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Makes me SO sad/angry when she’s horrible about Diane! Too lazy to train her!!!!
Edit - also gets on my tits when she calls Lola a dachshund 😂
Dachshunds are complete and utter lovely adorable pains in the god damn arse! Never known a more needy breed, which is lovely but also a big commitment

Lola is a Jack Russel crossed with a dachshund
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WTF who is asking these questions - teenagers??!!

This is so boring - Helen is like a teenager who has just discovered toys. She's so giggly and silly.

Here we are - Helen's just admitted she's had a sexual awakening recently. Knew it!
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Chatty Member
So I’m guessing 3 & 4 🤣🤣🤣
Like, even I was affected and I was basically jobless but could not get another job because all the libraries closed down. Luckily I just found a full-time library job ( 2 years contract ). It took me two years and I was probably one of the last people from my class that got something that's more than an emergency substitute position.

I agree 3 & 4 :LOL:
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I hope so I’ve watched a few of hers And she seems like she’s had a rough enough time of it without any added Helen-related drama.
Also noted that she actually makes a real effort when she’s exercising, refreshing to see after watching Helens god awful attempts
THIS! She actually tries. I think Helen was a bad influence on her food wise. As she is with everyone she is with. It's like she drags them all into her unhealthy bubble.

Maff could be a douche (and to be fair, Helen tolerated it so that continued) but have you guys seen the glow up since he left Helen? Damn son!
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I’ve always felt sorry for Maff, I wondered if he was under all sorts of pressure to perform and film the a perfect proposal... He never seemed the type of guy who liked a lot of attention, or over the top theatrics. My proposal wasn’t overly special but that’s cos my guy is quite shy and very low key when it comes to these things, but I never sulked about how I got a ring... it’s like you’ve been with the guy that long, you know kinda know what to expect, no?

Didn’t she get him to re propose? Or am I thinking of someone else?

The proposal was the beginning of the end for them, it became all about Helen’s big day and Maff was just left out of it, it should have just been called Melon Fest without the wedding.

Agree with the Confetti Girls channel, it really looked like Helen was using Kat to be a part of Rock n Roll bride. Don’t get me wrong, Helen can pull off some really great party planning, but to try and come across as an expert in marriage and wedding planning was laughable.

And THEN! Then he had to propose all over again AND she got a second ring!
just saw this edit! I thought she got him to re propose, I remember the second ring now actually!!!! 🤣 Poor guy! GIANT RED FLAGS!!!! 🚩
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Oh for fuck sake what is with this girl and ramming her finger up her nose.
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When DOES she feel like you have to wear a mask if not in crowded stores where people are touching the same things?! I’m a Brit in the US so I’m aware things are being run pretty differently during the virus, but can’t she see how hard people are pushing wearing masks online? She has to understand as an INFLUENCER, what you do will influence your audience, especially of young people. Here, masks have become a very strong political opinion...
Exactly! The mentality of “well everyone else isn’t wearing one so I’m not going to” is stupid. Plus the fact that the UK government has been a humongous failure in this whole ordeal so just because they say you can doesn’t mean you should. It’s crazy that there are thousands of Helen’s out there being uneducated and roaming around 🤣

What is the point of her job if she ISN’T going even try to be a positive influence?

But you know this whole thing hasn’t affected her I’m in the slightest, she clearly hasn’t had family or friends who are still shielding or had caught covid or died from covid. If she did she wouldn’t be so reckless.

Some doctors and nurses have been giving this simple advice which me and my family have been using from day one “A way to stop covid spreading is to act like you have the virus” - it really makes you more aware of what your touching and how it can spread!

it’s not hard to wear a goddam mask, and if you’re going to pick and choose when to wear it then you’re not really doing anything to help, you might as well not bother at all 🙄
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I just can’t any more with the size 14 nonsense I know it’s a topic here that some people are sick of but THIS IS NOT SIZE 14. I don’t care if she’s 5 foot 2 so that “makes her smaller” or whatever. I am a size 16 and I am far more slender than this and it’s actually making me think what the fuck is wrong with me like do I have body dysmorphia and believe I’m smaller than what I am? It’s actually left me a bit shocked as if she really is a size 14 like her and a few people here there and everywhere say then am I actually a size 20? What is so wrong with just saying “I am a size 16”. I can’t be alone in feeling like this (I really hope not). It’s starting to get beyond a joke at this point honestly View attachment 162370
Legit same, I’m the same build same height as Helen and am a size 16 and have been exercising so much and losing weight but building muscle and am still a 16, but she is much bigger than me now and still insists she’s a 14, makes me feel like crap a wee bit haha
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Chatty Member
View attachment 174188

1. She needed to move in a man she’d literally just started dating because she’s so afraid of being on her own - but both aired out and used his troubles at home as an excuse.

