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Chatty Member
It’s like she doesn’t realise that getting up in the night with kids of 13 and 9, generally isn’t normal. Obviously if they are sick etc, but that’s once in a while. It’s also like she’s mimicking what she thinks parenting should be; and of course she has an excuse for literally everything.
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Meanwhile, her public defender preparing for the criminal trial, undertaking discovery and reading her tweets ...


.. later that week at a debrief ...

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There's no proof he did that. King is their Hollywood correspondent not a producer on the Lorraine show. If he was a friend of IG then he certainly wouldn't facilitate that shitshow interview.
Well, the only other time that divorce was referenced in that show (by him) was promoting Alice's GFM and acting all sorry for her. The Restraining Order or Criminal Charges were never mentioned otoh. It does seem biased, maybe he has no power over what he has to cover (and Lorraine did mention that Ioan declined their request for a statement, though this isnt making it better), but if I was a friend I would not do this.

Much as I dislike him but that's something for which I respect Piers Morgan: he is keeping out of this even if it's clear that he has a opinion on this.
Why would she need a STI check??? Nobody has ventured anywhere near her Regina in years.
yeah, that post was very performative.

When she found out about Bianca she and Ioan had not seen each other for a year (and god knows how long had no sex). You would already see by routine check ups and based on symptoms indicators for diseases after such a long time.

Just an opportunity for her misogynistic crap.
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View attachment 1966018
Okay, Columbo, calm down.

Thread title nomination: “I have screen shots of hideous Troll stuff, as well as proof of certain things.”
Oh god, this culty/cunty nonsense! "I have the TRUTH! it's vague, but it's bad. I know secret Stuff and Things and you can know it too, if you lick my arse in exactly the right way on SM, and attack the people doing the vague Bad Things when I tell you to. Then you get to be in my inner circle where I feed you more bullshit let you know the REAL TRUTH...until you see through my bullshit and escape"

I will never forget that woman on instagram saying (paraphrasing) "Don't bother blocking me, I will fucking see myself out" when she saw the light. Magnificent.
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Chatty Member
Serious note now, I went to see The Son, starring Hugh Jackman, this evening. Harrowing film. I won’t give any spoilers away.

It led me down a rabbit hole, inspired by my own paranoid concern for the mental wellbeing of my own sons (paranoia - they’re good - despite a messy divorce, we protected them as best we could)

Children of bitter divorce are more likely to:

. experience behavioral issues if parents divorce when the child is between the ages of seven and 14.
. twice as likely to attempt suicide.
. four times as likely to have trouble fitting in
. Teenagers whose parents divorce are more likely to experience mental health issues.

I can only imagine these stats are compounded when applied to children who are deliberately alienated against one parent by the other.

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They’re changing things at La Jolla Palace
Ioan Gruffudd no more with Alice
She will set up in a cardboard box
One of the children will look after the socks
Says Alice

They’re changing things at La Jolla Palace
Ioan Gruffudd no more with Alice
Alice is eating bread and lard
An orphan’s life is terribly hard
Says Alice

Apologies to AA Milne
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People commenting on the DV acts committed by Alice need to be clear that these are now a legal fact. Not an allegation or claim in a legal document. They are a legal fact. Found based on the weight of evidence and not challenged or denied by Alice. I’d say any court in a modern progressive country would have found the same.
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No matter where you are there are people who play the system, who manipulate professionals and use the children as weapons. Every case is different and it’s almost impossible to guess what would happen in specific cases. It’s also a very sensitive arena and the kids can feel like they’re walking a tightrope. Especially if they feel responsible for a parent’s health or well-being.

