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Chatty Member
Somebody said in the last thread that Chet insults people’s dead Nan’s? What’s the lowdown on this please?


Chatty Member
Yea I dunno what super nanny shit some people are on but the kid is 2 she is naughty and that’s not a label it’s an observation 😂
Not seen many 2 years olds do the things she does and Iv had kids, more than she has at that age too. This is how we end up with the bad behaviour cos parents suddenly decided not to tell their kids off and say that they’re being naughty, so they keep doing it, and we end up with the awful things we see now on the streets. Also Helen and Chet have both said numerous times that she’s naughty themselves. And call her Chucky for a pet name.

Of course it’s her parents fault she’s like it and soon to be Elvis will be the same, and the next one she’s desperate to have, to keep up with Marnie!

Iv said it many times but she needs parenting classes, after them horrific bruises that they didn’t ever say where they came from, then the videos of O doing what she does to him, they learnt to stop showing her doing that stuff but they haven’t learnt how to actually parent, cos she’s still doing things they think are funny for insta but not safe for either child.
She needs parenting classes? What about Chet too? Is probably more guilty of filming the bad behaviour, and just calling for Helen 😂😂


Well-known member
I was trying to Google there of Helen grabbing your ones hair, instead I came across Helen Vs Chet: Tennis addition.. I can't stop laughing 😂😂


The video made me so angry Helen put the F’ing phone down and grab ocean off him with 2 hands to even film it is disgusting. Ocean is a brat and a little bully.
Also I think Marnie and Casey prob don’t like the way Ocean is when around Rox and that could be what the issue is but who knows
I wish someone screen recorded it , I deleted my insta so didn’t see it 🙃


Chatty Member
Wow I’ve missed a lot 🤣🤣 so Casey has unfollowed Helen and Chet but still follows coral, Marnie has unfollowed all 3 but is still happy enough to have her babysit Rox, and Helen Chet and Coral seem unbothered and still happily following everyone 😂
And Helen’s put up the bottom of a Christmas tree 🎄
I think I’m caught up 😂
Coral wasn’t babysitting. Her parents were and coral just came home
Omg thank you so much for this. I HATE the smell of tinsel it makes me feel sick but I’ve never met anyone who agrees! I also agree that there’s nothing wrong with wanting a nice tree especially if it’s going to be up for about 6 weeks. Nothing worse than looking at some monstrosity your kids have done for that long 😂
I’m the exact same. Hate tinsel my kids used to decorate it but as soon as the little darlings went to bed it all came off and put on nicely

Sticky One

VIP Member
Winds me up that she’s been given car seats for free to advertise and hasn’t even bothered to fit the seat properly for Elvis. The straps are practically over the back of his shoulders. I hope it’s lazy advertising and she didn’t actually drive with him like that.
if he is rear facing then the strap should be below his shoulder


Did anyone screen record the soft play video 😭 I don’t have insta and I just used my boyfriends to look on theirs and. Neither have it on the grid ! Please I need to laugh lol