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Does anybody get HA for everyone else but not themselves? I always say I’ll be fine. But when it comes to other people, especially my child, I spiral terribly
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I came onto these threads a while ago but havent been on for some time. I struggle massively with health anxiety. The slightest niggle or sensation I get (can be anywhere in my body) I am on to Google. If i get a spot/bruise/bite/cough, different coloured urine, I am on to Google. I am currently in therapy and trying so hard to relieve my anxious mind. Any tips? It's not just health anxiety I have, I am quite an anxious person anyway. Thank you for listening!
It's something I really struggle with too. My Dr wants to put me on anxiety medication for it but yup you guessed it, Im anxious about that too!
For now these are my best tips:

1) NEVER EVER google. Our brains are always going to go to worse case scenario. If I am ever really worried or feeling like I cant not google, I get my husband to do it for me. Because he doesn't have anxiety he can read it far more pragmatically that me and finds the most common reason for things, not the very unlikely things
2) Stay away from media articles, social media etc that tell the story of random people that get sick. I used to do this all the time. I naturally gravitated to worse case stories. I would read them to see if they mentioned what their first symptoms were and I literally convince myself I have them too. I did it with the lady (Deborah?) that had bowel cancer, Sarah Harding with Breast Cancer.
3) When you start spirally, write a list of all the reasons you are healthy, why you cant possibly have a brain tumor, cancer etc. For me its things like 'no sudden weight loss, good diet, fit and active, have had regular blood tests etc.
4) Remind yourself that the vast majority of people lead pretty boring lives and reach a ripe old age before dying. We hear about horrible early deaths for the very reason they are rare.
5) Practise mindful breathing, lie on the floor on your back with your legs up against the wall and take long slow breaths. It can really help to quiet your brain.
Has anyone ever experienced shortness of breath or feeling like they can't take a full breath in?
I would take a very strong guess that its anxiety.
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It's no wonder you're worried but I think you're getting a bit carried away saying you won't see Christmas. There are many reasons for the positive FIT test and early bowel cancer is of course one of them but it's more than likely you have a polyp or even piles or like your Dr thinks, an anal fissure. My father in law had one of those and had bleeding and the colonoscopy which diagnosed the anal fissure. He's fine now.

Try not to google and try not to fear the worst. Easier said than done.
This exactly. ulcers, bulges, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids , swallowed blood from bleeding gums or nosebleeds, or it could be due to early bowel cancer. There are so many reasons. Have you looked into inflammatory bowel disease?. I have a colleague that has had constipation, pain and changes in movement and then had blood she could see within her movements. Turned about to be a polyp. No cancer. All clear.

I know it's so hard to stay calm but even if it's the worse case it's extremely unlikely to be the worst of the worst. Also advanced bowel cancer that means you wouldn't see Christmas would have spread. You would have SO many symptoms related to liver/bones/lungs you would KNOW about it. Deep breath. You will be here for Christmas and most likely a long long time after that. You are doing the right thing to get checked.
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Going to sound nuts but I feel like I’m getting weird ‘signs’ and I know this is ridiculous but…

The book I was reading the person found a lump and got breast cancer. The tv show I’m watching, one of the cast just announced they had been diagnosed with breast cancer. My audio book just had a character die from … you guessed it, breast cancer.

I know it’s mad to make those associations but my brain immediately goes ‘the universe made you choose those things to read/watch/listen to as signs’.

this is a thread on health anxiety so if I’m going to share my irrationality I may as well do it here 😅
Every single time I am fixated and worried about a particular illness I get the "signs" too.

When I was waiting for my breast appointment and ordered a new bra. What was on it? Only the breast cancer awareness symbol. I could have cried haha. But I was fine!

It's called "Magic thinking" - you aren't going crazy lol.

But these aren't signs. It's your brain making connections about the thing you are worried about as your brain perceives it to be a threat. It's a survival mechanism in overdrive!

