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Sami Lee

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"The monarchy's future depends on the 'obliteration of the Sussexes', royal biographer Tom Bower tells Sarah Vine and Andrew Pierce on their YouTube talk show The Reaction"
Of course this is true, and TB has always been right about the Stoats. The problem is that the King wants to maintain the status quo and not upset the apple-cart, while William probably does want to "obliterate" them.
But unless C hands the reins to William this won't be done. They need removing from CoS, LoS, titles, the Flatpacks too, but that is not going to happen. Because it's not going to happen we're in for more damage, stress and more of the same.
I think the Stoat returning so quickly to the US is meaningless, we don't know what took place and it's a mistake to think they're crushed or defeated.
Charles has not addressed the Flatpack problem, and everybody avoids drawing attention to it or mentioning the children. The Stoats have this.
Yes, you've outlined the most likely sad and turbulent future very well.

Let's hope no nutters take Bower's comments as a "Will no one rid the RF of this turbulent son?" sort of invitation....

'Obliterate' is rather rousing language, no matter if we and William would sincerely prefer the Stoats to just go away, once and for all.
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My husband never gets into a conversation about the harkles, he's never expressed an opinionon them, he's pretty ambivalent about the royal family and doesn't get drawn into discussing them n any depth.

Anyway, I just asked him "what do you think about Harry flying back already?" and he replied "I think he's having some sort of prolonged mental breakdown. That's what abusers do isn't it? cut your off from your family and burn all the bridges and no doubt she's said she's suicidal to get him back home"

Ummm I completely agree love!
He's very profound , you need to mine his depths 🤣
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It’s quite sad really.
A few years ago it would have been a family dinner, a kick around with his niece and nephews and cousins kids, then a few drinks somewhere with Will, Mike and a few mates.
Now, a lonely hotel room.

Serves him right!
I wonder if his ‘bit on the side’ was waiting in the hotel room for him? Although we haven’t seen or heard of her for a while ….. the one who was hanging around him in Singapore (?) when him and Nacho arranged that Polo match.
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Meghan, pictured earlier , foaming at the mouth & rocking to-and-fro 😃😃
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You can't possibly be serious? There's nothing to be made about it other than it's a load of absolute bollocks.
'No mark of the King' could be any male in the RF - why is the assumption it can only be Harold? there are plenty of males in the RF born not to be King not just Harold
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Thanks @LadyMuck :m
BookWorm wondered if from the time stamps if the Stoat spent 17 minutes with his father. Maybe he went to Sandringham. C will have the best care and could be around for a few years yet, so why did the Stoat rush over? William hasn't sern his fsther but is on the phone daily.
BookWorm thinks that C is avoiding his younger son, and every Stoat request to meet with his father has resulted in C taking off. C has a duty to sit down with his son and sort this out. So what if the Stoat goes to the media? Running away resolves nothing especially now, everyone's tired and exhausted and Chuck needs to listen to the public and act.
He shouldn't leave this to William, who has his own children to deal with.
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[QUOTEmember: 58333"]
It remains to be seen just how long he will

i have mild IBS had it on and off since I was a child back in the 60’s it was call S p a s t i c
colon then (had space that word out as it came up with stars as it’s an offensive word )
Long long list of things I should not eat that made me a fussy eater in the end I ate what I liked knew what would set off I went years with no problems
Then 5 years ago bam
I don’t like spicy food so that’s good
I have found out by trial and error that I have a mild dairy intolerance so I have oatley Barista milk on cereal in cofffee which is yummy only cows milk in tea I have a actimal every day has to be flavoured one though
My oldest granddaughter was breast fed till a year old as a my daughter said it was free and no additives as soon as dairy was added she got really poorly got asthma tried soya milk no good
She had tests and it was a protein allergy
That is in soya too
She has grown out of it now but is careful with any thing that has dairy in as it can upset her tummy if she over indulges at a birthday party
Oddly she hates the taste of dairy cheese prefers what I call the plastic stuff
She is very lean but healthy
The specialist said our bodies can’t digest cows milk properly and it might not cause stomach problems but could cause other issues like skin rashes bloating headaches and joint problems
I have a severe soya intolerance that was caused post illness/life support and was wondering if Catherine developed something similar from the Hyperemisis? I can't gain weight and have the same figure but shorter. No one wants to be that skinny, at least, I hate it. If I eat yoghurt, I get huge spots! My office dad developed allergies, diabetes and a dairy intolerance post-chemo.
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Oh they're going to start on William again 🤦 Apparently he's not going back to full-time duties until the children are back in school/Catherine recovers. Something about the half-term. The children "need nurturing and protecting", "royal commentator" Jennie Bond said. Significant, the focus on protection?

