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VIP Member
Strap in Tattlers, ILBW is back and bothering sick children .
So, she visited the children on the 21st March yet we are only just hearing about this visit now :unsure: She visited the sick children the day before Catherine announced she had cancer.
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This is from Benjamin Smallbrook on Quora
Personally I think he's losing the plot here as Markle has very little power now IMO.
The only thing she has left are the fake pregnancies/kids and I still think that reveal will be far more damaging to the Harkles than the RF.

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Imagine an ex hooker/actress/wannabe nobody/expert dick sucker is holding the RF, effectively a constitution to ransom like this, to the point of that the RF is ‘terrified’ is bloody laughable really.
She needs to be taken out and do it ruthlessly.
She should be shitting herself of the consequences, not the other way around.
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Chatty Member
Meghan and Harry are dunning and kruger. I’m sure she thought setting up a lifestyle brand would be so easy for someone as smart as her.

Flamingo estates rebuffed her efforts to come on board, you can just imagine the advise she gave them which probably made them run for the hills.

She’s clearly thought (not for the first time) - I’m so smart,
I wrote a letter to P&G, how hard can it he’ , I’ll do the hard stuff - write a few sentences in calligraphy, stick on a ball grown for an inspirational video and the easy stuff like sourcing products, billing and payments systems, customer service portal, distribution systems will take care of themselves

what muppets they are
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Hey everyone! I was enjoying a nice break away as the Harkles were pissing me off way too much but I couldn't miss sharing this still from the latest video PR / look at me!
No words...... .
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This is a woman who has no style AT ALL. Those fucking shoes. As a lady with size 7 feet myself, pointy shoes, especially flats, are not our friends. Those feet look like they stretch further than the golden gate bridge.

Behind on this story. I just saw this on the DM and literally laughed at how desperate she looks. Fucking manipulating kids are we. The ones who supposedly rush up to ask her if she’s a princess (which definitely has never happened). What a pretender. It’s pathetic.
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Bet that old ratbag left the hospital with her pockets crammed full of snatched coffee and sugar sachets .
She was probably sitting in the kitchen that night opening them all one by one & pouring them into the jar 😆😆😆
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Sami Lee

VIP Member
This is from Benjamin Smallbrook on Quora
Personally I think he's losing the plot here as Markle has very little power now IMO.
The only thing she has left are the fake pregnancies/kids and I still think that reveal will be far more damaging to the Harkles than the RF.

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Interesting big picture take on the whole mess.

Could smeg take the RF down?
Well, she and her dimwit helpmeet made PP's and HMTLQ's last years hellish.

Then they started on Catherine and dimwit's dad.
Look what effect that's had.... they've taken down two of the three key members of the RF. And William is bearing a huge mental/emotional burden now, which can't be good for his health either.
They've hobbled the RF. Temporarily, I earnestly pray.

Their MO is like psychological Chinese water torture...a steady drip, drip, drip of acid. Persistent, chronic low grade harassment is very effective in destroying people. It's underestimated because it's under the radar of other people, it's not targeted at them so they don't pay attention to it, they don't have any idea of the actual damage it's silently doing.

Then they lob some 'my truth' bombs into the mix every once in a while. Just to pump up the stress levels

Charles is a ditherer and he likes to be seen as a kind and friendly chap. He should have taken his dimwit son in hand decades ago (yes, as one parent to another I would have said to him 'you should'! Amongst other important things, It's a parent's job to socialise their children, make them acceptable to the world.)

The huge point that Smallbrook doesn't make is that, out here, we don't know what we don't know.
We just don't know what secrets the RF has been hiding all these years.
Hazno and ho might well have some ballistic missile secrets to unleash which could finally scupper the Monarchy. They might be saving 'the best' til last...

Thinking about HMTLQ'S mistakes, I honestly think that her biggest was allowing the marriage between Charles and Diana.
It was an arranged job, the pair were manipulated into it.
They were almost completely mismatched. That was obvious.
They'd met only 13 times before the wedding.
It was insane to think it could work - especially with his lover lurking in the wings! This was the 1980s, not the 1880s!!

