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I did have a lot of work emails to catch up on tomorrow, but in light of the latest news I'd be better off perfecting my toilet wine recipe.

@MaineCoonMama if you get extradited to the UK can we bunk up so we can talk cats without annoying the others? 🙏
Oh my, yes! I'll even bring Susan with me as mu support animal. Here she is being beamed up into the aircraft.
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Thread title from a squig, nominated by @Squeaky Beans, congratulations, you win a jar of those weird frankfurter sausages, delivered to you in an Uber for £12.

It's taken her about a fortnight to fill out some forms (unspecified), she's still got the worst sleep pattern of any grown adult I've ever met, and, having got bored of inserting herself into the tragedy of two missing women in Kent, she's now ramming herself like a walrus on a mobility scooter into the missing Jay Slater story. As per usual, she's gloating over a family tragedy, almost begging for there to be a body and for nasty people to be behind the disappearance.

She's constantly switching between calling her children little shits and saying they're so loving.

She tried to set up a dodgy GoFundMe for the big sleep out the school is doing for the local charity, rather than just asking for donations to the school's fundraiser or creating a proper charity GoFundme, but that seems to have been stopped by GoFundMe.

She's "so fatigued" at normal bedtime but then stays up for hours tweeting into the void, rather than following some proper sleep hygiene and going to bed.

She posted a voucher for Milk & More that seems to have just been a data-harvesting exercise because it seems nobody got the discount, it was only supposed to be given to five neighbours not broadcast all over people's socials.

She chatted for days to a troll account set up to take the piss out of her, not realising it was a troll until she caught up here.
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“Doctor, doctor, Keir says I need to go to work! Quick, write me a fit note!”

“What for?”

“I have heavy periods for 3 days every month!”

“So you would like a fit note to cover these three days?”

“No, no, I want one that says I am unable to work ever and I want a hysterectomy.”

“Unfortunately you’re not eligible for either…”

“Yes I am! Google said I am! Don’t undermine me DARLING! I want to speak to a manager!”

“Well you can certainly ask for a second opinion, if you go to Reception you can book in with…”

“No! No I’m not doing that! I’m not doing that! I want a hysterectomy and a fit note NOW!”

“Miss Goodwin, I’m afraid I can’t do that. I can prescribe something to help with the bleeding and you can self-declare your short-term sickness at work when it’s really bad, but come back to me if it lasts more than 3 days? Unfortunately this is very common in women of your age.”

“No it’s not! It’s not! I’m anaemic from it as well!”

“Well, your last blood test results did show a slightly lower iron count than we prefer but certainly not anaemia. You’ve been on iron supplements a while now, that should have sorted itself by now. Let’s book you some bloods to check.”

“I don’t want bloods, I want a fit note! What about for my thyroid?”

“You don’t even meet the criteria for treatment for that I’m afraid, I can’t see how it would affect your working ability.”

“What about for mu ankle that broke 5 years ago then?”

(I am assuming here that she actually says “mu” out loud, since it appears so often it must be part of her actual vocabulary).


“Migraines I had 34 years ago?”


“Okay fine. What about for my evening fatigue.”

“This is very common in 10 out of 10 of the population but most call it ‘tiredness’. It can be remedied by going to bed before it is literally the next day. Have you tried that yet? What’s your diet like? How much caffeine do you consume daily? Do you get any exercise?”

“How dare you! TORY PRICK! Who do you think you are? You’re a fascist! You can’t expect me to work! I have 14 year old twin babies and I haven’t even got my qualifications yet! Misogyny! I’m going to the police, this is a hate crime!”
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In other ages that morning coffee used to accompanied by a browse of the broadsheets. Now I head over to see what this village idiot has been farting on about all night. Todays headlines- school in warm weather should be optional and she's had a headache since 22. Sometimes she can't feel it but it's still there.
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Chatty Member
I don’t know if it’s because I’m ND (ACTUAY DIAGNOSED) myself or what but her lack of engagement makes me feel physically sick with embarrassment.
Give up love.
Both kids now having a “reason” to be off. Convenient.
View attachment 3019472
I'd feel a bit iffy myself if I'd had a Boost four-pack and 1.75kg of broken biscuits for tea then twizzlers, curly fries and three cans of coke for dinner, and I'm middle-aged fatty who is fully qualified in bingeing. Not got a masters though.
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I don’t know you guys, she’s showing a novel non-partisan maturity. She has friends who don’t share her political outlook, some who are apolitical etc. I feel this should be celebrated.

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I don’t know if it’s because I’m ND (ACTUAY DIAGNOSED) myself or what but her lack of engagement makes me feel physically sick with embarrassment.
Give up love.
Both kids now having a “reason” to be off. Convenient.
View attachment 3019472
You aren't a migraine sufferer Sarah. You literally stare at your phone screen and tweet all the way through your 'migraine episodes'. Less migraine and more munchie, love.
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She can't even be arsed to walk, fucking hell she is next level . Feel like shit just want mobility scooter back.
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The Idles set was last night. Sarah’s takes aren’t lukewarm, they’re the leftover slice found in the pizza box you bought when you got hammered last weekend.

Wonder how her list of busy busy is coming along?
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SarahVaJayJay, SarahVajazzle, ScummySaz, AngryBratwurst, ChipFreezer, MattLucasInAWig, RichWoman, PoorWoman, BeggarWoman, Thief.
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Girty Drifter

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Begging on the internet is nothing to be proud of. Try and persevere to the job centre

View attachment 3021700
So let me see if I have this right, she’s saying that it’s ’dumb’ to say the kids will want everything handed to them because they watched her example of ‘expect the government to hand it to you’ and when the government won’t give you more, ‘beg from randoms on the internet’.

Sounds reasonable. Workshy idler.
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I'm at work and a colleague has just come in a wheelchair and with a guide dog.

Bet she'd love no more than a broken ankle a decade ago and slightly low iron.
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It's the terminal uniqueness. There's nowt wrong with her that the rest of us aren't dealing with while doing a million other things. It's just life? I just assume everyone's ill and knackered and stressed and dealing with a barrage of shite at any given time because it happens to everyone.

Sarah thinks we're all in immaculate health, getting eight hours' sleep a night and living the fucking dream.

There are days is commit murder to be able to sleep all day in a house the state has provided for me for nowt. She's so pampered and so fucking lazy.
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'We get neither DLA or PIP atm'. That's like a 21 complaining that they don't get state pension. You're not entitled to it you mad cow.
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For a woman who claims to be so worried about domestic violence, she's remarkably quiet on the fact that domestic abuse goes up when the national football teams play, whether the team wins or loses. You'd think she'd signpost to some help or resources.
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