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It's not the fact she is sad. It's the gleeful detail she went into about the death.
Honestly she just doesn't get it. Like the ghoulish speculation about the missing girl. She's so disrespectful about these things.

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This is why I despise social media. It's allowed all the village idiots out their lane when in times past they would've just been sat on a park bench with last nights gravy still on their chin trying to accost unlucky passerby with some stupid conversation starter.
If my Mum was that thick/always pissed I think I’d wind her up too. Probably the only good thing they get out of her is a laugh. I noticed she commented on us accusing her of “substance abuse” which was hilarious because now her mu followers are going to think it as well.
She never says we say she must be pissed cos the 3 people who don't have her muted would go ohhhhhhhh yeh things make sense now.
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For a woman who claims to be so worried about domestic violence, she's remarkably quiet on the fact that domestic abuse goes up when the national football teams play, whether the team wins or loses. You'd think she'd signpost to some help or resources.
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Until recently I hadn’t realised how many people fake mobility issues. I flew with my mum recently who has limited mobility so she gets a wheelchair/buggy to and from the plane.

When we boarded the plane (you get to board first if you have special assistance booked) there were 3 other people also using special assistance, one of whom insisted on being wheelchaired right to the plane door.

When we landed, wheelchair man and the other two people who‘d booked SA walked off the plane perfectly fine and did the very long walk to passport control. I know because they overtook me on the way. My mum was the only person who waited on the plane (you usually have to stay on the plane until everyone else has got off) until SA arrived to help her to get to arrivals. So basically there was nothing wrong the rest of them, they had just booked it so they could be first to board the plane.

ETA obviously this means that not only are they lazy cunts, they’re also taking away limited resources from actual disabled people
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I never understand these people who post their every brain fart to social media. Just woke up... 15 more minutes and I'll take the dog out... Might do scrambled egg for breakfast? Need to take a dump before dog walk... Back hurting a bit, where'd I leave that Ibuprofen?... Must remember to post sis's birthday card later, maybe can do that on dog walk? 🤔 Busy busy today.

Literally nobody cares, YOU don't even care ffs.
Reminds me of the things I used to write in my Christmas Letts diary when I was about 7.

“Had Frosties for breakfast.

Ian next door threw his Action man out the window with a parashoot.

Dog ate my selection box and did a sick on Nanna’s carpet and ATE it.

Had beans on toast for tea.”

My diary writing lasted until about the 3rd Jan each year. Only wanted a Letts diary for the tiny pencil. Dog probably ate that too.
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It was only meant to be a quick shop too. Wasted 40 minutes waiting for a mobility scooter for what should have been a 10minute wizz around? Sarah, you’re not sick (we’ve seen your bloods) you’re just terminally thick and lazy. So lazy.

And your whole life is based on taking from those who actually need it, so you’re a selfish bitch too.
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36k raised so far for Jay Slater. She'll be stashing chippy chip behind the back of the chest of drawers in the Bermuda triangle hallway and doing her own.
“Absolutely frantic here. I’ve gotten off mu sofa three times today to look out mu window for him. We just want you home, Chipshop.”
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…nor do they start the task at midnight, Sarah!

You know, I think she may well have met someone online! I reckon he’s been buying foot pics, and that’s why she has managed to survive for the first time in a decade without regular crowdfunds since BMAC wised up. She’s gearing up for him to come and suck her toes visit, so she’s blitzing the entirety of her house so she can look like she has it all together when he arrives. If she can lull him into a false sense of security, she might stand a chance at trapping him, and his foot fetish funds, before he realises what a grotty layabout she truly is.

ETA: Or Social Services are onto her and have told her she needs to clean her act up. But she wouldn’t tell Twitter that because then she’d have to break the illusion that she’s some kind of council house Mary Poppins who gives her children a lovely little life. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the melatonin go down.
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So the SENCO is reading a ranty email right about now. So much for the great professional relationship they had fostered. That the furious email was sent at 1am tells SENCO much about home life & parenting of pupil. Surely parent is cognisant of this? Or does she believe it helps make her look all London and that?
SENCO is already aware that pupil does not have SEN.


Jesus, that Karen really is a thicko.
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She’s too thick to understand that when the school says “delicate matter” they mean “not something for you to come charging in sending shitty emails about, and not something to speculate about on SM either you fucking ghoul”, or when they say “part of PSHE curriculum this term” they mean “had Chucky & Annabelle bothered to turn up for lessons more than twice a week they might have already had the substance abuse talk. Ofc course you should also have spoken to your children about these issues yourself you numbskull”.
It's just content for her 'page'. And when she said she found the families 'page' she must've gone hunting for it out of sheer voyeurism. Then banged off an email to the school to put up for us here. The unbothered person who doesn't engage anymore 🙃

I find it highly suspect that there's nowt in the news. There's nothing in that email showing it was a death either. I'll stand corrected when there's independent verification cos if that twat told me my own name I'd have to look it up on my birth cert.
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WhY dOn’T wE hAvE tExTbOoKs AnYmOrE?

Umm, we do! But (to point out just a few reasons) we also have a plethora of digital materials that can be easily transported from school to home without going missing, that save the cost of replacing damaged or lost books, that reduce the need for publishing millions of physical copies of every new edition of textbook thus saving school budgets and the planet, and that have evolved in line with the times.

This woman is ignorance personified.
Which you might expect her to know, since laptops are so essential for their studies that she had to ask other people to buy them. 🤷‍♂️
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How can you be too tired to put something in the fucking freezer. Fat, lazy, useless, mouth-breathing blob. I feel so sorry for her eldest.

And what possible advice could she give about having twins? Give birth to them and expect every other person on earth to pay for them, teach them and care for them and then ultimately become such a horrifically neglectful parent people would genuinely give Kate and Gerry McCann a crack at babysitting on their weekly tapas night over you?
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Jelly Bean

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You. Have. Never. Worked. You. Twat.
So reign in the fantasy of how you might go about it. It's like me practicing my walk for Chanel.
Am I being dense? (very possibly) but don't most people like to work with quiet sometimes and with background noise sometimes? How is this now a neuro diverse thing? Isn't it just being a human? Why is every normal human trait labelled as unusual?
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