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Thankyou to everyone that replies - I will speak to the Dr further about having other tests done if possible. I'm going to try and eat normally, but take it easy (if that makes sense!?) Does anyone take Peppermint Oil Capsules? Wondering wethwr they are worth a go? 😊
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They don't put you to sleep. They just give you a drug that makes you feel high and relaxes you.
You'll be exhausted after the last prep so hopefully you'll sleep well!

The sedation is strange, you don't get put out, you know what's happening, but kind of feel a bit drunk and out of it.
I'm just worried cos I have a heart condition but the GP said I'll be fine, I'm gonna mention it to the consultant anyway. All I've had today is toast so hopefully the prep doesn't have me up all night. 😅
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thank you x ive been told to take codeine by the doctor for my diarrhoea previously but never experienced the colour and foamy nature before - stomach been in bits. I wasnt sure what it was!
Codeine will help firm things up a bit. Loperamide will do the same for transit. :)
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Chatty Member
😧 I had a seriously bad bloating experience yesterday. I was at work, too, and I was desperate to go home and change into something comfortable 😢.
I’m actually due my depo on 10th match (a few days away) but I thought I was because I’d eaten rice the night before that had triggered it.
Without being too gross, I have the opposite of going to the toilet and it being loose. I get constipated and am really gassy 🙈 I try and hold it in at work which makes it worse 😩😂
Thats the type i get. I sometimes look pregnant with it, and its really noticeable because im slim. It can be very uncomfortable. It can also make you anxious because you know when you are not going to be able to go. If colpermin doesnt work i use fybogel but only on rare occasions if its been 3 days or so. It can also make you nauseous. Mine is also worse at ovulation time, when i am bloated anyway. Sorry for you x
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Thank you so much. Will definitely mention this to the doctor because the left side pain has been going on for years, thought it was ovary pain but I think it's more digestive problem now.
No problem 😊 It’s funny you mention ovaries as with my CT scan there was a cyst on my left ovary which turned out to be a functional cyst.

The CT scan massively helped but I know they aren’t always so easy to get. Worth an ask at least and sending positivity your way 🤞
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🤢🥴 it’s one of those days today. I’ve bought some peppermint tea 🤞🏻
I'm having one of those days too. I thought my flare had disappeared but I had a terrible sleep last night and I wonder if that's set me off again. I do notice when I sleep badly my IBS plays up. Does peppermint tea actually work? I've never tried it, I can't imagine it tastes very nice 🧐
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New member
Has anyone been tested for SIBO?
I’ve tried so much for IBS, medications, Fodmap etc. But nothing seems to work. I came across SIBO online and I have every single symptom! It’s never once been mentioned to me after seeing doctors and specialists for years! So was wondering if anyone else has managed to get the NHS to look into possible SIBO and do a breath test?
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How did you know it was triggered by hormones please?

I have the worst spasms, need to give Mebeverine a go again but I don’t really have much pain just annoying spasms.
Mebeverine was a god send for me, I really noticed the difference when I ran out. I don't take it at the moment but might need to start again.

Since getting pregnant and having a baby my IBS was a lot better (it was non-existent during pregnancy - amazing - but not worth being constantly pregnant for!) but is starting to come back again. This last week in particularly has been really bad but I have eaten really poorly too, and had a few glasses of wine (I don't normally drink but have been celebrating with different groups of friends).
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Well-known member
Whatever you do, don’t go gluten free before being tested for coeliac. It can skew results. You need months of consistent gluten consumption in advance of the test in order to detect the antibodies in the event of coeliac.
Thankyou! I was tested for Coeliac back in December/January and nothing came back confirming! 👍🏽
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Oh my god! I’m sure I have something wrong with me. I’ve had non stop stomach issues for years. Starting around 2018! I had a laparoscopy in March last year to have a 16cm cyst removed from my ovary but now I’m living on pain killers because of stomach pain, my stomach goes ROCK hard! My older brother who’s in his 30s has ibs but obviously I don’t want to self diagnose! I’m in agony the moment I wake up until I take my tablets :( I’m 19 & I always feel really awkward and embarrassed speaking to my gp. Like I’ve been fobbed off ALOT with one of them saying, ‘oh it’s probably just constipation. Probably just period pain’ etc. but it’s never ending! Some days I could cry the amount of pain I’m in. After eating certain foods I’ll feel so nauseas I’m on sickness tablets (Cyclizine) to help that but sometimes it’s so bad I am physically sick, I’ve tried them sachets they give you from the doctors for constipation but obviously they haven’t really helped not that I do think it is *that* anyway, I’m a size 10-12 and over these years I’ve noticed my stomach has gotten so much more swollen & bloated looking which I never used to before since around late 17/2018. I don’t think it’s endo because wouldn’t that of came up with me having a laparoscopy? Sorry to jump on here & word vomit lol just need some advice ♥ (Plus some of you are older and more experienced than me with things like this whereas I’m an anxious mess!😂) xx
Demand to have a colonscopy or more investigations. They fob you off until you take a stand. I know its shit but dont give in to them. You shouldn't have to spend your life in pain and feeling sick all the time.
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Update if anyone is interested. I’m out of isolation now, still getting bunged up head and coughing a little bit mostly ok.

