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William showing once again how to manage your grief positively, how to pay it forward and help others facing a similar situation. (Glad that Dame Deborah's husband left it at "powerful advice" and kept full details of the actual conversation private).

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Anybody think this could be a possibility?
I've thought this for a VERY long time, and I'm pretty certain it's absolutely true. What better way to make your husband hate your father than to tell a horrific lie claiming molestation. She's a Narc. They have ZERO ethics, ZERO conscious, ZERO boundaries and will say ANYTHING to bend the narrative to suit themselves to include fabricating a lie like that. TM & TM Jr need to be made aware of this potential slandering and pre-emptively squash it. She is a known liar, and THAT? THAT is THE WORST lie you could EVER conjure. That cowardly cunt WOULD save it until after her father's death because he then could not dispute it...
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Wu Tien

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Pablo would like you all to know that he is well and has smuggled his latest opus to the Montecito Songwriting Collective as a Proof of Life concept. His missive is best sung to Rod Stewart's Maggie May.

Wake up Smeggy

I think Spotify has something to say to you
It's almost September and
You really should have dropped that show

I know you think you’re being cool
But don’t think the Queen’s an old fool
Oh, Smeggy, you couldn't have tried anymore
You led Six away from home
Because you couldn’t make it on your own
You were a bit part actress and nothing else ever more

The camera lens, when it's in your face
Really shows your age
That didn't worry brainless Six none
When you roasted his chicken, you were everything

The royals didn’t laugh because you have no jokes
Your greed they didn't need to coax
Oh, Smeggy, you couldn't have lied harder
You led Six away from home
Because you can’t stand to be alone
You are a failure and that's a truth you cannot accept

All you needed was a friend
To lend a guiding hand
Was Marcus ever your lover
The truth will out

All you did was wreck Hazno’s life
And cause all sorts of trouble and strife
Oh, Smeggy, you couldn't have tried anymore
You led Six away from home
'Cause you couldn’t make it on your own
You bullied staff and held me hostage to clean your pool

It’s possible Six could collect his balls
And ask his daddy to make some calls
Or continue to play the fool
And stay in Las Vegas playing naked pool

Or find another gullible fool
Who needs to go back to school
Oh, Smeggy, I wish I'd never seen your face
You made a first-class fool out of Six
But he’s bought your bag of tricks
I hope you’ll disappear without a trace

Smeggy, I wish I’d never seen your face
Six'll get on back home one of these days, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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I'm also only reading, I feel they are plotting to ruin the Earthshot when it's over there, and also maybe she is adding the finishing touches to her podcast 😂
If H brings the memoir out around Earthshot and William gets the press shouting “ What do you think of your Brother’s book“…..all William has to do is give a wry grin and say “ a Wise woman once said recollections may vary” …and then carry on Earthshotting ….!
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Aye well, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the personnel and breakdown of wage bands 😮

Moreover, they charge the brightest young people, or their sponsors, huge Amounts to listen to shite spouted by Markle and the like. Quite frankly, it is no wonder the company appears to be in a downward spiral.

A very wise person once told me that you should never donate to any charity whose employees are being paid more than you are.
Something that had never crossed my mind before but is so obvious when it’s pointed out to you.
So I’ve stuck with that and now only donate to small local charities.
I don’t trust any of these huge charities any more.

And just to keep on topic the Harkles can go fuck themselves.
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Until recently, Harry has spent his life…drawing adoring crowds everywhere he goes. Up unto now, he has known nothing else but positive affirmation, even when undeserved. Just his presence alone was a gift of value to any private party, any charity event, etc.…and that’s a power of presence he could not have imagined he’d ever lose.

Briefly, Markle experienced the same in the RF orbit.

I am sure they believed it could never end.. Certainly they believed it was transferrable to the US, and to Hollywood. Markle’s handlers, we are told in the book, encouraged them to believe that this adoration (not ‘service”) was ‘universal’ for them, transferrable and permanent.

Now imagine how the last year has felt to them, on the most personal level. They are not being invited or sought out by the celebrity VIPs they once thought would be enthralled by THEM. Her book was cancelled, another flopped. They are rountinely being criticized, mocked by those non-existant US tabloids. They were BOOed in the UK and downgraded in the seating in front of a world-wide audience. They were barely tolerated by the RF. Harry gave an address at the
UN to an almost empty, inattentive room.…and was introduced by the wrong title!

This treatment must be more than devastating to Harry…it must be SHOCKING! No doubt he has lost value in the eyes of his grasping now furiously frustrated wife. Best part, they did it all to themselves. They thought they were more important than the RF…but are learning outside of the RF magic, they aren’t particularly special or unique. God help us, the US is over-run with Woke celebrity wannabes. They are just two more to add to the crowd.
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The Queen didn’t wish Smegma a Happy Birthday last week, nor Beatrice(?) this week. We think it’s in keeping with the plans for a slimmed down RF.
‘The Sugars we’re full on Insullin shock trying to flip the narrative to refute Bowers Book.
Tyler Perry presided over the coronation of Princess Meghan. WTF? But we don’t really care what PR BS SS puts out.
Does this look like the Meghan/Wallis Jubilee outfit?

