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Sarah’s to do list:
- defrost the spare chip freezer
- tweet to no one
- immediately retweet to also no one
- think about writing my to do list
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- quote tweet to no one
- sit like a blob
- tweet a pasty faced selfie that shows my alcohol bloat
- gin
- quote tweet to no one
- gin
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- shout at Lee
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- try and think of some more disabilities I can pretend to have
- curse myself for tweeting my real blood levels that show I’m barely anaemic
- tweet to no one about the evil Tories
- retweet to no one about the evil tories
- gin
- small rest
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- joyride round the Aldi I’m not banned from in the last mobility scooter, ignoring the woman with one leg waiting for it
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- avoid my kids
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- think about how busy I am
- tell mu followers how useless Lee is
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- rage about that Tory man and that L woman
- forget my iron tablet
- tweet to no one
- retweet to no one
- put one word on a form (that’s enough for today)
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'We get neither DLA or PIP atm'. That's like a 21 complaining that they don't get state pension. You're not entitled to it you mad cow.
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Chatty Member
She's moaning abut the education system. Says she understands why people home educate, whilst making it clear she would never do that. Like, imagine those poor kids being home educated:
Maths - If two ubers and one sunscreen are delivered from one mile away, how much would the petrol cost be in relation to the fare, and how much would mummy have to grift to break even?
English: Speeling- speel these words: Mu, Irrelivent, benifits, taxpaier
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No doubt she likes the scooter so at check out she can faff around and look pitiful hoping for discounts etc knowing full well most people are too polite to argue with a disability scooter user.
That whole business with her dicking about moving money at the checkout in Aldi was, I am certain, in the hope that someone would pay for her shopping, and she was fuming when the checkout operator called her out instead.
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I'll admit I'm in the True Crime scene, it's a genre I've been interested in since I was a young teenage MCM sneaking my mum's library books.
HOWEVER! Most of the hardcore consumers of TC will only accept what we call ethical content, meaning not the sensationalist, serial killer glorifying shit. We want content with a purpose, podcasts that give part proceeds to DNA projects, Texas EquusSearch, funding anti violence initiatives and so on.
This here thing is just giving me rubber-necking ghoul vibes.
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SarahVaJayJay, SarahVajazzle, ScummySaz, AngryBratwurst, ChipFreezer, MattLucasInAWig, RichWoman, PoorWoman, BeggarWoman, Thief.
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Still banging on about how inconsiderate her neighbours are for smoking weed in their own garden when they don’t know that Squits may have imaginary migraines and 2nd hand spliff may be an imaginary trigger. Not that she’ll do anything about it seeing as she’s shit scared of them because they’re from the GRT community.


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Squeaky Beans

Active member
It's just as well she can't drive as you know she'd park in the disabled bays despite not being eligible for a blue badge.

My mum has COPD and can still do a supermarket shop without a scooter, and she can do it whilst carrying a small bottle of oxygen. Sarah is a fucking disgrace.
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She's been reading here. 'He's someone's son' and 'Karens' have been mentioned here in the last few pages and suddenly show up on her 'page'.

Please God she does fuck off to FB with the other ignoramus.

Every odious labour supporter like her, Stanski, and Russ squirrel arse chin pulpit thumping about how important it is to get out and vote is putting me at serious risk of doing the opposite. Do I hate the tories and want them out? Yes. Do I equally hate this trio of colossal cunts and would find it hilarious to see them disappointed? Also yes.
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I can remember nearly crying from the weight of the bags I was carrying home by myself as I needed to save money to get my kids decent vitamins and good shoes - ie width fitted etc - not the most expensive trainers. She’s a marshmallow. No substance, full of air and not really much use to anyone. She gets a taxi there and back and can’t even walk to the shelf of white bread and chocolate??
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Every parent’s worst nightmare is not having to leave a Taylor swift concert after two hours because your daughter’s had an epileptic fit.

This week near me a 15 year old boy is in palliative care after jumping off a pier, a 17 year old girl died after a DnB gig and another girl was hit by a car going to school and has life changing injuries.

That’s worst nightmare stuff, not having to leave a gig early. And posting a photo of her daughter in hospital is horribly exploitative. I hope TayTay ignores her.
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Chatty Member
I never understand these people who post their every brain fart to social media. Just woke up... 15 more minutes and I'll take the dog out... Might do scrambled egg for breakfast? Need to take a dump before dog walk... Back hurting a bit, where'd I leave that Ibuprofen?... Must remember to post sis's birthday card later, maybe can do that on dog walk? 🤔 Busy busy today.

Literally nobody cares, YOU don't even care ffs.
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It’s hardly the worst sin Sare has committed this week, but giving airtime to that whiney article from a Swift fan asking for the impossible is insane. I read it thinking it was a parody of an entitled middle class mumma- so I am not surprised that ArSar would be in full agreement. “My kid is special - please make sure she is led to the front of the barrier at a Taylor Swift concert, without any queuing, and allow her the space she needs, and the water and comfort breaks she needs - without fear Of losing her spot”. And if she can’t make it through a full performance, please make sure that Taylor sees this so I can get something for nothing.”
This just reminded me of Reann trying to climb herself and her thousand offspring into Gary Barlow’s pants in the name of “disabled kiddos”. I wonder if she’s unlocked again yet?

Oh. She has! To the Reann thread!
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How about, instead of showing your utter ignorance publicly, you open the search engine of your choice on that phone that you never put down, and input "how do French elections work?" which might take you to this wikipedia page, which explains it.


"Getting your Tarot done" from someone who can't even spell "symbolism". They saw you coming, didn't they?

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Girty Drifter

Well-known member
Begging on the internet is nothing to be proud of. Try and persevere to the job centre

View attachment 3021700
So let me see if I have this right, she’s saying that it’s ’dumb’ to say the kids will want everything handed to them because they watched her example of ‘expect the government to hand it to you’ and when the government won’t give you more, ‘beg from randoms on the internet’.

Sounds reasonable. Workshy idler.
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I'm at work and a colleague has just come in a wheelchair and with a guide dog.

Bet she'd love no more than a broken ankle a decade ago and slightly low iron.
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The Eldest is 26, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to expect him to pitch in when it comes to cooking since he still lives and eats at home. But to demand that he cooks and pays out extra as some kind of punishment for not picking up the slack where she has failed is abusive! He is not responsible for her being too lazy to do something herself. Sure, ask someone for help, but you can’t expect it and then punish them if they don’t jump to your demands. That’s manipulation. You shouldn’t even treat a partner like that, but I suspect she always did and that’s why she’s alone.

I feel incredibly sad for him, it is absolutely relationship enmeshment. He is a 26 year old lad who never signed up to be his lazy mother’s carer and his little brothers’ guardian, he should be living his life. There are no boundaries, and she does not treat him or support him like a son. If she crowdfunded for therapy for the lad I would actually donate.
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
I can just picture her on the scooter - knocking over displays, deliberately reversing over small childrens' toes and asking any half decent looking bloke to reach her something off a shelf while telling him all about her #extreme periods
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It's the terminal uniqueness. There's nowt wrong with her that the rest of us aren't dealing with while doing a million other things. It's just life? I just assume everyone's ill and knackered and stressed and dealing with a barrage of shite at any given time because it happens to everyone.

Sarah thinks we're all in immaculate health, getting eight hours' sleep a night and living the fucking dream.

There are days is commit murder to be able to sleep all day in a house the state has provided for me for nowt. She's so pampered and so fucking lazy.
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