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VIP Member
There is so much bloody contradiction in his statements it’s infuriating!! If it was *that* bad then why are they still insisting on using their titles all this time? Why were they so keen to collaborate with the Queen and continue with their patronages and commonwealth roles? Harry said himself just a few weeks ago, it wasn’t about stepping down but stepping back. Why do not people see how bloody contradictory they are?

Why are people not recognising that the palace staff are employed in these jobs like many of us, and not the privileged RF members themselves. Meghan had hierarchy and power over them yet they are supposedly the bullies and not her. People need to wake up. It’s despicable that the palace staff are being attacked in this way. I hope they have lots of support because this will be really traumatic and scary for them.
Exactly. If the RF were really that evil and they wanted nothing to do with them they’d have given their titles back, moved to Fiji and shut the fuck up. The fact is they’re just upset that they had to play second fiddle to the far superior Cambridges. That’s why Meghan has to play the race card, she hasn’t really got a leg to stand on.
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Chris Ship definitely has their number. He just said on ITV news (about the friends coming out with support) ‘we do not know if it was a co-ordinated response but it does have that feel’ 🤣🤣

BBC news tonight was mostly about Oprah and previous interviews.
Although in bbc news I noticed Nicholas Witchell not calling them by name, he said 'grandson and his wife'
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Can you imagine if William and the Spencers took out some form of injunction to stop both of them using Diana's name, she would drop Harry like a hot stone 😂😂
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The hint is that the Oprah interview will contain copyrighted pictures and video footage. They will be paid a very very generous fee for the rights, but not paid for the actual interview. Keep your eyes peeled for any footage that is used - CBS have already said there's Archie footage.
They want privacy but are willing to SELL their son for a television interview. WTAF??!
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I cannot believe what Patrick adams has just tweeted. Just because MM was a certain way with him doesn’t mean she is faultless and not capable of bullying others. Omg
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If I was HMQ, knowing that shit is hitting the fan and releasing the hounds - I wouldn’t be looking at the papers or any news regarding these two. She has new puppies, a husband in hospital and hopefully the rest of her family to talk to. Her staff should shoulder the burden of reading it and shielding her from it. I hope as much stress as possible is kept of her and she can let Harry go for now.
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What an actual bitch, no compassion at all from her at all what a disgusting human she is.

A sick 99 year old man and she thinks he’s being used to silence her.

Harry is also agreeing with her of course he’s probs told her to say that - makes her look so insensitive , I hope nothing happens to Prince Philip.

If he died she wouldn’t care she would be like oh he died to keep me silent
So she expects British press NOT to report on OUR QUEEN'S husband, yet requesting front page apology for herself? 🤣🤣 what planet is she from....

Just fuck off already and stay in LA and for God sake please just SHUT THE FUCK UP 🤦‍♀️
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Chiswick Flo

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I’m new and realise I am possibly going to get pelted with tomatoes for this but - does anyone feel sorry for Harry?

I just feel like his mum’s death (and everything that’s ever been written about her since) has broken him completely.
I lost my father in my early teens. The only relationship I ever had with him was that of a child to an adult. So yes, I worshipped at the altar of Saint Dad for a few years.
But then I became an adult and realised that we all have flaws and although my dad was a smashing bloke and I love and miss him dearly, he was no saint. And I was never afforded the oodles of expensive therapy that Hazznopoint got.
So no, I don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest. He needs to grow up, life is too short as it is.
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When Markle says that Kate wasn't supportive, what she actually means is that Kate didn't drop everything and make Markle her first priority.

That can't possibly be a photo of Archie, if it had been Archie he'd have been shown reading War and Peace.

I feel like I've spent the whole day reading this thread...oh, wait, I have. :D

Working class woman from the North of England here, never had much time for the Royal Family. Now firmly Team Queen!
Kate actually seemed to be the definition of supportive. She welcomed this woman into her inner circle after 2 mins of knowing her. Went on days out with her, Meg was even sat between Kate and Pippa at Wimbledon. As you say, what she means is she expected to be the top dog and everyone’s favourite immediately. MM is in need of a serious reality check.
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Like I said before I think once Covid has “gone” and we start having royal events and tours! People will start to forget about H and M slowly.
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Chatty Member
None of this adds up. Looking at the James Interview ok the bus Harry is almost warm about his grandma and grandad. Why, then does he allow her to disrespect his family like this when he knows full well what it’s like being in the royal family and knew from day one she would be monitored to a certain extent and he must have told her that her life would be completely different. That she would be limited on what she could say and not have social media. Why is she surprised? That’s part of the ‘job’ so to speak. Why is he letting her say all this crap? It’s not a shock to him that this is how the royal family behave. Why be so endearing towards his family in his interview but let her rip them apart in the other? It already has a completely different tone.
part of me believes he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when marrying her...The only thing they have in common is that they wanted all the privilege but non of the work that comes with it
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It comes across as a load of approved PR crap. And again, took him long enough to make a statement. She probably has dirt on him.
They are working their way through the wedding guest list, Sunshine Sachs contact books and the like.

I'm genuinely appalled that the likes of Patrick J Adams aren't treading more cautiously around accusations of serial bullying of junior female staff, when there are over 10 (latest count was 12) employees wanting to be heard. That's a frightening large number of people in just a couple of years.
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