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Chatty Member
Hi guys, I hope everyone is ok. I'm feeling a bit worried about my best friends dad and looking for opinion.

He's had pain in his stomach since NYD and lost about a stone or more in 2 weeks, very rapid - looks even skinnier today than yesterday! He was called at 4.30 by his GP to say they've had bloods back and it's not good news but can't share on the phone and to get in ASAP. He was working about an hour's drive from home so they said get home and we'll text at 6pm and tell you where to go as you need the results and hospital tests immediately. Of course this caused panic so she's driven over to mum and dads. GP hasn't bloody called back!!!!!

So they're in limbo and of course my friend is hoping this will turn out to be something like Chron's. Does anyone have experience of this and know if this would be usual for Chron's or are we looking at it as more than likely cancer? I obviously hope not but want to steel myself to be supportive for her and her parents who I know. I am feeling really worried and can't believe this could be left over the weekend without more information!!! 🤬🤬

Thank you

Will the go call this late? If not I'd call 111 and see if they can access his records incase he needs to go in.

For example my MIL had been sick for a while and went for a blood test. That night her pain was so bad I went against her wishes and called an ambulance. Turns out she needed urgent surgery on her gallbladder but around 5am in the morning paramedics were sent to the house as her blood test came back really worrying. They came to take her in but she was already there.
My son has terminal stomach cancer with mets to liver, diagnosed last year, his symptoms were loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, stomachaches, being sick. He also had right sided shoulder pain which was one of the main reasons he went to the Dr’s, turns out that pain was from the mets in his liver, blood tests came back with inflammation in his blood. It honestly took nearly 3 months for an actual diagnosis after getting the results of his bloods. Horrendous lack in communication and we were constantly having to chase things up.
Personally if i was in your friends dad situation i would go to A&E, they’ll more than likely take bloods and it’ll go from there.
We had to do this when my son was first diagnosed as a young child with cancer (this is his 2nd time having cancer, different cancer) back then he was misdiagnosed multiple times by our gp, we ended up taking him to A&E where things progressed quickly.
I'm so sorry to read about your son. ❤❤❤
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Chatty Member
I've found my people. Sitting u with a sharp lower right abdomen pain and know I won't sleep worrying if its my appendix or my gallbladder or my right ovary.

It's probably fucking trapped wind but I can kiss my sleep for the night goodbye
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I tried to phone yesterday. Basically the receptionists have to triage it first and they kept passing half messages on saying they couldn't change my notes and then the referal has now gone in. this happened x3 yesterday! they just didnt understand, it was infuriating. they said they're booked up for appointments and the nurse I saw was rota out of hours so I can't track her down
she also said it twice on notes. she probably took 10 seconds to check each side of me. I asked her have you definitely found it? she seemed not hugely concerned and said cysts are common and it seemed cyst like...
I know you’re worried but please try not to be! ❤ I have had a thought though…she possibly put it as non mobile to kind of keep you near the top of the referral list because she knows you’re worried, it might just be what they have to say to get the referral. But like another poster says, if you really are worried, please ring the surgery and ask for clarification!

when i went, the paramedic said she could feel a ‘scraggy’ bit… I was like WTF?? you can search these threads if you like for my posts on my boob lumps!

honestly I know it’s scary and confusing for medical professionals to put stuff in their notes, but they simply don’t realise that us non medical folk do pay attention to what they put on our notes! So something that looks scary to us they’re not even worried about!

when I was in hospital after my thyroid op, I read my discharge notes and it said ‘congested right anterior jugular vein’ or something and I FREAKED OUT.

that was last September…I have tried to ask what it means, but no one seems that bothered and Im still here 🙄 but they’re obviously not worried because it’s a common finding!

I hope this helps you a little bit x
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I’m trying to rationalise but some days I’m in complete spiral and convinced myself I’m dying. I posted that I’d being having nausea a bit back, and while I still get it sometimes it’s a lot less now so I’m trying to tell myself that’s anxiety related and I feel more sick the more I worry about it.

I get back ache, headache, nerve pain, all sorts tbh and I’m trying to tell myself it’s just the anxiety but then I get into a bad place and I think but what if it is something nasty? It doesn’t help that when I innocently scroll through tik tok I get
cancer related
content and it really sends me in a spiral.

has anyone found anxiety medication helps with their health anxiety? I haven’t took anything for about 3 years but I’m considering asking the doctor for medication as I’m feeling really unwell with how awful all my MH issues are.
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I came onto these threads a while ago but havent been on for some time. I struggle massively with health anxiety. The slightest niggle or sensation I get (can be anywhere in my body) I am on to Google. If i get a spot/bruise/bite/cough, different coloured urine, I am on to Google. I am currently in therapy and trying so hard to relieve my anxious mind. Any tips? It's not just health anxiety I have, I am quite an anxious person anyway. Thank you for listening!
Honestly, the only thing that helped me personally was sertraline. Unfortunately my script ran out and my avoidance/phobia of doctors means I have been taking mine for 2 years.

