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12 plates a -flying 🍽🍽
11 PR 's lying 🤥🤥
10 vids out of focus 🃏😵
9 zoom calls to "woke" us 🍌🥑
8 tours merchandising 💰💰
7 times her nose re-sizing👃👃
6 films cos-playing 🎭 👑
5 court "friends" 🤞🤞
4 hats like turds :poop::poop:
3 roast hens :sick:🤮
2 chicken legs 🐓🐓
.....and a miscarriage used for publicity
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I think it's been pretty well documented that this was a class project at school and they all wrote letters?
I wrote to Enid Blyton when I was at school as part of that sort of "write to famous people" project, asking her to write more Famous Five and Secret Seven books because I liked them so much. No fucker told me she had died about ten years earlier :mad:

Unlike Smegatron I don't have this episode of my life on my CV.
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I SO want to believe this - That Hazza comes back before his title is stripped. But the way things are going, I am seeing him as much as a menace as Meagain.
He is worse. He is her enabler. He has supplied the elevation she needed by making her a quasi royal, and is supplying the money. He has opened doors for her that would normally be slammed in her face. Were he to remove himself from her and cut off the flow of money she would be hard pressed to achieve anything significant.
But the worst thing is that he's enjoying it. It seems he's found something to give him a hard on (other than her Dyson skills) and is positively revelling in irritating and embarrassing his birth family and his aging grandparents. You have to be a particular brand of evil to turn so spectacularly and nastily against the family who babied you and cosseted you and protected you from press intrusion for 30+ years.
For a battered old hollyweird minge that's seen more action than a teenager's aging playstation ? Really Hazza? Fuck off and stay fucked off you absolute cunt.
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Interesting timing!
It shits on Randy's pizza alibi, but then we all knew it was shite. He's too much of a snob to waste his time in a common pizza place where the great unwashed had access. Certainly not with a bunch of tweenies. That shit is for mummies and nannies in his eyes. Modern man he ain't. On the other hand the bathroom in that flat is nothing like the one the woman described. Even allowing for potential modernisation since then, there is absolutely no room for her to do the slow sexy striptease she described to a man at the other side of a room measuring 7Ft by 7ft 2ins containing a bath, a bidet, a toilet and a "large" sink without poking his eye out or dislocating an arm. Nor would a victorian style free standing tub fit in there unless you removed the rest of the sanitary ware. Maybe it's like the tardis, I dunno.:unsure:
Make no mistake, randy is a skirt-chasing cunt and I never could abide him, but this is basically a "she said ... he said" case impossible to prove either way. She has photos with him, big whoopy doo. I have a photo of myself with Van the man, doesn't mean I shagged him.:rolleyes:Even if he did have sex with her there is no way of him knowing the circumstances of how or at what age she became sexually active, and while she certainly looks young she doesn't look under age. IMHO.
In the end I think she probably did have sex with him somewhere, wherever(certainly not in that bathroom) but may have moved the goalposts date wise to ensure it became a criminal case and gathered more of a spotlight on her when she did the rounds of TV stations and press interviews.
But that's just my personal opinion and it could change when the DM reveals more from their snoopity snooping.

Back on topic but also relevant to the above ... no wonder hazza is trying to gag the DM, they certainly manage to unearth stuff and he wants them silenced or made to look unreliable.
Also, in the Harry Markle blog she says the press agreed not to publicise hazza's misdeeds in his yoof ... cos dead mummy etc etc :rolleyes:. So I can see why the press being more open to reporting his present day shite-fest has hit him like a brick between the eyes. They no longer feel handcuffed to that agreement now that he's a grown man and has taken to dumping on the country of his birth. So all bets are off. Hazza wants the old days back. Beheading reporters would be his dream scenario obviously, but failing that he wants back the positive spin from his teen years and military time. Hazza the norty little imp teen and hazza the hero. The ginger cunt still hasn't worked out that those "men in grey suits" and the palace fixit fairies he and his mummy so despised were scurrying around sanitising everything bad he did or was involved in. He actually believed his own press, silly cockwomble.:m

oops sorry it's so long. Wanted to squeeze in a few points.:oops:

Nothing new here. I think both of them are lying and as it was 20 years ago how is anything going to be proved now.
Fuck sake scotchy. How come you managed to condense what I said into one brief sentence?

I talk too much don't I.

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Easy enough for Hazza to quietly shuffle off to UK and turn up on the odd worthy podcast. The Netflix docco is tricky. If they are divorcing then they can't flog Netflix their happy first year in California, but there is the makings of a marriage breakdown doc which would 100% get eyeballs.
Sorry to drag up a comment from several pages ago (this thread moves fast!), but I sometimes wonder if our Smeggy is perhaps being set up by her pals at Netflix. It seems clear that most people in "the industry" have her clocked as the money-grabbing, attention vacuum parvenu she is - and while a few of them were willing to play nice for proximity to the royal family for a while, she's not only set fire to that bridge, she's dropped nuclear warhead on it from 2 miles up like the Enola Gay. I have a sneaking suspicion that Netflix might have very different ideas for any footage/interviews etc they get with the Harkles than they do themselves. Like, these two *think* they're making a puff piece about how they're so in love and rubbing it in the faces of dem posh twats across the pond, all the while Netflix is actually making a much more salacious hit piece about a dimwit princeling who got the wool pulled over his eyes by an exceptionally ambitious yacht girl??

