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That Sun article from Wooton is also interesting.

The facts that he names and shames Me agains Hollywood advisors, who thought they could play the media game better than the palace advisors!
It highlights how different the games are between the ancient British royalty and the games their PR machine play, and the Hollywood world of celebrity, and the games they play.
I also wonder if it is connected to the differences in how the USA and the UK percieve the world? Massive generalisation here, (and of course there are exceptions) but the UK press and population seem in general trickier and more tongue in cheek than the USA , whereas in the USA its a lot more about what you see, you get. Which is why Me again thought she could get away with the people article about her dad, she tried to manipulate the public, assuming that the UK public would react in the same way as the USA public and take her at face value.
So Me again missed the subtle ways the palace press machine were trying to support her and promote her. But then again maybe she got greedy and or believed her own hype?
Regarding her 'teams'. I recall the Firms sussex team complaining(I think it was after they were shut down) that many times when they'd book smeggy in for a gig she'd say "I can't do that one, my team has booked me for (whatever The Smeggy Show event she fancied)". They said it was a nightmare because her USA team refused to coordinate with them re the calendars and neither Haz nor smeggy gave a shiny shite about how disruptive it was to the events diary palace bods. They kept having to rope in other royals at the last minute to do smeggy's jobs. She always went with her USA team plans and fucked the palace off.Silly cunt.
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Thank you for the new thread.:love:

so quick recap of our last thread : - bandwagon hatred against caucasian race; yet another new plastic surgeon face; vitriolic sugar fanbase; losing the PR arms race; Travalheist charity disgrace; an Archie money-making court case; losing so badly against DM we're struggling to keep a straight face; the 5 friends have no hiding place; Finding Freedom lies mean total fall from grace ...... and rejection from RF/UK is gathering pace....

I laughed at Lady C's latest video blog tonight every time she mentions the book she calls it Funding Freedom ... Tickled me, lol.
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If she lost; could the Mail insist that litigation goes ahead? for shits and giggles and column inches.
No if the Claimant, not being counter-sued in a counter-claim. wants to discontinue there is no jurisdiction to carry on to. for example, resolve the contested issues in the litigation. Its not what the courts are for.

Do you think that Worby will block publication of the names by the Mail but allow other publications to name them? I've read somewhere that was part of her arguement which makes no sense to me.
No. Theoretically he could just injunct the Mail but it would make no sense because it wouldnt address the central argument about the vulnerability or special status of the FFF; its all or nothing another reason its a tough one to argue in a free society with an open public legal system.

Ultimately I think he will say they put their heads on the block when they went to the press and to quote our Prince Charming they need to suck it up.
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I find it hard to believe that even Megatron would abuse an old lady to her face but I can easily believe that she would have said it during a rant at Harry. Who overheard and reported it? If it was overheard then the rant wasn't in a private setting.
I agree. She would NEVER dare confront our Brenda and speak to her like that. Not in a gazillion years. :ROFLMAO:She's too much of a coward. She keeps that angry brat side for the peasants paid to wipe her arse and those whose job it is to cater to her on her travels etc. Underlings who cannot argue back for fear of losing their jobs.
Remember, for all the stories we see about her and all the gossip we share there are no stories (other than this one) of her confronting anyone within her peer group or family(s). She makes the bullets then hands them to someone else to fire at her opponent and makes sure her fingerprints are not on anything. Did she say it? Hell yeah, and worse. This is the glowing bride who trilled at Haz in their wedding carriage " FUCK ME!:eek:" after the drive through the throngs of cheering 'racists' on their wedding day. Classy bird that she is. She's rough as a badger's arse and common as muck.
Straight outta compton and a coward to boot.

I forgot to add. Trevor Engelson ... perfect example of how she rolls. Didn't tell him she was binning him, just packed her juicer in her fake Louis Vuitton big bag and buggered off, then sent him the rings via fedex.
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Thanks @Despicableme

im going to post the whole blind; because it’s just too delicious the way this court case is going to play out. Even if Meghan tries to settle the MOS can refuse, I remember Aunty Legal saying way back. N’est ce pas @antinoos ?

This TV actress is learning this the hard way.

Her attempt to secretly promote herself has completely backfired and has devolved into a legal morass from which there is almost no escape.

We have a couple of interesting things to share with you about the case.

The first is that the defendants are not behaving the way she thought they would!

She is quite shocked that this is not going the way she thought it would. She thought that she was being smart to court one media source and attack the other. She was 100% sure that the [the second media source] would be intimidated and back down and settle with her. That didn’t happen.
No, it certainly did not. In fact, the second media source is enjoying the attention this case brings and is reaping the rewards of publishing multiple articles about her every day.

There is little to no incentive for them to back down.

This stopped being about the original legal claim a long time ago. This is now a referendum on HER behavior. If anything, a trial would stretch this out and be a real coup for the media company.
Another shock to her is the impact this is having on several of her friends!

