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Now that it’s all been pointed out I have a question.

this Nigeria circus was on the cards for a good time hence the 43% drop in her podcast. I believe that this was a country they’d set their sights on and was refused as part of the sandringham summit.

They Then linked up to get Rachel the Aro Princess title prior to the visit.

We then get ARO (abb.) as Rachel’s lifestyle line and she starts off with strawberry jam. A very quick google shows that Zobo is a popular traditional jam/preserve from Nigeria, made of hibiscus. If it were me, or I was advising her I’d have tied everything in.

I would have set up a jam making enterprise for displaced women/girls, IN Nigeria. I’d have brought advisors in to teach them how to run a business, marketing, shipping, manufacture. Give them the business with a full market share and give conditions to that that XX% of profit after their wages have been taken, gets reinvested into other local ventures in the same vein. Therefore empowering, supporting and building women. The hibiscus is also a local, sustainable natural product and farming that could have been another arm to that.

It could have been set up along the lines of the Duchy of Cornwall.

I have NO marketing/sales/business knowledge at all but I could see it’s actually got a huge potential.

There is a charity in the Gambia called the big smile and they helped mango farmers by providing them with computers and internet! The mango farmers would agree a market price, harvest the mangoes and take them to the supplier who had agreed them only to be told the price agreed on yesterday was too much and ripping them off - by providing email and internet, the big smile enabled the farmers to get the best prices and enter into contracts which has then allowed business expansion and a school to be built. There is Also a charity in another part of Africa where locals started making sustainable flip flops out of waste plastics that washed up on the beaches and that too has led to uplift in the local economy.

If Henry and Rachel were truly the philanthropic deity’s they believe themselves to be then this would have been a well executed programme not this hideous and distasteful self promoting tour.

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Scotch Mist

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According to Benjamin Smallbrook on Quora



We live in hope that the baby scam will be exposed but I'm not holding my breath as he's often wrong.
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^^ That'll make the Harkles' day even better. All the cousins supporting William.

Bea looks good. I like the colour and style. Very much like something Catherine might wear but Bea's really carrying it off.

And of course it actually fits. :p


Thank God he was born first. And sorry Haz but he still looks like his mum, especially in the first pic.

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One of the biggest reasons I hope Henry and Rachel don’t succeed with any cases regarding IPP etc is because I genuinely think that they want to know where each Royal is at any given time in order to overshadow them. P Anne at save the children? They’ll do it too. QC at a women’s refuge - autographed fruit. KC at a garden party - ooo look at aldis birthday balloons.

If I were a betting woman I would put my hat in the ring and bet on Aldi and Lidl official portraits that we were told about in March will be released within an hour of the Princess of wales first public engagement after her illness.
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Yeah - such a racist shithole it is the preferred destination of hundreds of thousands of migrants.

As you rightly say - there are some racists here. There will always be arseholes in every country. Most of us, however, couldn't give monkey's what colour anyone is. Ot what their sexuality is. Or what their religion is. We just take them as they are and judge on integrity and personality.

Britain is a very tolerant country indeed, but these two and others like them seem hellbent on creating an atmosphere of racial tension we have never had before. It's heartbreaking.
Exactly - the vast majority of people I know in the UK and (all of my family) don't give a monkey's chuff what colour your skin is, what's in your underwear or who you choose to share the contents with. If you're a cunt, you're a cunt, not that my sainted mother would ever use that word!
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In the absence of Catherine, the ever-lovely Emma very kindly takes over the 'What You Ordered....' role.

I assume Smeg's Cannes invite is the latest one to get lost in the post.

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That's what I read, but can't remember where.
Robert Hardman's book on the Queen said that Charles offered to walk Meghan down the aisle but she shocked him by asking if they could meet up halfway. She wanted to do the first part alone as a strong independent woman.
That wedding sure was weird. No family except the mother, no friends except that Jessica person, a hideous ill-fitting dress, walking herself down the aisle like Maria in The Sound of Music - and the piece de resistance in the black preacher who provided no end of mirth. Thoroughly entertaining even if they were really married three days before.
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Now they're blaming the Nigerian government for inviting them

I'm sure that they are so distressed and so anxious not to have such terrible associations that they will send back all of the gifts they received - and of course, the £1,000,000 they were allegedly paid . . .

Edit - auto 🥕
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I wonder if it annoys her that they have to spend a great deal of money on PR experts to keep themselves in the news…and the billionaire P and POW don’t have to spend a dime.

I wonder if it annoys her that her PR team has to constantly run articles about how pricey her jewelry is…when the POW quietly wears historically significant and priceLESS jewelry whenever she wishes.

I wonder if it annoys her that the Haitians sat them in a dirty theatre, the Brits sat them three rows back, and Anna Wintor doesn’t seat them anywhere…because they aren’t invited.

