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Christ she's flexing what age she was dry overnight now🤣 even though most of her post 9pm tweeting suggests a person not dry overnight anymore.
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Nothing. And a kid who was hit by a car and badly injured yesterday morning is all over the local news so I’m pretty sure a kid dropping dead on the bus would have got coverage
It would deffo be reported as sudden and unexplained. Ofc this weapon legs to the internet with lurid 3rd hand allegations. Could have been asthma attack, allergy, a hundred things that aren't drugs if it happened (it didn't). You don't go declaring someones dead child to be a baghead. Also fainting or collapse can look like death to untrained eyes, i highly doubt paramedics shout yeh kids he's dead as they cart them off before next of kin knows. Such a blatant load of bullshit but this ghoul is dying to be breaking news. Everytime you think her online presence couldn't get more malignant, she plumbs new depths.
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Oh and all grifters try to confer special status on the most ordinary everyday situations like being a single mum. I probably know more single ones than coupled up.
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I have been busy with work and enjoying the sunshine but I just HAD to stop by and say I have never in all my days seen someone advertise their own abject stupidity in such a bold manner in all my life. If I was in the Class of Sazzers graduation year, I would definitely be asking for a refund. My dog passing puppy class has more merit than her “degree”.
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Chatty Member
Not content with glomming onto missing young women stories she is now killing off teens in her deranged imagination.

Does she have any 'fund me here' links? It must be somehow worth her while to do this shit?
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View attachment 3017810

She really is delulu. An IEP is an individual education plan. It is the very basic step in providing additional support. Thousands of children have them when they don’t have any diagnosed needs but are struggling for one reason or another. If Pepsi doesn’t even have an IEP, there’s no way the school think there is anything wrong with him other than having a munchie mum.

EHCPs are really hard to get - they are for children whose needs cannot be met in mainstream education or who without specific support, cannot access parts of the curriculum.
Our school is pretty shit for SEN support and I didn’t even have to ask for an IEP, they just did one and then we talked through it?! If the school aren’t even agreeing to that I can’t understand what extra support is needed
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Oh god, I worried I was Sarah Vajayjay earlier when I had the start of a migraine so went for a nap at 4.30 and accidentally slept until nearly 7, before getting dinner from Deliveroo 😬 In my defence, I’d been at work, & done a drive I find stressful, two things she’s never experienced, so I realised my panic was unnecessary.
I was her yesterday when I fell asleep around 6pm then couldn’t sleep later. Are we doing grift shifts? 😂😂 in my defence I’m in the early throes of some kind of virus
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He did this last year, didn't he? Shouldn't he already have a sleeping bag? It's not like they go off or anything. Unless, of course, you don't wash it before ramming it back in its stuff-sack and shoving it in a cupboard.

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Kids never turning up to school, pale as fuck and not fed one single nutrient, allowed to stay up all night, no dinner cooked and if it is it’s pure shit and not done until 10pm, filthy house, Mum who sits on her phone all day ignoring them.

How are social services not involved? This is neglect. A clear cut case of neglect.
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It seems she drove his dad away (to Spain), got cut off from all his relatives, jumped into a volatile relationship with a younger man and got pregnant with twins, he didn’t get on with his violent stepdad, he had to go through all of the fights and breakups and all the court stuff with his mum, whilst also playing a hand in raising his baby brothers, probably had some behavioural issues as a result of ACEs and piss poor example, and somehow pulled himself through to getting an offer at university, where his mum decided hey, no fair, I want the limelight, I’m coming to your university too! She made sure she finished her useless degree, and left him to struggle. Now, as a young adult, he’s stuck living at home, no prospects, no normal relationships, and being blamed for everything that goes wrong (and having to pay for it).

She’s a monster.
Didn't she say his dad lives local cos she was hittin him up to stick her useless car on his drive? Quelle suprise that she demands favours. I don’t get the impression The Eldest dad is my fave Spanish side character but I could be wrong.

He'd have been at an age where he'd have witnessed and understood all the DV. God love him.
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Social services were involved when they were fighting over paternal access. He suggested the kid’s respiratory issues could be down to the filthy hovel (would actually be the previous filthy hovel I guess). Was dismissed as vexatious, she says.
Makes sense. None of the boys ever have friends over do they?
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