...because I know which one of those two hypothetical documentaries I'd be keen on watching, and I'd wager I'm not alone. And further, I'd imagine Netflix is well aware of this. I mean, yeah the sugars would collectively sh*t the bed like Smeggy in a Buckingham palace rosebush, but who cares. The ratings they'd get would be astronomical. By then they'll probably have burned their way through Charlie's willingness to fund endless lawsuits, too, so unless there's some egregious contract breaching on the part of Netflix I'm not sure there's much they could do about it.

I will literally laugh my way into a hernia if this happens.
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For those who are wondering what’s happened to Archiedoll - he’s been seen safe and well in a charity shop in Edinburgh!

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So Piers Morgan has suggested how the first podcast might go:

Prince Harry: 'Hi guys, I'm Harry!'

Meghan Markle: 'Not 'guys', darling, PERSONS.'

PH: 'Yes, of course, sorry to everyone I just offended. Anyway, I'm got a glass in my hand of brain-boosting, mood-lifting, mind-clearing medicinal Clevr Blend vegan oatmeal chai matcha and it's delicious!'

MM: 'That's my guy!'

PH: 'With our new Archewell Audio podcast, we hope to keep Archie's name out of the press and do small things that make a real difference, like saving the entire planet from extinction with our war on carbon footprints.'

MM: 'One private jet at a time…..hahahahaha!'

PH: (Laughs loudly at his wife's hilarious joke then suddenly stops) 'Isn't that very hypocritical?'

MM: 'Not if WE do it, honey.'

PH: 'Right. Of course. We're also here to teach you about kindness and compassion.'

MM: 'Unless it's my father, he can go f*ck himself.'

PH: 'Or my brother, the stuck-up little tw*t.'

MM: 'Jeez, don't get me started on siblings. Remember how I had to disown all mine to make room at the wedding for our new incredibly close celebrity friends like Oprah, the Clooneys and that footballer…what's his name?'

PH: 'David Beckham.'

MM: 'Right, Davie Badman - the one with the ludicrous, grasping, attention-seeking, pouty wife?'

PH: 'Aren't all wives like that?'

MM: Long intense silence. 'No.'

PH: 'I'm so, so, so sorry. Please forgive me, my little vegan oatmeal chai cupcake?' (starts to whimper and cry).

MM: 'Only if you land me that Disney movie lead role you've been trying but failing to blag me. Now, I want to talk about privacy. It's outrageous how the media keep intruding into the very private lives that we wanted here in America.'

PH: 'Terrible! Every time we release our daily hostage videos preaching about equality from our 16-bathroom home, they write about it!'

MM: 'And some of them don't even suck up to us with unctuous sycophantic praise like the authors of our brilliant book Finding Freedom that we had nothing to do with despite being forced to admit in court that in fact, we did. It's a disgrace!'

PH: 'It's so disgusting. Don't they know we're allowed to invade our privacy every day and they have to do exactly what we tell them?'

MM: 'They. Never. Even. Ask. If. I'm. OK.'

PH: 'Are you OK darling?'

MM: (Tensing) 'Don't patronise me with that sexist triggering language, Harry.'

PH: 'I'm so, so, SO sorry. (cries again)

MM: 'That's OK darling.' (pats him on the head).

PH: 'Let's talk about inclusivity.'

MM: 'Yes, absolutely. It's very important to remember that we're all equal in God's eyes.'

PH: 'But some of us are more equal than others, right?'

MM: 'No. We're as equal as the poorest people on earth, because we feel their pain every day that we take a shower in one of our 16 bathrooms - or throw $500,000 baby-showers in New York!'

PH: 'What if every single one of us was a dollar? And if every one of us cared, WHICH WE DO, we could drop those dollars onto the parched grounds of the poorest places and cure poverty! We should lead the way by dropping all the dollars Spotify are paying us for this podcast!'

MM: 'Don't be f*cking ridiculous. I have needs too.'

PH: 'Of course, I'm so, so, so sorry. (cries again). What I meant was that we would spend it all on further investments in ludicrously expensive coffee firms that Oprah can plug on TV and make us even millions!'

MM: 'Well, duh.'

PH: 'Are you OK?'


PH: 'I think we should go back to Britain next year and visit some ordinary little people to show how much care about them.'

MM: 'No chance. Your country's too cold and too small, and the media's racist.'

PH: 'Incredibly racist. They never stopped saying how great it was that I was marrying a mixed-race woman.'

MM: 'Stop enabling racists!'

PH: 'I'm so, so, so sorry. (cries again) It would just be nice to see my grandmother again before it's too late.

MM: 'The Queen? I'll only go back when they put her crown on my head.'

PH: 'That will never happen, we're 6th on the royal succession cab rank now.'

