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I'll tell you what, Charles and Camilla have been knocking it out of the park this week, the Christmas tree one with Camilla had me in tears and today they have a video up reading Twas the night before Christmas and it's just bloody wonderful. It's for the Actors Benevolent Fund, Prince Charles made me smile at the end getting so animated haha.

I hope that the fannyheids in America take a look and take note on how to do things. Not that I want them to do things cos they're cunts, but you know what I mean.

Merry Christmas Tattlers, thanks for keeping me going and entertained this year. Let's hope 2021 is a better year 😘😘😘😘😘
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Are you disappointed that a photo of the baby is the one Christmas gift you are not going to find underneath the tree this year?
Are you surprised that you haven’t seen the baby in the past year?
You shouldn’t be.
Your friends at Blind Gossip told you point blank over the summer that you are NOT going to see that baby again until it can be monetized in some way!
Perhaps it will be a photo to lure followers to a new web site or social media site.
Perhaps it will be a video to promote a project.
Perhaps it will be cover for a media company in exchange for a very large payment.
But show you that baby for free?
And do you still think that this is about privacy?
Ha again!
The hiding of their offspring has nothing to do with privacy… and everything to do with money and publicity. That baby’s image has value. You are not getting it for free.
That’s because all three of them are now part of the entertainment industry. Their names, their titles, their family are now part of a money-making machine. The name of the game is business deals and product flogging and relentless publicity-seeking fronted by the thinnest veneer of charity.
Is this really what the husband signed up for?
Remember all his heart-wrenching talk about how camera clicks and flashes are horrifying to him and how he just wants to lead a private life?
Yet, his entire life is now clicks and flashes and the relentless pursuit of publicity!
The baby doesn’t have a choice. But the husband does. That’s what makes all of this so disturbing.
Is this really what the husband wanted? Is he happy about all this? Or is he just an unwitting dupe in his wife’s schemes?
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The more I look at that Christmas offering, the more confused I am.

They're either a) hiding Archie for health or aesthetic reasons; b) they know that he's their only really source of public interest so they're hiding him and waiting for the highest bid or c) their funds have been cut back/removed and they're throwing a fuck you at the RF and hiding him from them.

Parents love to show their children off. It's natural and instinctive. Their behaviour is beyond weird.
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Chatty Member
Oh Harry...what a fool you are!
If only you had married a nice, well educated young woman instead if this narcissistic, old, social climbing, uncultured witch!
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Scotch Mist

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"Did the royals break the rule of six?

According to the Tier Two rules, you can see friends and family you do not live with – or do not have a support bubble with – in a private garden or outdoor space.

But the rules state it should be only in a group of no more than six. They expressly say this limit of six includes children of any age. But many families have told of their confusion, believing that children of primary school age do not count."
See post 161 above. It's an outdoor event.

Personally I couldn't give a shit about it.
It's their lookout and none of the rules make any bloody sense. If you insist that it isn't an outdoor event then the arsehole who took the photo must also be in breach of the rules.

The fact still remains that Scabby is a shit stirrrer and so far up Smeggys backside he can see what she had for breakfast.
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If she is pregnant, to be honest who the hell is going to be interested? Nobody will see it, it'll give us all something to gossip about wondering if it was made in a lab & birthed by surrogate, but other than that who cares. People at the minute have far much more on their plates to deal with, none of which she gives any smidgeon of a flying fuck about(despite her preachy statements to the contrary) so let her get on with it and make herself look even more of an utter narc than she is already.
Isn't it odd that as she (for it is certainly her campaign) has added more over-egging to the PR/Love Us Markle pudding over this past year Covid has kept pace, in fact Covid is nudging her aside and trampling her in it's dust.
Even now, in her final push to cram as much "We are fab,look at us and give us money" stuff into the media from her various PR crews Covid has similarly ramped up the pressure with new strains and(just like her) is refusing to fuck off. It's almost like even Covid is anti Markle and not prepared to let her fulfill her dream of world domination.
Somebody up there hates her as much as we do and is pissing on her chips big time by making sure the world has more important stuff to deal with.

Think about it, had Covid(spit) not rampaged across the planet we'd be up to our ears in 90% Markle PR shite making the headlines day after day afte day. Inundated with sugar to the point of diabetes enduring "Are you Ok"s and shining lights and new noses and wavy hands and bump watch.
Good grief, it's like a battle between her PR and Covid.

I'm rambling aren't I? God I'm tired and not even the usual extended family festivities to look forward to so I can get pissed and have my annual handbags at dawn with my sisters and bros over incidents lost in the mists of time.

OK, just a blip, I'm over it. Now where were we? Ohyeah, they're still cunts.:m
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If you haven’t watched TQ’s Christmas speech I’d suggest you have tissues at the ready:

“Of course for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness - some mourning the loss of those dear to them and others missing friends and family members distanced for safety, when all they really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand...”

