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‘My wife is an exceptional human being.’ Haz.
Remember Edward’s exaggerated view of Wallis’s looks, personality - everything? Nobody else could see it.
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When is the penny going to fucking drop with this pair that THIS STRATEGY ISN’T WORKING? We all have difficulties to deal with in life, many have suffered far more acutely and been provided with far less support. Sparry: you think your wife is a wise saviour - enjoy that, at this stage you absolutely need to considering the absolute binfire you’ve made of all prior supportive, loving family and friend relationships. WE have correctly identified her as a selfish, lying, self-serving bullying cunt and there is nothing you of all people (dimwit therapised simp) can do to convince us otherwise.


And this Gabor person has thoroughly embarrassed and exposed himself as a psychological snake oil salesman. Knows all about the RF trauma because he’s watched The Crown? Jesus fucking H Christ!
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Thank you SP, the jokes & memes have been epic 😂
View attachment 2000285
So many laffs!! TRG sez the Earl of Halifax character is probably based on Edward Wessex and his farting in the ILBW's face is payback for Sophie. The last Fred closed too fast no time to reply; there was a post about Gluten free snacks. 🤔 How typically BS is this Southern California lifestyle that weed, wine, blow & psychedelics are ok but meat, dairy & Gluten are the enemy. Stick your lead-filled Oat latte up your ass and use it as a colonic instead. Nothing will make those twats "Clvr" or whatever stupid name it's called so lead poisoning rectally might be the 2023 equivalent of the hot poker to the bum or drowning in Malmsey of the past. 🍷🦯Probably tastes like self-tanner & elephant piss... take your tumeric like normal people in food or a capsule; her giant gob must be stained yellow like she's been visiting Harvey Weinstein for conjugal golden showers to maintain the Orca connection 🐘 You have failed if Ellen's your only option socially. I don't care how famous Kris Kardashian is; she's a flesh peddler and pimp; money doesn't change that. None of these cunts will ever have 1/1000th of the grace that the POW & her family does; even Uncle Gaz has come out looking well lately. It must be so painfully difficult to watch them exploit the mental health industry after her little brother struggled silently for years w/ crippling depression and suicidal ideation. To hear those lies on Oprah must cut deeper than the dress fitting Crygate and as bad as worrying about her kids room's being photographed. It's Soho House for them, who could trust them at any crown property not to show up with secret cameras and ill intent? Poor Sophie riding in the car was bad enough; make them stay where they belong. With Fergie or Eurgh so they can use Augie as a decoy. Happy days ahead Tattlers... maybe the coronation will be fab?

Thanks for the new thread @Cassandra333 so glad @Zippy2000 is posting missed you 😘@blinking bill Yes I'm thrilled the cunts are evicted and think KCIII is much cooler for defending his Darling Wife's honour. If Aitch can do it... @ChaoticArtist that white flower is beautiful, is it soap or a candle?? @Ndrangheta It's hilarious to think of Sasha digging for the Crown estates. Since she's a former groom maybe Anne or Zara can use her as well.

H&M: Keep grasping, asshats. You've climbed so far up the I'm Fucked Tree there's no possibility of getting down safely. You're gonna hit every branch hard on the fall down and Cocaine Bear's out there waiting in the forest for you.

This is Karma is delicious; long may it be served hot. All hail Matt & Trey as we Tattle on 😆
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Most of us wouldn't have the luxury of offloading all of our shit so publicly, for fear of never working again!
Many people are still too scared to even let the GP know that they have any kind of mental health struggle in case they need to disclose it to their employer at some point.
What a little jumped up, entitled brat he really is - on his golden pedestal looking down at the rest of us lowly plebs, having to deal with the daily grind whilst he pats himself on the back for being so much more enlightened and free than us mere mortals who haven't been awakened by the teachings and waft of guru Meg! He's a very lucky guy! Shame his rotten face doesn't refelect what he's trying to make us believe!
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I think Makesmeyawn has turned Hasnoballs from a reasonably happy man to a self indulgent, inward looking, boring little twat. She’s brought him into a shallow world which I don’t think is a good fit for him. He needs something to do, get a fucking job and stop dwelling on stuff that’s in the past that you can’t change.
He could have done anything he wanted and he went for this shite.
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speaking of our "royal" Judas, i remembered that biblical Judas was almost always represented in art with red hair, at least since late medieval times onwards. prophetic.

this is the first hit i got when googling Judas and red hair:

edit: iirc, Mary Magdalene was also red headed, as red hair was kind of a sign of lust and carnal desire. that's an interesting subject that i shall look into.
How interesting that. "The dissembling colour". What about Fungus, who never passes judgment and sits on the fence?
If she's secretly befriending a senile billionaire I bet it's to raise funds for PA.
The more he shares the more he lays the groundwork for both of them for the divorce.

She will paint herself as a woman whose husband didn't do enough to fight for her. He didn't teach her royal ways, he didn't give her the information needed, he didn't get a therapist for her when she was suicidal etc.

Aend he will be painted as a mentally ill man with deep trauma who is incapable of rational thought.