Charles could have married any one of the lovely, sensible down to earth, intelligent, suitably aristo women with whom he was consorting (there were about 24 of them I read). Better still, they should have let him marry Camilla first time round instead of interfering with their archaic, rank snobbery. (The RF would be in a real pickle now if not for the commoner women who were subsequently allowed in!)
Strangely enough a lot of those suitable girls turned him down, went off and married other men because, reportedly, he wasn't attentive enough. Even Camilla gave up on him due to his dithery indecision...

If he'd married one of the two dozen other candidates, we'd have had perhaps a not quite so photogenic King and Queen in waiting. But it would have been mostly a more stable, minimal drama match and the woman wouldn't have had Monarchy destruction on their agenda.
Another major benefit is that we wouldn't have had dimwit and ho.
Yes, we wouldn't have had William and Catherine either which, as we know now, would have been an immeasurable loss. Though we wouldn't have been any the wiser if Charles had taken a more decisive, sensible course.

Hindsight is a fantastic thing.... every one of us humans has made mistakes. What matters is how we recover from those mistakes and repair or at least limit the damage.
It appears that the Palace aides have simply carried on advising more glowing PR, more never explaining and more cover-ups instead of proactive damage limitation...and that's the Achilles heel in all this.
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re 'Hospital' visit

why is she reading a book about simple counting to 10? - she's at '3' - to children who would be way past that level - 2/3/4 year olds maybe - but many of those children are well over that age! - did she not bother to find out the ages of the kids beforehand? - What would they have got out of the visit? Were they told that they were meeting someone famous? A complete fraud - solely PR :mad:
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GB news said the IG participants are not happy that M will be attending. Especially as she's rumoured to be giving a speech. Guest said maybe she can set up a stall there flogging her ARO stuff
If she attends the IG service and gives a speech in the crypt of St Paul’s cathedral may lightening strike her down!

Oh, and may her stall be overturned by forces .........(preferably by a veteran from the armed forces)
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All those comments on her LA hospital visit calling her a princess - it amuses me that she won't be correcting them. For someone who hated the royal family so very, very much, she sure does hold tightly to the title, even the wrong one.
She won't be correcting them because she paid them to say it 🤣
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Notice how in the video none of the parents seem to engage with Meghan as I don't see any of them interacting with her which tells me that none of them were impressed by her visit as everybody looks extremely uncomfortable to be around Meghan.
I wonder how many parents refused or withdrew their child from the event :unsure:
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My guess is that a call was made to the hospital, a donation followed and Markle got her PR moment. Far cry from being sought out…institutions clamoring for your presence.

I doubt the children even knew who she was. She’s no Beyonce.
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I’m thinking of that phrase…”She stoops to conquer.”

I have a different take on recent events…influenced, of course, by my real life. We all bring a piece of ourselves to these Internet discussions.

I think Markle and her minions have been gravely wounded by the POW’s simple courage and moral eloquence in her statement in the face of horrific bullying. The world is tiring of the easily offended victim-champions of this Woke culture…Markle being very high profile among them. The constant WAAAH of their petty grievances and demands…the pretend agony over wrong pronouns, statues, names of sports teams, and questions about the skin hue of Markle’s baby…have been overplayed and overdone. There is a real ferling of “GET OVER YOURSELF’ in the air.

Then we witness the most eqregious public bullying for weeks of a young Mother that we KNOW has had surgery. And how does she respond? WAAAHH like Markle..go on Oprah? One tear, left eye?

No she stoops to conquer. She gives the bullies their video. She divulges that she has cancer. There is no anger or rebuke…only her compassion for others and her love of her family shining through. She looked weary but resolute.

She looked every inch a Queen.

In my real life, I see a similar situation play out everyday. Just as my strong, athletic husband was about to retire…he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. We had moved full time to our vacation home, where few knew him…or knew him as the excellent golfer, handball ace, all those superficial glories. They instead knew a man struggling to deal with the variety of hardships that this miserable disease inflicts.

Did his ego take a hit? If so, I never heard about it. He just accepted each these challenges as they arrived. He never pities himself or asks for pity.

