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Makes me mad too! She’s such a show off if it actually happened she’d show some evidence or actually log it on Strava. 30 mins my asssss
There's no way in hell she went from needing to stop for a walking break at 2km one day, to breezing through 5km in 30 minute. Sorry Helen, not buying it.
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"Guys I have gained SOOOOOOO much weight during this pregnancy....anyway heres a size 14 maternity lookbook"
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How funny would it be if you were a clothing brand and approached Helen to work with her after seeing all of her "size 14" style guides so you knew her size, for her to email back "Can I have them in a size 16 please" 😂
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I USED to feel bad for her with the whole Maff situation. Yeah he came across like a dick Helen’s videos, but she was the one editing these parts of him in, so we can see the narratives she likes to push. And she would still be so defensive and have a go at people when they commented how mean he seemed to her.

Maff fully admitted his anger issues went and got therapy, he’s looking so well these days and looks like he works so hard at his own business - which is more than what we can see from Helen! Being free from Helen has done him wonders - and makes you think, who was really the toxic one in that relationship? 🤔
Agreed! They were both no good for each other but it’s interesting to see who has worked on themselves since and who has stayed the same (if not worse) and is living through the same toxic, destructive patterns year in year out? 👀
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Not really though, she’s saying it’s “amazing what you’ll find if you just look” not, “go check this place out”
I mean more the checking the Instagram location tags on people’s posts to find new places..
She literally mentioned that as a tip for going to new places.
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I must admit I have a big box like that full of different drugs like immodium,hayfever tablets, paracetomol, plasters etc. We do call it the drug box but its stashed away in the spare room not in my kitchen.

Also I'm curious if this new guy is paying towards this garage workshop which lets face it, she isnt going to use. £840 and thats not counting the other kitchen stuff and then a trip to the garden centre again, the massive shops she does and al lthe takeaways. I wish i had over a grand to just piss away every other week. I'm nosy as hell and would love to know how much she spends weekly. Some weeks I dont even spend £50.
I wasn't criticising the size of the box, I was commenting on the way she goes wide eyes and says "PILLS!" after she says pills the first time, like she's connecting it with illegal drugs or something. Was just a thought.
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Helen ‘hiking is my life’ Anderson walked from her house into town for the first time ever yesterday. Seriously? An hour isn’t that long a walk, 3ish miles. So she who loves hiking must drive each time. Come onnn.
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I guess if he really does have a situation at home which means he can't go there and he's been at hers all this time and it's lockdown she may struggle to work out how to ask him to leave.
She’s a grown woman though, and he’s a grown ass man.. like??? She owes him nothing, he shouldn’t be expected to stay there regardless of what’s going on in his personal life, that’s his business, they were literally dating a matter of weeks then all of a sudden it’s helens responsibility to keep him at her place.. seems odd to me
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Here we go - Helen whinging on about how she can’t go to download because of corona and complaining it’s the only time she gets together with the girls as they don’t go on girls holidays or anything. Fucking lies, it was only last month or so she was meant to go on a holiday with her friends and their partners.

She’s just missing getting drugged up out of her skull with her mates.
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I don’t follow Dani so haven’t seen her instagram posts only from what’s been on here but I agree I think she knows they’ve been caught out. I will definitely be watching the video and seeing what she has edited out to try and make it look like she’s had less people round. I know everyone is mentioning the absence of the boyfriend too but she still has 2 cars outside her house so I think he is still there just not on her social media. (We put the bins out sometimes for her)

There were others round that I saw that weren’t even mentioned on her story so it’s almost as if she’s asked them to keep quiet and not post about it! she made them all breakfast fry ups in the morning after which they sat and ate under the gazebo as well.
Maybe he spent the time playing call of duty on his new tv in the bedroom 🤣
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View attachment 173860

It's cool, I was totally wrong and overreacting, she wasn't drunk in this video. Wonder what caused the slurring and personality shift instead 🤷‍♀️
Seems you hit a nerve - she’s ranting about it on Instagram 🤣 She says it’s been asked by people from day one, she finds it really odd and then goes off saying how it grinds her gears and how it’s not very acceptable if people.

But she seems to forget that we’ve seen what she’s like when she’s sober and we’ve seen what she’s like when she’s drunk - her speech, the inability to pronounce words or make a sentence correctly, the way her eyes look so weird, the slow blink and rolling makes it look like she IS on something. She’s shared videos on ig before when she ‘got lit’ and took drugs at download and she had the same eye rolls/slow blinks.

It’s very odd.

Like I said earlier it wouldn’t surprise me if she was on something, at the start of her lockdown vlog she complained of severe back pain and if she’s taking strong pain killers for that with the obscene amounts of alcohol she’s consuming recently then her speech and actions will be affected.
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Lucky she found an image that matches her instagrams aesthetic and now she can talk about race for probably the first time in her life cool
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She mentioned at the start about people telling her to do the couch to 5k app and she was going to try it (it’s a free NHS app btw Helen if you actually bothered to look) The couch to 5k is a very slow and steady way to work up to 5k over a period of time - the first day does not make you do a 5k. Fucking idiot. Why bother to say you might do a couch to 5k if you’re already doing a whole 5k in 30, Helen? Ohhh because you lie about everything these days.

She’s become so unrealistic and fake.
Honestly I done the full couch to 5k programme and obviously it takes like 9 weeks and even when I got to the end and managed to run a 5k I still couldn’t do it in 30 minutes hahah
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I brought this bodysuit the other day in a size 12 and definitely need the size 14 and I’m nowhere near the size of Helen! I know Miss Selfridge can sometimes come up smaller, like Topshop (also I cannot stand their sizing as you have to wear two sizes up than your normal?), but it’s clear that she’s not accepting that her sizing has changed and that’s okay?
I feel like New Look sizing is quite good and accurate (a little big if anything), new look sizing has always been the most accurate for me and all of my friends, the fit is always spot on, and everytime I see Helen try new look clothes, whether that be shorts, skirts, bodysuits etc, she ALWAYS complains that it is too small, and more often than not she can barely get it over her legs, and she always says “size 14”, and they are WAY too tight. So she needs to start facing reality and accepting it’s OKAY to be bigger than a size 14, you don’t need to lie and pretend you’re still a size 14. I think the only time she was a genuine size 14 was when she was with maff, she looked healthier, happier, she was glowing and her body looked HEALTHY. She is no way still a size 14
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There's no way in hell she went from needing to stop for a walking break at 2km one day, to breezing through 5km in 30 minute. Sorry Helen, not buying it.
She mentioned at the start about people telling her to do the couch to 5k app and she was going to try it (it’s a free NHS app btw Helen if you actually bothered to look) The couch to 5k is a very slow and steady way to work up to 5k over a period of time - the first day does not make you do a 5k. Fucking idiot. Why bother to say you might do a couch to 5k if you’re already doing a whole 5k in 30, Helen? Ohhh because you lie about everything these days.

She’s become so unrealistic and fake.
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I have never been happier to have blocked her on Insta. Even reading the comments here is making me want to vom in my mouth.

Of ALL the shit going on it the world and all the things you could discuss and make videos on, Helen chooses to talk about her grubby little chub fucks.

You irrelevant, selfish, narcissist.
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I don't know Phil now but I went to school with him and lived near him when I was growing up.
He was always nice back then and his family are nice too.
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Remember when she was with Mark and suddenly became 'obsessed' with Rab saying it was her new Gucci 🙄 once again pretending to have interesting hobbies other than picking her nose but of course it's just for the aesthetic. Personally the only label I give a shit about for hiking is goretex 😅
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