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VIP Member
Been watching a few of the clips lately she’s absolutely stunning and seems like a beautiful person inside and out her family. Gene pool is literally fire. 🔥
All the sisters seem to be gorgeous. Meanwhile her stories do seem genuine and fascinating. I have wondered if they are made up.
She produces great content and is very engaging.
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VIP Member
She already lost the hype though…and if she keeps posting content that does not make sense, like just a quick video no much thought people will start skipping.
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Active member
I really like her, she seems genuine and down to earth! like others have mentioned, I really hope she doesnt have any crazy skeletons in the closet that would then make her seem a massive wrongun
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VIP Member
I personally don’t care if the stories are true or not I watch TikTok for entertainment only and find the stories entertaining. They can’t all be fake though, I found Sarah with the green couch so surely that’s not fake .

Really? I see the total opposite and have seen her ask people not to look up the people from the stories
But surely she must know that people are going to look up and harrass people she tells stories about?
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VIP Member
Does anyone else follow (and LOVE) @imtheproblem on TikTok? She is also now on insta under the same handle.

I find her a breath of fresh air, her story times and delivery really funny and enjoyable to watch and she just seems like a proper nice girl.

not fair that she’s also stunning too 🤣🤣

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VIP Member
Probably keeping an eye on comments for some validation from people kissing her arse and begging her to come back 🤦‍♀️
She has changed her picture twice now. This is definitely a sign that she is missing the attention.
I bet she will be back soon.
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We were right she is back. I knew she wasn’t gonna last long on her “taking a break”.

It was less than a month and I bet if she could she would have came back earlier.

This makes me realise that she just like any other influencer. The influencer world is addictive. She got a taste of what it is like to get attention, validation,gifts, companies wanting to $$ on her…. and she can’t stay away.
Yeah realised how quickly the money dried up, I don’t think the hype for her will be back like she expects it to be though
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VIP Member
I loved her TikTok at first. Now I think she is giving off ‘mean girl’ vibes, not to mention getting her followers to hassle people from her ‘stories.
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I think she might’ve left because of the legal issue? Maybe she’s being sued for defamation or something based on her story time tiktoks?
I think that can only happen if she’s put the persons name out there or made it clearly obvious who it is, which I can’t remember if she did or not🤣 there was some comments on there about her husband and being controlling so maybe he didn’t take too kindly to that
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VIP Member
She said her son controls her TikTok and plans what she posts.
I don’t know if I believe that!
how could a small child know how to forecast engagement??
If we take into account that her son is around 11yo and has Autism or ADHD. I find hard to believe that he can focus and deliver all the planning, editing etc she mentioned.
A lot of people with those get too overwhelmed easily with the smallest task.
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VIP Member
Loved the bag update video, I really like the way she is using her platform. No slander on this race thread please 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I don’t get how she says it was all her sons idea having the TikTok page, it’s okay to admit it was her there’s lots of adults on TikTok now it’s not as cringe as it used to be. In the departure TikTok she seems really sad. Like in her eyes like something else is going on. All this “content creators can’t be happy doing this” but she’s been happy doing it for however long herself and is all of a sudden having a complete u turn. It’s cringe how her mom tries to get followers by simply being her mom but that’s just something I find strange/cringe myself.
maybe the husband isn’t happy with the comments that have been about him and he wants her off social media. I hope she’s okay 😬
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I think people followed her because she was a breath of fresh air as she was funny and the stories that she spoke about were all light and fun. But since she got back to TT all she does is talk about her kids or stories about situation that happened to her kids….soo boring…

Really I don’t care about her mom stories or what her son does and I bet a lot of people don’t either.

I wonder if all the stories she mentioned was all real or she just made it up.
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Chatty Member
I really love her! She seems a nice girl and appears to be quite switched on. I don’t think she will, but I really hope she doesn’t become a sell out!
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VIP Member
When I saw her post today I thought maybe she read here or her son read it here, and the husband did not liked it.

She really contradicts herself by saying she is not an influencer yet she would love deals to keep doing it. She also said isn’t about making money yet says that staying without making money isn’t an option.

She was doing the story time for a while without brand deals, so she can keep doing if she really likes it.
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VIP Member
Yep love her! Hope she sticks around for a good while!
Same! I just saw she has posted a YouTube story series, she must want to gain a following on all platforms then as she’s only new to insta too.
I'm not really on Tiktok but I've been doom scrolling the Kate Middleton conspiracies (lol) and a video of hers came up. Who is the Karen she is talking about in this clip?
I’d love to know!!!! I don’t know enough MUAs to even have an educated guess though.

im still looking for Sarah with the green couch!
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VIP Member
She is nice but I don’t believe all she says.

I noticed that she is being trying to help her sisters to gain followers, she has been posting videos and tagging them. I just find their interactions awkward. They are not as out there and friendly as Sarah.

Also before she had so many followers she had a podcast which now she is trying to make happen again.

What made her numbers to go up was always the stories, as soon as she posts other things the numbers are not great.
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