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Well-known member
I worked between two branches of the same opticians for the past 2.5 years until December just gone. So it depended which I was working at ... one was about 35 minutes and the other about 15. :) xx
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20 minutes now before that I did 2 years sometimes an hour and half sometimes 3 to 4 hours due to the m6... got to a point my mum was putting my kids to bed more than me so that had to change!


Chatty Member
20ish min drive to work
Shortest was less than 10mins drive and the roads were quiet before starting/after finishing.
Longest was minimum 40 minute drive could take up to 1.5 hours depending on traffic and whether I was early, back or night shift


VIP Member
Sometimes when I wake up at 5.30am and it's dark and cold, I feel like the only person in the world that has a long commute. So I want to bond with fellow long commuters.

How long is yours, or how long was your longest ever one? Over the past 10 years, these have been mine (time is one way only)

Job 1) 10 minute drive (I was so lucky! :oops:)
Job 2) 35 min drive, 25 min train, 10 min walk
Job 3) 1 hour drive
Job 4) 35 min drive
Job 5) 45 min drive, 20 min train, 10 min walk

Eternally jealous of anyone that travels less than 30 mins, or can walk to work!
My partner leaves for work around 5:30/6. It is about a 25 min commute. He works from the til about 5:30pm. Coming home, the commute can be 40+ mins.


Well-known member
Mines 20 minutes then a 10-15 minute walk from the car park .

In all honesty most of my life I have looked for jobs that don't have a long commute because I can't stand it. Although traffic around here means that a 20 minute drive can often take an hour or more in rush hour.

At our old house I could drive to my husband's office in about 15/20 minutes but he'd have to allow up to 1.5 hours to get the bus. It's madness x


20 minute drive for me. It could be a lot faster if there was another river crossing, the current route is an upside down V shape!


Well-known member
On the flip side... I purposely look for jobs away from where I live.

I wake at 5am. My drive is 1.5 hours each way (on a good run) I know some people would never do that....but I actually enjoy the car rave I have.

Been doing this for about 13 years!


VIP Member
About 30 minutes in the car driving then another 15 minutes trying to find a parking space 😈.

Would like to be nearer to home but do benefit from the down time to unwind. I do work shifts so driving home on country roads at midnight isn't much fun.


VIP Member
First job was about 12 mins commute - I used to do night so it was a lot faster getting there than back.
Current job: 2 days a week its an hour commute on motorway (which can turn in to 2 depending on traffic) and 3 days a week its 40 mins - both during school rush/peak times.

I don't mind the morning drive tbh, gives me a chance to wake up a bit, organise my day mentally and sing to myself lol


VIP Member
I generally do 3-4 days a week in the office. I get up at 5:30, leave for 6:20/6:30. Take about 15 minutes in the car to the station and a 44 minute train and about 5 minute walk the other end. Coming back is worse and can take up to an hour to do the drive as there is a lot of roadworks/flooding my way at the moment.


VIP Member
On the flip side... I purposely look for jobs away from where I live.

I wake at 5am. My drive is 1.5 hours each way (on a good run) I know some people would never do that....but I actually enjoy the car rave I have.

Been doing this for about 13 years!
I do enjoy a good sing a long too but not enought for a 1.5 hr drive!


VIP Member
Job 1 – 45 mins (walk, bus, walk)

Job 2 – 70 mins (drive)

Job 3 – 12 mins (drive)

Job 4 – 55 mins (drive)

Job 5 – 12 mins (drive, will walk once kids are in secondary school)

Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I work from home 3 days a week so the commute is about 30 seconds. On Thursday and Friday, I get up at 5.15am to get the bus at 6.12am; mainly because the roads are quiet, then it's a 30 minute bus ride and 20 minute walk. It's always longer on the return home though because it's rush hour. It used to be 5 days a week in the office and that was a 40 minute bus ride, 10 minute walk and 20 minute bus ride, I don't miss those days.


VIP Member
My first job was a 25 minute drive. When it snowed once it took me 2 hours to get in!

Second job was a half hour bus ride.


Chatty Member
If I’m going to be in the office it’s about. 25-30 minute car, tube or bike ride but if I’m out of the office it can mean going across London and back again multiple times a day.