It's not the universe giving you a signs.
I am seriously spiraling right now. I have suffered from health anxiety for years now after seeing more and more young people diagnosed with cancer on social media etc. Since January I have been having bad headaches, almost daily. I have an appointment at a neurologist in June but I have convinced myself it's a brain tumour. I'd like to think if it was that then I'd be having a lot more symptoms by now given it's been 5 months but then my brain is convinced that it's something sinister Then I think to myself I'm probably encouraging my headaches by constantly thinking about it and focusing on them which in turn is making them worse. Anxiety is such a vicious circle isn't it. I've also had a sore throat since last weekend and I've somehow convinced myself that it's throat cancer. It's exhausting :(
That sounds really tough!

There are all manner of benign things it could be rather than a tumour! Chronic headache can be linked to deficiencies, certain medications, dehydration, stress and anxiety!

I believe a brain tumour would absolutely have more symptoms than just a headache. Especially after 5 months.
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Hi, new here.

Suffering really bad with my HA. Suffer with my MH anyways but since I bought a house a few months ago, I feel like every week I've a new illness. I refuse to go on meds as I've been on them before and I cannot function (I'm not on any meds, no contraception or anything).

I've lumpy boobs, have gone about it so many times, it's nothing. I'm fine, theres no new lumps or anything. I'm fine but why can't I stop breast checking myself to the point where I'm hurting myself. It could be multiple times a day. My boobs get sore when I ovulate and when I'm PMSING. Periods are on time, all the time. I'M FINE:censored:

This comes in waves, next week I'll be obsessing about my bowels and my tummy.

The following week, I'll have eye cancer or brain cancer because my lip twitched because I haven't slept due to HA.

My life is normal, I'm healthy. Everything is going good, why can I not relax? I've deleted insta and tiktok because I feel like they're adding to it.

I feel like I'm getting to the best part of my life, new house, wedding, travel yeno life after covid and I'm afraid I'll get sick, never recover and die before I'm 30? I'm hysterical and it's driving me insane!!!!
I dont really have much helpful advice except to say you are not alone. I swing from different cancers every other week. I have had two friends die quite quickly with very random and rare cancers and its made me so paranoid. I am similar to you in the sense my life is good so I feel like its not going to last and its my turn to have something happen.
I'm in a period of 'no cancers right now' (I've never had any!) but I know its a matter of time before I convince myself I have the next one. All I can say is that I try to tell myself the vast majority of people live long lives, we hear about the rare horrible cases because they are exactly that, rare and unusual. Us people with HA have probably had more tests and checks than most people so we are probably less likely to have any big issues come up by surprise.
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Posted here a couple of weeks back about having a breast lump, just to update and maybe reassure anyone who comes across this in future - it was just a bit of harder breast tissue.

Had my appointment within 2 weeks and the ladies at the clinic were just so lovely and reassuring. Quick physical exam and then an ultrasound and all sorted within the hour. Feel so relieved ☺
That's great news! See - those weren't signs you were seeing, just an anxious mind ❤
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A couple of weeks ago I found a lump in my breast, but I figured it was probably due to my cycle. However this evening I’ve checked again and it’s still there so I think I’m going to have to go to see the GP.

Looked on my NHS app and there aren’t any appointments until July 16th… I just don’t think my anxiety will cope waiting that long. Has anyone else had this and called their surgery and been seen sooner? It seems a long time to wait to get it checked out if it were something sinister.

