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Now this is interesting!

This was decided by us Tattlers a while ago.
When it was announced Eugenie and husband would be spending time in Portugal, we suspected strings had been pulled by the Firm to give that job to them to get them away from the UK.
If she aint in the bosom of the family, she can't snitch on them.

And a few posts back there is a quote from Scobie saying Harry and Eugenie are close because they are so alike.... honest and loyal.

We all know that when people declare they are something, ie honest, loyal, smart .... then they are definitly not that something.
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I did wonder if they will be striding over graves on Sunday to copy our own service.
Yes, I wondered that as well. Will they be clodhoppering over the graves of veterans they never knew and couldn’t give a shit about? Gazing purposefully onto the headstones of the fallen? Her with stilettos digging into the grass covering the graves and him being dragged along after being told to look as if he is grieving cos he served?
Tell that to the marines whose memorial you both ditched to go sniffing around pitching for work at the Lion King premiere.
No, best to go with your wife and her smoulderingly constipated expression that’s supposed to convey grief. Backgrid photographer in tow.
Contrast this with the services taking place here over the next few days.
Everyone there has a reason for being there. Whether they have served, they have relatives who have served and are here no more, no one is there just for their own publicity. No Backgrid photographer in sight because these ordinary people have never heard of Backgrid in their lives. They are there because they want and need to be there.
It’s the fakeness that riles me up so much.
We know that you don’t give a shit. We know you’re only there to look caring.
Do us a favour, we are not stupid.
We weren’t fooled the first time you pulled this publicity stunt and we certainly won’t be fooled if you try it again.
But I suspect you know this and won’t try it again after the backlash the last time you thought people were stupid enough to fall for it.
They weren’t and they didn’t.
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Churchill's Ghost

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So this week she is trying to shore up her "whip smart" credentials after being hammered for not being able to pass the citizenship test and clap back at the "Duchess Difficult" label.

The thing that gets me, all of the other women she has had on are actually successful through their own talents and drive. They didn't let any labels hold them back. The least accomplished woman is Megz herself. SHE is convinced that it was only labels that held her back, not the fact that she is lazy, entitled, unlikeable, and untalented.

That's why she can only have snippets of the women talking and most of it is them reacting to her stories. If she let any of them tell their stories about they overcame setbacks/labels, etc and worked hard and succeeded, it would only highlight her failure to achieve anything without the penis ladder.
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Love the Paris Hilton clip in the last thread …… asked who she prefers Meghan Markle or Miley Cirus? Miley won, but I reckon if the list had been 50 names long ….. 49 names would have still been chosen before Smegs! 😃

Thanks @lollipop_panda for the new thread and @Cat Eyez for the fab title.

Keep the faith those members who are flagging ….. 😃 …… it’s not over until the fat lady sings 😜🤭😂
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Chatty Member
I just don’t understand why she thinks grown up adult, educated women care what she thinks. Michelle Obama, Melinda Gates, women who have achieved a top level education and have had high level corporate careers, married successful men and have a platform to make positive change. She has literally nothing to contribute without the kudos and backing of the BRF which she rejected. As people have said, biggest bag fumble ever. She is totally irrelevant. Why can’t she accept this?
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Daily mail reviewing the latest podcast … putting words in peoples mouths now - describing someone as difficult is really saying bitch..
View attachment 1713869
A' B' word how about a bollocking, bastard,braying, bullying bumfuck

What a Fucking joke she is two faced,litigious,deranged,miserable,muckraking,miserly,misshapen mound of moronic minge.

CUNT of all seasons
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Thanks Lady Muck.
Bookworm is suffering from Royal Fatigue and intensely dislikes Meghan.
She's not a fan of KC. Not fussed about Camilla, but adores the rest of the RF.
She adored Her Majesty and Prince Philip.

Stressed that she intends to be fair even to those she dislikes.
She tried to analyse why she feels negative and stressed about the RF as she's always been interested in them.
Will continue to call out H's lies and analyse them.
She's annoyed that the media is telling us that H's memoir will damage to the Royal Family and King Charles, and spoil his coronation. Bookworm doesn't give a rat's what it does to KC, because in her opinion it will be Karma.