I hope everyone here and especially those in the UK are enjoying a lovely Christmas. Eat an extra mince pie for me 😘
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I really liked Brenda’s speech this year, it was quite poignant. Plus all the footage of the actual royals doing actual work this year...

Last year, when Smegma and Hazzard said they wanted privacy for Archie, I wanted to believe them, and I thought that if they kept to their word, it would be a wonderful thing to do for their son. Instead they’ve spent the year marketing themselves and pissing all over each other’s respective families. This is the notoriety they are shoving onto their child, who will have to shoulder the burden of his ridiculous parents once he’s grown up. All I hope is that they’re not seriously planning on bringing another child into the world any time soon.

So for 2021, my only wish for the Harkles is that they do the decent thing, keep their heads down and focus on being parents.
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It amuses me that the one thing that hazza is fixated on protecting is his military time and patronages. He knows it is the only thing near to being a job that he has ever done in his life. He clutches it like a favourite teddy bear and protects it because to lose that makes it obvious what a useless little shit he's always been. It's quite laughable that it was built on a lie from the get go when his exam results were massaged (that's 'cheated' to you and me) to get him into Sandhurst in the first place.He couldn't even manage the two passes needed on his own merits, yet he clings to that bye ball gifted career like a koala to a gumtree. Again, even though he failed to pass the army exams needed for a fully qualified chopper pilot and was relegated to co-pilot only.
Those pretty uniforms were his lifeline and losing them is killing him.
I wish Brenda would appoint the new patronages so that he knows the door is firmly closed on the dress up box and he can no longer strut like a peacock at military and Royal events.
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So generous. NOT
Oh fuck off miserable cunts. Back in the day when I was recovering from ... (?) I crocheted 280+ hats for a Romanian charity drive in a matter of a few weeks. Big, small, pom-poms, tassels, plain, butch. I've an image of the pile waiting to be collected on my old conked out laptop. I must look at that machine and transfer stuff over.
100 ? Lousy bastards.:rolleyes:
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Just who do these two think they are? Hope they don’t get indulged. They all but discarded this country and, now that they realise they are not as far and rich as they thought they would be, they now want to come and ask for an extension? Talk about savagely bitten the hand that fed them from across the pond and they brazenly want to come and dictate terms of an extension? Cut them off at the knees I say! They had the year they demanded!😡
I thought they didn’t even want the year in the first place? I’m sure I read that HMQ suggested it and they said they didn’t need it? But now, despite all the sooper dooper mega deals, a middle aged man still needs to go back to granny and daddy and ask for more? Oh dear. It’s almost like they’ve been lying through their teeth. Who’d have thunk it?
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Scotch Mist

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Ah. I thought the clothes scam was even worse: get paid by the designer for wearing the dress (£10k), tell Chuck it cost £10k, return/sell the dress (ergo not tailored and tags still on the dress/protective plastic on the handbag), make a % of every sale on Meghans Mirror. >£20k. LVMH found out about Clare wright Keller's involvement and she was summarily dismissed from Givenchy with zero notice and has gone into hiding in Cornwall with her family

Makes me want to bitch slap MM. Honestly. Is that why they made a point of showing the separate housing the PO had in Windsor for the brief/non-stay of Jack and Eug at frogpond?

I am still unclear re: what is their security arrangement in LA. Trump said "no dice". I bet Chuck is paying for their protection. Everyone was up in arms about that issue initially and then it went quiet, without a solid answer
Sadly I believe that Charles is still funding their security. As far as I know the Harkles are still being funded through the Duchy of Cornwall and get 95% of their previous income. The only part they gave up was the 5% sovereign grant. Of course the mentally challenged sugars think that we are no longer paying for them 🙄 but that isn't the case.

Personally I don't really care if they keep their titles but I do object to tax payers money being spent on these repugnant greedy individuals 🤬

I want to bitch slap her too, we'll have to form a queue 😁
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Chatty Member
Someone made a really good point if they want to protect Archie from the evil media and UK why set up a so called charity in his name?
Also it's bemusing. They moan continuously about intrusions and needing to keep their son from the limelight but wheel him out on Spotify to say a few words. And we all know they've done this as a gimmick to get listens
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Found an ideal outfit for Hazza to wear instead of his grey polo shirt - just need it in pale pink so he’d look like a pair of testicles!
Oh Pom, please do the honours and put Harry in a pink one!

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So this was released the same time as Clarence house's video about Charles and Camilla dropping a video tomorrow for Christmas in support of actors?

With that watercolour app card? And their pish about Archie decorating the tree? GO. THE. FUCK. AWAY. YOU. PAIR. OF. THIRSTY. CUNTS!
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