Best tips - don't Google. Try and restrict the amount of checking and reassurance seeking you do. When it feels the most uncomfortable is when you really need to hold steady and not give in.

Of course this is all easier said and done! Have you looked at "Cherelle Thinks" on YouTube and insta? I found her so helpful and relatable!

Has anyone ever experienced shortness of breath or feeling like they can't take a full breath in?
Yes, this is called air hunger! It's a fight or flight response. People with high anxiety tend to take shallow breaths too.

You need to take a deep breaths in slowly and mindfully and hopefully that should help. If not then definitely look into breathing exercises to help with high anxiety
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My health anxiety is through the roof. I’ve had a mole / freckle on my toe for years and years and I’ve noticed that it’s got darker and bigger. I got it checked 3 years ago and it was fine. My health anxiety has me convinced it’s something sinister and I’m struggling to function normally, the anxiety is crippling. Getting it checked on Friday but it still seems so long to wait.
One of my moles had all the changes that indicated something sinister and it was fine. I got it removed anyway just for peace of mind and the doctors were great about it x
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Thanks Suze & Jodie.
I know it will be ok, just not something anyone wants to do.
Unfortunately we all know people who have/have had breast cancer so I will put my big girl pants on and book it!

I hadn't though of ladies who had been ravaged by breast feeding! That's what they're designed for!
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How was the appointment? Did you have to have a mammogram and biopsy etc?

I might do that but I’ve not even got a letter or any indication of where the clinic is etc yet (only got referred yesterday). The dr said if I haven’t heard anything from them in 4 weeks call my gp again which wasn’t super reassuring that it would be quick at all.
All the clinicians were absolutely amazing, I think they could tell I was close to tears haha. My lump turned out to be nothing, just breast tissue. I had an ultrasound (not old enough for a mam) which confirmed it and then I was off on my way. Took about 20 minutes tops.

Have a Google of your local breast clinic. It's likely you would have been referred there.
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I went and got my lump checked and the gp has put me through for a 2 week urgent breast cancer referral but said the breast clinic are behind so it will probably be more like 4 weeks… I’m going absolutely crazy though and I just don’t know how I’ll make it through 4 weeks as just can’t stop thinking about it. Literally taking up every moment of my day ☹

Really hope it’s quick as I start a new role next week and just don’t know how I’ll focus with this on my mind.
I feel for you! Happened to me last month (including the 4 week wait).

The wait is mental torture. Try giving the clinic a call and asking if you can go on their cancellation list!
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Advice please :)

Hi all, so I’ve just come back from an abdominal ultrasound due to right side lower rib pain, which has subsided in the time I received my appointment. On the scan the technician said I look like I have fatty liver & fat sparring. She said she is going to write the report to the doctor and it’s his decision whether I am still to receive a CT scan for further testing. One thing that’s scared me is when I asked whether everything looks ok her response was “that’s not for me to say I’m not medically trained to diagnose” when I know that’s what is said when they have seen something. I recently had a gynae scan and she gave me the ok straight after the scan. What are the chances of a CT being request by my doctor after receiving the report? I have terrible health anxiety and this is going to be the longest week of my life, I’m so worried.
I wouldn't put too much weight kn the technician's words, because they're really not allowed to say anything/diagnose. They have some skills but they don't have the full training a doctor will have so if they tell you it's nothing but it turns out to be something, they're in trouble. If they tell you it's something but turns out it was nothing, they're in trouble. So they usually don't say anything, it's best practice. The one that did tell you it was all okay is the one who was in the wrong, in terms of ethics and behaviour.
I’m a bit worried about a mole on my face. I’ve had the mole for years but over the last couple of weeks it’s almost like a pimple spot has appeared under it, is this normal? The colour of the mole itself hasn’t changed but it’s a bit of a strange place to get a spot appear under one. I’m trying not to Google as I know I’ll just get the fear. I do have a docs appointment booked for a week today but I need some peace of mind!
I know it seems highly unlikely, but it's totally possible. I have a mole on the side of my chin and I once got a frigging pimple under it. I also booked it to the dermatologist, and was reassured. That was over a decade ago so I think I'm off the hook 😉 it's most likely nothing but good job seeing your doctor to confirm.
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This is actually very reassuring @Honeystar & @Suzesnooze . No one other than my GP has seen it yet and she said straight away she had no idea what it was. The dermatology team who referred me at the GP have only seen a photo on a phone and the hospital have booked me in for a biopsy due to the pictures I had taken there 3 weeks ago.
It's just a little nerve wracking when you're not actually told why but I'm assuming it'll all come out on Wednesday. I'm feel much more reassured now though that it's more of a let's check it just in case rather than a you definitely have something wrong.
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There were open windows on the unaffected side now that you mention it. I don't want to go full conspiracy theorist but since getting covid 18 months ago I have been getting a tonne of random symptoms all associated with temperature change - heat rash, hives, swelling and now this redness and burning. I never had any issue with hotter weather (lived in 45° for a while). If it gets higher than 10° now my body seems to react 😮💨 So so frustrating
I don’t think it’s conspiracy theorist at all! Good on you for being in tune with your body enough to notice the correlation!
I used to work in a shop and every now and then, I would be talking to someone and I’d feel a part of My lip come up in a hive, and you could see it come up within seconds, not my whole lip, literally just like a tiny bit on the line between my lip and my skin, and then it would just go! I haven’t had that since I left, and I don’t know what that was either! I sometimes get small itchy hives on my wrists for no reason too
"If you hear hooves, think horses not zebras".
I assume full on unicorns 🤣
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1000% yes. I have had chronic health anxiety since I was 11 years old. I'm 34 now and have had every test under the sun. The tests (thank God) have always come back clear but anxiety is a cruel beast and the somatic symptoms every constantly and relentlessly changing. At the moment I have been dealing with tingling in my feet and legs for the past 10 weeks that has me driven completely spare. Even though the tingling started the same day my Mam was admitted to a hospice it does nothing to relieve the worry. I genuinely wouldn't wish health anxiety on my worst enemy. You are fighting your mind and your body every single day.