It is going to be the best entertainment, possibly of the century.
He's revealed that his brain has been destroyed by hallucinogens for years. The Ho fed him mind-bending drugs and the fool trusted that what she was giving him would ease the childhood trauma she conned him into believing he was carrying. The worse he got, the more he thought mummy was slipping away, so he took stronger mushrooms to try and hold onto mummy but she's starting to really slip away and he's scared.
She had always been there in his heart, but the drugs are creating gaps in his memory through which mummy is slipping, leaving him crazy and even more dependent on the Ho.

Now this gecko-faced charlatan Mate has been reeled in to add further diagnoses to the Stoat's range of mental illnesses.

If the Stoat ever has to provide his version of events, he won't be credible as his delusion and lies are documented. He's been stitched up good and proper, and it really is sad in a way to see how before our eyes he's been turned into a gibbering mean-eyed wreck.
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Yes, it is correct that Harry didn’t have the qualifications to get into sandhurst let alone be an apache pilot. But the British army wants people like him flying their helicopter’s because he’s royal. The army did have to change the qualifications needed so Harry could get in. It’s not like the army would put him in harms way at any point, it just wouldn’t be allowed. I understand he served in Afghanistan but not in a useful front line combat role. Just like his waste of space uncle Andrew was never actually near any action in the falklands despite pretending otherwise.
I used to serve in the military and word gets round about what the royals are actually like. Never heard anything about William but I hate TBF and think they are by and large a waste of space.
I beg to differ.

andrew did visibly serve in the falklands.
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From all accounts, therapeutic ayahuasca and recreational acid trips are very different things.
Is he really claiming that just running around dropping acid has been good for him? What an idiot.
When I lived in Palo Alto a handful of years ago all the Silicon Valley rage (other than all the mountains of cocaine everywhere) was “microdosing” LSD or shrooms for bio hacking and/or therapy. His shilling of ayahuasca feels like it’s along the same lines and probably connected to that startup he’s entangled with. He’s a fucking drug addict pretending that it’s normal to be dropping psychedelics under the guise of therapy instead of taking accountability and responsibility for his life.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Meghan's reaction to when somebody asks about the children is very strange because she never seems to want to talk about them. It is interesting though that more and more people seem to be having doubts about Archie and Lili because they are never seen out and about with Harry and Meghan.
You know, when anyone asks me about my (adult) kids I can talk (and bore) for Britain... good point @Hannahebee
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Mock Turtle

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Is this why Frogmore has been taken from him ….. to get him away from W&C and family, and offering BP if ever he visits so he is away from all other members of the RF as well?
I’m 100% sure that the eviction was more about protecting the Waleses than anything else. Not just their privacy but their actual safety, given how much the Narcs both hate them. I think the timing just after Spare is misleading since the decision will have been made months before that (probably as soon as W&C moved). After all, the RF hadn’t been vindictive previously; despite the obvious fury they’d just patiently let the gits get on with destroying themselves. But the heirs living a few hundred feet away from a pair of alcoholic, drug abusing, unstable, vengeful nutters with an army of deranged sugars was not something that could be allowed!!

Plus I’m not sure I believe they’ve been offered anything in BP. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if that was Smeg bullshit - palace sounds much grander than cottage after all. They gave away images and security details about the place - why would they be allowed to stay inside it with potential access to working royals, state business, world leaders etc?

ETA also today’s statement is careful wording. “Email correspondence” is not necessarily an invitation! More likely a
list of arrangements had been sent and if they don’t agree to all of them, they won’t be invited!
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When the doctor interviewing tells how he knows of all the RF melodramas because he watched the crown ! Fuck
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Murphy Brown

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🤣 The cringe! Honestly, this is the main reason I want their titles taken! For me personally, I don’t much care - I don’t think they make much real difference since they’re not allowed to use the HRH anymore. If they didn’t give a toss and were still all “just call me Harry”, I wouldn’t think it worth the victim whining. But they’re so obsessed! 😆 Monogrammed doormats, royal stationery, everyone must curtsey and refer to them with their titles constantly! Their obsessive focus on it all means that the rage if KCIII stripped them would be off the planet!!! 🤣 It would be deliciously funny!
The doormat was so, so embarrassing. As well as her letterhead with the tiara on it. She also used to get her staff to correct articles in the press if they called her Meghan Markle instead of the Duchess of Sussex.
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How many on here had a father who would call you darling boy/girl and leave notes telling you how proud of you he was?

I won't hold my breath.
Raises Hand. My father used to beat me with the St Bernard's chain leash, for spilling the beans that my paternal grandfather was abusing ne. So yeah, kinda the same thing.

Did anything new come out if yesterday's whineathon? He's a cunt. Had a gilded life, and still whines its all about him.
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I think I’ve peaked.

5 years ago when there were far fewer of us shining a light on these fuds it was fun.

but now? It’s just pathetic - the entire fucking world is laughing at them and they still won’t stop. they’ve managed to bore even the haterz.

oh and smegs - if you’re reading this - you are the WORST dressed size 2 obscenely rich woman I’ve ever seen. You have NO style, NO flair and NFI! And im saying this as a woman who’s shopped in evans (that’s lane Bryant to you) since the 80s and sometimes buys clothes in Asda.
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