I wonder if it infuriates her that the afterglow from her Nigerian gig was immediately overshadowed by revelations of the dodgy and/or criminal history of some of her ‘hosts.’ And their own little issue with Archewell.

I think the signature moment in her life to-date…was parading out in that expensive designer outfit with the price tag hanging off it. Everything she does has a price tag on it…impressive till you see its on loan…impressive till you realize it’s just part of the fake stagecraft of her fake Hollywood life.
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"The Sussexes have secured invitations to visit three more Commonwealth countries, and have been given permission to do so by the Royal Household in the UK."

Ah, so the tactic is to give them all the rope they need to make utter arses of themselves. Brilliant. Let them bumble around insulting nations and cultures, gathering dodgy friends and murky cash streams.
And the RF will stand well clear of shit splatter when it all explodes.
They don’t need permission. Anyone can make a private visit to a Commonwealth country. This is semantics. No way are they going to be approved to represent The King This is meant to fool people into thinking they are approved to do so. I can visit any of the Commonwealth countries and it doesn’t mean that I am representing the US.

@planetmirth . This is all untrue. The foreign office would never risk their bad behavior and poor planning. They are not about to plan a tour for them.
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Wow. The close up look on his face, the mouth movement. Says it all. He can't hide it anymore
And there she is completely emasculated him like the cat that got the cream
I cant wait for it to fall apart ....its inevitable
Hes an utter wankpuffin

I wonder if he will ever admit to himself that maybe William was right about her all along.
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Telegraph newsletter..

The garden party that offered a small glimpse of what that world might look like
Hannah Furness
By Hannah Furness
Royal Editor
There was something quite striking about the Prince of Wales stepping out of a very soggy Buckingham Palace on Tuesday afternoon. On his own, as the Princess recovers from illness at home, he could have cut quite a lonely figure.

The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester took their places slightly behind him for the national anthem, and it is anyone's guess what was running through Prince William's mind as he heard the familiar strains of God Save the King.

The 8,000 guests sheltered under umbrellas, watching the tall, top-hatted Prince get ready to circulate without his wife by his side.

And then, waiting in the wings, came the reinforcements: Team W, if you will.

Prince William's cousins Peter Phillips, Zara Tindall, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, with a bonus order of cousin-in-law Mike Tindall, put on their best frocks and morning dress, ready to mingle with the crowds.

The younger royal generation were invited personally by Prince William – his idea, although his father and the King's household are said to have been aware of the plan.

They were there as cousins, not as working royals, and they were not named in the official record of the Court Circular. But they did put in a shift. The Princesses cheerfully posed for photographs with countless guests, while Zara and Mike made their way along the lines of people behind William, making small talk. The topic of the weather came up a lot.

With an age range of 34 to 46, the very grown-up cousins have moved on from their era as the party princes and princesses but have retained the energy and fun.

The cousins are close and it showed – the Phillips-Tindall-York contingent lifted the atmosphere. As one onlooker noted: "You could see the warmth."

It is no criticism of the Prince of Wales to point out the obvious, that princes and future Kings have always needed their wives by their sides. The absence of the Princess of Wales, essential though it is for her to be given peace and quiet at home, is very noticeable at these events in particular, where the excitement level at seeing a "real life Princess" would normally be palpable.

That William has cousins he can rely on will be a comfort to him, to her and to the King, who has his own major health challenges and is all too aware of his elder son's future.

His younger son, as ever, may be on his mind as well.

Yesterday, my colleague Victoria Ward reported that Prince Harry turned down the King's invitation to stay at a palace while he was in Britain for security reasons. Staying somewhere so visible, it is said, would make him more vulnerable when he entered and exited if he did not have his own armed guards to then travel with him through London. The flaws in the Sussex logic are almost too obvious to state (palaces tend to be rather well protected places, to start with) but the thought process is interesting nonetheless.

The security issue, for Harry, is all-encompassing. There is no real hope it will change, and Harry is yet to reconcile himself to bringing his wife and two children to Britain while their protection is not agreed to his satisfaction.

What, then, does that mean for the future? In the short term, an Invictus Games that may well go to Birmingham in 2027. In the long term, a brother on the throne.

The garden party is, I think, a small glimpse of what that world might look like.

In a future reign of King William, if his children are not yet old enough to take on public duties of their own, he will need a reliable cast of popular characters around him to lighten the load. If not officially, just on a human level – companionship in a unique role and people who have known him all his life to tease him about how he looks in a crown.

That he has sidekicks who will say yes to helping out without hesitation speaks volumes. The garden party heard God Save the King. Before long, there may be mutters of God Save Team W as well.
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And her love of roasting chickens
If we're going into roast chicken territory, we need to remember her handles raw shrimp, *tucks hair behind ear* then plates salad on a cookery show and her sexy sexy burgertime:


Wonder how the strong, independent feminist who objected to sexist washing up liquid ads when she was 11 managed to square the hypocrisy of that little video :unsure:😂
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