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So I found mine is triggered by hormones so the best way mine is controlled is the mini pill but i take a double dose.
This is fascinating to me because I was just about to say that I was on the combined pill for years and suffered terribly, but having come off and onto the mini pill my issues have almost all resolved...never in all my years of begging doctors to help me has anyone ever suggested it could be the combined pill which is pretty horrifying really
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I am experiencing IBS-C right now. It feels awful. A run would help but I don’t feel comfortable going by myself in the city 😞
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Order yourself a Radar key. They open all disabled toilets public and in restaurants/bars.
I agree I need to but tbh I don’t really see many radar bathrooms? Trust me I know all the bathrooms in my area and I can think of ONE radar bathroom, and the normal loos are usually working there
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Thanks so much for replying. I've had a loss of appetite over the last few weeks but think it could be because I've been winding myself up and googling things. I also flip between constipation and looser stools. My doctor called last week to give me the results of blood tests (but I couldn't understand him 😢) he said nothing to worry about, and a slight deficiency in vitamin D, as well as inflammatory markers sligthly up (but didn't say why, which has worried me!! My mind is into overdrive. What does that even mean?)

so I'm speaking with a different doc tomorrow, whom I can hopefully understand.

Do you think it's all linked? I literally Google everything any time I have a slight twinge or pain. It's awful.
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I find that stress is the biggest trigger for me, and like you say it begins a vicious cycle when you then start getting anxiety about the IBS itself. Are you stressed/do you suffer from anxiety outside of the IBS? Personally I do and have found that working on this has helped. I found it hard to believe that a bad mental state could have such severe physical symptoms (even as someone clued up on mental health) but it’s undeniable since I noticed the correlation. Be sure to mention it at your review, your GP might point you towards some coping mechanisms or give you some anxiety medication to take during flare ups. Hope you feel better soon
I am quite an anxious person overall so I think you're probably right that isn't helping. I'll definitely bring it up with my GP as hopefully she'll be able to help. She did once mention that anti-depressants can help with anxiety but I declined as I don't feel like I want to be on those! Hopefully there's something else she can suggest for me.

Do you eat a lot of meat? I’ve found especially pork sets me off! My symptoms are better when I eat less meat x
I don't eat any meat, only fish. I did find red meats were setting me off but then decided to cut meat out all together as to be honest it grosses me out when I find a vein in chicken or something haha!
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I’ve had IBS since a teenager ( now late 20s). Since having my son 7weeks ago I’ve had non stop flare for the last 2weeks. But the difference is there been some blood in it (red) & it’s been so mucus filled. I’m absolutely dreading if it is just IBS or something more 🙁 Saying that I think it’s lack of sleep/dehydration/I ate a spicy dinner with tomatoes in last night & just in general not eating well.
My IBS disappeared in pregnancy! Anyone find the same?
Mine disappeared when I was pregnant too! The blood could be a tear, you're best contacting the GP x
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Yes I have Crohn's. Do you have any other symptoms?

I had a colonoscopy and that's how I was diagnosed.

Senocalm won't help with IBD. It may with IBS?
Sorry I meant IBS! 🙈

I have stomach cramps when eating and can go up to a week between going to the loo 😑 and feeling sick a lot/indigestion type feeling but it’s the bloating thats the worst.
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Chatty Member
I had to go to my GP on Tuesday last week as having stomach cramps (extremely painful like labour pains) and diarrhoea for thirteen days at that point. Now on day 18 of this. I'm currently stuck in bed again crippled with pain. Taking buscopan and it eases it slightly. Don't know what else to do.

GP is testing for infection, blood and calprotectin.

Today no diarrhoea but soft poo and not a lot of it. Diarrhoea previously has been very urgent and very very watery, like no substance to it at all.

I've cut out dairy to see if that helps as i was having extreme cramps - like doubled over in pain level - and diarrhea in response to eating dairy. I wake up with dull, gnawing pain which actually eases if I eat or drink. However I then pay the price of crippling cramps later on.

Last night I had some salad, plain pasta and roast lamb and was absolutely fine.

Earlier today I had a pitta bread with baba ghanoush and feta cheese and the pain started an hour later. In response I took a buscopan and ate some ready salted crisps.

Pain is easing now after around an hour in bed.

Any advice gratefully received.
I'd try to stick to low residue diet and plain easy to digest foods. Just incase there is inflammation there. Also jelly babies can help thicken things up. Try taking bruscopan regularly.
Hope that's a little help.

I have severe uc and ibs so I get how you feel and it's awful.
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I'm just worried cos I have a heart condition but the GP said I'll be fine, I'm gonna mention it to the consultant anyway. All I've had today is toast so hopefully the prep doesn't have me up all night. 😅
Going to keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, I hope you feel ok and are out at ease about things as quickly as possible ❤
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It’s little consolation when you’re terrified of eating anything!

Whilst it’s annoying not to have any answers, don’t forget to be relieved that doctor isn’t concerned re any chronic conditions . Hopefully the dietician will be able to provide some support. ❤
Anything fried is out the question. I will be ill for days. Its hard work when my fella wants to take me out for food have to make sure it's somewhere that can cater for me. Really miss spaghetti bolegnese and pasta and meatballs, cheesecake, toffee Danish. I do find buscopan helps ease my bloating when I'm having an episode. I'm 5ft as well so it's very noticeable. Some days it's like I have a massive balloon in my belly that needs to be popped.
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I’ve been having bad cramping in my stomach (left and right) and horrible pain between my boobs for a while now. I have been diagnosed with diverticular disease but my bloating is ridiculous. I’ve got an appointment for endoscopy on 16 November and I’m so unbelievably terrified. I’ve just read the leaflet that has come with my letter and I’m so torn between sedation or not.

