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VIP Member
I wonder what she finds attractive about a sleeping with a married man who then leaves his wife for her six weeks after his third child was born. How will she ever trust a him and his gutter rat ways. I wonder what his new woman's parents really think of him....and her, especially as they've had to throw a shed load of money out there to suppress her name.
I always think that. My sister's ex husband was the same, walked out on her and their children for another woman. I used to think... how can she not think he might do the same to her a few years down the line?

He's basically saying "this other woman is more important than my own children". How nice. :rolleyes:
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So Steph apparently said: “It’s upsetting that anyone could be judging me when I am so early on in pregnancy. I want to be able to enjoy this time without it being tarnished as I’ve always dreamed of being a mum.”
I bet helen wantd to enjoy her time being a mum too, without someone shagging her husband behind her back when she was pregnant!
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She looks relaxed and happy there. I do feel for the young kids though with both parents away working so probably farmed off to grandparents.
I don't know about farmed off, kids usually like seeing their grandparents and vice versa. A lot of parents have to work and arrange childcare.
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VIP Member
I noticed on Strictly It Takes Two last night that Helen was very keen to mention Gemma and how lovely she has been to her, putting a stop to anyone rumours before they start. She also knows what it’s like to have your life ruined by home wrecking cow.
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It must be devastating for Helen, but how would she even go about explaining it to her older kids? At that age they wouldn't fully understand, but are old enough to grasp what is going on to a certain extent (I guess it's possible their dad might have taken the responsibility of telling them, but going by his actions, I doubt it)

What an absolute scumbag. I hope Helen absolutely smashes her paso double on Saturday and has a great night ❤
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Well she's put a brave face on her split when seen out and about this week considering her husband has left the marriage and left her behind with three young kids while he goes off with a younger woman. She's a tough cookie as anyone who's seen stuff she's done before like Blue Peter and SAS. But this will have hit her hard.
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All I can say is it's not an upgrade plus at the age of 32 she'll possibly be wanting kids soon. Big mistake Richie.
She'll be some fool if she has kids with a man who walks out and leaves his behind the way Richie has. Fair enough a marriage breaks down, but to swan off on holiday and leave your kids when their wee lives are in turmoil? disgusting behaviour.
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They've edited this article from earlier today when they said it was Gorka in the pictures - unless he grew a new nose and facial hair, it's clearly not him 😆

I thought Helen danced well tonight, she just needs a bit more fire and confidence in her dancing. And bless Gorka for sticking up for her. I know she has a great attitude but this week must have been incredibly tough
I rewatched what he said as I have seen some people thought he shouldn’t have said anything … I think it came from a good place, he has probably seen her very low , sad and maybe even distraught.. how she even gets out of bed , I’d be under the duvet with a bottle of Grey Goose..he knows she won’t play a pity card, ( not saying dead sisters and illness etc are pity cards) in the clauditorium the pros always say how proud they are etc and I think Gorka took the opportunity to praise her and get her peers to give her a boost … maybe he was reminding the general public she has had it tough but I do think he genuinely is trying to get that girl to believe in herself
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Pineapple glitter

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Bit suspect that he just so happens to meet someone a few weeks after his marriage split. Most people give themselves a bit of breathing space before going out on the pull. No doubt he had this person lined up before he jumped ship.
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I don’t think anyone should stay in a relationship they’re not happy in but the way he’s gone about things is just disgusting. Thankfully the baby girl is too young to know anything but the two boys absolutely will. They’ve had to deal with a new baby sister, their father leaving then another baby sibling arriving, the mother of whom they hardly even know. Awful upheaval and instability for them. It’s completely indefensible to do that to your children, regardless of who did what during the marriage.

I’m friends with a family who have recently had to deal with similar. Husband was having an affair, which resulted in a pregnancy and prompted him to leave the marriage (which already had children). The whole family have been affected, his parents are devastated and confused - they have a new grandchild by someone they didn’t even know existed and have no idea if they will be able to have a relationship or involvement with. People like him and Richie just think with their trousers and have no consideration for anyone else and the consequences of their actions. Who cares if Helen sold some happy family photos, Richie and his bit are utterly shameless and if I were Helen I’d never be able to forgive him for doing this to his own children.
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I love how she is just getting on with it. No poor me or passive aggressive posts, no digs at the ex or his current side piece, just living her life and doing her best by her kids.
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I don’t care how much of a knob someone is at home, there is a way to do things. To me, that way is not being public with your new lover 4 months after you’ve split with your wife of x amount of years. The same wife who you have three young children with, one of them being a small baby.
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Chatty Member
Helen is apparently upset by all the press interest especially with the photos whilst she is carrying on with her daily life. The pictures of Helen have apparently been taken close to the kids school, doctors etc. Whilst I'm on a gossip site I completely disagree with the innocent party getting papped doing whilst simply caring for her kids.
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I'm a man, so I know what men are like ... a bit thick and led by the dick (ok, I'm generalizing). But tell me, why would a woman think having an affair with a married man who had 3 kids, plus a celebrity wife is the 'move' to make? I could sort of understand a cheeky shag in the broom-cupboard at work ... but of all the men zippy had access too, why choose a him? She must have the mentality of an adolescent or something, surely you'd think to yourself "Pwoooar, I fancy him ... but he's married, he's off-limits, I'll look around for some other bloke". Is he THAT much of a sweet-talker? He don't look it, I gotta be honest, he looks like a meathead.
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Chatty Member
It could be you know she’s using the kids against him. Bitter woman scorned. I’m finding it very hard to believe she’s as innocent as the media and herself are portraying.
As someone who has been in the exact same position as Helen (ex walked out when our child was three weeks old for the local trollop who hed had an affair with throughout my pregnancy) it's more likely he's too wrapped up in his "new life" to remember or give a toss about his old one... going by my own experience I'd reckon its more a case of he's a useless twat who's kids are just getting in the way of his life atm rather than Helen being bitter.
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