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Her sustainability stretches as far as buying second hand tat.

If she was truly sustainable, she wouldn’t drive a Range Rover, she wouldn’t fly internationally multiple times a year, she wouldn’t be constantly buying and selling clothes and furniture. If you want to try to be truly sustainable you make do with what you have, you only buy what you absolutely need and you upcycle clothes etc. All those meal preps she was gifted aren’t very sustainable either as they’re all single use packaging.

Jess, just because you go to charity shops (to buy more furniture which you’ll be bored of in 6 months) and use Vinted to fuel your ridiculous designer obsession doesn’t make you sustainable. It makes you a try hard posing twat.

By the way, I’m not saying nobody should go on holiday, but if you were truly sustainable you’d at least be mindful of your emissions and make an attempt to offset these in some way - a quick google would show you how to do this Jess, but it won’t be kindly gifted - you’ll have to reach into your own pockets for once, sorry!
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She's barely paid for any of it. Not the radiators, not the carpet, not half of the vintage furniture, not the lamps, not the duvet and bedding, not the fabric for reupholstering. Not even the luxury paint now...

And she doesn't need the "help", jetting off to Dubai for 3 nights, 5+ abroad holidays a year with a range rover on the drive.

And now she wants a skip for free as well. Come on Jes, you dont want a "rec". You want a "gifted" skip you absolute embarrassment. They dump it on your drive and pick it up when you're done. What's to recommend? Just Google it and call one of the 50 numbers that pop up. Heck, you could read the reviews if you're really that arsed.

God I would DIE of embarrassment
This is by far the most embarrassing.. you’ve hit the nail on the head but seriously a SKIP recommendation?? How does she think everyone else manages?? Surely there’s no skip company that needs to work for free so some nobody can advertise their services… I imagine if she asked they would laugh very very hard at her down the phone
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Chatty Member

She periodically shouts about sustainability but not because she cares about it, because its a trend and it irks me.

In this reel she said "the fabric was from ebay which means it's completely sustainable". Whenever she talks about sustainability it's so surface level, with no real consideration as to why or how or the nuances.

I might sound like I am being picky here but I don't think there is such a thing as "completely sustainable". I think some people would argue it's a scale or spectrum. Whilst it's great she's saved an old sofa and some old fabric, there's so much more to consider with sustainability but she never even slightly delves into any of that, and it only matters as a concept when she can brag about it for engagement. It makes her on trend and it makes her look good.

Like for example, how far did the fabric travel? And the sofa? And the foot stool? What is the fabric made from? Is the fabric going to shed micro plastics? What about the filling? How durable is the filling? Will she tire of it in a year and want something else entirely? If so is what she's made going to be appealing to anyone else or will it go to waste? What did she get rid of and how and why before replacing? She previously said the fabric wasn't suitable for covering a sofa but used it anyway. Why is that? Is it not tough enough to withstand the wear? Etc. Etc.

Now I'm not saying I'm perfect, I don't think anybody is. But it irritates me that she's like "omg I'm sooo sustainable" because she bought a million things second hand
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Chatty Member
Her last couple of stupid antique place reels aren’t getting any likes so she’s back to hiding the count…

What was she saying about how she doesn’t care 🙄🙄🙄
She's just so impulsive and rash. She picks one thing and hits it so hard with no actual consideration or thought to the long term goal. Then when it starts trailing off she gets disheartened (hiding the likes), ditches it and moves onto the next thing, which also seems to come about on a whim.

If she spaced out these antique shop reels a bit, did better quality content in the voice overs, was more considered with what she showed and bought, and planned some decent story content vs 3000 reels of every single antique shop within a 50 mile radius of her home as fast as possible, the interest would last more long term.

People would know in a months time they could go back to her account to find some antique content. In reality, in a months time she will have sacked off all the antique shopping reels and be onto something else.
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SCREAMING at her being called out for copying this and not mentioning it until now. Even had the balls to comment on the original designer's pics 10 weeks ago. Her ego couldn't possibly give credit to anyone else.
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She's taken a free sofa to recover for her boyfriend's dog... What a selfish cow
Self entitled stupid cow. I understand her wanting to appear sustainable to her 50,000 fake followers. But getting something for FREE and picking it up in your Range Rover, with your designer clothes, and using it for a DOG, is a real kick in the teeth to those of us who are actually living on the breadline.
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“I’m not picky enough to delete and reupload” why you lyin though jes 🤣 defo wouldn’t be the first time…
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Everyone keeps asking for the final price but she won’t give it out. Keeps saying “it’s in the comments” so if you scroll for about 10 mins you eventually see a comment where she’s told someone the upholstering cost £650. Said she will reveal the cost of the fabric later but if it’s minimum £250 then the whole thing has cost her £1k

Tell me again how this is thrifty and sustainable???
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I can’t believe she’s going to have to block off a door with that sofa. Has this girl heard of a tape measure??? No wonder everything is such a mish mash it’s like the jumble sale office chairs at the dining table all over again 🤣
Just to add, she’s also alluding to another mental health dip which is crazy considering it was only 1/2 weeks ago that her mind was blown by all her new follows and likes and fame 🥱😴
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I just cannot see any kind of vision with those 70’s working men’s club toilet floor tiles. That picture just stinks of piss and those yellow urinal cakes to me.
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Chatty Member
I follow so many DIY instagrammers. The reason why all her recent DIY posts are tanking (scraping 600 likes when she’s got 50k+ followers) is because she’s not showing the process since she’s not doing the work herself. All she’s doing is photographing work that tradesmen or her boyf has done. Anyone could do that. The really engaging, successful DIY influencers do the work themselves and show their followers that they can do it too. They are inspiring and motivating. Extra points go to these other influencers as their DIYs are mostly budget friendly and appropriate for a cost-of-living crisis. They aren’t just throwing around tens of thousands of pounds on renovations and stuff they don’t really need. Jes really doesn’t have a clue.
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Chatty Member
There's inspired...and there completely copied 😆 she clearly has zero ideas on her own.

Even the cabinets are the same!
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It’s the ugliest bed I have ever seen in my life and nothing else in the room even remotely compliments it.
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Although it’s not my style, that bed and furniture look ok in Overdale house because it’s a big, old country house and they often have eclectic styles that the owners have collected through the ages. Jess’ carbon copy looks shit in her boring beige terrace in Blackburn. She has absolutely no style at all - idk where she got the audacity to cosplay as an interiors expert.
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Imagine posting on your grid at the start of December that you’ve bought a house and by end of February you still don’t *actually* own it. Who does that!!
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