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Last week's Saturday Night Live had a skit about someone who ate catfish sliders and developed a huge belly and pretended to be pregnant. So funny. Will try to find it. Molly Shannon is the actress playing a fake pregnancy perp
I saw that and laughed. I loved that they were having a baby shower for her, and a baby that didn’t exist. Brought back memories. Lol.
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The thing that bothers me about Meghan is that her only career is sex objectification. She's not academic nor humanitarian nor feminist yet she pretends to be. Even I in my vague muddled way only focus on my next project, have done more charity work and am more qualified.

Oh and she has never been an actress, she's a bit part player. Actress implies some skill which she doesn't have. And before anyone tells me I'm ranting she promotes herself as such so it's there for evaluation and criticism.
Actually good points, to back it up:
Acedemic-marklademic - there were some hints she had to have a stop due to the “glued eyelashes” sorority incident - was it ever proven her daddy had to pay her out and there were some discrepancies between her real age/ “sabbatical” and graduation? Anyone?

Humanitarian - Homoneytarian: how many events/speeches exactly did she pay for to appear in the google search stuff? I remember it was mentioned somewhere in Tom Bower’s book

Femi-whaaat? Nah, bully of females more likely. If that’s the definition…
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I don't know if Katy Perry is anti Smeg but hubby Orlando got H to voice train him because he was playing H in that Prince George cartoon series.

H and Orlando were photographed together near the Monteshitto Mansion.
Yeh but wife hates wife is pretty normal tbh. Interesting point too, he did Lord of The Rings so can’t believe he needs hawwy to teach him. I’m not questioning you I just thought it’s a silly thing to do, hawwy can’t teach shit.
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Yes. Would this also show the mother’s name if it was surogacy?
I’m in Australia and the baby has to be adopted by the mother from the surrogate - does that give the baby two birth certificates or does it add an adoption to the actual certificate? So birth mother, then adoptive parents?
Could I be more confusing this morning.
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Dooley Doo

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Looks like she was practicing her curtsy to HMTLQ 😳 Oh I don’t know…there’s nothing that idiotic drag artist does that surprises me anymore.

Anneofgreengables I have said at post 44 what the squat was for. Somehow I deleted The Tipsy Titian's post when I quoted it.

Sunshite Sux got the gruesomes stable mate Ellen Degenerate (before the show finished because of her staff bullying) to humiliate Smeg.
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Chiswick Flo

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Love your name Chiswick Flo, from the Ballad of the Wogglers Moulie if I'm not mistaken, poor old Joe 😂
I never tire of the Rambling Syd Rumpo repertoire.
He could have written an amazing ditty with the Monteshithole 2 as inspiration.
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Chatty Member
The thing that bothers me about Meghan is that her only career is sex objectification. She's not academic nor humanitarian nor feminist yet she pretends to be. Even I in my vague muddled way only focus on my next project, have done more charity work and am more qualified.

Oh and she has never been an actress, she's a bit part player. Actress implies some skill which she doesn't have. And before anyone tells me I'm ranting she promotes herself as such so it's there for evaluation and criticism.
This is bang on the money!
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I'm sure we've discussed genetics in depth (!) but is it possible for a child 'born' of someone with red hair and blue eyes and someone who is 'allegedly' 43% Nigerian to have blue eyes? I thought brown eyes won out...
Its possible, if the person with brown eyes has blue or green eyes somewhere in the genetic past!!

And re squints in childrens eyes, they can now correct these medically, Ive come across a couple of 5 or 6 year olds who have had the operation at an eye hospital.
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