I often think of Health Anxiety a bit like drug addiction but if you quit heroin you are not going to carry a stash of it around with you all the time. Every health anxiety sufferer knows googling isn't good but this little device that is never far from our hands generally makes the temptation to seek reassurance all to great.

Would strongly recommend Cherelle Thinks on YouTube. She is recovered from health anxiety and offers good tips on her YouTube and insta. Sending love to all out there that suffer from this absolute bastard of a mental illness.
Oh my goodness I've stumbled across this page and truely feel like I've found my people.
Some days I think I'm going insane. I honestly think my marriage is at risk if I don't find a way to get this health anxiety under control.
I can resonate with so many of these posts, the absolutely convincing yourself you have something wrong with you and then googling symptoms and literally manifesting them. I've been more tested, checked and investigated than the average 48 year old which should give me reassurance but doesn't.

Currently I'm in a terrible spiral and are literally counting down the seconds for a neurologist appointment next week.
Basically like you I have had some ongoing tingling in hands, feet, legs and face for over 10 years and have been checked twice by a neurologist who also did an MRI of my brain 4 years ago and put it down to anxiety.
Fast forward to a month ago and now living in a new country (which has been the hardest year of my life!) and I've got the tingles back again and saw a neurologist last week. She did a thorough exam and ruled out anything sinister like MS, Motor Nurone etc but wants me back for some nerve testing next week. Since then I've been out of my mind worrying what it is and the tingling is now gone and replaced with burning up and down my calves and sometimes arms. It's uncomfortable rather than painful.
I am sick with worry what's going on and can barely function. It some ways it's crazy as the neurologist really didn't think it was anything life changing or sinister and assured me not to worry...yeah right!
I've been rested for b12 etc but that's all fine.

Any reassuring words?!
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Just wanted to say hi and that you are not alone. I suffer terribly with HA especially regarding thoughts of cancer and dying. I think almost constantly about leaving my husband and two boys who are 12 and 10. I've been to the GP twice recently convinced I had breast cancer and they reassured me really well but deep down it made no difference as I'm still worrying. Probably not helped by the fact that one of my closest friends has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and has just had surgery. Thankfully it was caught early and she's doing well.
I have had a two rounds of CBT for HA and I'm not massively convinced it worked brilliantly for me. My husband and mum keep saying I need to refer myself again to the mental health service as I just can't relax or look forward to anything. We are currently on holiday and I'm trying to relax as much as possible but I just keep thinking something bad issues going to happen when we get home. I do think I could benefit from some more counselling but maybe more targeted to the fact that I can't allow myself to enjoy anything.
I'm always on here if you want to vent or share your worries.
❤❤❤❤ thank you. I do appreciate you relying to me. It does help that I'm not alone. Today has been a better day. I deleted TikTok 24 hours ago and defo feel less anxious. I would love nothing more than to see someone but the MH situation in Ireland is soooo bad. I would be waiting months/ years or it would cost me a small fortune. Maybe we can counsel each other?😂😂

