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I'm having a(nother) thick day, can someone please explain to me why the thundercunts are safe anywhere in the world apart from the UK?
Because they want the UK to pay for security.
And this is all a pretense to influence the gullible.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Re the crypt at St Paul's, a little rhyme courtesy of my dear departed dad:

The cat crept into the crypt
And crept out again.

We need to get the CAS in there pronto :ROFLMAO: :coronation:
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Churchill's Ghost

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I wonder if this is push back against the comments about how poorly he looked in the photo released this week?

He's doing himself no favours by compromising his immunity - it will depend on his chemo cycle though as to when his good and poorer immunity days are.

My guess is they also calculated that the risk to him contracting something is lower outside than it is in an enclosed space. Lovely to see them out and about! He will probably slather on the Purrell as soon as he is inside
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So is this the big reveal then. Happening within a week? All about bullying and threats made to anyone disagreeing with Princess Pinocchio. He really is frightened, but he's not prepared to say on YT what's gone on. Is he waiting to see who will pay the most? Is this what Lady C meant.
I can totally believe that she’s an evil psychopath, even the late Queen said that she was pure evil.
Also, some of you might find this a bit woo woo and ridiculous, but I’m beginning to think that the POW has cancer purely because of all that hate, nasty jealousy and just pure hatred directed at her by MM and possibly wishing her sick/dead on a regular basis.
I still find it difficult to process that a healthy & very fit young 42 year old has serious cancer, I know young people do get cancer, but what are the chances of two senior members of the RF has cancer since this evil creature entered the scene??
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As funny as this article is Ian so very glad HLMTQ and PP aren’t here to see it. Yes - they would both probably have had a giggle but also it would be so painful to see the rock bottom level a member of our royal family have reached.
I often wonder to myself if PP hadn’t been ill and lived a bit longer would he have somehow managed to persuade TQ to do things differently after the twelve months probationary period was up ....... remove titles etc?

There’s no doubt TQ had a soft spot for Haz and was blinkered to his faults to an extent but PP had him, and Peg especially, sussed. He knew their game and just maybe he could have managed to get the situation nipped in the bud before it got to the stage it is in today.

Like two naughty children out of control I’m afraid they are now getting the treatment they thoroughly deserve ...... you reap what you sow.
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Nope. I disagree.
Our Monarch was out & about. Why do you expect the Prince of Wales to be out & about? The Princess of Wales has cancer. They have children that need looking after. The PoW is doing enough.
The Monarch obviously felt up to it, so went on walkabout.
Why do you feel the need to know more? " we " , as you put it, already know he's undergoing treatment for cancer. " we" don't " need " to know any more than that.
While we are at at, what do you want the Monarch to do regarding his younger son - Shoot him?.
While we are at at, what do you want the Monarch to do regarding his younger son - Shoot him?.

Yes please
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"Bemused how....the appalling behaviour of H & M has taken such a swerve into Charles knocking recently"

Because they are closely bound together. The "appalling behaviour" of the Sussexes has been allowed to be vented on our Princess of Wales for years with no check or hinderance. Chuck allowed it. There's your link, hence (for me) my anger about what's been going on.

Had Catherine not been diagnosed with cancer, she and William would have likely pottered along with stoicism, but there comes a tipping point. She carried the can for the racist accusation, suffered the endless attacks and threats all openly from within the family as the benign Patriarch stood by and watched.
In no universe is this OK.

What she and William have had to endure, plus fearing for their children, as a result of the Sussexes has culminated in her devastating diagnosis to whatever degree it was not helped by stress. Even now there is no peace, but Chuck doesn't give a toss as he creams himself pressing the flesh with nobody to overshadow him.

It's not difficult to join the dots between parasite and enabler, Stoats and Monarch, and though I agree that the press writes a lot of rubbish this poisonous connection holds firm through thick and thin and this is the problem.
I never believed KCIII outright sanctioned bad press against the Waleses but I agree with your recent posts that he should have done more than fuckall to step in and show a united front against it. I was alarmed about how much bashing Catherine got this year, at such a low point for her, and why it just went on and on when I am pretty sure KCIII could have made a phone call to stop it or got rid of the awful Kensington Palace PR or done literally anything at all to protect the next generation.

1. IMO he isn't on good terms with both sons (for different reasons). Honestly I feel like William doesn't speak to him anymore and the offices are divided. KCIII doesn't want to be seen as favouring one son over the other so has kept quiet over Wills's bashing ("See, Harry? They bash William too, it's not just you") which is weak as fuck as a leader not just a father. If this was 500 years ago he would've had both sons beheaded by now and groomed George to take over.

2. It's like he's so used to standing behind HMTLQ that the institution doesn't mean that much to him, knowing he won't be around for long, all he cares about is looking good for himself not really doing much to strengthen the monarchy for the next generation. He's exhausted and jaded, and his speeches to date have not been statesmanlike or powerful.