And, true, he shouldn’t be in this uniform, but, I had him the blue suit with adornment yesterday, and wanted to show I even have the dress uniform. Lol. Notice you can’t fully see his face, she pushes him to the back and overshadows.
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Allegedly secret meetings between Harkles and cambridges have been arranged.
It was on gb news

Could be.

IMO it's the usual bollox
As long as I’ve got a hole in my arse William and Kate are not going to meet with those cunts for a get together.
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I'm watching the Sky documentary on Princess Diana, and while I remember all the footage at the time, didn't quite appreciate how hounded she was by the press.

Yes, she did court the press, but not at the beginning. I think, that when she knew her efforts at the marriage were futile, her worldwide popularity was her upper hand on Charles.

M never received a smidgen of the press attention or public adoration that Diana got.

What made that woman think she could ever compare to Diana? Completely delusional.

Looking back on that footage now......Catherine has far more in common with her MIL. Very similar demeanour and also the same support for her husband and wanting to be a good wife and mother. Nothing more.

M is nothing like her, no matter what her and H think.
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Don't forget they have offered to pay.
But the people they want to pay for are not for sale.
And there aren't enough of them to do the job as it is, let alone add them to their rota whenever they decide to travel.
And when they attend royal events they get security anyway.

It's all about them looking important.
Frankly I don’t believe the offer to pay was sincere. They knew that would be a no-go, but they thought it made them look good when they got it publicly funded. It pissed them off when they were told no, and have used the ‘offer’ as leverage ever since. They never genuinely intended to pay for it.
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So he’s coming to UK…Meh ….Get ready for relentless ‘visits to the Queen‘ and the Balmoral Okey Cokey…..

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Allegedly secret meetings between Harkles and cambridges have been arranged.
It was on gb news
I don't believe that for one second. Cambridges will never forgive them for what they've done to RF and her treatment of Charlotte. More spin from SS and scoobie. JMO
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I've just finished watching The Princess, and feel that the documentary was very very well put together, giving opinions from both her admirers/fans, and also people who criticised her.

I still like her, and whenever people said things against her the cameras continued rolling while those who liked her argued their point.

She was very attractive, photogenic, and a very busy lady both whilst married to Charles and after their divorce. She took to the job like a duck to water, which I think surprised the royal family, especially Charles. She was aware that her popularity was growing and that she could help make a difference around the world - which she did with ease.

No matter how much she was hurting, she continued her work. Her downfall was the Bashir interview which we now know was a set up.

Whilst she is reported to have finally found true love with Dodi, I have to say that I didn't know that he was already engaged to be married, and that his fiance only found out that he was seeing Diana was through the press and a photo of them kissing.

We will never know how her life and work would have progressed, and I'm still really upset that she died at such a young age. Even then, while people were laying flowers outside BP, some people thought it was uncalled for - they got me cross. Millions loved her in their own way, and it was their decision how to mourn her.

I see a lot of what Smug gets up to is trying more and more to be like Diana, and to be liked. But she's got it so so wrong.

It's a good watch for anyone who feels the same as me.
I didn't know dodi was engaged to married either until I saw an account on twitter also on Instagram named Diana day by day where they tell what she was doing on each day leading to her death, more on twitter than insta. On twitter it has a transcript of a phone call between dodi and his fiancé where she is asking him what's going on as she has seen pictures, his father's security wouldn't let her enter the house they were supposed to live in after the wedding & how when she rang his father he said to stop calling and was abusive to her, dodi was totally gaslighting her saying she had called off the engagement & would not confirm if he was with Diana or not even though the next day he had another holiday planned with her, dodi & his father treated the fiance terribly. It is rumoured to be his father who was tipping off the paps when they were on the yacht & the rumours they were engaged, in reality she had only been with him 3 weeks. Diana ended her relationship with the doctor only a week before she died, so the conspiracy that royal family killed her so she didn't marry a not white not English man is ridiculous as she had been with the doctor for 2 years & they were fine with that.
To keep on topic the best of Diana would have been remembered but by PWB & TW bringing her up every 5 minutes it's also bringing out the not so good of her. Yes it was awful that Charles married her when he wanted camilla but he did give the marriage a shot at first until she had an affair then he went back to camilla, she had loads of men, many of them married or engaged like her final one, Harry has made her in to a Saint in his own mind it will bring him nothing other than more misery by digging into the past
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She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.
The driver was drunk, and no matter HOW badly the Stoat wants to think his family directly “caused” the accident, I don’t believe anything nefarious transpired.
He needs to get help, put her to rest once and for all and move forward, FFS!
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