I dont really have much helpful advice except to say you are not alone. I swing from different cancers every other week. I have had two friends die quite quickly with very random and rare cancers and its made me so paranoid. I am similar to you in the sense my life is good so I feel like its not going to last and its my turn to have something happen.
I'm in a period of 'no cancers right now' (I've never had any!) but I know its a matter of time before I convince myself I have the next one. All I can say is that I try to tell myself the vast majority of people live long lives, we hear about the rare horrible cases because they are exactly that, rare and unusual. Us people with HA have probably had more tests and checks than most people so we are probably less likely to have any big issues come up by surprise.
Thank you as well❤❤❤ Knowing that other people feel these and also hear these thoughts and worries is so comforting. Regarding the test comment - YES, I just had blood tests and they're perfect but of course, I asked for a copy and googled everything and then googled "would cancer show up on blood test results" god sake :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Sending love! Please let us know how you get on if you feel able! ❤
The bend was perhaps the worst pain I've ever been in in my life but I don't do pain very well

They found a 5mm sessile polyp which was removed by cold snare and is being sent off to pathology

Does this mean there's a possibility it might be cancer?

She said that it's being done as routine but what if I wait the 6-8 weeks and then it's cancer? I'm buggered
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I’m trying to rationalise but some days I’m in complete spiral and convinced myself I’m dying. I posted that I’d being having nausea a bit back, and while I still get it sometimes it’s a lot less now so I’m trying to tell myself that’s anxiety related and I feel more sick the more I worry about it.

I get back ache, headache, nerve pain, all sorts tbh and I’m trying to tell myself it’s just the anxiety but then I get into a bad place and I think but what if it is something nasty? It doesn’t help that when I innocently scroll through tik tok I get
cancer related
content and it really sends me in a spiral.

has anyone found anxiety medication helps with their health anxiety? I haven’t took anything for about 3 years but I’m considering asking the doctor for medication as I’m feeling really unwell with how awful all my MH issues are.
so sorry you’re suffering. I know all too well how horrendous HA can be and have been through the wringer myself. I asked my psychiatrist about citalopram as I had been on that a few years ago but she actually said that Sertraline is best for anxiety/intrusive thoughts. I can honestly say my life has changed drastically! I’ve been on Sertraline for 2 years now and take a low dose of diazepam as and when needed but I am able to rationalise now. For context, I had very sore, lumpy boobs and my GP wasn’t happy so she referred me to the breast clinic. Whilst waiting for the appointment, attending the appointment, being scanned and getting the results, yes I was ‘concerned’ as anyone would be but I didn’t spiral like I would have previously. I was actually able to get on with normal life in the lead up and stayed very calm on the day. Speak to your Dr and do some research on what anxiety disorders Sertraline can treat x
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I came onto these threads a while ago but havent been on for some time. I struggle massively with health anxiety. The slightest niggle or sensation I get (can be anywhere in my body) I am on to Google. If i get a spot/bruise/bite/cough, different coloured urine, I am on to Google. I am currently in therapy and trying so hard to relieve my anxious mind. Any tips? It's not just health anxiety I have, I am quite an anxious person anyway. Thank you for listening!
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Oh no I definitely suffer from health anxiety


Yeah the doctor has felt my abdomen but I've been feeling it too and have bumps in my abdomen. Don't know if that's normal or not.

Hopefully it'll be soon because I just need to know now

I really appreciate your reply

Don't know if it means much but the blood isn't actually in my stool. Just on top and when I wipe.

It's definitely a heaviness that I feel and a fullness in my bum all the time

Hopefully it'll be soon.
The fact that the blood is not in your stool means that the bleed is much closer to the anus, very likely a fissure or hemorrhoids. It doesn't necessarily discard any other concern, but that's what my doctor told me. You're very probably bleeding because the stool is tearing open a wound/bothering a hemorrhoid.

Do discuss this feeling you're having with your therapist, though. You deserve to have some peace before your colonoscopy.
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Chatty Member
I have inflamed gums, especially in one specific area and it's raised and feels like it's burning on and off. I also have an intense fear of dentists and haven't been for about 7 years. I have been laying in bed crying convincing myself I have mouth cancer. Just needed to tell someone. I have had a gum infection in the past, treated by antibiotics. I got the same type and dose from Superdrug privately (sold for BV but exactly the same) and it's not gone. Although I'm only half way through the course. Not sure what to do (other than go to a dentist but it's going to take me a long time to build up the courage)
You are only halfway through the course. Finish the course first. Are you using corsodyl mouthwash? Its brilliant for gums. Most likely just a gum irritation. What you have described are not signs of mouth cancer at all!
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Can anyone else feel painless hard what I assume is a lymph node in their groin? 😩 not really how I want to start off a new year but the what ifs are spiralling
Not right now but I've felt it and it could be many things, among them your body fighting a virus. The lymph nodes everywhere can get swollen and become palpable. Keep an eye on it, if you don't come down with something or feel sickly and it doesn't go away in a couple weeks you can get it checked but in my experience it's never been anything serious.
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