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for God's sake get some proper underwear
Something that we have said many times over, on threads here.

She never seems to wear proper underwear, there's either bra straps on show, when she bothers to wear a bra, that is. Or no bra. And there's visible lumps and bumps, regardless of her size, that throw garments out of line.

As if the outer garments weren't already bad enough anyway.
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Is that Beth moving the soldiers away? Imagine if a female staff member of the Waleses was doing that. We'd never hear the end of it.

That is indeed Beth moving the soldiers away she has absolutely no right to do that.
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Just like the Daily Mail. Problem is, as the grifters know, trouble, division & drama is good for business 😡
View attachment 2927562
He’s so fucking rude pointing in that picture.

I wish they would both just fuck off really. I don’t understand the point of this visit? Why were they invited in the first place?
The whole thing just feels so colonial and so embarrassing on all levels.
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He will always be able to merch being a Prince. The only way it will stop, is when it stops working.

KC is sending lots of clear messages, but I do think he needs to take the next step and confirm they are out totally and not to return. That means coming off the RF website and ensuring the diplomatic service is clear that H&M are private citizens not representing the UK in any way.

Invictus is the biggest problem though because even if KC does take action as long as they can merch Invictus this will continue.
Invictus should take action. I wish they’d publish how much these two grifters cost the charity and kick them into touch. I’d never donate or follow Invictus since Smeg inserted herself and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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I hope there will be loads more stories about the harkles in the press over the weekend because They are getting absolutly ripped to shreads in the comments
I noticed lots of people are calling them out and if they thought that this trip to Nigeria was going to go well then they were dead wrong as they have are being slated left, right and centre.
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Sami Lee

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When have we ever seen her wearing a cross? Not only insulting the host country with her totally inappropriate clothing, she then exibits "missionary" vibes with that deliberate and blatant choice of necklace.
The symbolism may be even worse than that ...

In the Christian Church it's called St Peter's cross because he was crucified upside down.

Not once have I seen a Christian wearing this cross in all my decades of church activity.

Instead, the upside down cross is often worn by Satanists who've adopted it .

So it's just up Smeg's alley.

No Royal would ever, ever wear it, especially not in situations where it could be misinterpreted (or interpreted correctly in this case as a Satanist mark. )
So it's another silent up-yours to the BRF and the Christian Church she was baptised into in order to marry dimwit.
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Honestly she doesn't miss a fucking trick does she ?
She must spend all her time brainstorming ideas of how to piss us off . She copies everything that the RF does and makes up the cheesiest, most cringeworthy snatch and grab on things that are sacred like the Lilibet nickname of HLMTQ.
Their life purpose is not philanthropy, it’s strategic ways to settle petty scores and compete with the Royal Family. As soon as Dr shouty put that tweet out saying this Nigeria visit would piss off us ‘racists’ - it confirmed they all share this childish mentality. She sees it too but champions it, because she is basic.
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And what is this to do with Invictus? Barely an acknowledgement as per normal when she's there.
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That's definitely what it looks like, at a glance. 😁
In the footage the chap on the left says something to the Stoat, seems to gesture to the Stoat to get close to the picture which the Stoat does and smiles. Maybe a small detail like the Mark Of A King on the infant Stoat in St Diana's arms (as Nostradamus said)? It's an unfortunate shot either way. Maybe the Nigerians rubbed the frame of this portrait with 8-Hour Cream.

Whichever country the Sussexes have visited, they've insulted their hosts - even in New York. Australia, South Africa, Fiji.... Day one in Nigeria and they're already behaving like a couple of coked-up baboons.

The footage of Beth shoo-ing away the Nigerian soldiers looked bad, already picked up by the Nigerians. Could play into the racist RF rubbish. The Ho insulted them culturally by appearing half-dressed and she loves to shock. In a sensitive situation worse than the scornful Australians who magnificently call a spade a spade, Nigeria could take this seriously - could, if it's played up. Tact and discretion were needed even if you don't have MiG, but the Sussexes are rude and boorish.
Her clacking dentures are very funny, and she seems to have trouble closing her mouth :D, constantly sucking on them and gurning.
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Detained in Nigeria for going against the high-up officials etc is not like being chucked in a cell overnight or getting your wrist slapped. It can mean death. Their families must be so scared. All so markle can grift. She's evil.
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Why is he holding the guys hand? I’m pretty sure it is incredibly uncomfortable for the chap to tolerate …a strange man holding his hand, in a country where touchy feely displays in public are frowned upon!
One of the comments on X/Twitter was that it looks more like a photo of two lovers, than a photo of a man visiting a patient in hospital.

Harry thinks he is channeling Diana there. It's not working. There's not an ounce of warmth or sincerity in him.
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Sorry I am done. This was announced with their HRH titles and a tiny retration. A late nowt to do with us quietly uttered by one person.

This is a royal tour. Half in half out merching and being paid.

Schools etc have fuck all to do with the next Invictus.

Charles has given them exactly what they wanted.

I am done with the monarchy. Fuck off Charles. He is no longer my king.
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The Roya Nikkah article is very sympathetic towards ginger , she’s showing her sugary support. I just don’t get why anyone with half a brain thinks he’s worth the bother.

Does anyone really believe Charles offered him a royal residence to stay at? Ginge is a known liar who wants his dad to look bad.

She even describes the Nigeria grift as their ‘official tour’ without the press and courtiers ‘just how they like it’, it’s bizarre!

The RRs thrive on drama, and if they can't find it they'll try and instigate it. Roya may work for The Times but she's no Valentine Low. None of the RRs are. Standards have fallen so much they'd all be better off deployed to the Showbiz section and writing about Katie Price. We're not asking for sycophancy, just objectivity and facts. Is that too much to expect?

Case in point. The NY Post is now repeating the 'Haz in tears over the timing of Cruel Charles giving William Hazza's patronage' crap. All of which can, and has been, disproven by 'citizen journalism' on SM and one former RR who stuck his head above the parapet.

And these 'journalists' have the nerve to take potshots at Tattle? Fuck off.

The downhill slide started with the 'War of the Waleses' and both sides briefing the media against each other. The media loved the status that gave them.

They want that back. They desperately want Wales vs Harkles. But William's not playing. So they'll just ignore his work and/or belittle him. Hoping to eventually get a rise out of him. They won't. They make snide digs at the Middletons, dined out for days on the photoshopping of a child's sleeve, gleefully repeated vile Squaddie rumours and treated Catherine atrociously. They only backed off a bit because it's not a good look to be going after someone with cancer. If she was still in recovery from just abdominal surgery they'd carry on giving her a kicking. And William knows that. And the public do too.

So the drama has to be King/Haz. With Haz in the 'Mummy' role.

For some reason BP/CH via 'sources' and 'friends' are still falling for the tactics. You'd think they'd have learned by now.

Whether or not it's intentional KC3 is enabling this shite by allowing the media to take control of the narrative.

BP needs to get a grip. Formally clarify the status (or lack thereof) of the Harkles. Take them off the website. Close any and all loopholes that the media can and will exploit. Then keep your mouth shut.

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