Has anyone got any advice? Could anyone let me know what the tube is like? I don’t want to not have it but at the minute I can see myself pulling out due to worry. I’m being tested for IBD (purely precautionary) and my doctor thinks as it doesn’t look to be gallstones (USS clear but very gassy) that I could have gastritis and/or bad reflux but I’m being told the only the way they can check this is endoscopy. I’ve just tried for so long to not have anything invasive. 😔
I had a colonoscopy with sedation and I was a bit scared of feeling totally out of it but I wasn’t at all. Felt a slight head rush when it was first injected but I was otherwise “with it” the whole time. I was given a drink and a biscuit afterwards and got out of bed (there was a nurse there in case I wobbled!) but I felt completely fine.

Afterwards I felt like maybe I’d forgotten large parts of the procedure? So I’d definitely go with the sedation.
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Omg! thank god i found this thread i’ve wondering for ages whether i have IBS.
My father and cousin have Chrohns/IBD and have to inject.
My dad, grandad and uncle have all had their haemorrhoids removed too.
in 2016, i just randomly become constipated one day and i’m not even joking i was on there for about. an hour TMI**** the smallest thing came out of me and ever since that day i been constipated the gp gave me cream and lactulouse. lactulouse alone is really awful, dulcoease (not dulcax) i find works really well and also a combination of fybogel when things get REAL bad. however before i ever got constipated i was always known by everyone (my family) as suddenly getting the urge to go, it’s so bad i hate it. but if i don’t have constipation i get really stronge urges to go to the loo, i’ve had times i’ve literally had to run of the train before, out cars, feel like i’m going to pass out if i don’t make the toilet, never pains more discomforting, bleeding when wiping, and the sensation of not feeling completely empty sometimes i even feel full up, like i’ve had a whole meal that’s how unempty . i don’t want to inject like my cousin and my dad but i’m worried if i don’t tell the gp’s it’ll get worse. what do you think? does this sound like ibs? or anyone with likely symptoms also?
Sorry to hear you’re struggling ☹
I’d definitely speak to the GP - I have crohns and the symptoms you describe are very similar to what I’ve experienced. Often people forget that IBD isn’t always rushing to the toilet, I suffer extreme constipation and vomiting during a flare as the stricture in my bowel inflames. I’m in no way saying you have a stricture btw! It’s just best to be assessed, and if it is something more that IBS, it’s always beneficial to catch it sooner rather than later. Hope you find something that helps in the meantime 💛
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Dr believe my episodes are possibly IBS as have been tested for the obvious offenders! She's asked me to keep a food diary... bit I'm honestly not eating properly as I'm can't face the pain, diarrhoea and vomiting! 😪 Do I go rogue and just cut things out I think are triggering... or go down the proper route!? 🫠
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I've read sleeping in the fetal position is better to relieve the bloating and gas but it makes mine worse. Probably because it makes me need to break wind which I have to use the toilet for as that makes me soil myself too so I sit on the loo. Annoying when you wanna sleep so I flip to my back.
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I’ve been having bad cramping in my stomach (left and right) and horrible pain between my boobs for a while now. I have been diagnosed with diverticular disease but my bloating is ridiculous. I’ve got an appointment for endoscopy on 16 November and I’m so unbelievably terrified. I’ve just read the leaflet that has come with my letter and I’m so torn between sedation or not.

Has anyone got any advice? Could anyone let me know what the tube is like? I don’t want to not have it but at the minute I can see myself pulling out due to worry. I’m being tested for IBD (purely precautionary) and my doctor thinks as it doesn’t look to be gallstones (USS clear but very gassy) that I could have gastritis and/or bad reflux but I’m being told the only the way they can check this is endoscopy. I’ve just tried for so long to not have anything invasive. 😔
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Definitely ask for an alternative to standard iron tablets - there’s a “tummy friendly” version but they’ve still caused problems with my crohns. I’ve had iron infusions in the past which have worked wonders, I’m not sure what my iron level was at the time but very low. Hope you get it sorted! X
Thank you! I’m just going to have to push for anything but the tablets I think xx
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New Reader Here... I've just been sent home from work this afternoon, as I have had sickness and diarrhoea - whilst this is happening I'm sweating profously and feel like as if I'm going to pass out... i have excruciating pain in my stomach just below my ribs... once the sickness and diarrhoea has stopped I need to lay on a cold floor to calm down... after a few hours I feel pretty normal - this has happened 4/5 times now - and Drs always put it down to Gastroenteritis!? Helppp!!! 😪
100% get a referral. Could be a number of things, so best to go get the right diagnosis. I was convinced I had a stomach ulcer, turned out to be Crohn's.

You need to push your GP. Only tests for everything else will confirm IBS.
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I have no idea, everytime I vomit. I vomit with the prep and then the actual camera, I’ve had sedation and gas & air and I’m still so worked up that they have to give up xx
That's hard. I would suggest speaking to them about your concerns. Ask them to just knock you out completely and if you can't stomache the prep they can still do it but will just hoover it out as they go along (they've done this with me). Don't give up. There is a way around it.
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Hi ya thought i would join. Have had IBS confirmed for a quite a few years now. Have had colonoscopies and an endoscopy a couple of years ago. Had rectal bleeding. Found ulcer, h pylori positive. Took antibiotics and ppi’s.

Recently i hada feeling the h pylori was back due to the dull ache under my ribs. Stool test came back positive for bacteria so back on the antibiotics.

I was doing well after them and the ppi’s helped massively but the rectal bleeding keeps happening. It always seems to be a week before my period.

They did say i have internal haemmorroids but i do also think the ulcer causing it too

Anyway if anyone else is taking ppi’s what are better when have ibs? Fluconazole or omeprazole?

ETA: i get some very sick days with these conditions and very tired
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