My opinion of course.
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Thought they were involved in World Kitchen? Nothing to say about their workers being killed? Probably just as well. RIP to those involved.
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Chatty Member
Thanks @LadyMuck 🍾
None of this confirmed, just rumours.
BookWorm has heard of serious talks about the Stoat helping out in these difficult times. Chuck is hesitant but BookWorm suspects he's mellowing.
The Stoat wants the Flatpacks to spend time in the UK, and may use them to get an inheritance.
Why is the Ho seeking PR in the UK given that she would supposedly never return?
On the next visit by the Stoat to the UK, a meeting has been suggested between the two sons and their father. William has rejected the idea, but Chuck and the Privy Council are putting pressure on him to agree.
The Stoats have asked for a private meeting with William and Catherine, but William has flat-out rejected this too. Said it would be too stressful for his wife.
Bookworm wondered what would happen to the king's private properties when he dies, whether they'll be split between his sons and if so whether the Stoats will spend time in England at their various properties?
I don't know how reliable BookWorm usually is. But what jumped out at me - if this stuff is true - is more evidence that Charles is not expected to live long. Ramping up desperation from the Harkles to establish themselves in the UK and the RF, and a mellowing of Charles towards the Harkles, and the first talks I've ever seen since Megxit about a realistic proposition of them all being together in one room.

I hope it's true that Willy told them to piss off, Catherine doesn't need their nonsense right now.
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An interesting read although it's not really telling us anything we Tattlers didn't know already, although apparently Harry has a few online accounts himself which is interesting because I'd assumed that it was mainly Meghan who was involved with the squad. What a scummy pair they are.

Let's hope that this reaches a wider audience and the mainstream press start to make the general public aware of the real vileness of the Harkles.
Yes, I think it's about a wider audience and gradually to the mainstream press. It's disappointing to us, but there are lots of people new to the idea that H&M are such insane liars and will need it drip fed for a while until some more pieces drop into place and then the wider public will be where we've all been for quite a while.

I used to be on another forum (at the time they left for USA) and I was banned for being anti-Harry!! Everyone still kept boring the arse with the "racist" angle and it's poor Meghan and Harry's just in love. I always brought the posting back to Harry, but it wasn't considered a subject that could be tolerated and I was warned by the moderators and then banned for being mean about Harry! ha ha ! They said I had an agenda about bad mouthing Harry :D. Too right, except it wasn't an agenda it was just pointing out the truth!

Harry was and is always the problem. He let Smeg into the lives of the RF and the British public. It is on him and he wanted all of what's happened. I've never believed that he was innocently led along by his dick, he always wanted all out revenge on his family and it seems to finally have dawned on him that it is backfiring.

He only kept his nastiness under the radar as he had no particular outlet. He always was a little piece of shit, even when he was a kid. Do you remember the stories about him being anti-semetic to boys at Eton etc, he is and always was a vile specimen.

I've found it interesting over the years that the general public (ie. in the comments on newspapers) have noticed and don't just blame Smeg anymore, they realise H is a jealous traitor to anyone that has what he wants.

I really don't want the twat to return when Smeg does find someone richer. He does not deserve anyone's forgiveness and he certainly shouldn't be shielded from the consequences of his actions based on the fact that he was "led astray". He wasn't, he was getting a hard on for Smeg's talk
of revenge on his family and world domination, not Smeg's dubious "charms". That's what led him astray, his own delusions of grandeur and years of simmering anger, not Smeg's Emu legs/feet.
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Sami Lee

VIP Member
Am I right in remembering that shouty sholas family were slave traders?
It's probably been confirmed by someone else here.
But I've certainly read on Wikipedia that her father was a prince of the royal house of Nigeria. As such, he came from a bloodline that not only supported but also encouraged and participated in the slave trade intra-Africa and internationally.

What's that about people in glass houses....?

BTW, shouty's Wikipedia entry was edited about a year or so ago. Nothing of this remains.
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Chatty Member
The attacks on William are organised - it wouldn't matter what he did. He would be criticised. Look at the attacks over the 'cold' parenting style of TLQ and KC3 - now we have a future King who is clearly a family man and putting his family first and he's attacked for it. There's no sense to the attacks - its just targeted hate.

I believe that KC3 would like to reconcile with his errant son - who wouldn't? It must be a very sad state of affairs for him. But sadly it suggests he really doesn't understand who Harry is, and how destructive MM is. I doubt W&C will tolerate H&M - William isn't soft, and I bet he knows more about Harry than is in the public domain. The press will talk this up for ages, until the public stop 'clicking' on the stories. There's no truth, just speculation, just like the commentators on YouTube.

That excerpt from Spare about saying goodnight is just...creepy.

Now wondering about the story saying POW's cancer was leaked so she had to make a video. Do we think H&M released that odd message to make it look like they didn't know? Or was it hospital staff?
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I believe that KC3 would like to reconcile with his errant son - who wouldn't? It must be a very sad state of affairs for him. But sadly it suggests he really doesn't understand who Harry is, and how destructive MM is. I doubt W&C will tolerate H&M - William isn't soft, and I bet he knows more about Harry than is in the public domain. The press will talk this up for ages, until the public stop 'clicking' on the stories. There's no truth, just speculation, just like the commentators on YouTube.
It isn't that simple.

You can love somebody, not want to hurt them in any way, want them to be happy yet know that you can't have them in your life because they will destroy it.

It's difficult and there will be "maybe this time will be different" attempts at reconciliation but eventually you need to cut ties.

Personally, I think both Charles & William have reached the point where they'll have nothing more to do with him. If he hits rock bottom they'll help him but otherwise he is out and although he knows it's the right thing to do for the family and Monarchy, it will be eating up Charles inside.
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Chatty Member
More cos playing being Royal. I wish they’d give it a break and the hospital ought to be ashamed of allowing the children to be used this way.
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