Im going to try and call my GP tomorrow and hope they will see me before then 🤞🏻
I’m 99% sure they’ll see you before then for a breast lump as they’re supposed to ensure you get a 2 week referral to the breast clinic too. Hope you manage to get through to talk to someone quickly this morning.
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My middle toes on my left foot feel like they have string or something wrapped around them and I keep getting pins and needles. I’ve Googled it and it’s suggesting peripheral neuropathy which can be caused by cancer or tumors. Great 😩
I had the exact same symptoms as you’ve described here and it turns out it was vitamin B12 deficiency - I was prescribed a short course of high dosage tablets to get my levels back up and now just take a daily supplement and the symptoms have greatly improved. Definitely worth checking if it’s that :)
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My health anxiety is through the roof. I’ve had a mole / freckle on my toe for years and years and I’ve noticed that it’s got darker and bigger. I got it checked 3 years ago and it was fine. My health anxiety has me convinced it’s something sinister and I’m struggling to function normally, the anxiety is crippling. Getting it checked on Friday but it still seems so long to wait.
Just as an update I got to checked this morning and Gp wasn’t worried about it. Her words were “I’m confident you can go skipping out of here with nothing to worry about”. She sent a photo to dermatology anyway but she’s not worried. Still a little bit nervous about it being sent there for them to look at but the gp took a thorough look and wasn’t concerned.
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tomorrow will be the same 22 days since it started last month, so feeling quite anxious 😓
I don't think there's anything to be anxious about. Periods being shorter or longer are nothing to worry about. If it was a sign of anything it would be perimenopause but I'd say you're too young for that?
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Hi guys, I hope everyone is ok. I'm feeling a bit worried about my best friends dad and looking for opinion.

He's had pain in his stomach since NYD and lost about a stone or more in 2 weeks, very rapid - looks even skinnier today than yesterday! He was called at 4.30 by his GP to say they've had bloods back and it's not good news but can't share on the phone and to get in ASAP. He was working about an hour's drive from home so they said get home and we'll text at 6pm and tell you where to go as you need the results and hospital tests immediately. Of course this caused panic so she's driven over to mum and dads. GP hasn't bloody called back!!!!!

So they're in limbo and of course my friend is hoping this will turn out to be something like Chron's. Does anyone have experience of this and know if this would be usual for Chron's or are we looking at it as more than likely cancer? I obviously hope not but want to steel myself to be supportive for her and her parents who I know. I am feeling really worried and can't believe this could be left over the weekend without more information!!! 🤬🤬

Thank you
My son has terminal stomach cancer with mets to liver, diagnosed last year, his symptoms were loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, stomachaches, being sick. He also had right sided shoulder pain which was one of the main reasons he went to the Dr’s, turns out that pain was from the mets in his liver, blood tests came back with inflammation in his blood. It honestly took nearly 3 months for an actual diagnosis after getting the results of his bloods. Horrendous lack in communication and we were constantly having to chase things up.
Personally if i was in your friends dad situation i would go to A&E, they’ll more than likely take bloods and it’ll go from there.
We had to do this when my son was first diagnosed as a young child with cancer (this is his 2nd time having cancer, different cancer) back then he was misdiagnosed multiple times by our gp, we ended up taking him to A&E where things progressed quickly.
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I don't think there's anything to be anxious about. Periods being shorter or longer are nothing to worry about. If it was a sign of anything it would be perimenopause but I'd say you're too young for that?
22 days isn't even that short. I have irregular periods when off birth control and my gynecologist said anything between 21 and 35 days is actually within the "normal" range.

If we add to that the fact that OP is having some hormone therapy, I'd say this is not cause for concern but whenever I have health anxiety I prefer having whatever it is checked by doctors, so if it happens a few more times perhaps go to your doctor @ChampagneBox
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I wanted to share with you lovely ladies that after my burning legs and arms and tingling all over I have had a thorough review by a neurologist that included an assessment and nerve and muscle testing. She could find absolutely nothing wrong with me at all.
This is of course a big relief but I know it won't be long until the next thing comes along! For now hopefully some of you other ladies can take comfort if you have similar symptoms there is a good chance it is nothing sinister.
I’m so glad they didn’t find anything and I hope it’s given you some peace of mind for a while.

Completely understand what you mean about waiting and worrying for the next symptoms/illnesses to come along. But I hope you get a bit of a break from worrying now 😌
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I have been getting awful bloating with peri menopause and convincing myself it’s ovarian cancer so I know how you feel but then the bloating will go and so does my anxiety. I have now kept track and can tell when it’s going to happen and it’s definitely to do with estrogen.

