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Someone has tweeted the following: Already lost it. His daughter is shagging his player. We don’t want him at the club. Total conflict of interest. Not the first time he’s had to clear up his daughters mess. Everyone who works at age partnership knows the true Stephanie Thirkill.
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I mean I love a press article and gossip but I’d be very surprised if this all started with her knowing his wife was having a baby which is the general consensus? No it’s not great that she’s involved with him knowing how much baggage he has but equally like they could just be friends as she’s heavily involved with the rugby. I’m not sticking up for her as it does sound like that but equally I find it ridiculous she’s the main one receiving the most abuse when really it should be down to him as well. She has no kids or baggage other than an ex husband and we don’t know the circumstance to that marriage breakdown (can’t just assume she’s cheated) whereas he has a family and far more responsibility he’s walked away from. Some of the comments I read on the article about Steph were awful and she doesn’t deserve that esp when she’s not even in the public eye and never has been
What does it matter if she knew Helen was pregnant? She knew he was married, she knew he had kids, she shouldn’t have touched him with a ten foot barge pole!!! And yes I agree she is getting a lot of the attention, when ultimately he is responsible solely for his choice to destroy his family, but she still went along with someone else’s husband in full knowledge of what she was doing. They are both disgusting scumbags (in my humble opinion).
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Planned by him anyway…
I don’t think it’s an accident that a childless woman in her 30’s found herself pregnant so soon after her boyfriend left his wife. Clearly she was able to use contraception successfully for the last however many years. He should know better, he knows how babies are made, given that he has 3, one not even 10 months old yet so should have worn a condom. I bet he is gutted inside, I am sure he has loved the fun and freedom they’ve had over the last few months with zero responsibilities, of course he will act like it’s the best thing to have happened to him.
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Chatty Member
I've heard a few things about this. Unsure if they're true but apparently she went on holiday and when she returned he'd left the family home. He'd also been seen at a woman's home at all hours pre split so it sounds like the relationship started pre split.
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I do want to apologise for obvs implying before that he was innocent in it all, I didn’t know they were having an affair before she left her ex husband rich. I do believe there’s a reason people cheat and stray from relationships, takes 2 to tango or whatever you want to say about it. I’m not surprised at how brazen they’re being though. Steph will be im sure telling him that they’re protected by daddy’s money etc and engulfed him in a cloud of fantasy and lust. It won’t last. Helens heart I’m sure is broken all over again knowing Steph is pregnant when her daughter isn’t even a year old. She’s doing the right thing by staying quiet about it although I do still think she’s portraying an innocent woman too much and no one is that sweet and nice which is maybe why he strayed. Who knows. Maybe he’s just a dick 😂
Jesus Christ you are sure on a mission to make out Helen is responsible for this aren’t you?
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Absolutely rooting for Helen!! I really admire the way she's been so dignified when she must of been devastated.
I've just got huge admiration for how she's handled it all - I don't even think she's mentioned him once since they split? And doing Strictly feels like a really positive move. Not to mention the fact she got my favourite pro, the lovely Gorka 😍😆

And as for her ex and his girlfriend - people split up for all sorts of reasons, but christ, imagine thinking that a bloke who probably cheated on his pregnant wife then left her with a newborn and 2 kids, is some sort of prize catch
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I think @Definitelyme meant what is he playing at leaving his wife take a tiny baby away to cope on her own with.. the word letting wasn’t meant literally if that makes sense? That’s my interpretation anyway
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Harrogate is small, it’s amazing who knows who… amazing what you find out . They were having an affair for awhile before they were found out. Baby zippy will be arriving next year
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this may be an unpopular opinion, but this is the one bit in that whole saga where I dont want to judge him. There are many good reasons to leave a marriage even during pregnancy or if a child is just born. Marriages aren't necessarly happy just because you recently decided to get children, in many cases pregnancy actually only happen to reignite relationships even.

Of course you could argue that he should have stayed a couple of months/years to get through the initial phase with the newborn, but what then? The boys are 7 and 5. I believe there are studies that show that kids are the most impacted by a divorce when they are in elementary/early middle school age as they are old enough to understand and young enough to be scared, so I think it's good to not delay this. Plus parents that stay together but actually dont want each other (or one of them) cause usually a bigger damage than them being seperated.

Of course the big question is now how much involved he is as a seperated father, it doesnt seem much (and he behaves in public definitely disrespectful), but we dont really know in the end.
He didn’t just leave a marriage though. He had an affair and then left his family for his mistress. If things are bad then go but don’t screw around and line up a replacement before you do.
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Well done to those who called it. I am speechless. Poor Helen. life is so unfair at times. I know she has a supportive network around her but this is just so cruel especially as she’s trying to move on.
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He puts that up just as Helen debuts on Strictly. He comes across as vindictive and cruel when he is one who was in the wrong.
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It has been said before but I just have to say again, absolute kudos to Helen for how she has handled this all so privately and with dignity and respect. Not a single hint at a public spat, just seemingly living her best life. I’m sure behind the scenes is different and I hope she stays strong and happy… but it is so rare these days to see it with anyone in the public eye. She is amazing. Her kids will be able to Google her down the line and see nothing but nice family happy Mum around this time. Hats off to her! I wish I’d have had that inner strength when me and my husband split up 😂 We live and learn!
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Omg what an absolute set of horrible bastards! That mumsnet post cracks me up, ‘Richie has stayed silent’. Yeah course he has 😂 he’s the one who has cheated on his wife and left her and their small children for his bit on the side.
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I appreciate affairs can be a symptom rather than the cause of relationship problems but the responsibility of the affair lies with the person who decided to cheat.

Of course Richie was unhappy. Men are most likely to cheat when their partner is pregnant / they have small children - because it’s a tough time. Dickheads.

Also I’d love to know how Helen is ‘portraying herself as an innocent woman’ - all I see is her going about her business? Reeks of misogyny frankly.
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I think Helen handled Gorkas speech with such dignity and grace. Her face said she was totally uncomfortable and didn't want anyone to talk about what was going on in her private life so I highly doubt she is selling stories
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Hmm :rolleyes: sure, the new relationship absolutely started a few weeks after they split, not while still with Helen!
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Story here. ’The pal’ is definitely just Steph or someone close to her trying for a bit of damage limitation. If she has the upmost respect for Helen she wouldn‘t have called her a horrible person and accused of her leaking stories to the press.

Lol so he left Helen in March conveniently met the new woman immediately and then she is suddenly 12 weeks pregnant in October but they didn't have an affair? And she has the utmost respect for Helen despite grinning all over social media and calling her a horrible person? She deserves everything she gets when he shags someone else behind her back.
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I do want to apologise for obvs implying before that he was innocent in it all, I didn’t know they were having an affair before she left her ex husband rich. I do believe there’s a reason people cheat and stray from relationships, takes 2 to tango or whatever you want to say about it. I’m not surprised at how brazen they’re being though. Steph will be im sure telling him that they’re protected by daddy’s money etc and engulfed him in a cloud of fantasy and lust. It won’t last. Helens heart I’m sure is broken all over again knowing Steph is pregnant when her daughter isn’t even a year old. She’s doing the right thing by staying quiet about it although I do still think she’s portraying an innocent woman too much and no one is that sweet and nice which is maybe why he strayed. Who knows. Maybe he’s just a dick 😂
Sometimes people cheat not because there’s something wrong in their relationship, sometimes people cheat purely because they are just shitty human beings
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