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YAY! I've just become a VIP, and in time for the Coronation
Yay! Congrats!

FYI: You see that locked door over there? If you listen carefully, you can hear whimpering. @Nuttynana has LC Johnny in there. Whatever you do, Do. Not. Upset. Her. Hostage negotiations are currently taking place to allow him to attend the coronation.

That's also why there are no cheesy poofs. Plan b, if negotiations fail, is to lure her away with cheese products and swearing then shoot her with a tranquilliser before relocating her to the wilds of London where she can be with her own kind.

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Last night I was watching video of a very extragant celebrity birthday party for a one year old child. Over the years…I‘ve seen lots of photos, videos of these lavish parties, among the Hollywood elite that the Gruesomes purport to be part of. M&H have staff, a huge home, grounds that could support a tent..but….nothing.

Except for the near empty do where Archie crawls on the table…why in 4 years have we seen no parties with other celebrity children or classmates or just these supposed ‘friends’ of the Markles? It seems to be the ‘custom’ among their new ‘set.’ Why isn’t Serena there with her child, for example? What would be the threat in a photo released by their PR days after the event?

Something just isn’t normal here. These children are truly ‘invisible.’ Something is very “off.” MM would surely want to flaunt her wealth among her new friends with a party suitable for her royal children. It is out of character for this narcissist to not compete.

Also….LA is a 90 minutes drive from Montecito. That’s not considering traffic. No way anyone is driving Lilibet that far every day and yet no photos. Or is she in a boarding nursery school up there…just kidding.

I cannot believe if those children were at the Jubilee that her vicious competitive personslity wouldn’t have trotted out cute photo after photo of them, to compete with K&C’s children.

I think M is not coming because she would have to bring the children…and that’s a very big problem.
And last year they didnt even mention his birthday. Didn't even release a new photo of the back of his head.

Bit highlighted in bold is exactly it.
They can't both attend another important Royal event (much as it kills her to miss the photo ops of a lifetime) without the children.
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Why did the Telegraph agree to all these changes? They should have just pulled the article if it's so inaccurate. The Telegraph used to be a reputable paper, as far as such a thing exists. Or maybe there are none anymore.
This is the first version saved on WayBackMachine:

I'll save this in the Wiki, along with the version we have there. I wonder whether I ought to save version 8 too?!
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Chatty Member
Now that we see Beatrice and Eugenie socialising with Piers i wonder how long before we start seeing hate articles about them starting to appear :unsure:
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For a bloke who’s getting all this stick from twat and twit and has quite a lot on his plate at the moment, KC looks like he hasn’t got a care in the world lately.
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Oh dear, poor Diane…hoisted by her own petard.
Couldn‘t have happened to a better bigot.

Note that the Guardian editorial team did nowt to protect DA by pointing out politely before publication that her ‘draft’ letter might be a tad ‘off message’. Nope, they hung her out to dry on the bare desert rocks of exposed hypocrasies.
Ooops, being Sunday, it was the Observer rather than the weekday/Saturday issue of the Guardian.

All the same, it seems that nowt stood between a shadow cabinet Minister of many years experience, an MP for a highly diverse constituency - which includes significant Orthodox (& non) Jewish communities, as well as diaspora generations of Irish, Roma & other ethnic groups - making the unfathomably inflammatory comments. Where are her political advisors? Where are her friends in the liberal press who would press pause so the ‘draft’ would not be published.

Abbott, by her own words & enthusiasm, has exposed herself - again - as an anti-Semite.
About time she was shown the door.
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I can't get over the fact that they felt the family were cold when they came for jubilee and queen's funeral. It beggars belief
Urghhh! She ran the London Marathon did she, even though it’s quite blatantly racist? And it rained, which we all know is racist.

Well, I hope her trainers got soaking wet and she gets trench foot.
Look at those gorgeous dolphin teeth!!
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She def had a filter/lighting etc for the TED talk as this looks like her previous face with cheek implants and a chubby chin (maybe implant). Lumpy looking when she smiles and a ski jump nose. So work done but hasn’t helped the situation!

Sparry looks like a fat slug. What a waste of a life. Drifting waster with a chip on his shoulder and a cunt of a wife (cunts of a feather flock together).

Pathetic pair.
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Why isn't this the lead royal headline what a fantastic achievement & helping so many in need. Fuck the markles taking away from this.
The mainstream media would rather shit stir than focus on stuff like this.
Everyone needs a boost and positive stories help people vibrate "up" which can only be a good thing.
I'm inclined to agree with you that it's extremely unlikely Charles or any other member of the family has communicated with them directly since the Orca interview. They know anything they say will be twisted by the Harkles against them. The invitation to the Coronation would have been done through official channels too.

As I said the only point of interest here is who was the source talking to the Telegraph?
Harry is on record saying the Telepraph isn't a tabloid.
He hates tabloids.
Maybe he has a good relationship with the Telegraph?

I'm sick of the lot of them.
I want to know about the positive stuff our royals are doing.
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Scotch Mist

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I think her hair looks better dark brown rather than black but her face does look different again. Has she had another nose job? That could be why she's kept a low profile recently.

She'll end up with a Michael Jackson nose at this rate 🙄
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Pippa M

VIP Member
Long glossy hair like that is lovely on 17-year olds but this obviously synthetic wig parted down the middle makes Smeg look frankly ridiculous and like a long-faced and open-mouthed amalgam of Julia Roberts/Jane Seymour/Demi Moore/Jennifer Lopez. İs it real or is it filtered?
At least the middle parting doesnt look so white now 😄😂🤣
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