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I'm sorry Bianca has cptsd, but girl is still working it. 🔥🔥

She's posting the name of her outfit on Instagram and she could be so much worse (or antagonizing) to Alice. She posted a very tasteful selfie for new year but this is what she was rocking.

A romper. Ahem. 😉
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Ally Pally

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She probably flirted with him and believed he was in love with her (cause you know no man can resist her sparkling personality, stunning beauty and that better-than-brunette-blonde hair, all 3 of them) and generally behaved inappropriately with him. In between wrapping herself around Ioan like a boa constrictor because he was her meal now and she wanted to make sure the Guffuds knew it she was so madly in love with him. It's so unfair and heartless of Alun to side with his brother and not tell Ioan to get back into the garage and worship at the feet of Alice.
Didn't sockBro allude via tweet when Alun was doing the dragons marathon that Alun had previously been in love with Alice 🤔
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I think the media attention must have been difficult for Bianca. Imagine going from being anonymous to suddenly being an accused husband stealing, child beating bitch all over a large amount of the Western Media. She and Ioan obviously knew that to try and defend themselves would just be engaging with Alice and giving her the opportunity to drag them all down further into the gutter. But even when you have a healthy amount of confidence, to know complete strangers look at you and think they know you, to know that they believe some pretty horrid things about you that you know are lies but you can't publicly defend yourself against, that's a horrible position to be in.

She probably doesn't pay much attention to the FM's, Tone and Loopy. They have a miniscule reach and audience and most sensible people would take one look at their unhinged posts and correctly label them cyber bullies not worth wasting oxygen on.
I've used my computer hacking skills AGAIN and have managed to steal ANOTHER chapter from Alice's forthcoming self-published book, "He Left Me For A Bogan".

View attachment 2662570

Chapter 15 – "Dupee and Display"

Life is so short and we never know what’s going to happen. Love trumps hate. Which is why I’ve spent the last three years waging war against Ioan, and latterly, the bogan.

I muse on this during my drive to Manhattan Beach, where I must go because the my narc ex, his EVIL lawyers and the CORRUPT judge have ordered me to see a forensic psychiatrist, Dr Dupee.

This is my third visit to see Dr Dupee. She might be triple-board certified, whatever that means, but I’m sure she’s not as intelligent as me. Because I am THE smartest person in the room.

I park my car, but I don’t pay for a ticket. Tickets are for common people like accountants and secretaries. Not international models and actresses like me.

I park where I want.
I park when I want.
NOBODY is going to stop me.

My appointment with Dr Dupee begins. My eyes glaze over as she starts to talk about something or the other. I put on my best wide-eyed ingenue expression, and start talking in the ‘baby’ talk voice that Ioan USED to love, until a bogan with a kinetic [redacted] bewitched him and stole him away from me.

My appointment is finally over, and I’m certain my facial expressions and baby voice fooled Dr Dupee. I am a seasoned actress and I can fool EVERYBODY if I want to. Dr Dupee is from the same place as the bogan is from, Brisbane. So far, my international network of Twitter supporters have not been able to uncover a connection between the two, but I will be keeping a close eye on this.

I walk back to my car, and notice a large inflatable Grinch dressed as Santa Claus in somebody’s front yard. I chuckle to myself. It provided some wonderful content for my Instagram a couple of weeks ago.

OMG! There’s a man hovering by my Prius. What does he want? As I get closer, I see he’s a parking enforcement officer.

“What the HELL are you doing?” I shout sweetly.

“Ma’am, you have parked here, but you do not have a ticket. I therefore need to issue you with a penalty”.

Jesus FUCKING Christ. No no no, I am NOT going to be given a parking fine for simply parking where I deserve. Thank goodness I’m wearing my Special Arguing Coat. It provides me with protection against bullies and narcs. It imbues me with the courage and fearlessness to fight all the injustices that happen to me. It helps me to be kind and to trump hate with love.

“I have a sick child in the car!” I exclaim.

“Ma’am, there’s nobody in your car. Except maybe a rat, as I can see what looks like droppings and a chewed-up Cheestring wrapper,” he says.

Fuck! That’s my usual excuse thrown out of the window. I forgot Gloria was looking after my babies again. What can I use instead?

“My husband left me for a bogan…”

The parking enforcement officer looks surprised, and a little embarrassed.

“…and I’m 50-80% bed bound”.

“I’m very sorry to hear that ma’am, and you have my sympathies, but I am still going to have to issue you with the penalty,” he says.

What the fuck. What the FUCK. How dare he patronize me by saying "sorry", and that I have his sympathies? I have a flashback to the asinine "thank you" thing Ioan learned from his mother.


“No ma’am, I am not out of my tiny mind. I need you to calm down," he says.

Nobody has ever seen me be unkind to a person unprovoked. Because I’ve never ever done it. Not in my entire life.

“Don’t you fucking DARE tell me what to do!” I say serenely, while stomping up closer the officer so I can get a better look at him.

“Ma’am, please do not come any closer to me,” he says in a panicked voice. I am not sure why he feels he needs to use that tone of voice with me. People who provoke others deserve to get shouted at.

“Fucking rip up that ticket now, or I will RAISE HELL!” I say, in a tranquil manner.

At this point, for some unfathomable reason, he gets out his iPhone 11 (crap model, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is where it’s at, or whatever the latest iPhone model is that Apple have released by the time this book is printed) and starts filming me. This shatters my cool and collected demeanour.

“How DARE you film me! Have you lost your fucking mind?”

As I shout at the officer, because I only abuse people who deserve it, I wonder - is this going to be on TMZ later? I hope so, as it will provide a wonderful bonding experience for me and my babies to read about ANOTHER automobile incident I’m involved in. I am very proud of the existing video on TMZ and so are my kids. They ask to see it again and again.

