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Harry & Meghan #47 Don’t care who they upset, another PR stunt - “Lest We Forget” (them)
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Just popping in to post my two cents on the birth announcements. The press communication is identical to the Cambridge births and can be explained by the Sussex group doing a copy and paste as they worked out of Buckingham Palace at that time. However the easel announcement that came directly from the Queen's people is different to the Cambridge one in a very key way.

The Sussex easel basically says the Queen and family have been told the news that Meghan gave birth to a baby. They don't take ownership of the news as fact but distance themselves, saying this is what they told us so we're passing it on. Whereas the Cambridge easel takes ownership of the fact Catherine gave birth and state it upfront. I know people would argue its just semantics, but these things matter in the Royal sphere. Every word on an official royal document is chosen with care, and given a lot of legal weight for things like this. As much as I didn't want to believe in a surrogate once I saw that easel I was convinced Meghan didn't carry Archie. The lie is presented in plain sight to cover the Royals legally down the line so they can say, hey we didn't know we just passed on what we were told, see easel as example. Add on the absence of a single witness to confirm the birth and that easel becomes a smoking gun.

Sorry couldn't help adding my waffle. Back to lurking this thread.
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Just popping in to post my two cents on the birth announcements. The press communication is identical to the Cambridge births and can be explained by the Sussex group doing a copy and paste as they worked out of Buckingham Palace at that time. However the easel announcement that came directly from the Queen's people is different to the Cambridge one in a very key way.

The Sussex easel basically says the Queen and family have been told the news that Meghan gave birth to a baby. They don't take ownership of the news as fact but distance themselves, saying this is what they told us so we're passing it on. Whereas the Cambridge easel takes ownership of the fact Catherine gave birth and state it upfront. I know people would argue its just semantics, but these things matter in the Royal sphere. Every word on an official royal document is chosen with care, and given a lot of legal weight for things like this. As much as I didn't want to believe in a surrogate once I saw that easel I was convinced Meghan didn't carry Archie. The lie is presented in plain sight to cover the Royals legally down the line so they can say, hey we didn't know we just passed on what we were told, see easel as example. Add on the absence of a single witness to confirm the birth and that easel becomes a smoking gun.

Sorry couldn't help adding my waffle. Back to lurking this thread.
long time lurker, very shy but popping in my 2 cents

i had my child at the Portland and they keep you for a week So she would have been there for 7days post birth, minimum. My ob-gyn is a practicing ob-gyn there and at the Lindo so is very up to speed on royal births. I saw him a month post the presentation of Farchie and, jokingly, asked him if he was the super secret OB for Meghain. I genuinely didn’t really care but was just doing chitchat... and he went uncharacteristically nuts…. : I don’t have a problem with home births, IVF, surrogacy or any other choice one makes in having a child but I have a problem with liars”
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I’m genuinely slack-jawed about this one. They say they want privacy, they resign their royal duties, they flee to another country... all to protect their privacy and mental health. Harry claiming every click of a photographer’s camera triggers his PTSD.

...then they set up a photo shoot that no-one was asking or waiting for, purely to get attention for themselves. This reminds me of Jack tweed doing photo shoots at Jade Goody’s grave. That’s how low the Harkles have fallen. Grim.
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They have sunk to the lowest of the low with this fake sad-faced charade. İ have just looked at Meghan's Mirror and all 'Meghan's attire' is listed - black dress, belt, black coat, heels, bracelets (Cartier Love what a surprise - İ think she has lost the key), Cartier tank watch. All part of their PR/brand strategy and not an ounce of genuine feeling between the pair of them.
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Is anybody skilled in analysing the length and direction of the shadows and figuring out what time of day the pics were taken, in case it reveals that they were taken a week earlier and its all part of the setup :ROFLMAO: . I did see on Harry Markle's facebook page, someone that said they lived near there and it was stormy yesterday morning, not blue skies. But have no way to verify this.
Hi @kev1974 - I'm not exactly skilled but I am a photographer and know a bit about shadows so I'll give it a go!

The wreath fiddling & the flower laying have quite long shadows so consistent with being taken early morning when the sun is still climbing - if you check out the shadows where they are mournfully tiptoeing down the hill you can see the shadows are much shorter consistent with the sun being directly overhead so around noon.

The exif data on the shots shows they were uploaded to computer at 12.09 to 12.18 ish on 9th November (LA time) - 2 mins apart which is consistent with how long files take to upload. And consistent with what time they hit UK (8pm ish) - however I find it difficult to believe the photographer was able to fire the shots, upload them immediately, edit them, get immediate official approval and get them over to Sussex press all within a couple of minutes!

Sure experienced press photographers can do this with a whole editorial team behind them but this guy seems more of a fashion / portrait photographer and is unlikely to have such efficient procedures in place.

This timelapse shows what shadows do at what time of day - Let me have a look at the layout of the cemetary and see if I can figure out a bit more accurately.

