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Do we know what happened to her few years back when she said something so awful was going on with her, in her YouTube videos but she couldn’t disclose it yet? It was like she was waiting for a court case almost, by saying she couldn’t say anything yet. It was the same time she moved out of her dads to her mums, so everyone thought it was something to do with him.
I was wondering about this aswell. She kept showing us clips of her crying into the camera and saying there was something terrible going on in her life and she would explain everything soon but I don’t think she ever did. She was probably just attention seeking.
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Sorry I keep coming back to this thread I’m addicted because she just annoys me so much 🤣🤣

Another shitty dancing video on insta, anyone else spot the random white tissue in the side of her shorts when she is dancing?

Then ten minutes later boring us about her ear issues again. Saying she’s not moaning when she blatently is.
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I watched the video and I am sure I didn’t see his number. They FaceTimed and I remember he was saved as ‘my husband’. Not sure where his number was meant to have been in it? Awful video anyway, another vile outfit from Imo and puts dry shampoo in her hair when she’s apparently meant to be making an extra effort. Also, has anyone noticed how she always has bogeys up her nose recently!? Fucking grim. Why would she not notice when she watches back or in the view finder?! Absolutely gross
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It just baffles me how so was so bullied at school then by her “best friend” and her ex boyfriends ex ( which found her instagram ) then her uni friends & managers at Hollister? I really think she’s scared to be disliked. I hate this whole “I don’t smoke/drink/do drugs but if you do I don’t judge” like sorry what???
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it actually baffles me why she wont just name it? but she's doing video after video about it and getting sympathy but wont name it. I actually cant understand why, i know some people dont like to discuss illness' etc, but she is sharing this to thousands of people, obviously people are gonna wonder what it is. I used to really like her she's a complete different person now (n)
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The latest vlog she mentions about not brushing her teeth several times, calls herself a ‘grimy princess’ and overly mentions how bad her breath is, I honestly cannot cope with this shit anymore it’s awful
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@serp If she figures out who I am, I'll be blocked asap, but I'm expecting it.
I think she's worried at the idea of someone speaking out against her. Her whole YouTube career has been built on lies so surely she knew that one day this would happen. I already know one girl who contacted her about all of this. I'm surprised she hasn't done a story about it but if she does she'll probably lie about that too.
Definitely you or one of her ex friends should do a youtube video, she needs taking off her pedestal. Young teenagers look up to her and not once has she admitted to lip fillers or any work done and I find that really scary. Some teenagers (god forbid) might look at this and think that there's something wrong with the way they look and they might opt for lip fillers later on in life. We all need to see how artificial she is.
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Sorry but if I was that poorly I wouldn't be dressed, full face of make up on and driving to the supermarket..
Especially not to drive my grown ass husband to asda where only one adult is meant to make essential trips only. Can he not drive? Does she wipe his arse too?
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I don't understand why she calls it her "chronic condition", why not say what it is, Crohn's. I have Crohn's and if not going through a flare up, you live a perfectly normal life with a few light adjustments. We have Olympians that have won gold medals that have Crohn's.

You don't live with severe pain, the only time you get severe pain that needs strong prescription medication is when your going through a flare up and I could barely function, let alone think and talk. She is certainly layering on for the sympathy vote, don't give that girl a Oscar, puts the rest of us going through Crohn's a bad name!
I have crohns also and i always thought it was this. I have never acted the way she does and i certainly wouldnt record my self while having a flare up. Why's she so embarrassed to say what it is, you'd help more people actually saying what it is than "chronic illness". She so dramatic about it all but shes okay dancing round b+m with spenny and doing tik toks, if your having a flare up its all day every day, it is a serious condition but she doesnt help herself acting the way she does. Used to really like her but cant even bring myself to watch a video now.
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He’s a grown man.. he should stick up for himself and his family lol
Im not saying there is ANY domestic abuse going on in their relationship, but if there was it works both ways. Just because hes a "grown man" doesnt mean he will feel able to stand up for himself if shes stopping him from seeing his family. 🤷‍♀️

This family member i found didnt follow him or imogen, which i found strange as they were clearly close before hand. I dont think imogen liked his lifestyle and was probably quite patronising with the whole not drinking thing and the family decided to not be involved
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Watching Jamie Genevieve & even Holly Boon & a lot of other British youtubers like her grow & almost hit 1 million. I don’t think she’s moved from around 350K-370K in literally so long & there’s a massive reason for it. I’m a good few years younger than her & have been with my husband for almost 9 years ( married 1 ) and I’d never dream to say the things she says. “Porn is cheating” & all this bullshit.. sorry are you still 15??? Can’t stand the whole “we don’t judge” but isn’t that judging..
They said they don’t judge but they are literally the most judgey people 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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She goes on about how weird she is all the time, but she’s genuinely one of the most basic girls, I think she tries hard to be different and that’s why she seems insincere. I found her comment about being inferior pretty bitchy and self applauding for someone who wants to spread positivity.
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I'm confused at the people saying she was in an adult film.... she wasn't was she, it was just a shit youtube short. Just because there's a sex scene doesn't mean it's an 'adult film'...
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Come on.. she HAS to be joking.. another ‘stomach condition video’. Is she actually ok? She is really not normal.. it’s weird how obsessed she is to go on about it. Surely people can’t genuinely get excitedly to what her stomach condition videos..
definitely milking it now.. @Immoslips , please give an overview. I really don't have the energy nor desire to watch something for her to get money from 😂 😂
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Her birthday posts for her brother are TOO CRINGEY, it’s ur brother Imogen love not ur lover 🤮🤮🤮🤮, my brother would HATE that 😂😭

I actually feel sickly watching it. That’s the way you’d act with a boyfriend not your brother. Ewwwww. I’m gonna vomit....

And the way she’s talking to him....oh god I can’t
The whole family is weird as fuck, talk about incest 🤮
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i don’t mean in a rude way but I’ve always wondered if she had something wrong with her she comes across a bit crazy in in her videos
i don’t mean in a rude way but I’ve always wondered if she had something wrong with her she comes across a bit crazy in in her videos
It’s highly likely she doesn’t seem to understand other people go through shit, in one of her videos think it’s was one about day in a life of a stomach condition, she says to her HUSBAND about how he’s lucky he doesn’t have any anxieties and worries, it winds me up so much, just because he’s not making 800 story times about how bad his life is doesn’t mean he doesn’t have worries. She seems to not understand what’s wrong and right?
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Her ears agony yet she’s bouncing about dancing, when I had a perforated ear drum there was no way I was bouncing about, aggravated my ear just standing up.
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