UK Gov antibody test showed I had antibodies prior to this infection! So no idea what’s going on with antibodies!!
Another update for anyone interested, I’m fine I myself now, but still got a chesty cough that rears it’s head every few hours.

Got to take another Antibody Test, and can finally get my booster jab this week too. Have an infusion in a couple of weeks, so hopefully this will be good timing for the Jab to be working the best it can while I’m the least suppressed with infliximab
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I’m feeling exhausted, but I had about 3 hours sleep last night! I didn’t eat all day and then Mr DragName made us a nice, bland (in a good way) chicken noodle soup. I’ve had one or two stomach cramps but nothing like last night. Toilet trips are still not nice for either of us, though (me less nice than him). Whatever we did/ate on holiday that caused this, we really did a number on ourselves!
You really did! You have to be exhausted, running on so little sleep and so little food. You have no source of energy replenishment. Here’s hoping for a better night tonight. If you’re still upside down tomorrow then please call doc. You’ll need blood and maybe stool testing.
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IBS and IBD are quite different, Im not sure they can be put in the same category.
I have IBD
Hence why in my very first post I said the following...

(I'm aware IBS and IBD are completely different, however some symptoms are very similar).
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Hallo 👋
This product looks amazing and I can't believe it has passed me by before now.
I was diagnosed with IBS about 25 years ago after awful food poisoning, it disappeared on the whole for about 10 years but is now back with a vengeance. Life changes, moving country, parents dying, and other stuff (also eating shit, well normally tbh, because I stupidly thought it had *gone*) have just made it resurface. I'd actually forgotten how hopeless, sad and generally unwell it makes me feel. I wake in the morning and there is a small window where I think 'hurray it's gone again' before the dull ache kicks back in.
It's vaguely under control through just eating boiled rice and steamed fish, and drinking kefir or peppermint tea. The cramping has subsided.
I'm going to get that silicol tomorrow.
That’s how mine started, following a bout of food poisoning. Hope it works for you.
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This was my original post... since then I have been tested for Coeliac, Crohns and something else... however nothing came back to confirm any of these... the above happened again today. I am becoming so frustrated that I have no clue what is causing this or what I can do to stop this happening... I am just about to start training for the Police, but feel this is going to affect my career if this is something that continues to happen ever 6mths or so... 😭 Is it likely IBS? Or could it be something else... I'm just at a loss as to what to do! Sorry to be a moany myrtle!
You sound like me. I also get that awful pain just below my ribs but it gets so bad for me I have to call an ambulance an get rushed in hooked to morphine drip an all sorts. How are your kidneys? I've always been told its symptoms of kidney infection. My bloods always come back clear but I get given anti biotics anyways. I do have kidney scarring but apparently it's nothing to do with it. It only happens once a year for me.
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Oh dear, I had a really bad night. Mr DragName and I still aren’t right after eating a dodgy burger a week and a half ago, so decided to keep dinner simple, some rice cooked in chicken stock. Monday had been the first day we’d eaten ‘normally’ and it had upset our stomachs a bit. So, our Tuesday dinner was rice in chicken stock. Feeling the need for some comfort food, I also made us rice pudding, just a basic recipe made with semi skimmed milk. This was potentially a huge mistake. Woke up at about half midnight by my own stomach cramps which went on for over 3 hours and were totally horrendous. Mr DragName was ‘fine’ (although I woke him up crying out so he was stuck awake with me till I went back off to sleep). I feel exhausted today 😳 and terrified of eating. I’ve got a big day at work so I just need to keep my head down and hope I don’t get ill in the office and see how my day goes, otherwise I think it might be time to ring the GP.
Oh you poor thing. Defo time to call in the doctor!
I got 4 hours sleep. That bowel prep is no joke. Without a doubt the worst thing I've ever tasted!
Congrats on getting through it. The hardest part is over. Now you relax and let the professionals take over!
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