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That's an hilarious article:

But Palace insiders say the current crisis could've been at least partially avoided had the royals done one thing in particular. "The royals made the fateful mistake of underestimating Meghan," an insider told Best Life. "She did not grow up in a culture that revered the monarchy or one that embraced the 'stiff upper lip' ethos. She said as much when she spoke to ITV before everything blew up. Meghan wanted to get her side of the story out and in doing so, has plunged the Palace into chaos. Perhaps some of this could have been avoided if the Palace had found a mutually beneficial way of maximizing Meghan's role within the family.
Hahaha! She wanted to be Kate and HMTQ put together. She realised that she'd mis calculated. She wasn't Diana, she was on track to be the new Fergie.

I don't think she realises that a lot of Brits don't grow up revering the monarchy either, hell more than one English girl ran for the hills when confronted with the Wales boys.

It's another "they should have just given her everything she wanted and it would have all been perfect!" article. And I think they're way over estimating her importance.

And the "she's not going to hold anything back next time...!" It certainly sounds like it could be her except the author is listed as a middle aged white woman who's written a lot of royal pieces for that site.
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Is there much evidence of Smeg being a narc abuser of this magnitude in her previous relationships? I know her school friend made a comment (as did Piers lol)but her exes are very quiet. You’d expect more of a trail of destruction. Not sticking up for her at all but I’d love to know if they can survive within a relationship without controlling their partner/friend or if she just happened to find the perfect victim in hazza.

I think if you are in a relationship with a narcissist it is very difficult to escape from them.
Rather like tip-toeing out of the monster's lair at night while they are asleep.

So once you have managed to get away from them you keep quiet about them in the hope you don't appear on their radar again.
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No Drama Llama

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How would the 'rent-a-kid' have worked when they went to Africa with him or do people think Brynn went as well? He did only seem to be around when they met Desmond Tutu so it's quite feasible she was there.

Looking at the beach scene, Meghan (or whoever) did keep their hand down the whole time of filming so you couldn't see the face.

Why do these two constantly play games, it's as if they're taking the piss all the time?
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That's a very good point. If I were in her shoes and knew about the moonbump rumours for both pregnancies, I'd whip up my top and show the real bump in all its glory for the whole world to see in front of Porka. I' have a little waddle too up and down the mat to show how it stays still, and i'd not go anywhere near a live chicken. End of speculation.
Why doesn't she release a tasteful arty black and white shot of her in yoga pose on a mat with a little top and shorts on or something to dispel all the untrue moonbump rumours, wouldn't take 5 minutes to sort that out. Oh yes, because they're not rumours are they, your Manky Merkin-ness! 👍
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Chatty Member
That's an hilarious article:

Hahaha! She wanted to be Kate and HMTQ put together. She realised that she'd mis calculated. She wasn't Diana, she was on track to be the new Fergie.

I don't think she realises that a lot of Brits don't grow up revering the monarchy either, hell more than one English girl ran for the hills when confronted with the Wales boys.

It's another "they should have just given her everything she wanted and it would have all been perfect!" article. And I think they're way over estimating her importance.

And the "she's not going to hold anything back next time...!" It certainly sounds like it could be her except the author is listed as a middle aged white woman who's written a lot of royal pieces for that site.
But the source isn't a middle aged reporter.
"Harry added fuel to the fire by revealing just how damaged his relationships with his father and brother is now," the source said. "It was one damning revelation after another. Meghan did not hold anything back." Okay Megz, H whining about his family not trusting him after he shat on them is you not holding back.

"if there is not some reconciliation that can be reached, there's no reason to believe there won't be other television interviews down the line which can only hurt the Palace." OK Megz, you're not hurting the palace, but good shit talk afore a scrap.

And for more revelations from Meghan, (WHAAA? WHAAAT? but it was a source NOT a Meghan?) check out Meghan Finally Broke Her Silence on Her Sad Relationship With Her Father. ..."

That article stinks to high heaven of her.
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The surrogacy rumor can be put to rest once and for all if Megain wanted to. Her lounging at the beach or pool and a “secret paparazzi” taking a picture and publishing her prego in a bikini. End of rumors and speculations. But two pregnancies and no such photos makes you think “hmmm for a lady that loved the yacht life, you think a little boat getaway would be good for her mental health”, but who am I to judge, who am I!
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It doesn’t exist. It’s the wokes way of saying ‘everything is racist always regardless of evidence’. Your very existence as a white person means you are racist.

