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Had a routine MRI earlier this year. Had a letter last week telling me I have a Fibrotic Stricture near Terminal Ilium, and if I get pain after eating, I should consider a low residue diet. Anyone had imminent issues after having a similar MRI result?

On the plus side, the SC Infliximab is working really well, 3 jabs in and no degradation of how it works for me
I’ve had a TI stricture and infliximab actually healed it.
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
Not sure if this is the right place to post. But, I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 13, I’m 27 now! For its entirety, I have had periods where it’s totally manageable and then awful for months on end. I also, seem to not be able to consume certain foods for a few years then I’m fine again (weird). Anyways, I’ve been suffering with nausea/vomiting, feeling faint and having hot flushes for the last ten years. I initially thought it was part of my IBS and lived with it. This last year it’s become absolutely awful and I had an endoscopy a few weeks ago. They said I have non erosive gastritis and have referred me to the specialists at hospital. Has anyone had gastritis and have any recommendations on how to ease it? I’m on omeprazole but, I don’t feel like it’s effective. I’ve read celery juice can help but, not sure! I’m willing to try anything as it’s currently controlling my life and I’ve never felt so bad. It’s also hard to explain to those around me because, they don’t understand how shocking I feel or why I don’t want to go out a lot of the time with them as I might take a funny turn.

If anyone has any tips, please let me know! Thanks in advance x
Try Nexium, you can buy it, but it's not cheap. If it works ask your gp to prescribe it, they can be reluctant as it's more expensive. I suppose your endoscopy didn't show an infection h pylori? I had gastritis caused by that.
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Chatty Member
Hi, new on this thread. Ove suffered from IBS for as long as I can remember, usually constipation. I've learnt over time what triggers me etc and I do suffer with bloating. However for 9 days now I have had a constant bloat and it's beginning to concern me. I feel like my belly could spilt in two it's that large. I have a doctor's appointment next week but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this
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I have a fullness feeling under my breastbone in the centre, excessive wind heartburn now and then sometimes sulphur burps etc I’m actually itchy also but my bloods are fine liver wise.. has anyone else had these problems
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@Laurst IBS is a diagnosis by elimination so people obtain it different ways, e.g. generally if you have bowel problems you'll have bloods and a stool sample to test for IBD and coeliac, if this is clear really you should have a colonoscopy to confirm a diagnosis of IBS but GPs tend to say people have it when those tests come back clear. It can also be brought on after a bad bout of any kind of food poisoning, gastro etc. It doesn't really matter whether you have a confirmed diagnosis though as most of the time if you have bowel issues then the usual suggested IBS relief will help you - e.g., going low FODMAP and working out food triggers, minimising stress, etc. GPs can prescribe you mebeverine also, I have this on rolling prescription but rarely take it as I find it makes me constipated. Buscopan for IBS works well for cramps for me (over the counter) I was told by a consultant that you can take up to 6 tablets safely, about 3 usually does the trick for me if I'm really in agony. When I'm constipated I take Movicol which can also be bought OTC.
I don't really get pain, it's more discomfort. I do think a lot of it is triggered by anxiety, which I suffer massively from. My inflammatory markers are slighty raised apparently (but this was explained loosely over the phone by a doctor I unfortunately couldn't understand), could this be a sign? I am so anxious, it's all I've thought about. I do really appreciate everyone's time.
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Chatty Member
Yes colonoscopy about 4 years ago when he had private healthcare through his old work and found nothing out of the ordinary but it has since become a lot worse.
No dr has mentioned a pill cam not sure if those are widely available on nhs here (Scotland) they have just basically said there is nothing more they can do except refer to gastroenterologist
My CRP has always been normal even when in flare. Ask for a pill cam it's likely his small bowel or a redo of the colonoscopy. I'd recommend joining the crohn's and colitis group on Facebook 'Crohn's & Colitis UK Forum' there is a lot of people with a huge amount of knowledge about how to get the doctors to look more etc. If it gets too bad go to A and E.
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Demand to have a colonscopy or more investigations. They fob you off until you take a stand. I know its shit but dont give in to them. You shouldn't have to spend your life in pain and feeling sick all the time.
Agreed, you need Bloods and Fecal Tests for inflammation, B12, and Iron levels, as well as Colonoscopy and MRI to see exactly what is going on in that area!
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But just talk about IBS then because I don't think it helps comparing it with IBD helps anyone.
They are really not similar and it suggests that they are

IBS and IBD CAN display very similar symptoms. Hence why when looking to diagnose IBS, doctors will first test for IBD, as they eliminate IBD before diagnosing IBS. At least in my experience, that's what they did.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I've had bother with digestion since being a teenager. I went through a period of having diarrhoea a lot and the doctor suggested I eliminate dairy and see what happened, then re-introduce it and see if symptoms return. It did so I've been dairy free for about 20 years.

I kept getting bloated and bad wind and my insides would gurgle so gave up wheat and gluten. In hindsight, I wonder if this was due to stress .
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Well-known member
Just putting this out there.
I am a long-term IBS sufferer, whose condition is largely quiescent lately, which I attribute to taking a probiotic supplement .
I recently read about the possibilty of parasitic infection either causing IBS, of causing IBS-type symptoms wherein the sufferer gets incorrectly diagnosed. . It was interesting, if a tad stomach-churning.
I’ve been reading up on parasites too and the effects they can have on your gut, which is why I’ve been looking into Gut Health - I just don’t really know where to begin!?
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Yeah love the Cherry ones! I'm currently on a liquid only diet due to Crohn's and living off these at the moment (and modulen 🤢🤮)
Oh no, so sorry!! I usually go for fortisip when I’m flaring but that’s short term til steroids kick in rather than long term like modulen, you poor thing!
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This has completely changed my life. I’m sleeping on my left side now 99% of the time.

I’m still going without gluten and FODMAPS. Tonight I was lazy when it came to cooking / meal preparing and decided to have a vegetarian protein smoothie. I’m just not impressed with myself atm. I forgot to read the label first and it’s basically alllll FODMAPS in there 😣
I’m glad it helped! Apparently it helps the bowel move in the correct direction.

Sorry the diet isn’t going well though. I never did strict fodmap as simple low residue was enough to alleviate symptoms for me, it must be such a struggle :(
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@EllaEm87 It is really helping to hold me over until I can be seen by a doctor! I don’t miss a lot of the things that were eliminated. Onions and garlic which are a big no-no are everywhere though. It’s difficult to order anything besides a salad where I can clearly see the ingredients.
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hey all
i have IBS and wondering if anyone hs experienced bright yellow diarrhoea?
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I've got my first colonoscopy on Wednesday and I've been told to only eat the "approved" foods from Sunday onwards.
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Have any of you had your invite for a booster covid vaccine? Are you going to take it?
I gor a text this week and it mentioned the increased risk of complications but also said 'you are now due your booster as it is over six months since your second dose'. I've booked in for the start of October as it was the first appointment. Hope everyone has a good weekend x
I keep thinking about this. I've read I will need it as I take Adalimumab but I haven't had a text yet.

I probably will end up having it though as a few months back I had an awful cold or flu (don't know what it was). I tested negative for covid but if I was that bad with that then I can imagine covid would be alot worse.
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