He is out on the course almost every day…even now as his balance issues present new challenges. When he comes home, I’ll ask him, “How was your game?” “Great guys.”is the frequent answer.. Even though he is no asset to winning the ‘skins’…he never lacks for invitations. My neighbors tell me often…that he is much loved. On his birthday…he was feted with cards, golf balls, homemade treats.

This woke culture with its glorification of victimhood…forgets that part of what we humans desperately NEED…is inspiration. Inspiration to get us through our own heartaches. Victims moaning about their grievances do not lift up others. It is wallowing.

But when we see a Princess…or just a guy like my husband…pushing on despite what life has thrown at them…hopefully others take hope and a positive challenge from their example. Heroes aren’t the people who life hasn’t knocked to the ground. Or that are devastated by a moment of perceived ‘disrespect.’

Heroes are the ones that show us we can get up…and keep going.

Most everyone, sometime in this life, carries a burden. How we carry our choice, In my opinion, the POW is untouchable now. The crazy stuff that continues from the M&H supporters is hurting THEM…and undercutting the launch of these future projects. Soon they will have to decide whether they want to make money or create mischief. I don’t think they can do both anymore..

This is why I love you all and our thread here so much. Most of you are facing or have faced such challenges, so many things that I'm sure haven't even been shared here. Yet everyone is here, refusing to tolerate shite and lies from the grifters, dealing with everything with great humour, making the best of their lives and circumstances, and just living instead of whining about thriving and surviving.

Gives me hope and a bit of a wakeup call that I sorely need at times.

You're all so brave and beautiful ❤🕯✨🤗

Your husband sounds especially lovely, @MeInMidAmerica ✨

Smegs (and her current husband) really lacks dignity, gumption (she is sly and ambitious, but not in a positive way) and a good heart, but she pretends to have these qualities yet goes around proving that she doesn't. Just ends up markling herself and that's so funny 😂
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I would like to top both Taureans and Virgos as we Scorpio hold grudges for life; in fact I feel I will be haunting my top grudges after death so I know the grudges do not die with us.
i'm a Gemini, I hold grudges for ever. I can remember slights and hold grudges forever. Unless you ask for forgiveness, then I will forgive anyone just about anything. The first time. Fool me once, go fuck yourself.

Have you got Cadbury's mini eggs?

Pop in your mouth and crunch the "shell" gently then let the chocolate melt on your tongue!
Even better with more than one mini egg at a time.

Instead of being worried for William and Catherine, I wish C wasnt ill and I wish H and M hadnt been horrid and that we had seen lovely pics of both families and kids all happy and healthy together this Easter.

H and M could have had it all but they had to be greedy, vengeful and jealous.

Why couldnt they accept the hierarchy and their place within it???

because Rachel is a Skanky cunt, and Hazzno fell hard after the 1st blowjob. If she were a normal woman, it would have been fine. But she is a self loathing succubus. Her rancid personality was the result of Doria being a drug dealing absent mom, and her father’s guilt over Doria’s absence.
‘normally I would feel sorry for a women raised in those circumstances, but she is a cunt. She is feral. She is horrid.
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VIP Member
Strap in Tattlers, ILBW is back and bothering sick children .
Making the poor kids even more ill by reading The Bench to them. The book should be retitled The Blech.
So, she visited the children on the 21st March yet we are only just hearing about this visit now :unsure: She visited the sick children the day before Catherine announced she had cancer.
She may have a mask on but you can still see how phony she looks in her gaze at the mother and child.
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I don't care what she does in the UK and think some people on twitter are being vr dramatic about it but this picture did bother me too

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Why on earth did she need a camera crew? If Catherine is filmed in that sort of situation it's by the RRs on an official engagement.

Is this supposed to be her attempt at some sort of 'Catherine and Mila' moment?

Ironic, isn't it? All that early PR about her being 'so much better at Royalling than that know-nothing bumpkin Kate'. And now she's having to try and cosplay Catherine's very genuine bond with children in order to get attention.
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Churchill's Ghost

VIP Member
As long as it's the Swiss/Belgian/French variety!
America doesn't do chocolate, Hersheys anyone? :sick: (Running for cover 🤣)
I have a son who is a trained chocolatier--beans to bars--and can attest that there is truly some stellar chocolate here! Unfortunately it did not pay enough for him to do it full time...
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