2. Found it so tough to film any content because she works from home and there was no way she could have possibly pick up a camera to film

3. Diane still shits on the floor, proving that no amount of time at home and off work will make Helen train that dog. Maybe she enjoys shouting at that little devil too much.

4. She can pile on the pounds, posted a bikini pic with a whole spiel that she put on weight - gained a lot of ‘well donee’ for being a fat activist but then says fuck you all and posts a bunch of size 14 videos (despite being size 14 for about 5 years)

5. She can drink like a fish from morning to noon and slurs her words in multiple videos - but magic! she’s not drunk guuuuys!

6. She can spend a ridiculous amount of money on her garden and house, the place is a money pit! (Flex flex flex, she has such a hard time guys, quarantine is so tough!)

7. She can literally put out a piece of shit as her content and it will get lapped up (“omg Helen! Where did you get that piece of shit from? I must have it!”)

8. Her friends love reading here and just have to share with each other, but will publicly say how it’s sooo awful, but what it really does is just brings in more gossipers! (cheers!)

9. She thinks she ‘got away’ with breaking lockdown by hosting a big ass download party with her drunk friends posting on their socials what was going on at the time, it was going to be such an epic video that Grace filmed - but oh no! Caught out! We’ll just shove some pics up in the video and say “whoops I forgot to vlog”

10. She can totally use BLM as an excuse not to post anything for a week,“I’ll educate myself” she states, doesn’t bother doing that and her and uneducated boyfriend display their white privilege by complaining about people backlashing against Jenna Marbles’ blackface and racist content - “they’re just haterssss!” “Just get over it!”

11. She is so against cultural appropriation, but only in tattoo form as she has a Buddha head vase in her living room and vlogged a Mexican themed party where her and her friends wore stereotypical sombrero and fake moustaches

12. She can’t figure out how or when to wear a mask, doesn’t bother to wear it in the multiple shopping trips her and boyfriend go on, nor does she wear it around her group of friends - but look guys! It’s sparkly, totally going in my June favs video!

13. “Guys! I can finally film a crappy look book now I have Grace back! Lord knows how I could have done one at home allllll by myself! Editing the slow motion twirls is hard! It’s my best one yet!!!!”

14. “Nuii is my favourite ever ice cream, I’ve never mentioned this before because shhhh my real real favs are magnums which I’ve been on about for years and everyone knows but these guys are paying me to say this now, so I need to do an elaborate ad which has nothing to do with ice cream, it has to be all about me - cue the slow mo twirls, Grace!”

15. As above but for Gillette. “Slow mo montage of me me me, despite it having nothing to do with the actual product... then just throw in a quick shave at the end. Slow mo that thing Grace!!”

16. “I’m a sexpert now, I’m a sex pest, I love crudely describing my sex life because I don’t give a fuck. Listen to ma flapssssss!”

17. “I’m snot drunk, jus’ tired! HaVe YoU EvEr BeEn TiReD?!”

18. “I don’t have to take accountability for anything I say or do because I couldn’t give a shit about anyone else especially during this pandemic”

19. “I can touch everything in the shop without intention of buying it because I have hand sanitizer!” (she says with her finger up her nose)

20. She’s a cunt 😁
There’s a new title in there!!!
She can drink like a fish from morning to noon and slurs her words in multiple videos

Screams new thread title 😂😂
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View attachment 174188

1. She needed to move in a man she’d literally just started dating because she’s so afraid of being on her own - but both aired out and used his troubles at home as an excuse.

2. Found it so tough to film any content because she works from home and there was no way she could have possibly pick up a camera to film

3. Diane still shits on the floor, proving that no amount of time at home and off work will make Helen train that dog. Maybe she enjoys shouting at that little devil too much.

4. She can pile on the pounds, posted a bikini pic with a whole spiel that she put on weight - gained a lot of ‘well donee’ for being a fat activist but then says fuck you all and posts a bunch of size 14 videos (despite being size 14 for about 5 years)

5. She can drink like a fish from morning to noon and slurs her words in multiple videos - but magic! she’s not drunk guuuuys!

6. She can spend a ridiculous amount of money on her garden and house, the place is a money pit! (Flex flex flex, she has such a hard time guys, quarantine is so tough!)