MM: (smirking sinisterly) 'At the moment. I've already told Netflix that's how Season 8 of The Crown is going to end – or we take our royal-exploiting business to Amazon.'

PH: 'Before we go, I'd just like to say how excited I am by Preparation H!' The best-selling hemorrhoid medication that temporarily relieves swelling, burning, pain, and itching. They've very kindly paid $10 million to sponsor this podcast.'

MM: 'Why did they want to be associated with us?'

PH: 'Because they said we're both a massive pain in the a**!'

PIERS MORGAN: Hypocrite Harry and wife Meghan's Radio Woke podcast parody | Daily Mail Online
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Quote from the Mail article...about the podcast introduction!!

''Meghan then says: 'One of the things my husband and I have always talked about is our passion for meeting people and hearing their stories. And no matter what the story they usually offer an understanding of where someone else is coming from. And in some way, remind you of a story about yourself'. ''

Hilarious!! Who else here hears a story from someone else...and immediate thinks of themselves and something they have done?
lets just think....Imagine......A veteran who lost a limb in a war zone......., now how can i relate it to myself....???

And just to make it clear.....I can think of almost nothing worse than assuming that you are as important or relevant, as the person who is telling you their story!
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When hazza got stuck up Meg's foo-foo he began to shout
"You white racist Brits! You S.A.S. shits! come here and pull me out!
I'm stuck in this witch who acts like a bitch, and PomBear has stolen my balls!"
When hazza got stuck up meg's foo-foo and nobody answered his calls.

When hazza got stuck up meg's foo-foo he began to moan
"There's something quite fishy, my pee-pee is itchy, I wish I was back home!
Phil's always been blunt, he says I'm a cunt and Wills is ignoring my plight!"
When hazza got stuck up meg's foo-foo nobody gave a shite.
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Scotch Mist

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I've just listened to their nauseating promo. They are so fucking fake lecturing us about the environment when the water poured onto their land in Montecito to keep the lawn green would be better spent on people with no access to clean water 😡

Why are they being rewarded for being phoney failure royals? their narcissism is off the scale. They are so full of their own self importance and those silly sugars praise them for doing jack shit except lecturing us about kindness. 🤬🤬

This comment cracked me up:
'ArchWoke Audio is my go to cast whenever I've had a bit of an all nighter on the booze and a little too much kebab. All you need is a handy big bucket, hit play , and It gets everything up and out in no time ready for a brand new day back on the old treadmill of normality. Thank you ArchWoke Audio for helping us mortals live the dream'
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The new Smashie and Nicie 😂😂😂😂😂

It’s all just preachy pie in the sententious sky
Spot on. 🎯

ETA and this:

It seems unfair to compare royal couples, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

Take the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s recent low-key tour of the UK, which found them shivering on railway station platforms and being sneered at by Nicola Sturgeon for making the effort to visit Scotland.

They made a little podcast, too — but theirs was about raising £400,000 to buy toys for poor children at Christmas. Something real. Something that helped, something constructive — instead of that vapid, self-aggrandising nonsense pumped out from California.
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I've been following this thread for a while, haven't commented before, but I'm disgusted that the queen is allowing this charade to continue. Every day there's a story about Meagain and the woke bloke formerly known as Prince and their millions for this and billions for that. All based on their royal connection, even though they don't want to be royal. There are thousands of people in the UK suffering real hardship now but not once have they asked 'are you ok'. It just feels like they're giving us the finger on a daily basis. I'm guessing their first uplifting podcast will be shown at 3pm on Christmas day, no doubt we'll all feel better after that.
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
O come, all ye sugars, blinkered and deluded!
O come ye, O come ye, to Montecito
Come and behold Her
Born the Queen of Yachting
O come, let us adore Her
O come, let us adore Her
O come, let us adore Her
Meghan the Queen!
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As a frontline worker myself, I am SICK and TIRED of hearing all these rich people "thanking" or "paying tribute". If you want to do us a favor, wear a mask and stop traveling or gathering. Smeggy needs to SHUT the f up with her nonsense. Her "tribute" is 8 months late! She got her face job during a pandemic, which tells me that she isn't following the guidelines her local government put in place. :mad:
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Scotch Mist

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Oh wow, the judge in Sparkle's case isn't afraid to break a few eggs then

Thank goodness for this. I'm becoming increasingly worried that our rights of expression are being oppressed and only one 'correct ' opinion is allowed.
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
A visit from St Meghan

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Meghan was throwing tea sets, calling Hazno a louse.
The videos were filmed and chosen with care
In hopes that the media soon would be there.

The Cambridges were nestled all snug in the beds
While visions of happiness danced in their heads.
And Meghan in her fillers and I in my cage
Had just settled in for an evening of rage.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I could only hope the media was the matter.
Away to the camera Meghan flew like a flash
Tore open the filters and counted up all the cash.

The light of the Botox of the newly injected face
Gave shine to the lenses of the camera already in place.
When, what to my slightly crossed eyes should appear,
But a hamper of coffee for Oprah, my dear.
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