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What's wrong with a bloody clothes airer?? She has the heating on enough 🤷
I suggested this before and got shot down because SHE CAN’T HAVE MOISTURE IN THE AIR AROUND AN ASTHMATIC CHILD YOU TIGHT COW or something like that.

Dust, dirt and grime is alright though.
They weren't able to access the back garden for two years?!? Leaving aside the lack of emergency escape route in the event of a fire, is she really trying to tell people that during various lockdowns in the pandemic they had private outside space that they didn't use because the lazy fucking mare didn't get her arse in gear to sort out a lost key?

I say this as someone who has no garden and so had a half-mile walk to one open space and just over a mile to the bigger one, but what an absolute cunt manœuvre.
Two years without going outside and, if I’m understanding correctly, she had already bought a trampoline and swing set that she couldn’t get out into the garden to put up? Probably just in its box being trampled on in the hallway.

All it takes is a good rain followed by a hot day and I’m waist-high in weeds. If I didn’t touch my garden for two years I would need Nick Knowles and his crew to DIY SOS it.
Another small selection here. I particularly enjoy her reaching the beg target for a tumble dryer, then the sale’s over so she needs another 40 quid because she “has her heart set” on that particular model.
Oh, and the gym membership.
I wonder how many months she was paying for that gym membership that she never used? She probably still pays for it because she might use it “one day”.

She’s such a wasteful slob. The amount of money she’s spunked up the wall on stuff she never uses and then expects others to pick up the tab makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. The needless subscriptions and memberships, the bed frame in the hallway that she never put together and just let it get trampled on, the stuff for the garden she couldn’t be arsed to access, the car on the road she can’t be bothered to learn to drive; the list is endless of the stuff she could easily just have let go of on Facebook Marketplave and made up her shortfalls.

But no. She’d rather cling onto her empty promises of “one day” and make other people pay for it. Thick, entitled twat.
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We could maybe resurrect FerretFace since she did say she quite liked it because they’re cute. Can’t argue there Saz. I believe that if properly socialised they are perfectly agreeable but they do have the reputation of being bad tempered little bastards who stink of piss. Plus hunters need to put a tracker collar on them because the little feckers are practically narcoleptic. Just saying.


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I have normal and retinal migraines. Foolishly I didn't go on the sick but learned my triggers, took medicine when I got an aura and have managed to work (even if I once had to go in a cupboard for a bit because all the lights are on sensors so I couldn't find anywhere else that stayed dark). What a mug I am :rolleyes:
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If she did an online shop she'd only be moaning that the stupid delivery driver left the sausages out the freezer. Or screeching that she's disabled when they expect her to get the bags from the door to the kitchen.
Ocado guys will carry the bags right into the kitchen if you need :)
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I don’t know if it’s the lighting but those ugly pale lips scream B12/iron deficiency… 4 years ago. How can someone malnourish themselves that badly for years on end and still be alive to shout about ordering Chinese and doing £600 food shops for the chip freezer?

Eat some fucking veg.

ETA: The lighting in all her selfies at home is awful. I can’t work out if it’s because she’s taking them at 2 AM or she just never bothers to open the curtains.
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We had text books at my school, and that’s where they stayed, they didn’t belong to the pupil.

And more recently my son, he was given a maths text book (among other subjects, obviously) and we were told, along with the kids, if it was lost or damaged then there would be a bill for £45.
(weirdly other subjects didn’t have a whacking great price)
Guess what, son always knew where his book was and kept it in fab condition
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Fancy setting your kid up with a fundraising page and not being the first to donate as well. Says it all really.
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I know all kids are different but I've yet to meet 1let alone 2 lads there age that spend Saturdays with their mum
My “group” are probably a bit different as all of us school friends have kids the same age so the kids spending time with us also = spending time with their mates as they have all grown up together.

Regardless, even if my kids fucked off out all day I still couldn’t bring myself to be passed out asleep until 5pm. What if one of them has an emergency and calls? What if someone knocks who is on the scam and one of the boys (especially the one she thinks is SEN) just lets them in? What if one of them hurts themselves trying to make food? Maybe I’m just overprotective, I just feel like the bare minimum of parenting for me until they are 15/16 is being awake for at least a big portion of when they are.
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She's amplyfying that twat Stanski with a ridiculous postal vote conspiracy theory just incase they don't get everything they're stamping their cloven hooves for.
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It's amazing that she apparently wouldn't befriend a jobless person. Why is that, Sare? Is it because you think the jobless are taking the piss out of your multiple gainfully employed mates? 🤔
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May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the Shady Sarah please shut up? I repeat, will the Shady Sar please shut up .
Looks like we're going to have a 'problem' here.

Eminem is certainly not homophobic.
Eta - what lyrics did she quote. Hope it wasn't the new song because I like it
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I wish I had some sweeties. The old fruit gums would cheer me up I’m sure. I’m gonna start a go fund me for a Time Machine.
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She has no sense of personal responsibility, does she? No thought that "something's just broken, I'll have to put a bit aside/explain to the kids that we can't do [fun thing] because [sorting the back door] is more important." Just constantly has both hands out begging despite already being glued to the public teat. No attempt to budget, to be financially responsible with the money that we, collectively, give her. Just more more more, me me me, now now now.

It's a social contract, Sarah, and contracts are mutually beneficial to both parties. We give you money, and in exchange, you raise your children in such a way that when they are adults, they are capable of contributing to society, and you sort yourself out so you are capable of working and contributing to society.

None of your ailments are permanently disabling. "I broke mu ankle two years ago" is no fucking excuse for not looking for a job now. "Mu thyroid" isn't low enough for the NHS to treat you. You can improve your thyroid levels yourself with improved diet and exercise. "Mu periods, mu anaemia" the NHS has given you free iron tablets which you then don't fucking take.

"I'm not ready to go back to work yet, hun." The rest of us are more than ready for you to get off your blobfish arse and start paying us back for the money we have, to be brutally honest, wasted on supporting you, you bone-idle cunt.
I'm voting for you tmrw.
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