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What I find unfriggenbelievable is if Megan did carry and give birth to a human being, why in hells bells is she not bragging about it every time she opens her flappy gums? I find it so hard to fathom she carried and delivered a human baby in her empowered womb and through her strong independant vagina and hasn't a single word to say about it. She never shuts up about her letter writing and humanitarian banana art why is she so secretive about one of the most amazing things a human being can experience?
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Scotch Mist

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Where is my tiny Violin?
I'm serenading him now. Treacherous bastard. 🤬
And let's not forget that Biden is anti British and yet he supports him.

😁 found this great comment online:

'Go cry a river in one of your 16 bathrooms. Then watch megs take a dump in the garden. That should cheer you up.'
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This whole sorry saga will never have that idealistic Disney ending where the villains get their comeuppance.........people with this much privilege always come up smelling of roses.
I don't think we will see a point where they end up repenting for the error of their ways and striving to actually live a philanthropic/ humanitarian life.

I can see them beeing an irritating itch between our shoulder blades for many, many more years to come - whether together or apart.
Thing about Meghan is that she climbed that social ladder to the top and what did she do, she shat all over the ladder and made that sucker a slip and slide. Now she’s hanging on for dear life. (One for @Pom Bear 😂).

She reached the pinnacle, and I hate to say this, but class really did show itself. She thought she could marry into a regal family and become regal herself, but there is no way to polish a turd. She is the Katie Price of the RF.

She couldn’t keep her over opinionated trap shut. She is the epitome of “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Thick as shit 💩
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He made his priorities crystal clear when he skived the Marines memorial concert to schmooze with celebs and pimp out Megsy to Disney at the Lion King event.
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Those pictures are the most awful, cringe making things I have seen for a long time. Why the faux ‘pain’ faces. Why lay a flower on the floor? So weird. Taking a photographer with them is in such poor taste.
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I'm betting on an edit of 'Hero Harry' complete with all those uniforms that he can't wear anymore after massively disrespecting Granny The Queen. I guess either Invictus or Walking with the Wounded will be under instructions to big up their useless patron's ego.

Watching a lot of CNN at the moment (can't think why) and have spotted Hazza appearing in a Guinness promo - they are using footage of the Harkles visit during the Ireland tour. Ker-ching!
Shall we play hazza bingo?
"I spent 10 years in the military".
"I understand the sacrifices".
"My wife ... " (more than once).
"Taking time to remember".
"Loyalty "
"My son"
"My comrades ..."
"My dear friend Freda " (OK, maybe not that one:m)
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H&M would probably demand that the museum open out of hours for Archie’s exclusive use.
I work at a similar institution and can confirm that Kate brings the kids in from time to time as a regular visitor (pre covid) and is very low key. The one time these two idiots wanted to visit we had to allow them in after hours meaning staff had to stay late to be available to guide them.
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Long time lurker and posting for the first time to say these two have gone further than I thought possible. Remembrance Sunday and they send out a staged photo op? Seriously?!

I have no time at all for Andrew but at least he has kept out of the way and quiet since his epic downfall.

They truly are a pair of what Freda says!!! 🤯
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I do not for a single second believe that he requested that. I beieve this was put out by their PR team to make the BRF look bad and make them look like victims
I 100% believe it. You need to remember what a self entitled pretentious little shit he is.
He expected to be allowed to choose someone to lay 'his' wreath for him while he lolled around in the Cali sunshine helping smeggy cold call people for dem votes. He would have been dining out on the wreath laying event for months afterwards with stories of how he still has influence within the Firm. He hasn't. The days of making demands and everyone in the family jumping to accommodate them are long gone. He ditched them to go dabble in showbiz and politics and Brenda turned off the tap as far as him using the Firm to promote his wife's wondrousness. Not happening. He made his choice to desert his country. Brenda and Phil have no time for such cherry picking, you are either in or out, not merrily straddling the ocean with a foot in each camp. He can stay fucked off. His card is thoroughly marked.
Andrew got cold shouldered too this year for being a dick and muddying up his family's rep, so why should ginger nuts be embraced?
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According to this pile of 💩 Smeggy is going to take her revenge slowly. Shame the royal family are allowing them to continue taking the piss.
So what more ammunition has she actually got? 🔫
Revenge for what ? For having been warmly welcomed in the family ? For the Queen being so warm to her, despite her being a complete, obnoxious stranger ? For Prince Charles stepping in and giving her away as if she was his daughter on her wedding day ? For the Queen still being incredibly understanding despite her many tantrums, shameful family feuds exposed in the gutter press, and still trying to do what was best for her and her grandson regarding so called Mexit ?
For everybody being generally awfully nice and accommodating to her from day 1, despite her documented rudeness to staff and people in general?
We need a new word for that type of delusion and entitlement.
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