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VIP Member
Thankyou to everyone that replies - I will speak to the Dr further about having other tests done if possible. I'm going to try and eat normally, but take it easy (if that makes sense!?) Does anyone take Peppermint Oil Capsules? Wondering wethwr they are worth a go? 😊
Don't ask them tell them. You wouldn't believe how long some people wait to find out their diagnosis due GPs not taking them seriously. You're within your rights to tell them you want more investigations. They have a duty of care.


Active member
I had plenvu earlier this year for my colonoscopy. Vile stuff! I would say maybe give the unit a call in the morning to let them k is it’s made you vomit. Is it working well otherwise?
First dose did and tmi but it was clear before the end but that second dose is rough. I thought people over exaggerated 😞


VIP Member
New to this thread, I know tattle would have experts 😂

My partner has just been told to follow a FODMAP diet, does any one have any info they can give, meal ideas etc?

Everything I cook has onion and garlic in it so currently scratching my head 🤦🏽‍♀️
I am on that diet with the support of my dietician, I get all my recipes off TikTok. Just type in FODMAP.
Can I ask, what symptoms did you have? And was your issue diagnosed by the colonoscopy?
Mine were quite unusual. I had sudden severe pain and was rushed into hospital with an Appendicitis. They opened me up and found a huge mass on my bowel - had a right Hemicolectomy (basically removed half my bowel).


VIP Member
Long shot but does anyone have any tips / recommendations to help ease UC symptoms during a flare up? Mainly bloating, urgencies (😩), inflammation etc. I’m waiting on my referral letter to go back to the hospital but was hoping for some coping mechanisms in the meantime? I’m currently not taking any prescribed medication. Any advice appreciated x
Speak to your gp and get some stronger pain medication and see if they can start steroids whilst your waiting to see your specialist


VIP Member
I find they definitely get to me on time. If it’s because the prescription isn’t getting to them on time then that’s down to your IBD nurses not sending it on time. I have never been able to book through the app though, but that’s a minor inconvenience.


VIP Member
Have any of you had your invite for a booster covid vaccine? Are you going to take it?
I gor a text this week and it mentioned the increased risk of complications but also said 'you are now due your booster as it is over six months since your second dose'. I've booked in for the start of October as it was the first appointment. Hope everyone has a good weekend x
I haven’t, but after the debacle trying to get my first I’m not holding my breath. I popped into the walk-in they are starting this week, so I worked out when my six months is up and will pop back


Well-known member
Fast transit, fat not absorbing properly. Perhaps you need some loperamide or similar?
thank you x ive been told to take codeine by the doctor for my diarrhoea previously but never experienced the colour and foamy nature before - stomach been in bits. I wasnt sure what it was!
Eh I have just been tentatively diagnosed with this after two months of acid reflux hell which has just turned into wind/bloat/pain and constipation, not sure if it is IBS but do relate to some of the symptoms & have family links (literally every family member I know has it) I have been put on the evil looking FODMAP diet, this close to Christmas as well, how evil and inconsiderate… someone please help me 😆😆😆 all my lovely broccoli and cabbage, no more! i have genuinely spent the last 3 years having broccoli n cabbage n asparagus w every meal (it’s all fun and games at Chez Apple 💨) - but no more!

(In all seriousness though I have been trying to eat healthily for the last 3 years in an attempt to slim down and have ended up with a shitty mindset towards food, not a full on eating disorder but disordered eating iygwim and the guidelines to this diet just sound awful 😩 I feel like there’s nothing nice to eat!?!)
Any chance it could be this -


Chatty Member
Sounds likely to be ibd. Ask to be put on pathway if you have a positive fit test.
Keep pushing I know it's tiring having to self advocate all the time. If the pain or bleeding get too bad go to a and e. Especially, if you become too constipated and cannot pass wind.
I had to go to a and e after collapsing in pain and I'd lost so much blood I was anaemic. Done a scope and had total uc of the large bowel. The GP kept saying it was piles. My calprotectin was over 8000. I wish I'd gone sooner.


Well-known member
You still need to prep with the capsule. The bowel needs to be clear to get good imaging.
Re working from home, yes that would be easy enough!
I have prepped for previous but no bowel prep as such (the mixture stuff). Told no solids from 8am morning before….I thought it a bit strange as im used to drinking the liquid!!


Active member
I’ve been having bad cramping in my stomach (left and right) and horrible pain between my boobs for a while now. I have been diagnosed with diverticular disease but my bloating is ridiculous. I’ve got an appointment for endoscopy on 16 November and I’m so unbelievably terrified. I’ve just read the leaflet that has come with my letter and I’m so torn between sedation or not.

Has anyone got any advice? Could anyone let me know what the tube is like? I don’t want to not have it but at the minute I can see myself pulling out due to worry. I’m being tested for IBD (purely precautionary) and my doctor thinks as it doesn’t look to be gallstones (USS clear but very gassy) that I could have gastritis and/or bad reflux but I’m being told the only the way they can check this is endoscopy. I’ve just tried for so long to not have anything invasive. 😔
Hello, no advice as such - other than definitely take the sedation to relax you. It wont be the most pleasant experience, but you’ll be so relieved afterwards to know either way what’s going on. Hope it all goes well for you xx

Penny for them

Chatty Member
Definitely agree with that. When I worked I didn't eat breakfast or lunch or I'd be in for trouble. What does the peppermint pill do? Do you have a feeling of being full a lot? I can't eat much without getting full but just one bite can set me off. It's so strange.
Going to bed full is my main problem,but full because the foods just not going down not because I'm eating too much. I used to eat late,now I eat earlier just because that's how life is now where as years ago with work etc it just was later. I suppose if you eat your main food midday and lighten up the early food (breakfast)and late food(tea)the balance is better,I do not go bed hungry every night but I probably should it works. Peppermint settles my stomach and de bloats me,I suppose a bit like peppermint tea in times of digestive issues. I got ulcerative colitis age 16, and it was v bad -diagnosis via colonoscopy
I still get flare ups I would say,I feel sometimes I could probably do with a check up,but I've lived with my ibs since and food sensitivities so I know what I can tolerate. Hormones also make it worse,at night too specifically mucus flare ups- also I have always leant on exercise it always helps -and fasting sometimes mornings until I'm properly hungry if I feel heavy from the night before or had a bad night x my night flare up is nauseous waking up,tummy pain,but like my bowel is asleep-I have to wait for the feeling to go but then I can't stop like you said for a good hour,then I get a hot water bottle I have to sit up to drop back off then when I wake In the morning it's just a bit more sensitive but almost gone away and I feel ok again. These mornings aare when I will definitely fast and give my stomach time to rest x till I'm starving and these days I definitely avoid allergens -sorry I've gone on so
Much 🫣