A pal of mine was asked by a judge when she was a teen who she thought she and her younger siblings would be better off with. It wasn’t much of a choice as both parents were pretty awful but the mothers home was ‘modest’ to put it politely so she said with the dad. Her mum committed suicide the next day. Sadly she carries this with her for life, mainly because even as a kid she knew that their mum needed them more than they needed her. That’s a horrible thing to have to live with. Point being even when it’s played by the book you can’t necessarily expect a good outcome. People are unpredictable and I don’t put anything past Alice if she feels ‘betrayed’. we already know she has form, for much less. 💊 🥃
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wasn’t sure if I should post it. Was waiting for Alice to reply to it tbh.
View attachment 1963498View attachment 1963499View attachment 1963500View attachment 1963502
Mean Girl Malice will have nothing to say to this. I imagine she’ll allow her minions and pathetic little sycophants to respond on their ‘Queen’s’ behalf. Lupine should be along shortly (as long as his mother’s basement hasn’t flooded) to kiss her flabby arse. But she has no response to these tweets which could be satisfactory enough vindicate her in her ratlike little mind. Even though, as a thoroughgoing narcissist, she has lied to herself/convinced herself that she is a victim, the OP has targeted all her bad behaviour and qualities, all her weak spots and pecadillos, all her insanely selfish, lazy, grifting habits with laser-like precision. I hope that she had a very, very bad night last night. And indeed, every night.
Re: the sleep thing/insomnia - insufficient sleep is a major contributor to dementia (as well as weight gain, depression and inflammation - if one is in a sleep-deprived state it is akin to a traumatic brain injury, a professor who specialises in TBIs once told me). She’s probably far too gone and will never practice sleep hygiene until social media goes up in a ball of fire, but she should be insisting that Ella put down the devices and turn the lights off at 11pm at the latest. She wants to be the sole parent so badly - so *do the fucking job of parenting*, Malice.
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I think the childish Quagmire and Headroom jokes are about optical features on Bianca (chin) and Ioan (forehead, she has so often made fun of this). I repeat myself but I cannot believe that these people are all over 50

meanwhile Bianca shows everything Alice is incapable of
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I’ve just seen her tweet in response to someone and Alice saying she has “moved on”


excuse me while I pick myself up from the floor laughing 😂😂😂
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She has the kids in name only. She’s not sharing experiences with them. She’s on Twitter 24/7. Ones in the bedroom and the other one is on endless play dates. The trip to Yoghurt Land was akin to scaling Everest and took them 2 days to recover. She was too weak to text Tone back apparently.
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Mad Betty

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I think something's seriously rattled her , perhaps Marie has told her she's in danger of entirely losing custody or she's started back up on the 20 sharp ones. Maybe visitation is going better ? I'm expecting something to come out soon.
The court hearings are on Wednesday. I imagine her lawyer would have been sent discovery/evidence on Friday ahead of the hearings, no? I don't know how this works exactly so I'd love to hear from anyone who might have that legal knowledge. I see someone very rattled as well. I suspect whatever she's heard from her lawyer isn't good.
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She’s literally showing her pale flabby arse on Twitter as if Ioan and Bianca give a flying fuck what she thinks.

I am 100% sure that in these tweets, it was not the Tone at all, it was all Alice (like it is always or at least 95% of the time). Badly scripted dialogue as such.
Firstly, no man talks like that.

Secondly, it had nothing to do with Tone's hair or beard, it was all for Ioan's benefit.

In the past, Alice has mocked Ioan about his worries about losing hair, getting grey hairs etc. Perhaps it worried him at some point and Alice knew as we often let our long-term partners learn our even most ridiculous weaknesses.
Alice, being a true narc, has to exploit it and stab where she knows it will hurt. My mother dearest did it to us -- whenever we let our guard down and trusted her with anything, you could be quite sure it was soon used against you to hurt you.

So, the stupid fake dialogue about hair was meant for Ioan, hoping to hurt him.

However, Alice fails to realise that Ioan is not like her, Ioan does not hang around on social media, especially on St Valentine's.
So, he likely has not seen it.
And even if he sees it one day, it will not sting him as he has moved on. Perhaps thanks to Bianca, Ioan has recently embraced his real hair colour that suits him very well and has likely overcome all these little vanity weaknesses Alice no doubt kept bringing up in him during their time together.

All she has managed it to make herself come across even more mean and ridiculous. Well done, Alice. /slow clap
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View attachment 1960652
Somethings happened hasn’t it? For her to be ramping up the hate on B again by using a horrible cartoon character (as she’s soo smart and not directly using B’s name 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️)
Yeah, I reckon so, because she's gone into manic mode! I fucking hate the fact that she's refers to people as "it" honestly it's so fucking rude 🤬
She's not seen the footage, yeah right! I bet she has one brower page open and just constantly refreshes looking for photos of them! Then has a hissy fit when she sees them...something a bit like this...
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VIP Member
She needs to donate herself to medical research.

She is a walking miracle.

All these illnesses and conditions and yet nothing shows up on the multiple blood tests she regularly has.
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