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VIP Member
The racism issue is too serious for a simple denial.

I think the palace have to say that they are writing to Harry to demand that he name the person who made the remarks and clarify the context or they will have no choice but to take action against him for slander. By leaving this open he is casting aspersions on the characters of those members of the famiily who are entirely innocent. I think they should do the same with Meghan and the person who supposedly told her she wasn’t allowed to see a therapist.

I bet they are consulting lawyers right now. would be libel, not slander. Sorry.

Extra edit...thinking about it, they would probably sue CBS/Oprah Winfrey for the whole thing. H&M would be witnesses.
I think slander is spoken defamation (harder tonprove as it is often "he said she said)), but here we have Harpo's handy recording) and Libel is written defamation. If h is an exec producer, he got paid lke OW did and he will be liable for saying it AND not editing it out, I suspect (not a lawyer but had to deal with defamation case).
It would be more on her allegation that the title for Farchie was withheld because he is biracial. That is absolutely a racist action if true. Him clarifying that he was asked what colour their children might be before they married, that is not racist. Calling it racist is also a lie.
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VIP Member
I agree the context of the conversation matters so much. My nephew is mixed race and when he was born his skin was very pale and gradually became darker. I am white and brought up a conversation with his white mother (when he was about 8 months old) asking what age mixed race babies skin tone settle. I am not racist and the way I asked the question wasn't racist either, I was just taking an interest in his ethnicty and his beautiful ever changing skin tone.

The question could have been asked in a racist or a non racist way, it could have also been asked by one of those people who aren't racist, more politically incorrect and don't think before they speak. My grandma isn't racist, she is very kind, cares about everyone and has a gentle sole. But then will mention she has a new carer who's black and will say "but she's very nice".
Every day is a school day, I didn't know that mixed race babies skin is lighter when born and then gets darker. Thankyou. X
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VIP Member
I can’t catch up on 86 pages 😂😂😂 but wowers.......

They do need to release the name of the person who made the comments about the kid. If it wasn’t Philip then who, Charles?

and Piers has now crossed into the land of CrayCray. I’ve enjoyed much of his commentary around this shit show but wow did he go too far today.
Calls for Piers to be sacked now!
I think Prince Andew could do that Dr Shola for slander!
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The plan for a slimmed down monarchy has been well known since the 1990s. It was the reason the Wessex kids are styled as children of an Earl. Andrew was reportedly less than pleased his girls would not be working members but with people getting older and the Sussex drama they may need to be drafted in if even on a part time basis. Harry's children were never envisaged to be working royals
Thanks for that. I did think it would have been on the cards for a while. So either way she would have got what she wanted in the end?
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Do you know what I find REALLY intriguing is that more stuff doesn’t get leaked about the RF. not just this about interview or M&H but everyone. I mean in my circle of friends you can’t sneeze without someone else knowing (slight exaggeration but you get what I mean). How on earth do they really keep things so quiet? Will this change now with friends and friends of friends wanting to tell what they know. I obviously don’t mean those sworn to secrecy I mean actual friends and acquaintances- it’s so odd.
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VIP Member
I think she may or will call him to talk about it all, that’s probably what’s going on now.

He doesn’t have the balls to call her though, he’s become very bitter.

I hope William called Harry and let rip at him and tell a him he’s not allowed to go to the statue unveiling 🤣

I bet she's refusing to take his calls. In fact I bet the entire clan has blocked his number now! 😁
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I will admit to buying the Daily Mail only coz it is faboulous for lining my boy Zippys cage
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VIP Member
Thinking about who might have made the comment about the child's colour.. might this be somebody like Mike Tindall? Rugby player banter? Sorry I've probably offended a lot of people 😫
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Chatty Member
I find it offensive that some black (people of colour)? commentators on tv suggest that because I am white I cannot relate to racism. What utter bollocks. There is something called 'empathy', an ability to sympathise with another person in different shoes -primarily from reading or hearing first-hand accounts from reliable sources (ie: Not Meghan). Put it this way, Agatha Christie (for example) wrote many acclaimed novels about murder, she was able to portray murderers very well ... yet she didn't f*cking murder anyone did she? She wasn't a murderer herself.

That awful shouty rude Shola woman on TV is cut from the same cloth as the professionally offended nutjobs who accuse white people who cook Chinese Food of 'Cultural Appropriation'. Best ignore psychopaths like that, whose only interest is shilling their crappy book.
Everyday normal people experience racism though, and their experiences such be treated as "reliable" as any book you might read on racism
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VIP Member
Harry back on CBS claiming there was no mental health help for Megz. Former editor of the Sun saying tabloids are making her look bad on purpose, says BRF is using tabloids to justify their existence in pre-report.

Clip 1: Harry says they left the country in large part because of racism. Someone at a dinner told him the UK is bigoted. Harry said you mean the press? They said no, the UK. So I guess Haz believed them.

ETA They're going to air these clips over the next 2.5 hours. You have no idea how many prescription pill ads these people can cram into one commercial break.
MED breaks, fuck they love em!!! 😂
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Well-known member’s not impossible that they could get an emergency injunction this afternoon to stop ITV showing the programme tonight. It’s happened before over lesser issues.

I could be talking bollox...but I’m putting it here in case I am right and can award my self smug points 😉
I don't think they would or will. It's already been aired and available over the internet, all the British press are publishing clips and transcripts and articles about it. Even if they could legally prove its all rubbish it would look like they were trying to hush things up.
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VIP Member
Oh you’ll be more angry Oprah has more coming out any time now.

Well it's been hours now and I'm still angry :mad:

Meghan really doesn't understand the British at all, does she? She said the RF are frightened of the tabloids? Is she knew anything, she'd know that the tabloids are frightened of the people. Look at how the News of the World was taken down.

The sooner the woke wake up, the better.
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Well-known member
Do you think he actually knows what he's done and how hated he's going to be without a family? I've noticed it's definitely calming down on twitter and people will rant for a few days but then move on. The RF can def ride this out.
Then MM will think of something else to get her press coverage. Maybe she was upset because she didn't feel she got enough press coverage over here.
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Does anyone have the link for the body language man? I can't remember his name but I think it began with a B. Thank you
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Chilli pepper 19

VIP Member
Journalists will be beavering away even now, unravelling all her bullshit. The Royals don't need to do anything knee-jerk.

A swift release of all the dirt via the usual sources once she's had the kid.
If you go on the mail online they're already doing it
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Beatrice and Eugenie are only princesses because Andrew flipped his wig and begged his mum, who gave in. Charles wasn’t going to make that mistake having random princesses around the place.
What about Prince Edward's kids? I barely know anything about them. Do they have titles?
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