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Read about TheGinger Stain getting the Pat Tillman award. Sorry to once again pull out my Army Veteran card, but WHAT. THE. FUCK?!?!
This is COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!! Who approved this?!?!?! That Stain isn’t even worthy of standing next to Tillman’s grave!! 🤬
Tillman was a better man than you’d EVER BE IN a HUNDRED LIFETIMES you lazy, lying, whiny, whinging, LOSER, cunting BITCH!!! 🤬
FUCK OFF!!!!!!!
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The King has launched a range of pet products fit for animal royalty, including a bowl with gold trimmings and a crown

KClll missed a golden chance here to advertise his dog bowls as ‘virtually indestructible ….. money refunded if you fall on it and it breaks’! 😂
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D. A.

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This goes along with what Yankee is implying?
He is not coming home to build bridges, he is coming home to demand recognition, position & power 😲

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Has he been using the thickening spray again? And possibly inhaling it for good measure?

And you don't have to rub your mother's favourite brand of moisturiser into your todger and tell the world about it either.
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It would be delicious karma if in his constant quest to sue and litigate numerous times in court cases, that he was busted by his own hand, as it were.
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I think many people lose sight of the fact Harry is THICK AS PIGSHIT. Well, apart from his lawyer who needs a new swimming pool.
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Such a despicable cunt. He's as MeMeMe as his narcissitic sociopathic Ho.
When I think of all our military men and women who've served bravely and painfully on so many frontlines yet never got more than a mass produced medal, these pathological grifters make my blood boil.

Come to think about it, none of my parents - mother, father, stepfather ever bothered to get their medals for their WW2 frontline service. Except my stepfather when he was mid 60s because he was a school governor and the school held a milestone WW2 anniversary (along with the rest of the country) so they asked him to come to their community day wearing his medals and talk to the children about his experiences.

I think that lack of interest was something to do with forgetting the horrors, just getting on with life....and that they'd been there, they knew what they'd done, their quiet pride was tempered by what must have been a frequent recollection that they were the lucky ones, they came back. In the face of years of continual battle and doing their duty, they had proved themselves to themselves, they didn't need plaudits and ego strokes.

Two visits to a large and well protected base in a war zone, one of 6 weeks and one of 20 weeks, much of it spent in bunkers does not a hero make. I guess that haznoballs needs these endless purchased trinkets to help him forget that he and his playstation were a bloody liability to all the real soldiers...
My father never claimed his ( including the Burma Star) after his release from Japanese. He never spoke about it, and we knew better than to ask. He came back a totally different man; Harry came back the same spoilt brat he always was, bunker dwelling valour stealing CUNT.
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That will stay on his conscience for the rest of his life because personally, I do believe this is eating him up. He can't just pop in to visit his nephews, niece, brother, and sister-in-law. He can't pop in to see his father or visit his aunt in the hospital. He can't dance with his cousins at a concert. His children have no family around them, except Doria. All that love he grew up around is gone. I know he feels the absence.

Instead, he is stuck with Markle who is devoid of any family values.
I respectfully disagree. Harold does NOT have a conscience, he is a dick. His so called conscience was shrivled by his pathetic dick envy of Big Willy. Harrold thinks with his dick, he is led around by his dick, he craves adoration for his dick, protection for his dick, money to support his dick and above all more 'oscillation' for his dick. Could someone please send him back to Frostnipastan?

In this case absence does not make the heart grow stronger. So hairy, please nosh on some more magic mushrooms with ayahuasca cream sauce and Chunga Chunga off!
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I’m sorry, but this guy was given EVERY chance to talk about his grief. He had the best psychiatrists, psychologists and grief counsellors on hand to listen to his tales of woe whilst the people he is preaching to will probably never get grief counselling or any form of help. Get off your sodding soap box Hasno and get amongst the ‘great unwashed’; you have obviously never experienced life like they have it.
I honestly don't think he cares about his mother.

She's just a useful excuse, a claim to fame, a "get out of jail free" card and/or a means of persuasion.

He might even have convinced himself that cares deeply and is still grieving but his actions are those of a grifter determined to milk her memory to the very last drop and not the actions of a loving son.
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Note: If anyone was offended by all the nasty swearing in my post about the bought award, I’d like to say I’m sorry. I’ve had a day & learning about this just really pissed me off!
(sigh) 😣
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He is not coming home to build bridges, he is coming home to demand recognition, position & power 😲
He'll do anything to stop Meghan walking out. The fucking dolt. Let him come, let him say his piece. Then let him FUCK RIGHT BACK OFF TO WHERE HE JUST CAME FROM.
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Pat Tillman’s mother speaking out is something ESPN can’t ignore. They could dismiss online grumbles, the can even ignore their own Pat McAffe, but the mother of the soldier who died?

I‘d love to be a fly on the wall of the crisis PR meetings. They probably can‘t withdraw it, Harry won’t give it up, so now what?
Something tells me the decision to give
The Ginger Stain this award will be reversed. The public outcry is loud.
Pat Tillman’s own mother speaking out against it though, will be the clincher IMHO.

There are some things that are just too important to ignore & this is one of them.
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From SecondhandCoke on St.MM
I find it quite plausible.

(Wow, thread 450. Where has the time gone 😳)

View attachment 3014932View attachment 3014935
I don’t doubt that she read the book before it was published, and even maybe wrote some/all of it, but not sure she thought it would change the public’s perception of them and how the RF treated the young Hazno and later her.

OK she wanted to show she was a victim of the RF but I always thought she has a nasty vindictive streak in her and she had passed the book for publication because she thought it showed her husband to be such a whining wimp. Showing the world what she had to put up with, had to live with, would gain her sympathy and would raise her up in people’s estimation. She didn’t care what people thought of Hazno after reading his book, that wasn’t important to her.

Unfortunately her plan backfired ..... Harry became the jibe of many many jokes but nobody felt sorry for her. No matter what she does it is doomed to fail.

Thanks @Chita for starting this new thread and @Thalia for the lovely new title.
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Churchill's Ghost

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See, this is how you do charity without needing to leak photos or make public statements about it. Apparently she’s done this in every city she performs but never announces it. The Stoats leak the smallest nod they make in the direction of charity and demand an award for it.


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It's a bit worrying that random swans might just fall out of the sky.

<puts up golf umbrella>
It was the car! It was accident prone. I only had it from new for 18 months and it it hit by a swan, the paper boy, someone ran into the back. Then a lorry in front shed a load of hardboard and I ran over it and as it was front wheel drive I waltzed down the road.
Then someone pulled out on a roundabout, hit me and the car spun and hit a lamppost.
So much damage the insurance company wrote it off.
I was so relieved.
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