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Julian Assange touches down in his homeland, Australia:

Inside Reach 871, A US C-17 Packed With 640 Afghans Trying to Escape the Taliban:

Prince Harry, son of King Charles 3rd, escapes Frogmore Cottage, Windsor on a private jet, en route for Canada.

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The King has launched a range of pet products fit for animal royalty, including a bowl with gold trimmings and a crown

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Churchill's Ghost

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This is the man who felt underprivileged because his grace and favour home, in one of London's most expensive areas and worth millions on the open market, was smaller than his brother's. Tell that to a homeless veteran you little shit and see how sorry for you they feel. These paid for awards are an insult to real vets and ESPN should hang their heads in shame.

WTF! This should go to an American vet - I have dozens of friends who were brutally injured in the war and have turned that into lives of service to others. This is an insult to the Tillman family and every American veteran
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Sami Lee

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Such a despicable cunt. He's as MeMeMe as his narcissitic sociopathic Ho.
When I think of all our military men and women who've served bravely and painfully on so many frontlines yet never got more than a mass produced medal, these pathological grifters make my blood boil.

Come to think about it, none of my parents - mother, father, stepfather ever bothered to get their medals for their WW2 frontline service. Except my stepfather when he was mid 60s because he was a school governor and the school held a milestone WW2 anniversary (along with the rest of the country) so they asked him to come to their community day wearing his medals and talk to the children about his experiences.

I think that lack of interest was something to do with forgetting the horrors, just getting on with life....and that they'd been there, they knew what they'd done, their quiet pride was tempered by what must have been a frequent recollection that they were the lucky ones, they came back. In the face of years of continual battle and doing their duty, they had proved themselves to themselves, they didn't need plaudits and ego strokes.

Two visits to a large and well protected base in a war zone, one of 6 weeks and one of 20 weeks, much of it spent in bunkers does not a hero make. I guess that haznoballs needs these endless purchased trinkets to help him forget that he and his playstation were a bloody liability to all the real soldiers...
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As much as I think Hazno is to blame as much as the ILBW for all the lies and plots against TRF, I think that definitely the ILBW is the worse for their branding as a couple. We see the Kelce brothers talk about the Wales family and I am thinking they might have liked Hazno have they met him alone. But we know that if they have met the ILBW she wouldn't be called the "coolest" anything. The ILBW has made herself very dislikable. She has a thirst for fame and attention that makes her behaviour aggressive to anyone who may be perceived as more important.

We saw this after the polo match when she pushed the lady from Sentebale on stage, assuring that the ILBW would be front and centre of all photographs, we saw it in Nigeria where she cared little about those she was visiting, I saw her making no questions, showing no interest, always talking about herself. We saw it, cringing, in the Kevin Costner event, grabbing the mic like a mad woman. We even saw it in the real Royal Tours before they went to America, where for someone who had allegedly been silenced, the ILBW gave more speeches (where she a) constantly talked about herself and b) lied) than I remember Catherine ever giving.

In the end, she has no curiosity for others, as in her universe others exist only to praise and validate her. The Kelce brothers mentioned how adorable Charlotte was asking questions, being interested in others and not focused on herself. This is what she sees her parents doing. This is what makes the PPOW liked and admired by all those who meet them.

And this is exactly why, no matter how many rebranding she goes through, the ILBW will never be a worthy brand - and there are no jams and dog food in this world to change this.
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I honestly think Haz will properly breakdown one day when KCIII is no longer here, because then he will realise he has gone past point of no return.
William will be too busy to entertain his pretend apologies. And I bet William is getting counselling/therapy now on how to deal with grey rocking Harry and how to cope with Catherine and Charles' illnesses.
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Oh GREAT. I turn on the BBC this morning and hear Naga 'No Personality' Munchetty say: 'We'll be talking about Prince Harry opening-up about the loss of his mother'. Oh I bet you will you smug fucking, entitled, dull-as-dishwaster shrew. Oh how I despise Naga, you can tell she revels in undermining the Royal Family at every opportunity, a true socialist living in a multi-million pound townhouse.

NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO HARRY WHINING AND WHINGING. How about discussing the mental health problems he's caused to his own family? Ugh ... Over the past few months the BBC (especially the news) has become almost unwatchable, there's clearly been some sort of change in management and they've wanted to 'make their mark' ... they certainly done that, a massive skid-mark.
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Beatrice standing in for William at an Earthshot event when William was double booked for the Japanese state visit. Coulda been you Harry - coulda been you. 😂😂😂😂😂
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Just back from quiz night. One of the questions was 'what was MM's name in Suits, Rachel or Rebecca"? Lol at quizmaster who said "or Satan". And everybody cheered at that!
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I’m sorry, but this guy was given EVERY chance to talk about his grief. He had the best psychiatrists, psychologists and grief counsellors on hand to listen to his tales of woe whilst the people he is preaching to will probably never get grief counselling or any form of help. Get off your sodding soap box Hasno and get amongst the ‘great unwashed’; you have obviously never experienced life like they have it.
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I agree, she's also said things online about Meghan and written a book. Time to give it up and ignore her (I would advise her dad to do the same).

Samantha's case has already been dismissed by a judge so I don't understand why she keeps on with it. Undoubtedly Meghan told lies about her which must have been hurtful but Meghan seems to be protected by the courts.

Meghan also has a lot more money to pay the legal bills and an ongoing legal action will end up being very expensive. Sam will never get a dollar off Meghan.
If I were Samantha I would write a book including every detail she knows ....... about a spoilt child who became a mattress actress and yacht girl, had a hysterectomy at 28, had numerous affairs, married a few times to climb the ladder until she finally landed herself a Prince. They pretended to have two children and spent the rest of their miserable lives moaning about everybody and everything because they had spent all their money and were too lazy to actually work to get any.

Of course there would be a disclaimer in the book ......

‘ This is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.’
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If you are saying that it is fair that one small family has the right to own huge national assets like the shoreline, all swans and all offshore land used by things like windfarms, just because of their birth.... then maybe you have a partial point,
The RF does not "own" these assets, they are guardians/conservators for our PRICELESS assets, like you said, art, castles, gold reserves, swans, land. Personally, I'd far rather William defends these things with his life (in the same manner as his family), than a slime ball like Blair marches in as a President and sells them off to the Saudis? Chinese? Russians? The monarch merely guards them, and they're in safe hands for the rest of my life. As long as that Ginger twat and grifter wife stay the fuck away from the throne, that is.
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Not being funny but the publication of those email addresses means you could quite easily guess other members of the RF's email addresses from the naming conventions.

Also, don't we know his Instagram was Spikeymaus or something like that. What's the ref to spike in his email addresses? And that Bazasales69 (very mature). I'm sure I've heard that before somewhere. wonder if he had a Twitter account with that handle?
I bet we could guess his email passwords:


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