On Sparry meeting Charles, Bond is saying you can't wave a magic wand and fix such a long and deep rift in a few minutes (wtte). Called it a step towards reconciliation father-son. Was surprised William that was so quick to say no I'm not meeting him, sources said it was Sparry's idea to meet. William seems to have disowned him (or wtte it's really noisy here).

ETA: @TheCutiePatootie has the better report.

".... Prince William has shown he has disowned Prince Harry, he doesn't want to know him and probably doesn't like him anymore."

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I'm really confused now 😜

Why did they bother to change rules to say only working royals may act as COS if non-workings can? So are you saying that Andrew and Harry could still be a COS? Sky reported the same as the Mail today saying Anne and Edward along with William and Camilla, would do the honours, so to speak.

I need a lie down trying to understand everything. 🥴
In a word, yes.
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Or, he has told Harry and said that if it gets to the press I shall hold you responsible and there will be consequences.
Yes, but personally I think it's past that. The Harkles equate information with money and KC3 is too weak a character to be that assertive. I should imagine the meeting was supervised by the suits.
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The fact that he has come over on the first flight out makes me wonder if he was perhaps already planning to come to the UK before it was announced that Charles had cancer as it seems strange that he was able to get a flight at such short notice as surely all the flights heading to Heathrow would have been fully booked.
Maybe first class is not booked up as obviously he can’t travel in economy with the plebs.
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Totally, this has business transaction written all over it.
But…if money was involved there is no guarantee that he won’t reneg. He is a liar and untrustworthy and he might hedge his bet that they won’t go after him legally because it would cause The King embarrassment I hope it was nothing financial in return for shutting up.
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I think maybe both Harry and the king are now very aware of his mortality…I wouldn’t be surprised and frankly wouldn’t blame Harry for wanting to come and see his father after his diagnosis.. I think they were aware of his arrival as obviously he had his police protection officers, I’m sure this takes a little while to arrange….perhaps Harry is starting to realise how horrendous he has been to his family and in some respect I feel sorry for him… also as for Meghan I can see her panicking as if the king were not to get better, it’s William next in line and I can’t imagine he would be very forgiving and they need their association with the crown ….the length of the meeting was interesting, I’d imagine Charles wants to embrace Harry after all he is his son but he prob is very angry, especially after how he has treated Camilla …I’d say they will have another longer meet up before he leaves
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Thanks for the tracking link everyone. it looks like he’s nearing being directly above NY. True it will be in Canada, but I’m already becoming nauseate, and unexplainably morose. I’m following the tracker. I’m just about at the white blob below. That’s Long Island.
I’ll feel better when it’s the fuck out of Eastern Time Zone. Just saying. I feel Rachel sent him, telling him
“for fucks sake, dont miss recording him like you fucked up getting Granny in time. See if you can piss him off, and we’ll cut it up to sound like a vicious racial attack against me. Ooh and see what you can find out about Kate. Pick up a chocolate babka from a bakery and swing by Adelaide. Remember Asshat, don’t screw up this time. Doria’s right in the guesthouse. “
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So Harry left Heathrow just after 1pm. Did he not go straight to Clarence House? Or did he arrive earlier and it was only reported at 3 something?
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