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Tabitha D

VIP Member
I assume she was filming in case the paps edited the video to make Alec look bad (I mean, not that he doesn't already), so she had the 'original'. Which actually makes sense, but she should have just stood and filmed quietly out of view...which she's obviously incapable of.
But she appeared to be filming the paps rather than Alec, so she wouldn’t have the original of what they were filming anyway. TBH I wondered if she was filming it to put on Instagram at some point. I wouldn’t be surprised.
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I wonder what would happen and she did completely lie to Alec and he divorces her, would he have to pay her big amounts like Hollywood dads seem to do as he could argue that their marriage was built on a massive lie
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Does this mean that Hilary is Loco-cita?

I am torn on this honestly, we have people screaming that Hilaria is cosplaying another culture and then on the other side of the internet we have people braying that Eddie Izzard is a brave woman and aspirational for her charity work. My head is in a spin trying to keep up with who is wearing oppression of another group and who is stunningly brave. Either way Alec Baldwin got exactly the wife he deserved.
I think it would be up to the people applauding Eddie Izzard to explain the difference. I suspect they wont. You are right with your last line. As they saves spoiling a good pair :D

Anyone else find Alec utterly insufferable? He is God-awful.
He was dreadful to his elder daughter
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I think the isn't that the guns should have been checked but that they shouldn't have been out of the armourers sight and no one should have had access to them. It looks like a small shoot, so it's hardly as if staff on set wouldn't have known that live ammo was being brought on set and that prop guns were being used by crew in their spare time! Whoever was responsible for hiring and firing, and safety on set is responsible. They have hired dodgy/ inexperienced people, maybe on the cheap and have allowed people to do what they like on set. If Alex was a producer and he was on set, he has a responsibility I would have thought for noticing lax safety on set. Everyone else on set seems to coming out of the woodwork now saying it was a shoddy set.
Yes, I agree.

I was just responding to the comment on Reddit that said that AB would have checked the gun if he would shoot himself in the head.

I cannot believe that the same guns were used to fire real live ammunition.
This is just unbelievable.

I am also astonished as to how cheaply everything was done (including hiring this 24 year old girl that looks like an intern).
The glamour of Hollywood! How ironic.
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This has probably been mentioned on this thread before, but has anyone else seen the video someone has posted on YouTube of Hilaria exercising in underwear with a bump and very strange things are happening to said bump? I can’t do links on my phone but if you search ‘Hilaria Baldwin fake bump’ on YouTube it’s there. The exercise routine has been slowed down and it looks as though her bump might lift off at the top during it
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It is pretty damn hard for a gun to go off accidentally if you are practicing proper gun safety (routine check, trigger discipline (never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot), and never point a gun at a target you don't intend to shoot)

Alec is calling for a reduction of the use of guns on movie sets....maybe a better thing would be to require NRA safety courses for the cast and crew.

A few of my kids were on the rifle team at school and they all had to go through the NRA course plus a refresher every year. Those 13-year-olds had better safety discipline than this moron. In the 10 years I had kids on the team -- we are talking twice weekly practices plus weekly tournaments-- up to and including Nationals, so literally thousands of shooters and hundreds of events--we never once had a negligent discharge or incident. Why? Because they were taught to treat every rifle as loaded and to check and double check everything before entering and exiting the firing line.
Yup. I shot rifle for my university and then was a reservist before becoming a cadet instructor. I qualified as a full bore rifle coach on the cadet version of the military rifle (single shot rather than semi-automatic). Every single one of those cadets aged 13 upwards showed more safety consciousness than anyone on that set, going through the whole military safe handover of weapons every time.
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For me the crux of the matter is, why did he point the gun at the cinematographer?! How did she get shot by it?
Yup, that's the one thing that you never do, and which all the experts are saying is fudged by camera angles. Regardless of what the gun was loaded with, no one would have been shot or died had he not pointed the gun at someone.
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My God she is incredibly underweight in her latest stories. She knows exactly what she's doing posting those photos. Sick woman.
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