7. She can literally put out a piece of shit as her content and it will get lapped up (“omg Helen! Where did you get that piece of shit from? I must have it!”)

8. Her friends love reading here and just have to share with each other, but will publicly say how it’s sooo awful, but what it really does is just brings in more gossipers! (cheers!)

9. She thinks she ‘got away’ with breaking lockdown by hosting a big ass download party with her drunk friends posting on their socials what was going on at the time, it was going to be such an epic video that Grace filmed - but oh no! Caught out! We’ll just shove some pics up in the video and say “whoops I forgot to vlog”

10. She can totally use BLM as an excuse not to post anything for a week,“I’ll educate myself” she states, doesn’t bother doing that and her and uneducated boyfriend display their white privilege by complaining about people backlashing against Jenna Marbles’ blackface and racist content - “they’re just haterssss!” “Just get over it!”

11. She is so against cultural appropriation, but only in tattoo form as she has a Buddha head vase in her living room and vlogged a Mexican themed party where her and her friends wore stereotypical sombrero and fake moustaches

12. She can’t figure out how or when to wear a mask, doesn’t bother to wear it in the multiple shopping trips her and boyfriend go on, nor does she wear it around her group of friends - but look guys! It’s sparkly, totally going in my June favs video!

13. “Guys! I can finally film a crappy look book now I have Grace back! Lord knows how I could have done one at home allllll by myself! Editing the slow motion twirls is hard! It’s my best one yet!!!!”

14. “Nuii is my favourite ever ice cream, I’ve never mentioned this before because shhhh my real real favs are magnums which I’ve been on about for years and everyone knows but these guys are paying me to say this now, so I need to do an elaborate ad which has nothing to do with ice cream, it has to be all about me - cue the slow mo twirls, Grace!”

15. As above but for Gillette. “Slow mo montage of me me me, despite it having nothing to do with the actual product... then just throw in a quick shave at the end. Slow mo that thing Grace!!”

16. “I’m a sexpert now, I’m a sex pest, I love crudely describing my sex life because I don’t give a fuck. Listen to ma flapssssss!”

17. “I’m snot drunk, jus’ tired! HaVe YoU EvEr BeEn TiReD?!”

18. “I don’t have to take accountability for anything I say or do because I couldn’t give a shit about anyone else especially during this pandemic”

19. “I can touch everything in the shop without intention of buying it because I have hand sanitizer!” (she says with her finger up her nose)

20. She’s a cunt 😁
OMG this 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Was just thinking about how she was filming (or rather Grace was filming) her fanny being lasered every couple of months and was gonna turn it into a documentary at the end of the year. She won't have been able to get them lasered so they will be semi-lasered lmao! I wonder how they are faring?
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I don’t think it’s right to be sharing his personal Facebook guys.
As much as we might not think he’s a great dude, he is not the one who has a job in social media and he’s not the one who’s putting his life up on YouTube/Instagram
Fair one, I've reported my own post.
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I'm watching one of her old 'size 14 tries' videos in which she says Levi's have a generous W32 size, but if she's buying a 32 jean size then that's different to a W32 and is closer to a W34. Jean size for whatever reason isn't straight forward and a 32 in Levi's ribcage jeans (the style she tried) are closer to a 16 than a 14 and she says they're the right size 🙃 Helen please
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I can't believe she got him to redo the proposal! My husband proposed to me on a weekend trip to Wales (lovely) got food poisoning the same day and spent the night projectile vomiting. I used a flannel, shower gel ,bleach and perfume (for the smell) to clean up. I was literally scooping sick up with my hands 🤢 I mainly did it because it was early hours of the morning and I didn't want to wake the owners and we also didn't really want to be charged 😂 you couldn't tell anything had happened, we told the owner the next day and she was really understanding and just had to wash the bath mat and said she'd do an extra deep clean.Maybe I should have got him to redo the proposal 🤔
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I can’t get over how drunk she is in Danni’s stories, and most definitely on something too. The slurring of the words and struggling to open a jar and shouting “I hate yew”, honestly if that was my friend I would be worried not laughing and filming. Also, to still have that story up, when the hangover has hit the next day, is embarrassing.
Mainly feel sorry for her neighbours tbh.
I live a few doors down from her, outside her house was a big ‘campsite & festival this way’ sign pointing to her garden gate, and at least 5 cars outside (one of them was hers I guess). It definitely sounded like there was more than the governments advice of ‘6 people’ round.
Can I message you? I used to live in Norwich and curious about what part she live in. I think I know but could be totally wrong. Not looking for street names. Just the area.
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