It was dumb for her to involve so many people and it was really dumb for her to deny her involvement. It is clear that she is in charge of the group and that they all take their marching orders from her. There are too many emails, texts, phone conversations and video chats to coordinate the messaging for her to pretend that she had nothing to do with it.
Will all of her friends act in unison to protect her?

Not a chance. The sisterhood is breaking. Each of the friends has now had to hire and pay for their own attorney. Most of them are not celebrities themselves so this is very stressful for them. At least one attorney advised their client to temporarily cut off contact with the plaintiff until the case is resolved.
Will she protect her friends?

She may be able to protect their identity, but only if this does not go to trial. If this goes to trial, she can’t protect them. They are likely key witnesses and will certainly be deposed and exposed.
What will the friends do?

Look, this isn’t the Mafia. This is a bunch of women who were unwittingly involved in a public relations effort gone awry. There is no attorney on earth who would advise them to perjure themselves for [Actress] on such a ridiculous matter. They will not all lie for her.
What’s the big deal if they tell the truth?

The big deal is that it will uncover the plaintiff’s big lie. She claims that she had no involvement in them contacting the media or in the messaging. She can’t afford to have that lie exposed. The public would turn on her.
That ship may have already sailed.

An additional and potentially bigger consideration is that once the friends are on the stand, other secrets and lies about her life and how she manipulates the press could be rooted out.
What is your overall opinion about how Actress has handled this?

She entered into this thinking that she was a credible and sympathetic figure and that she could walk away with a couple of million and the media firmly under her control.
These were all serious miscalculations. She overplayed her hand and this will not end well for her.
What will happen?

This will NOT go to trial.
She might try to get some small sort of settlement from the media company to cover her costs and to pretend she got a win, but the media company would actually be better off dragging this out as long as possible.
Very high probability that she will drop the case and walk away with nothing but a stack of legal bills.
How will she spin it?

She will likely try to make herself look good by claiming that she is dropping the case to protect her friends… but it’s really to protect herself.
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The sad thing about it is they could have done so much good,had an easy life,holidays,money, prestige and the affection of the worldwide public,but she wasn't satisfied when the fairytale she thought she would live didn't match up to the reality.She thought she was set for life,turn up ,smile,pick the best jobs,have a couple of kids and do nothing for the rest of her life except count her money but her homework was lacking.
I believe that her American ideal of the royals was all in her head,like the princess and the pea and no offense intended to our lovely Americans,but if you are not brought up with royal traditions or used to their publicity of where they go and what they do,you will not have the foggiest.
Most foreign visitors and tourists only see the glamour and glitz of state occasions and visit the palaces and see the jewels,not the daily grind of meeting tom ,dick and Harriet and all the photos and the criticism of every thing they do or say.
I think the British have alot thicker skin than Americans and we all do realise how different we are,even if the language is nearly the same.
I have no idea of American history,education,culture because I have never been lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit so like lots of ppl have to rely on the media and films,etc whereas I know real life ain't like that.
She made a mistake but won't dare admit it and wasn't about to lower herself to ask for help or accept criticism,that's the last thing a narc would do,they would rather die...
All she sees is how big a row of noughts are on the bank account and how big a title she has to impress ppl with..and the race card is very handy when all else fails.
I suppose they deserve each other...
The world's gone mad🙈
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#Latest round of tantrums, lies and courtroom stunts. Now the world knows that they are a pair of...

(What Freda says!) 😂 :ROFLMAO:
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OK, meant to comment on that weeks ago but got distracted. Sorry this is a bit long. Feel free to scroll past.
The stuff that's coming out must be doing his head in. She no doubt told him she hated the paps and had never/would never have any truck with them ... yet now they are speaking out that she's had them on speed dial since early toronto days.
Pertinent to that , and hugely significant to haz I should think, is that a pap caught an image of them on the street at their first date (because she must have called one). He will not like that at all, her conspiring with his avowed enemy.
Another massive red flag should be the new revelation of her changing her wikipedia(or whatever it's called) page, erasing all the frippery and nonsense work and adding all the Humanitarian/eco warrior wokey shite that haz professes to support, just weeks before their shagathon became public knowledge. Timely or what?:unsure:
I mean a normal human with even a half functioning brain would collate these revelations and be suspicious. Wouldn't they?
Then there's the business stuff that's flopped. I'd bet my house she told him she knew exactly what she was doing and would make them millions. Flop. She hasn't a clue and they've wasted money hand over fist.
Then there's the Mylilpony mess. OK, MLP is a cunt but smeggy should have showed some indication of support, albeit vague and nothing she could get battered for, but no. She saw that BLM thing as literally her ticket to ride the bandwagon and fly her colours (no pun intended) so MLP, the twat who stood by her through thick and thin, can go fuck herself cos it's every gal for herself.
Also, coaching dopey haz for that rehearsed video where they dissed the commonwealth and called for compensation and street rebellion against 'the establishment'(read Royals;)). She didn't do her homework and he's pig ignorant of his family history so they both made fools of themselves. Even thick as pigshit haz must have cringed at the feedback where people were laughing at their ignorance on the subject they were preaching about.
Surely to God he must be becoming aware that he's hitched his wonky wagon to a very dodgy star and it's hauling him off to the rubbish tip.
There’s a good YouTube 2.5 min video of biographer being interviewed on LBC. Cover a heck of a lot in 150 seconds ish! Thinks she made a B line for Harry , that she will be destroyed in court case etc. Worth A watch