Peri menopause causes all sorts of pains and symptoms that a lot of people aren’t aware of. Instead of googling the ovarian cancer google your symptoms with peri menopause in the search and hopefully it reassures you.
My scans were all fine too. Thank you for responding
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I went to my doctor yesterday with pain under my armpit that’s been there for months and she found a lump on my breast. I have been referred urgently for an ultrasound and potentially a biopsy. I am convinced I’m going to be told I’ve got breast cancer. Any advice?!
my mum has gone 2-3 times with a lump and both times it was just fat, the nurse told her that the majority of lumps referred for further checks are NOT cancer. Try to stay positive and keep busy whilst you wait, thinking of you
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Anxiety is an evil bastard and non sufferers don't understand that it's not just mental health that's affected, it has masses of physical symptoms. At my worst, I was constantly dizzy, getting head rushes, tingling, chest pains, breathlessness. Bizarrely, now I'm post menopause (touch wood), I rarely get attacks any more. Easier said than done, but try not to let your mind overtake you and know that you have had tests that have ruled out anything sinister. I really do sympathise.
Anxiety really is an evil bastard. Ive had chest pains around my breast area for a couple of weeks. Cough aswell now. It is almost certainly some form of chest complaint as we get of a winter time, yet anxiety likes to remind me I had a parent die of cancer (bowel S.4 which spread to liver) so absolutely nowhere near this region.

Then anxiety manifests everywhere and circulates to losing my job, losing my home and it's more draining than anything else. I just wish I could rid anxiety!
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Thank you, you are right of course but it’s so hard to rationalise when it’s yourself! I actually have an appointment next week at the breast clinic, when she rang with the appointment she said they try to see even non urgent referrals within 2 weeks which I thought was excellent. I’ve been experiencing pain in that breast this week too so I’m glad I don’t have too long of a wait
I know it's a blanket response and but I am very high risk for breast cancer and see a Specialist every 6 months. She has said to me several times that pain generally isn't a BC symptom.
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Getting really strong nausea every day and it’s really making me scared that there is something really wrong with me. My health anxiety is so bad these last few months, I must have had thousands of different symptoms and convinced myself I’ve got all sort of different ailments. With how poorly I feel I must be really ill. I keep trying to rationalise and tell myself it’s just anxiety but I’m spiralling because of how poorly I feel.

I had this years ago and ended up being put on anti-nausea tablets. I never knew what caused it but it was nothing serious.

Anxiety makes you feel sick though. I am quite a catastrophiser and have had it on and off since I was about 16 (and I’m almost 60 now). Anxiety and fear can cause all sorts of symptoms. And the more we worry about those, the worse we get; it’s a truly vicious circle.
I also think that we are all still very very tired after the pandemic. It caused an awful lot of stress and mental health issues as we’d never experienced anything like it before.

I know it’s really awful, what you’re going through. 🫂
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How many people here have asked for help with health anxiety? Did it work? I’m finally going to next week, it’s taking over my life and I’m ready to get help now, I’m scared to speak about it to a stranger essentially but if it helps me even a bit then I’ll do it

Yes and it’s horrible because I never know if it’s down to a health problem or anxiety
I've done psychotherapy and hypnosis for health anxiety and it has worked. I used to get panic attacks and I don't anymore. It's not a miracle and it's also not fixed it 100%, I still get episodes. Particularly if my overall mental health is bad due to stressors, I'm more susceptible to health anxiety. But it definitely helped and I feel much more in control and safe within my body.

Hope it helps you too ❤
Sending your son @Veilside and you lots of good thoughts and energy. Same for your friend and their dad @IllBredHen .
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I appreciate this thank you. My husband is convinced is peri menopause related too.

Anxiety is an evil bastard and non sufferers don't understand that it's not just mental health that's affected, it has masses of physical symptoms. At my worst, I was constantly dizzy, getting head rushes, tingling, chest pains, breathlessness. Bizarrely, now I'm post menopause (touch wood), I rarely get attacks any more. Easier said than done, but try not to let your mind overtake you and know that you have had tests that have ruled out anything sinister. I really do sympathise.
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