You can’t have the thought police, that is a scary thought, but it’s what they’re trying to do.

‘Covert racism’ whatever fucking next?! These people don’t know the concept of the word racism. I have a friend who is BAME and she is university educated, highly intelligent, born and raised here and she still sees fit to post on her social media all the time about how racist the UK is

WHERE, please enlighten me!!!?
Alex Beresford whines that MM's experience about "concern over a baby's shade of colour and her suicidal thoughts..".. really resonate with him. He sits in front of millions of people parroting lies from an interview by a proven liar as though they were Gospel.

He's experienced "covert racism". I bet he has and I bet he loved every minute of it, the big girl's blouse. Get a life you weeping willy. These people make me so angry, as though we've not got enough problems without tossp....ts like him abusing freedom of speech and insulting people live on air. He should go to Iraq for an exotic 2-week break.
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It's a very good new appointment. Chris Kelly is ex KPMG East Africa and is 'sound' so well done QCT.

Nicola Brentnall had drunk the Harkle Kool-Aid and was in charge of QCT when such an incredible run of cock-ups happened that she had to 'move on'. Allowing Sunshine Sachs to post political #BlackLiveMatter propaganda directly to QCT social media, allowing the Harkles to hold Zoom meetings with an anti-commonwealth message, thanking the SussexSquad personally, promoting Squad hashtags and campaigns.... It was just jaw-dropping.

She was probably a well-intentioned woman who had the wool pulled over her eyes, in which case she's another victim of the Harkles.
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Going with King Lear for thread inspiration:

Harry and Meghan #85 Sharper than a serpent's tooth, it's the Harkles telling their truth
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Chatty Member
Kate: Making of a Queen on Itv3 right now for the Brits here. All the main channels seem to be flooded with royal programming in the next couple of weeks, none of them on the Harkles - lol!
We were told that when they bring her down it would be amid an avalanche of Royal Stories to stop her getting a word in. I hope this is it!
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I have been wondering if she might see Archie as competition, I know that if I was going to do a video with my baby I would put on his cutest outfit, not a nappy and T-shirt.
Well she is a narc so it doesn't surprise me, I fear for this daughter they're having, she's going to treat her dreadfully when she becomes a teenager. Everything will be a competition, kid isn't even born yet and I feel for it 😖
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Well-known member
A mystery...
Journalists acting surprised that the Harkles prepared this from day one, after teh "haterz" claimed since day one that some things are suspect, like:
Embargoes on some wedding photographs for 48 hours in the UK.
Countless "experts" in social media hired.
Everything copyrighted.
Sussexroyal, and SS being obligated to drop 3 positive articles about Markle daily.
The "freinds" constantly engaging in compensational merching or fawning.
The Kate bashing by US outlets since day one.
The royal rota debacle.
Waiting with the Archie presentation for Gayle and the US timezone..
Controling the narrative and content for profit later, with tours.
Personal photographers and scribblers being taken on tour.
Quelle surprise.
I think they "have" to act surprised to A) make the story bigger, if they say "it comes as no surprise" then people will dismiss it as not a big deal and B) so that they don't get Markled as haters who have an agenda. "We took them at their word that they wanted to make a go of it in the family but look, now it turns out no they didn't!"

  • Having meetings with Quibi in early 2019 is pretty damning and they had "plans" but those just flopped.
  • It was clear they were writing a lot of social media posts themselves because they were a mess
  • Meghan clearly NEVER lost her voice her voice was just wasn't as effective as she wanted.
  • It was always clear that they were timing things for the US which can only have been Meghan.
  • "Lack of support from the family and aides" clearly means "they didn't want us making millions and being working royals at the same time"

The royal source added: “There was a constant dialogue from the couple along the lines of: “Why can’t we do this? You can’t stop us from doing what we want to do".
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Oh do fuck off woko!

