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I got reminded of a fantastic Ingham moment a couple of years ago on one of their many trips to Disneyland Paris. I genuinely thought that Sarah was a much nicer person back in 2016, but this clip clearly shows what she's truly like behind the camera...

In a moment where Chris was clearly meant to delete (and probably usually does quite often), he accidentally left a bit in when Sarah gets angry that someone (probably Chris) is running a bath in the background, and tells them to "hurry up with the tap" before resetting herself and carrying on as if it was take two.

Also, behold her faux-posh voice back in the day when they were actually trying to be professional vloggers (before the mask slips and Seacroft Sarah comes out to play).

Shes had a very lot of echo falls in this rant. Little eye is nearly asleep and big eye is thinking about it.
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Hi Sarah.

As you mentioned that us 'haters' just don't understand what unschooling is, I did some research and found you this. This is from an unschooling blog by a family in the US- it's their CURRICULUM PLAN for the year they have taken the time to draw up, taking into consideration their child's interests. The child in question is in ninth grade which is academically speaking the equivalent of year 10, but remember that ninth graders in the US aren't working towards specific syllabus exams like GCSE students are. However, take a look at the level of planning involved at the start of the year.

You might find the section on unschooling through travel particularly interesting.

Just to add as well, before you even THINK about saying 'but not having a plan is what works best for our family.'

I don't care. Not having a plan might well work best for your family. But Isabelle is fifteen years old, and in two years' time she needs to have an absolute minimum of five good GCSEs under her belt if she's going to have a choice of career paths, and the chance of getting a good, stable job with a decent income. Why wouldn't you want that for your daughter?

The only way Isabelle is going to get those GCSEs is with structured, syllabus-specific learning, starting right now. This is quite literally make or break time for your daughter's future.
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Yikes!!! I mean I’m not surprised but come on. What was all that talk about protecting the kids from haters online? But you let her read and reply to tiktok comments 🤦‍♀️

side note, the vlog is on 40k right now and I think that’s the lowest I have ever seen when a video of theirs has been up for nearly 24 hours ..
Well to be fair it was bad but people are so sick of it, I’m guessing the miscarriage vlog will be heading our way soon to get the views in again.

Normally I’d be like oh I’d love to be travelling the world seeing new places but I’d rather be doing that when all this is over. I’d rather be safe at home knowing that if any of us get ill we have the needs available. Going on the numbers worldwide (including Scotland 😢) going up and up again would I hell risk anything for me and my family.

They have done this at completely the wrong time including taking Isabelle out of school in one of her most important years. Utter morons!
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I reckon that glance Isabelle gave to esme was very normal - bet they don’t get on very well off camera. We saw Isabelle true side when doing the “q&a”. She is truly turning into her mother. Isla seems a bit on edge lately, and rarely see her and Isabelle together.
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... and a manager from the campsite came down to give Izzy a gift? Was that gift shown?
To be fair they may have got a gift, probably because they are one of the only guests there because no else is stupid enough to travel across Europe in a pandemic 🤣

Isabel seems to be getting fed up now it must be so hard all being cooped up together, I really hope that she starts saying I want to go home or even texts someone from her Dads side and asks them to help her.
She’s probably really upset that she can see her friends getting back together at school whilst she’s left behind with the Lol dolls and slime
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So travel schooling is a thing!!! Haha

OK right kids what did you think of this pool,this Aldi, this caravan site? Lets explore the surrounding area..... Oh look cheap tat on a market next to British pubs!!!!

I think the private school money they would rather spend on items to show on camera!

So one on the points was, distractions in class and peer pressure! So how on earth are your kids ever going to learn to deal with everyday situations if they are living in a caravan with only their family 24/7! I have two teenagers and a 9yr old. Part of school, home life, family life friends is helping them through friend fall outs etc. My daughter has just went into Yr 11 and I honestly could never home school her for her exams and she would deffo not want me too, it to important to her.

Last for my rant... Sarah looks totally run down and ill!! I suffer from cold sores and I get them when mega stressed, or run down. When you have one and then another massive one at the same time is that not a warning!!!
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Bradford lass

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I am still flummoxed about Chris’s hair, it is greased down at the front in strands and a vague black colour and the back looks like a ginger frizz ball, goodness knows what the hairdresser must think when he whips off the beanie, although I have my suspicions Jane may have been his own personal ‘Edward Scissorhands’ as I can’t believe any professional has been near that hair for at least 12 months.
He has what my hairdresser calls " mirror syndrome! "He looks in the mirror and only styles /colours the hair he can see 🙄💆‍♂️
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I’ve honestly never came across a family who interrupt each other SO much. When creepy was trying to say something and Lazy butted in to basically say the exact same thing, I genuinely wanted to slap her 🤣 SHUT UPPPPP!!!
I know me too! Now I can’t stand Chris but honestly the way she butted in and told everyone the same information again was so bloody rude and not to mention boring 🙄
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Do you reckon their teachers ever watch their vlogs and laugh/bitch about them in the staff room?🙈
Bitch about their parents maybe. The kids are victims/collateral damage of their parents narcissism. I'd hope their teachers just feel sorry for the kids , not laugh at their misfortune for having two wretched new-money conceited arseholes raising them and destroying their education.
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Lazy on a home schooling group trying to innocently ask for ideas when really she hasn't a clue what she's doing and is wanting everyone to tell her what to do. It would be laughable if it wasn't her children's futures she was destroying
To be fair they could probably tell on a map where a few matalans and home bargains are across the uk 🤣🤣

Very defensive response.

Made me laugh though....working his hands to the bone, doing what :LOL: 😂 Lying on a beach all day, eating or scooting around. My husband works 13 hour shits 6 days a week at the moment in a manual labour job i think that's a bit closer to working your hands to the bone. Fricking hell Creepy needs a dose of reality
Chris works his fingers to the bone because Chris is shit at editing and it takes much longer than it should. If he was good at it he’d get more sleep. He hasn’t got a clue what working hard Is like your husband and other decent people 👍🏻
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Lazy on a home schooling group trying to innocently ask for ideas when really she hasn't a clue what she's doing and is wanting everyone to tell her what to do. It would be laughable if it wasn't her children's futures she was destroying
She's gonna be gutted when she finds out Geography isn't just about locations
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Do you think this is the reason that they’re homeschooling
I hope Sarah isn’t going to reveal the problems any of her children are having with their education

I reckon it’s a combination of not being able afford schools fees, avoiding the shame of sending their kids back to state school and their selfish desires to have an extended holiday.

Esme needs more than a special workbook. They should have stayed at home and got her one-to-one private tutoring.
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Just because they travel somewhere in a car doesn't mean they are travelling instead of on holiday. It's like driving to work in the morning and when you get there telling everyone you did a bit of travelling on your way in.
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