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That garden looks far too lush to be in Cali in summer time. Plus it looks somewhat confined, as in smaller than TP's huge surroundings. I don't think TP has any big foliage and flowers that close to his windows either.
They have moved. I'd bet my mortgage TP has got fed up with them sofa surfing on his dime and they've quietly decamped.
I hope he checks the good silver and his Limoge dinner services.
Maybe she's locked him in the outhouse and moved the fraudster mother into the mansion? If he tries escaping:

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I thought this also. Particularly liked the reference early on when Anne said she was reflecting HMQ when on official engagements. Meghan could never have mastered this, it would always have been about her.
That's a really good point that I'd not thought deeply about.
There was always a bit of :unsure: "why do snarkle's walkabouts grate on me?" I assumed it was just that stupid hollywood cheesiness of hers, but actually it's because she's making it The Meghan Show, rather than doing her duty.
The other royals tend to be more sedate. Friendly and smiley and sometimes jokey but also clearly doing the job. Smeggy bounded around like tigger on speed, often dressed innappropriately and paid no heed to protocol whatsoever. And that stupid megawhat grin :sick:.
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She's the gift that keeps on long last someone called her bluff and she hates it..cos she doesn't know what to do...
Noone ever said no to her and really mean it.
This trial is going to make jonny Depp look like a playground spat...
And I feel sorry for the poor trees used in the increased production of the DM as it has a field year with this...what's she gonna do if she doesn't like what they print...sue them🙈🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I can't see how the gruesome twosome thought that the fact that Ms Kelly couldn't make it to London was a snub. They turned up at Buckingham Palace with no notice given and expect the woman to run from whichever part of the country she was in (I believe she lives on the estate at Windsor Castle). Well done to Angela Kelly for making sure the Queen found out about PH's behaviour and language.
I'm 100% believing the Palace on this one.

And just appreciating the fact they leaked to.... the Daily Mail. Just to show they can.
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So, the ‘tent’ they stayed in was £1,500 per night. Is this what he’s suggesting we all do for sustainable travel? He really does need to STFU.

Just watched his video. I pretty much think I’m not dumb, I’m perceptive, we’ll read, well educated and like to keep up to date with current affairs and general knowledge. Watching this made me feel like I’d failed miserably in my SATS test. What the actual fuck is he droning on about. Can someone, anyone, explain to me what is the goal of Travelyst? It just sounds ridiculous. He’s talking to a few global warriors who care about the sustainable aspect of travel. To the vast majority they just want cheap travel with cockroach free accommodation. Most people actually couldn’t give a shit about the environment when they wanna be part of the tit soup pool in Ibeefa!
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Anne docu showed how it's done. If you think about it, her and H were the equivalent of each other, second to older brother who would be king, but one chose duty and appears to be v content and secure in their own skin. Tim Laurence was a big surprise, never heard him speak before. V steady, confident, a real gentleman, I get the attraction. They seem v happy.
I thought this also. Particularly liked the reference early on when Anne said she was reflecting HMQ when on official engagements. Meghan could never have mastered this, it would always have been about her.
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Yes Sarah's transgressions seem pretty mild now don't they? And lets not forget the abuse she got in the media for not being as pretty as Diana. Remember when they called her the Duchess of Pork?
The barrage was relentless, it would have broken a lot of women, I'd've been one of them.
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Scotch Mist

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Ugh.......I just had a trawl amongst the Sussex Squad scum on Twitter:
Thomas Markle is referred to as 'the sperm donor'.🥺
Angela Kelly is referred to as 'Rasputin', along with lots of allegations that she's the Queens favourite in bed.😡
Then I saw a horrific post wishing that Lady C gets colon cancer 🤬

See more from the vile little shit below:
'Just harry
Apparently there are some people having a meltdown over the media attention the sussex squad is getting. But it really doesn’t matter what this people think, we are above it now. Simple as.'

Still on the plus side I also found the new Harkles coat of arms 😁


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I agree with this. My late husband and I were involved in a lengthy case against his former partner for fraud. You don't sleep. I was lucky to get three to five hours a night. It wears you down to the nub, I don't recommend it at all.
The thing about fraudsters from long experience is they come in two equally awful flavours. The psycho's who are so sunk in fantasy and self-righteousness that they believe it themselves (exactly the same mentality you encounter in sexual criminals who blame the victim); and the utter bastards who know they are bad and love it. Sometimes as with Jeffrey Epstein and serial killers you get both in the same monster. Poor you, Ive seen good people badly hurt but they remain good. In my experience eventually something catches up with the other lot and they never really prosper.
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