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"Tourre Bakahai on Twitter: "Notice how the Markles are always "having talks" about the multi-millions they require to show off their amazing talent, yet never actually produce anything. What's happened to their Spotify podcasts, for example? Are they conning their simpleton fans?" / Twitter"
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I recall saying in a thread or two back that I’m surprised she hasn’t done a pregnant stomach reveal with baby No2, there’s no Royal ticking off to be had after all.

I just still can’t get my head around the surrogacy thing and moon bump actually happening. The secrecy and deceit needed to pull it off🙀 and let’s face it , Harry’s as thick as mince , how’s he not blown it?

If it is true and it came out , imagine Tattle that day 😂😂😂.
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I think if she was truly pregnant she would do a Beyonce style maternity shoot.
Yeah, this time around, I would have thought she would. She's tacky enough, is a total sleb now as opposed to a royal and would clearly relish the attention as well as the cash she could get for an exclusive. She wouldn't do it for free though. No chance of a papped shot. It would have to be a professionally lit and digitally shopped to fuck shoot. She's obsessed with both her image and big paydays.

Obviously it wouldn't have happened the first time around as doing a near nude 'look at meeeeeeee' bump shoot for publication would just not be anything that would be tolerated by BP during 2018 while she was under the royal roof, let alone making such an image for sale, so to speak. But I would have thought the old attention whore would be champing at the bit to show what a beautiful, swollen goddess she is this time around the block now she's 'free' and in the USA surrounded by other professional sleb attention whores.

I mean, she might have tried to sell the concept of a shoot to People or somewhere of that ilk and not got a high enough offer. I think she maybe has an overly inflated idea of what she's actually worth these days and has been trying to get a Angelina Jolie-esque payout (was it $10 or $20 million she got for her first shot of the twins?). I honestly think the days of those sums are over. Apart from fetishists, who must get very excited by all these kind of pregnancy shoots being published, who really cares anymore? It's not daring or edgy, like it was when Demi Moore did it, in the days when slebs still barely went out when pregnant as it sort of ruined their sexy public image.

I'm at the point though where I think it's not that unlikely a surrogate was used first time around, given certain discrepancies in size and her behavior, but it may also have been her using moonbumps while actually pregnant because she wanted the attention and her actual bump wasn't big or protruding enough to look pregnant enough on camera. This bint is all entertainment industry, and that industry is all smoke and mirrors. Everything is some kind of a lie, an exaggeration or distortion for image purposes. She really, really wanted the press to see that first bump, the coat flicking was so obnoxious and desperate, and I think she may have inflated or deflated them to fit her clothing choices. If she was actually pregnant, well, I've never seen bumps move around, go from large to barely there, near-disappear, come back, drop down and clearly re-inflate in camera before, but maybe there's a first time for everything.
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Teh American dream, becauze royaling required some competence and some sacrifice:
Indeed their plan since before the wedding is becoming clearer and clearer.
Remember Harrys speech "I am my mothers son."
Remember Diana's revenge plans.
Harry showing his devotion to public service by doing a set-up pap stroll with canine accessory, badly fitting shorts and gross old stretched and tatty white t-shirt. On Holy Thursday.

Couldn't work out what he was supposed to be merching - maybe the sunglasses?
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RE the "how quickly she became part of the family" That was a dig, some shade, a snidey poke at both of them at how quickly she ingratiated herself because H let her and she played it. I have no doubt about it and I love HMQ all the more for it.
Interesting. It could also be that they wanted to highlight that they let her in quickly, making her feel welcome, like another user said.

True, it could be shade.

I also found it strange that Gayle had commented "nobody had spoken to Meghan yet" - why did they highlight this? Meghan seems offended wanting the family to come and please her and nobody does. They probably won't speak to her ever again
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VIP Member
A mystery...
Journalists acting surprised that the Harkles prepared this from day one, after teh "haterz" claimed since day one that some things are suspect, like:
Embargoes on some wedding photographs for 48 hours in the UK.
Countless "experts" in social media hired.
Everything copyrighted.
Sussexroyal, and SS being obligated to drop 3 positive articles about Markle daily.
The "freinds" constantly engaging in compensational merching or fawning.
The Kate bashing by US outlets since day one.
The royal rota debacle.
Waiting with the Archie presentation for Gayle and the US timezone..
Controling the narrative and content for profit later, with tours.
Personal photographers and scribblers being taken on tour.
Quelle surprise.
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