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Chatty Member
She can f right off with her tumble dryer fundraising shit. We have never had one - couldn't afford it, despite two working adults, and it's hardly a fucking essential. This has made me very cross!
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Hold my beans

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Oh cripes, he’s coming to visit. That’s what all the busy busy clean out the kitchen cupboards has been. I wonder if she’s managed to carve a path through the detritus in the hall…
That's what she means by 'move stuff out of the way' 🤦🏻‍♀️ Clearing the mess so he can get through the front door
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Whatever magic got her through uni last time it seems to be gone. She doesn’t have the motivation to clean, clean herself, walk around a supermarket, care for her kids, or do life admin tasks she’s intended to do for months when she has all the time in the world.

I sense a student loan fiddle coming on because there’s just no way. After all if she applies, gets it, and gets the finance the first lump is a nice few thousand for doing nothing she won’t have to pay back until she works, which is never because she is unemployable.

The fact that she looks like a corpse, is thick, lazy, entitled and a terrible mother and yet she STILL doesn’t do anything about any of these things is what I find the most shocking. If not for her; I can’t believe she doesn’t want a better life for her boys living off shit food in a filthy hovel, never getting any sleep, never having any friends over, always getting ill, having their independence eroded by her mumchausens. It’s so depressing.
Grands and grands of power though, tenderfruit.View attachment 3030682
Legend says she only finished this one yesterday
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Question: Does the cross have to be precise and neatly proportioned within the exact parameter of the box on the ballot paper to be counted, or does it matter if you’re a haphazard mess who walks over to a booth, slaps a scruffy cross mostly in a box, posts the vote, and just leaves never having dreamt up the perfect day at the polling station?

Asking for a mate. It’s me. I’m the mate. Now worried I’ve been voting wrong my whole adult life.
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What the fucking hell has she been doing all day if she’s been “out” but hasn’t been shopping or to vote?

If it was a medical appointment we wouldn’t hear the end of it. If it was to see a “friend” we wouldn’t hear the end of it. If it was anything to do with the boys we wouldn’t hear the end of it. If it was to the police station we wouldn’t hear the end of it. So it has to be something she’s embarrassed or ashamed about.

A court appearance?
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
Fucking useless and proving again she's nowhere near skint or she'd know exactly what she had in the freezer and what they're eating each night
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Couldn't she do her pointless busywork while the kids are at school, so the weekends are free for fun stuff?
She's realised a child going missing is actually a bad thing regardless of the child's age or sex, but she's still panting like an overheated bulldog at the thought of his body being found. Ghoul.

View attachment 3024142
She loves a little backpedal. Bonus points for believing empathy is just typing out the words 'I have empathy'. Now retract the completely bullshit fantasy about a teen dropping dead on the bus from drugs you ambulance sniffing hyena.
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Have to say, the fact that she’s doesn’t look at these pictures and immediately want a diet overhaul (and no I don’t mean because of her weight) doesn’t give me much confidence about her nutrition support for mu babies.
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I wonder who got the boys to school this morning? That puffy, pasty face with the bulbous nose says to me she has more than a couple of echo falls here and there. From her online behaviour, spelling and absolutely stinking attitude I thought she was an alcoholic anyway, then when I saw all the selfies she shares it became a certainty for me.

She doesn’t clean, she doesn’t cook, she ignores the kids all day desperately flicking her thumb about to get one tiny morsel of engagement online and then when she does she jumps on the person with 4/5 replies and looks like a nutter. She doesn’t take the boys out anywhere and when she does feed them at gone 10pm it’s obviously utter shit as you can see from their own unhealthy pallor. They are never in school. The break everything in sight. She seems to have trained them to believe money just turns up and have no no respect for the value of anything.

It seriously baffles me how she is not under social services with them. Her neglect borders on abuse and even if she didn’t have an alcohol problem the not spending any time with them because you are being a beg on Twitter is flag enough for me she’s a terrible parent
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She’s shared an email response from the school. Reading between the lines and the “rest assured” tone, she’s sent the school a shitty, finger-pointing email about another kid’s death to the tune of, “What about mu babies!” like it’s not her responsibility in the slightest to console nor educate her own kids.

At least the school will check in with and chat to the twins about the dangers, eh.


How insensitive can you be though? A child has died. It hasn’t even made the press yet, a family has just been torn apart by tragedy and are grieving and Sarah’s response is me-me-me, mu babies, TOLD YOU SO, “shit happens”.

And on a public Twitter account of all places! Last thing that family and school need are journos on the doorstep sensationalising another headline, but thanks to her gob, and the pinned post for the school fundraiser, they’ll know exactly which doorsteps to be on.

Not “emotionless beings” though!
She is an absolute cnut of the highest order! 😡😡😡
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I was just thinking that I reckon my eldest now-adult children would have packed their stuff and moved in with my parents if they’d caught me doing anything so shameful.

The fact that she says the youngest two shrug it off as ‘crack on if it floats your boat’ makes me really sad for their futures. I hope ‘his lordship’, who seems to have more sense, can have more influence on them as they age. Which then makes me sad again because it’s not his job to do that.

What a mess for all those poor boys.
The older one sounds like a good lad, I'm sure it's no thanks to her though, mothers don't suddenly have personality transplants. He's had a father in his life which must've made all the difference.
The fourth screenie did make me chuckle*. Donations requested for ‘the babies’, the same ‘baby’ that, in the previous paragraph, is moaning that he is ‘pissed off’ that he doesn’t have a ‘switch headset’. I know that when my children were ‘babies’, that was exactly the language they used and a switch headset was top of their list of desires**

*I only chuckled briefly, I then rolled my eyes and muttered ‘what a lazy, beggy dullard’ under my breath.

**nope, I’m lying, obviously.

Twirly? Because it needs to be a thread title.

Also, I maybe on the fast track for hell because that made me roar
Didn't she post one of the 'babies' recommended she should 'tell them to fuck off' about ppl objecting to her shameless begging. What lovely kids. What respect for their mother.
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God yes Sarah, you must be exhausted, please do rest. The person whose valuable time you had a booking with? Don’t worry about them. Their time isn’t as important as yours.
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