Everybody knows I am the best mother in the world. I have done everything I can to do right by those two amazing girls. They don't need a father; they don't need any uncles or aunts (apart from ONE uncle on my side); they don't need grandparents. They don't need a private life away from the tabloids. All they need is ME, and my zany antics. They have such fun with me, like the shenanigans that happen when I drive them places. With Ioan, they don't have had any fun when he drives, because he goes silent so he can "concentrate on his driving". What kind of a parent does that? A boring parent, that's who.
This is going to be such a great book, a real bestseller! I'm so excited for when Tattle Turds Alice finishes it and it's released.
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Wasn’t Alice following Bianca’s ex-husband or a friend of his on Insta and one stage. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn the pair had spoken.
I don't think he communicated with her but I remember Alice definitely tried to reach out to him to get dirt on Bianca. I think she was following one of his friends Insta but I'm not positive.

Imo what she means with that "it's very sad they just can't be happy" is more manipulation and DARVO tactics, continuing her narrative that she's the innocent, blind-sided ex wife just trying to pull herself and her life back together again while her cruel ex hubby and his girlfriend are the ones deliberately trying to hurt her and make her look bad. She thinks it gives proof to her BS that she's the innocent party just defending herself from them.
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The youngest Miss Blurp would like to give evidence that she is indeed horrendously treated since rescue.

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We haven't had any "unsolicited sham legal opinions" 😂 in a while, so, given the upcoming custody trial, here’s an interesting tidbit.

Every week I have to check the new and amended bills that are being released each week in the California state government for a committee I’m on. Today, one proposed bill was suggesting changes to a certain law in the Family Code, and it included a summary of factors that are considered by the court when determining child custody. Here’s the passage:

“Existing law establishes a rebuttable presumption that an award of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a child to a person who has perpetrated domestic violence is detrimental to the best interest of a child and establishes factors to be considered in rebutting that presumption, including that the perpetrator is restrained by a domestic violence prevention order and has, or has not, complied with that order.” (bold text added by me)

In English, this means that, legally, awarding sole or joint legal or physical custody of a child to a perpetrator of domestic violence is presumed to be detrimental to that child, and this is a factor the court will consider when determining custody. However, the parent who has committed domestic violence is able to overcome this presumption in court (this is what is meant by “rebuttable presumption”) by giving evidence regarding certain factors to be considered, which may defeat the presumption. Unfortunately for Alice, two of the factors used to rebut the presumption are: (i) whether she is restrained by a domestic violence prevention order (she is); and (ii) whether she has complied with that domestic violence prevention order (she hasn’t).
Thanks for this. It would be detrimental for the kids to get anything other than supervised visitation with mAlice. How it will work out in practice remains to be seen as they are a danger to I and B. I really hope she loses custody - screenshat this "Tone" 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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Ice Cream Enthusiast

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I saw this picture in an old article I was reading. Wasn't Alice and Dumbro making fun of Bianca because of her chin? Talk about a lack of self-awareness!

I think Alice looks pretty in this pic, by the way. Just wanted to say that she had kind of a pointy chin, back when she only had the one. 😆

Screenshot (202).png
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Bit off topic, but I can actually hear the fireworks going off at the London Eye from where I live, how have I not noticed this before 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣
HNY you lovely lot! ☮🩷
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Its a very interesting quote from him....but imagine how furious Alice would have been that he said that publicly
I mean to be fair I would be annoyed if Mr NR announced that to the whole world about me too..."I'm not feeling it yet"
Ioan has a thing to say things about Alice that are meant to be nice but with a clear mind are actually pretty revealing and it's typical for a victim to not realize these things at the time.

the engagement story...he thought it was cute, everyone else watching this realized that this dude doesnt realize the abuse he is suffering.

that guardian interview a year before they broke up...He wanted to praise her parenting by a little story about him taking care of the kids for a week and showing off about it, to which she then said "try 6 months". The psychos, like Alice's army, took it as a admission that he cant parent (how?). The sane recognised how much Alice is putting him down.

the quote above equals her to a cult, and she was. That he somehow recognised that even at the time when he was fully emerged in this cult is kinda insane. It's a bit similar to Ella recognising that her mom is a shit (from the recording apparent) but yet executes her orders. That neither walked away from this marriage after that interview is nuts to me. Ioan because he had the right realization (he shouldnt have even entered it, especially after the engagement), Alice because what Ioan said was deeply hurtful if you truly believe in the big love story.
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according to her story it's cold af there: her choice of wearing legging is as bizarre as Alice's scarf in the summer lol
Not in California it isn't! 😁 People wear leggings here year-round and there are even fleece-lined leggings for winter. Although in Southern California it rarely gets below 32° F/0° C.
He quite obviously has end stage renal failure, I don’t doubt that at all, He’s even posted pictures of his access line. He will be on dialysis until he gets a transplant or he doesn’t. Half a day 3 days a week. I don’t like the man but it’s pretty obvious that part of the story is real.
If I'm thinking of the same photo you are, he posted *a* photo of a treatment room for dialysis. He wasn't in the photo and there was no way to tell if it was his photo or not. Not exactly proof of anything, in my opinion. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I thought Tony had announced he wasn't talking about his sister ever again? I see he's still as full of shit as ever!
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"Tone" has really run out of material. Bore off!


Who are you quoting "Tone"? Probably one of AE's FMs who is on private. "Secret online life of cruelty and spite" lol It's called free speech "Tone". First amendment to the Constitution. Look it up.

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Are PJ sandwiches even a British thing? 🤔
100% no. I'd suggest even peanut butter sandwiches aren't that popular over here, and we definitely never eat them with jam (or call it jelly). As Tony would know if he wasn't his sister.
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