything but the loss of $$$ would scare her into silence. Anything else, including losing her kids and prison she would gleefully jump on for the drama, victimhood and media headlines.
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That’s what has me so fucked up about whether she knew or didn’t…she’s clearly been rattled the last couple of days but she can’t shut the fuck up lol
Of course, she didn't know. Ioan isn't an idiot.

They are almost to hearing date. A lot is going on behind the scenes regarding that, therapy, and possibly -- most likely -- Alice not cooperating. It's all closing in on her. And he and Bianca had a nice Christmas with his brother in town. Clearly, Bianca gets along with his family, the ones Alice disparaged and called weird. Bianca has posted photos recently showing they are happy and have a life. Alice can't help herself.
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(Seriously, I love y’all, though.) 💚💚💚 This is the best news to come back to. I know there’s some trouble on the horizon, I know, but for now I’m just choosing to celebrate.
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I agree. Not even joking, she needs to be front page again. Some kind of destroyed ex wife story incoming.
It'll probably be one of the DM's favourite 'first time' stories, e.g. Alice Evans seen for first time since announcement of Ioan Gruffudd's engagement to Bianca Wallace.
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how you spot a Alice gang account: believing having school age kids means you dont need to work 💀

The courts expect you to work and if not deal with what your ex is legally required to pay. the days of an unlimited ATM are over.

somebody seems VERY rattled btw
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The 'someone' who keeps sending her posts is the real issue here.
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I wonder if Alice knew? He doesn’t have a duty to tell her. The children yes and then I suppose she would know from there. Hmmmm

they are happy together, that’s for sure
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If the peridot isn't expensive, the diamonds are! (agree of course that Ioan can spend whatever he damn well pleases on a ring when he shells out so much in support per month!)
None of the three stones looks that big and the peridot is fairly pale (you want a rich green for a higher end stone). Two half carat diamonds don’t cost that much. I suspect the ring was very modest in price.
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Old Soak

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I can't believe that sockbro hasn't piped up on X yet 👀
It's been nearly 24hrs since the news broke and she has so far managed to keep someone said upthread...when she's quiet, she's scheming; and what the fuck is she gonna pull this time 😳
She’s too busy in the DM comments to fire up Tone’s account 😝
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I think half the daily mail is written by artificial intelligence now. Whereas half the comments are written by natural stupidity.
If this is the case it’s the first sign of intelligence of any kind at the Mail.

Sharing this again as it's now even more relevant 💫

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She's clearly never forgiven him for re telling the engagement story
it's a perfect paper trail of her abuse.

It's very common that people (men and women equally) make up things after the fact and that fact is weaponised by actual abusers to weasel their way out of it ("look, they said nothing all these years while we were together and now all of the sudden this, they are all the same"), but in this case we have a story of her being awful to him, narrated by him when he was deeply in love with her, but him not realizing what was done to him. Besides the video of her being awful to him during a time she claimed of them having a perfect marriage and the countless IG posts of her mocking him during their marriage this is the clearest proof that the abuse allegations are true.
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Late to the party but just back from a weekend of Welsh cakes and champagne in Aberdare.

I’m voting for wedding in Oz and vows in Welsh.

Mama Gruff sends her love.
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In ancient times, these gorgeous green gems were believed to ward off evil spirits and people with malicious intentions. Wearing peridot jewelry is said to improve relationships and marriages. Today, peridot is known as the stone of compassion. It is believed to bring good health, restful sleep, and peace to relationships by balancing the mind and emotions.
If it wards off evil spirits, maybe it will work on the Abuser.
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