PC co-operated with a Jonathan Dimbleby book "The Prince Of Wales" which was published during HM's and PP's historic tour to Russia. The Dimbleby book dominated the headlines and took the spotlight off his parents' tour.
PC set up an alternative court-in-waiting, just like Harry tried in the US.

Bookworm read a couple of excerpts from the Dimbleby book. PC said how he was neglected at home and at school. His parents neglected him and didn't understand him, and his memories were unhappy. PC was 45 or 46 at the time of his interviews with Dimbleby. An adult, but indulging in a whinge-fest. Bookworm therefore says how can KC blame his son when he did exactly the same thing? She has no sympathy, hence the Karma.

KC's sale of HM's racehorses she thinks is greedy and he will pocket the money. Talked about paying no IHT. He's selfish and narcissic when people are struggling with heating bills.

Angela Levin is wrong that KC can't remove the titles and that it's up to Parliament. It's up to the King to give his approval for Parliament to do this. She doesn't believe that AL doesn't know the difference, that what she said is not true, so why is she talking rubbish? Title removal has been done before and can be done again.
Bookworm is going to concentrate on research for a while.
I was told by a horse person that TQ sold off horses every year and also replenished with new. I recall that years ago, she had many friends in the Kentucky horse community and she used to make private visits there to see her friends and make purchases. It was kept pretty quiet so she would have privacy. If Charles doesn't have that interest, and it is an expensive hobby, it makes sense that he will dissolve the stables altogether. I don't think it is a question of greed and more of practicality.
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The reason why the US flag was there on that day is because it was the US Embassy Invictus Games Welcome Event.
On reddit they are saying that in the full Archewell "remembrance" version of the pic she has fucked with the trees and photoshopped a background of bare winter trees in (or got the clown prince of royal photoshoppery, Misan Harriman, to do it for her in between his other photo fakery).

I think your link proves the redditors right. The photos there don't show the exact same bank of trees but they do show plenty of other spring greenery around the site. So it's not just that the photo has been repurposed for remembrance day; the manipulation goes beyond just making it monochrome so as to disguise the occasion and colourful coats that others are wearing; they've also significantly changed the background to fit in with the deception.

Why is this significant? Because it means we can basically never trust any photo that either of them release themselves. I mean we kind of knew that, but manipulating the trees in this photo to make it look like November seals the deal and proves that they photoshop things and don't always admit it. Never again should we trust any photo of them or the flatpacks that has been released through them, and especially not any photo that's potentially been anywhere near Misan Harriman.

I mean I am well aware of how much the likes of Amanda Holden and Emily Atack try to control photos of themselves and only allow their manipulated versions into the media (but get caught out every now and then when an uncontrolled photo shows the truth) and that photoshoppery in the media for cosmetic reasons is an every day occurence these days, but this by Smegs/Archewell to imply respect for the military than they haven't got, is on another level.
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Chatty Member
The longer they're away and ignored, the more isolated he is and the harder it will be for him to leave. He's afraid to go home and he's got no place to go in the states (except my garage). The initial split is going to be another media circus and he's got to be sweating bullets over it.

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Now this was posted in the last thread, don't remember who posted it:

We keep hearing that they are out of money. Either they're living paycheck to paycheck or they have enough to be making political donations and stirring up more crap here in America. So which is it? Or is someone else giving them money to donate?
Maybe they are using the Amber Heard definition of donate. Pledge and never had the cash over
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Thanks for the new thread and title :)

Latest smear campaign against William appears to be that he's banned from the school run because he flirts with the mums.

Monteshito must be getting seriously desperate :LOL:

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I’ve been looking, looking looking for an interview that Idris Elba did at some event but can’t find it.

So, in summary,
Idris was asked if he had met Hazza and Megabitch children. Why he got asked this question who knows.

But his answer was along the lines of …No, I dont think anyone has met them, have they?

Brilliant. Idris is back in my good books. Thank goodness because he is one lustful man. Yummy.
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Harry's team was trying to make him appear "lustworthy"... in Hollywood?

Where he would be competing with men who look like this?

Henry makes me dryer than all the deserts in the world, all over the world, all at once.
And I'm menopausal so I'm pretty arid anyway🤨😬🤣🤣🤣
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